House Bill hb1503

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1503

        By Representative Ausley

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to children; creating s.

  3         39.909, F.S.; creating the Children's Services

  4         Accountability Commission; providing

  5         legislative intent; requiring the Department of

  6         Children and Family Services to provide

  7         administrative support; providing independence

  8         of the commission; providing purpose, duties,

  9         and membership of the commission; providing for

10         meetings; providing for a director; authorizing

11         the director and members to examine records

12         relating to children in the child protection

13         system; requiring the commission to examine its

14         scope of responsibilities, prepare an annual

15         summary of its work, and report to the Governor

16         and the Legislature; amending ss. 39.0132,

17         39.202, F.S.; providing that confidential

18         information under ch. 39, F.S., relating to

19         dependent children, may be released to members

20         and staff of the commission; providing an

21         effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Section 39.909, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         39.909  Children's Services Accountability Commission;

28  intent; creation; duties; staff; annual report.--

29         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that a

30  commission be established to ensure that all professionals

31  that are a part of the state's child protection system are


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  1  working together effectively to provide children with the

  2  protections set forth in s. 39.001(3), which are as follows:

  3         (a)  Protection from abuse, abandonment, neglect, and

  4  exploitation.

  5         (b)  A permanent and stable home.

  6         (c)  A safe and nurturing environment that will

  7  preserve a sense of personal dignity and integrity.

  8         (d)  Adequate nutrition, shelter, and clothing.

  9         (e)  Effective treatment to address children's

10  physical, social, and emotional needs, regardless of

11  geographical location.

12         (f)  Equal opportunity and access to effective, quality

13  education that will meet the individual needs of each child,

14  and to recreation and other community resources to develop

15  individual abilities.

16         (g)  Access to preventive services.

17         (h)  An independent, trained advocate, when

18  intervention is necessary, and a skilled guardian or caregiver

19  in a safe environment when alternative placement is necessary.

20         (2)  There is created the Children's Services

21  Accountability Commission which is administratively assigned

22  to the Department of Children and Family Services. The

23  Department of Children and Family Services shall provide

24  administrative support to the commission, including office

25  space, support staff, and assistance with personnel,

26  accounting, and management-information systems. The commission

27  is not subject to control, supervision, or direction by the

28  Department of Children and Family Services in the performance

29  of its duties. The commission shall annually prepare a budget

30  request that may not be changed by the department and must be



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  1  transmitted to the Governor for transmittal to the

  2  Legislature.

  3         (3)  The purpose of the Children's Services

  4  Accountability Commission is to provide an ongoing mechanism

  5  of external system review to ensure that cases of child abuse

  6  and neglect are handled timely and in an effective manner so

  7  as to best ensure the health and safety of children who are

  8  subject to abuse, and to prevent child abuse and neglect to

  9  the greatest extent possible. The duties of the commission

10  include coordinating efforts of the child protection system,

11  advocating on behalf of children, improving the delivery of

12  child protection services to children, and recommending

13  changes in law, procedures, and policy necessary to enhance

14  the protection of children. The commission shall:

15         (a)  Examine policies and procedures and evaluate the

16  effectiveness of the child protection system, specifically the

17  respective roles of the Department of Children and Family

18  Services, the Department of Health, the dependency court

19  system, Child Welfare Legal Services, law enforcement, the

20  medical community, community service providers, and other

21  partners in ensuring the protection of children.

22         (b)  Review and make recommendations concerning

23  investigative procedures, emergency responses, services and

24  placements, dependency court system reviews, and achieving

25  permanency.

26         (c)  Propose and promote legislative recommendations to

27  the Governor and the Legislature.

28         (4)  The Children's Services Accountability Commission

29  shall consist of 14 members:

30         (a)  Two representatives from the Department of

31  Children and Family Services to be appointed by the secretary.


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  1         (b)  One representative from the Department of Health's

  2  Child Protection Team Program to be appointed by the Secretary

  3  of Health.

  4         (c)  Two representatives of the circuit court assigned

  5  to exercise jurisdiction under chapter 39 to be appointed by

  6  the Chief Judge.

  7         (d)  Nine at-large members to be appointed by the

  8  Governor, which shall include one person from the medical

  9  community, one person from the education community, one

10  representative of Child Welfare Legal Services to be

11  recommended by the Office of the Attorney General, two persons

12  from law enforcement agencies, and four persons representing

13  community programs that serve children in the child protection

14  system. The Governor shall appoint the chair from the at-large

15  members.

16         (5)  The commission shall meet at least quarterly.

17  Members of the commission shall serve without compensation.

18  Commission members representing governmental agencies shall

19  attend meetings at the expense of the governmental agency.

20  Commission members who are not representing governmental

21  agencies are entitled to receive reimbursement for per diem

22  and travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061.

23         (6)  The Children's Services Accountability Commission

24  shall have a director who will be dedicated solely to

25  assisting the commission in performing its duties. The

26  Governor shall select the director from three candidates

27  recommended by the commission.

28         (7)  The commission may form task forces to assist with

29  its examination of particular issues. State agencies

30  represented on the commission shall provide professional staff

31  assistance to the commission in the performance of its duties.


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  1         (8)  The members and director of the commission shall

  2  have the authority to examine all program records, reports,

  3  and budgets, as well as client files, pertaining to children

  4  in the child protection system under chapter 39. This access

  5  to records applies to any program, service, or facility that

  6  is operated, funded, or contracted for services in the child

  7  protection system under chapter 39.

  8         (9)  The commission shall periodically examine the

  9  scope of its responsibilities to determine the feasibility and

10  merit of expanding its external system review function beyond

11  the child protection system to other forms of children's

12  services.

13         (10)  The commission shall annually prepare a summary

14  of its work and recommendations and submit the summary by

15  October 1 to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and

16  the Speaker of the House of Representatives. This summary must

17  include, but need not be limited to, a summary of the

18  activities and findings of the commission, the recommendations

19  developed by the commission, recommendations developed in

20  response to the commission's examination of its scope, and

21  actions taken by the partners in the child protection system

22  to implement the recommendations.

23         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

24  39.0132, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         39.0132  Oaths, records, and confidential

26  information.--

27         (4)(a)  All information obtained pursuant to this part

28  in the discharge of official duty by any judge, employee of

29  the court, authorized agent of the department, correctional

30  probation officer, or law enforcement agent is confidential

31  and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and may not be disclosed to


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  1  anyone other than the authorized personnel of the court, the

  2  department and its designees, correctional probation officers,

  3  law enforcement agents, guardians guardian ad litem, members

  4  and staff of the Children's Services Accountability Commission

  5  pursuant to s. 39.909, and others entitled under this chapter

  6  to receive that information, except upon order of the court.

  7         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

  8  subsection (5) of section 39.202, Florida Statutes, are

  9  amended to read:

10         39.202  Confidentiality of reports and records in cases

11  of child abuse or neglect.--

12         (2)  Access to such records, excluding the name of the

13  reporter which shall be released only as provided in

14  subsection (4), shall be granted only to the following

15  persons, officials, and agencies:

16         (a)  Employees, authorized agents, or contract

17  providers of the department, the Department of Health, or

18  county agencies responsible for carrying out:

19         1.  Child or adult protective investigations;

20         2.  Ongoing child or adult protective services;

21         3.  Healthy Start services; or

22         4.  Licensure or approval of adoptive homes, foster

23  homes, or child care facilities, or family day care homes or

24  informal child care providers who receive subsidized child

25  care funding, or other homes used to provide for the care and

26  welfare of children.


28  Also, employees or agents of the Department of Juvenile

29  Justice responsible for the provision of services to children,

30  pursuant to chapters 984 and 985, and members and staff of the



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1503


  1  Children's Services Accountability Commission, pursuant to s.

  2  39.909.

  3         (5)  All records and reports of the child protection

  4  team of the Department of Health are confidential and exempt

  5  from the provisions of ss. 119.07(1) and 455.667, and shall

  6  not be disclosed, except, upon request, to the state attorney,

  7  law enforcement, the department, members and staff of the

  8  Children's Services Accountability Commission, pursuant to s.

  9  39.909, and necessary professionals, in furtherance of the

10  treatment or additional evaluative needs of the child, by

11  order of the court, or to health plan payors, limited to that

12  information used for insurance reimbursement purposes.

13         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


15            *****************************************

16                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

17    Creates the Children's Services Accountability Commission
      to ensure that all professionals that are a part of the
18    state's child protection system work together
      effectively. Requires the Department of Children and
19    Family Services to provide administrative support.
      Provides that the commission functions independently.
20    Provides  purpose, duties, and membership of the
      commission. Requires meetings at least quarterly.
21    Provides for a director. Authorizes the director and
      members to examine records relating to children in the
22    child protection system. Requires the commission annually
      to examine the scope of its responsibilities and prepare
23    a summary and a report to the Governor and the
      Legislature. Authorizes the release to the commission
24    members and staff of confidential information under ch.
      39, F.S., relating to dependent children.








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