Senate Bill sb1468
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
By Senator Latvala
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Florida Forever program;
3 amending s. 259.105, F.S.; revising goals and
4 performance measures for Florida Forever
5 projects of the Department of Environmental
6 Protection and water management districts;
7 providing an effective date.
9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11 Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 259.105, Florida
12 Statutes, is amended to read:
13 259.105 The Florida Forever Act.--
14 (4) It is the intent of the Legislature that projects
15 or acquisitions funded pursuant to paragraphs (3)(a) and (b)
16 contribute to the achievement of the following goals:
17 (a) Enhance the coordination and completion of land
18 acquisition projects, as measured by:
19 1. The number of acres acquired through the state's
20 land acquisition programs that contribute to the completion of
21 Florida Preservation 2000 projects or projects begun before
22 Preservation 2000;
23 2. The number of acres protected through the use of
24 alternatives to fee simple acquisition; or
25 3. The number of shared acquisition projects among
26 Florida Forever funding partners and partners with other
27 funding sources, including local governments and the federal
28 government.
29 (b) Increase the protection of Florida's biodiversity
30 at the species, natural community, and landscape levels, as
31 measured by:
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
1 1. The number of acres acquired of significant
2 strategic habitat conservation areas;
3 2. The number of acres acquired of highest priority
4 conservation areas for Florida's rarest species;
5 3. The number of acres acquired of significant
6 landscapes, landscape linkages, and conservation corridors,
7 giving priority to completing linkages;
8 4. The number of acres acquired of under-represented
9 native ecosystems;
10 5. The number of landscape-sized protection areas of
11 at least 50,000 acres that exhibit a mosaic of predominantly
12 intact or restorable natural communities established through
13 new acquisition projects, or augmentations to previous
14 projects; or
15 6. The percentage increase in the number of
16 occurrences of endangered species, threatened species, or
17 species of special concern on publicly managed conservation
18 areas.
19 (c) Protect, restore, and maintain the quality and
20 natural functions of land, water, and wetland systems of the
21 state, as measured by:
22 1. The number of acres of publicly-owned land
23 identified as needing restoration, acres undergoing
24 restoration, and acres with restoration activities completed;
25 2. The percentage of water segments that fully meet,
26 partially meet, or do not meet their designated uses as
27 reported in the Department of Environmental Protection's State
28 Water Quality Assessment 305(b) Report;
29 3. The percentage completion of targeted capital
30 improvements in surface water improvement and management plans
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
1 created under s. 373.453(2), regional or master stormwater
2 management system plans, or other adopted restoration plans;
3 4. The number of acres acquired that protect natural
4 floodplain functions;
5 5. The number of acres acquired that protect surface
6 waters of the state;
7 6. The number of acres identified for acquisition to
8 minimize damage from flooding and the percentage of those
9 acres acquired;
10 7. The number of acres acquired that protect fragile
11 coastal resources;
12 8. The number of acres of functional wetland systems
13 protected;
14 9. The percentage of miles of critically eroding
15 beaches contiguous with public lands that are restored or
16 protected from further erosion;
17 10. The percentage of public lakes and rivers in which
18 invasive, non-native aquatic plants are under maintenance
19 control; or
20 11. The number of acres of public conservation lands
21 in which upland invasive, exotic plants are under maintenance
22 control.
23 (d) Ensure that sufficient quantities of water are
24 available to meet the current and future needs of natural
25 systems and the citizens of the state, as measured by:
26 1. The number of acres acquired which provide
27 retention and storage of surface water in naturally occurring
28 storage areas, such as lakes and wetlands, consistent with the
29 maintenance of water resources or water supplies and
30 consistent with district water supply plans;
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
1 2. The quantity of water made available through the
2 water resource development component of a district water
3 supply plan for which a water management district is
4 responsible; or
5 3. The number of acres acquired of groundwater
6 recharge areas critical to springs, sinks, aquifers, other
7 natural systems, or water supply.
8 (e) Increase natural resource-based public
9 recreational and educational opportunities, as measured by:
10 1. The number of acres acquired that are available for
11 natural resource-based public recreation or education;
12 2. The miles of trails that are available for public
13 recreation, giving priority to those that provide significant
14 connections including those that will assist in completing the
15 Florida National Scenic Trail; or
16 3. The number of new resource-based recreation
17 facilities, by type, made available on public land.
18 (f) Preserve significant archaeological or historic
19 sites, as measured by:
20 1. The increase in the number of and percentage of
21 historic and archaeological properties listed in the Florida
22 Master Site File or National Register of Historic Places which
23 are protected or preserved for public use; or
24 2. The increase in the number and percentage of
25 historic and archaeological properties that are in state
26 ownership.
27 (g) Increase the amount of forestland available for
28 sustainable management of natural resources, as measured by:
29 1. The number of acres acquired that are available for
30 sustainable forest management;
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
1 2. The number of acres of state owned forestland
2 managed for economic return in accordance with current best
3 management practices;
4 3. The number of acres of forestland acquired that
5 will serve to maintain natural groundwater recharge functions;
6 or
7 4. The percentage and number of acres identified for
8 restoration actually restored by reforestation.
9 (h) Increase the amount of open space available in
10 urban areas, as measured by:
11 1. The percentage of local governments that
12 participate in land acquisition programs and acquire open
13 space in urban cores; or
14 2. The percentage and number of acres of purchases of
15 open space within urban service areas.
16 (a) An increase in the level of protection for, or an
17 increase in the populations of, listed plant species, as
18 measured by the number of occurrences, acres of strategic
19 habitat areas, or delisting or redesignation of such species.
20 (b) An increase in the level of protection for, or an
21 increase in the populations of, listed animal species, as
22 measured by the number of occurrences, acres of strategic
23 habitat areas, delisting or redesignation of such species, or
24 the change in long-term survival rates.
25 (c) The restoration of land areas, as measured by a
26 reduction in nonnative species, level of maintenance control
27 of invasive species, reforestation rates, or regeneration of
28 natural communities.
29 (d) An increase in public landholdings needed to meet
30 the goals of this subsection, as measured by the acquisition
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
1 of lands in fee simple or with less than fee simple
2 alternatives.
3 (e) The completion of projects begun under previous
4 land acquisition programs, as measured through the acquisition
5 of land under inholdings and additions programs.
6 (f) An increase in the amount of forest land for
7 sustainable natural resources.
8 (g) An increase in public recreational opportunities,
9 as measured by the acreage available for recreational
10 opportunities or the number of miles available for greenways
11 or trails.
12 (h) A reduction in the amount of pollutants flowing
13 into Florida's surface waters, as measured by a reduction in
14 the number of surface water bodies designated as impaired.
15 (i) The improvement of water recharge rates on public
16 lands, as measured by increased speed of recharge and amount
17 of cubic feet of water made available.
18 (j) The restoration of water areas, as measured by a
19 reduction of nonnative species, level of maintenance control
20 of invasive species, regeneration of natural communities,
21 reduction of excessive sedimentation, removal of impediments,
22 or reduction of shoreline erosion.
23 (k) The protection of natural floodplain functions and
24 prevention of or reduction in flood damage, as measured by the
25 number of acres of floodplain in public ownership.
26 (l) The restoration of degraded water bodies, as
27 measured by the number of goals implemented under a surface
28 water improvement plan or other restoration plans.
29 (m) The restoration of wetlands, as measured by the
30 number of acres of previously converted wetlands returned to a
31 functioning status.
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 1468
1 (n) The preservation of strategic wetlands, as
2 measured by the number of acres acquired.
3 (o) The preservation of, or reduction of contaminants
4 in, aquifers and springs, as measured by contaminant levels or
5 the number of acres of recharge areas acquired.
6 (p) The implementation of practices that provide
7 sufficient quantities of water available to meet current and
8 future needs of the natural system and residents of the state,
9 as measured by execution of water-resource-development
10 components of the districts' water management plans. However,
11 funds provided for capital improvements under this purpose are
12 limited to those provided the water management districts in
13 paragraph (3)(a).
14 (q) An increase in the state's inventory of historical
15 and cultural sites as measured by the number of sites
16 acquired.
17 (r) An increase in the protection of fragile coastal
18 resources, as measured by the linear feet and acreage of
19 coastline acquired.
20 (s) An increase in the protection of significant
21 surface waters of the state, as measured by the acreage of
22 lands acquired to buffer them.
23 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
24 law.
26 *****************************************
28 Revises goals and performance measures for Florida
Forever projects of the Department of Environmental
29 Protection and water management districts.
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