Senate Bill sb1522e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 1522                                        First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to enterprise zones;

  3         authorizing a boundary change in a specified

  4         enterprise zone; creating s. 290.00694, F.S.;

  5         authorizing the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

  6         Economic Development to designate an enterprise

  7         zone in Sarasota County; providing requirements

  8         with respect thereto; amending s. 290.00555,

  9         F.S.; removing the December 31, 1999, deadline

10         for creation of satellite enterprise zones by

11         certain municipalities and authorizing creation

12         of such zones effective retroactively to that

13         date; providing duties of the Office of

14         Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development;

15         providing an application deadline for

16         businesses in such zones eligible for certain

17         sales and use tax incentives; amending s.

18         290.0065, F.S.; providing for the change in the

19         boundaries of an enterprise zone under

20         specified conditions; creating s. 290.00695,

21         F.S.; authorizing the Office of Tourism, Trade,

22         and Economic Development to designate an

23         enterprise zone in Hernando County; providing

24         requirements with respect thereto; providing

25         for designation of a specified area within

26         Hillsborough County as an enterprise zone;

27         providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    SB 1522                                        First Engrossed

  1         Section 1.  Notwithstanding any provisions of law to

  2  the contrary, the governing body of an inland county with a

  3  state-designated enterprise zone and a population greater than

  4  500,000 may apply to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

  5  Economic Development to amend the boundaries of one

  6  noncontiguous area of an enterprise zone. The office shall

  7  approve the application as long as the amended area does not

  8  exceed 4 square miles and is consistent with the categories,

  9  criteria, and limitations imposed by section 290.0055, Florida

10  Statutes, upon the establishment of such enterprise zone. The

11  enterprise zone boundary-amendment application must be

12  received before December 31, 2001.

13         Section 2.  Section 290.00694, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         290.00694  Enterprise zone designation for Sarasota

16  County or Sarasota County and Sarasota.--Sarasota County, or

17  Sarasota County and the City of Sarasota jointly, may apply to

18  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development for

19  designation of one enterprise zone within the county, or

20  within both the county and the municipality, which zone

21  encompasses an area that is south of the north county line,

22  west of Tuttle Avenue, north of 10th Street, and east of U.S.

23  Highway 41. The application must be submitted by December 31,

24  2001, and must comply with the requirements of s. 290.0055.

25  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 290.0065 limiting the

26  total number of enterprise zones designated and the number of

27  enterprise zones within a population category, the Office of

28  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development may designate one

29  enterprise zone under this section. The Office of Tourism,

30  Trade, and Economic Development shall establish the initial



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 1522                                        First Engrossed

  1  effective date of the enterprise zone designated under this

  2  section.

  3         Section 3.  Section 290.00555, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         290.00555  Satellite enterprise zones.--Before December

  6  31, 1999, Any municipality an area of which has previously

  7  received designation as an enterprise zone in the population

  8  category described in s. 290.0065(3)(a)3. may create a

  9  satellite enterprise zone not exceeding 1.5 square miles in

10  area outside of and, notwithstanding anything contained in s.

11  290.0055(4), or any other law, in addition to the previously

12  designated enterprise zone boundaries. The Office of Tourism,

13  Trade, and Economic Development shall amend the boundaries of

14  the areas previously designated by any such municipality as

15  enterprise zones upon receipt of a resolution adopted by the

16  municipality describing the satellite enterprise zone areas,

17  as long as the additional areas are consistent with the

18  categories, criteria, and limitations imposed by s. 290.0055.

19  However, the requirements imposed by s. 290.0055(4)(d) do not

20  apply to such satellite enterprise zone areas.

21         Section 4.  Satellite enterprise zones may be created

22  pursuant to section 290.00555, Florida Statutes, effective

23  retroactively to December 31, 1999. Resolutions adopted to

24  create satellite enterprise zones under this section must be

25  submitted to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

26  Development no later than August 1, 2001. The Office of

27  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development must amend the

28  boundaries of previously designated enterprise zones to create

29  eligible satellite enterprise zones no later than September 1,

30  2001. Notwithstanding the time limitations contained in

31  chapter 212, Florida Statutes, a business in a satellite


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    SB 1522                                        First Engrossed

  1  enterprise zone designated under this section which was

  2  eligible to receive tax incentives pursuant to sections

  3  212.08(5)(g) and (h) and 212.096, Florida Statutes, during the

  4  period beginning December 31, 1999, and ending on the date of

  5  the creation of the satellite enterprise zone must submit an

  6  application for the tax incentives by December 1, 2001. All

  7  other requirements of the enterprise zone program apply to

  8  such a business.

  9         Section 5.  Subsection (12) is added to section

10  290.0065, Florida Statutes, to read:

11         290.0065  State designation of enterprise zones.--

12         (12)  Before June 1, 2002, the governing body of a

13  municipality that is located within a county having a

14  population of less than 225,000 and in which an enterprise

15  zone designated under subparagraph (3)(a)2. is located may

16  apply to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

17  Development to change the boundaries of the enterprise zone.

18  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development shall

19  approve the application if the boundary change does not

20  increase the overall size of the enterprise zone and if any

21  territory added to the enterprise zone as a result of the

22  boundary change is contiguous to the remaining area of the

23  existing enterprise zone.

24         Section 6.  Section 290.00695, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         290.00695  Enterprise zone designation for Hernando

27  County or Hernando County and Brooksville.--Hernando County,

28  or Hernando County and the City of Brooksville jointly, may

29  apply to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

30  Development for designation of one enterprise zone within the

31  county, or within both the county and the city, which zone


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    SB 1522                                        First Engrossed

  1  encompasses an area up to 10 contiguous square miles. The

  2  application must be submitted by December 31, 2001, and must

  3  comply with the requirements of s. 290.0055. Notwithstanding

  4  the provisions of s. 290.0065 limiting the total number of

  5  enterprise zones designated and the number of enterprise zones

  6  within a population category, the Office of Tourism, Trade,

  7  and Economic Development may designate one enterprise zone

  8  under this section. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

  9  Development shall establish the initial effective date of the

10  enterprise zone designated under this section.

11         Section 7.  Enterprise zone designation for

12  Hillsborough County.--Hillsborough County may apply to the

13  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development for

14  designation of one enterprise zone within the county, which

15  zone encompasses a high-crime, low-income, high-unemployment

16  area that is north of Fowler Avenue, south of Bearss Avenue,

17  east of Florida Avenue, west of Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, near

18  the University of South Florida, adjacent to University Square

19  Mall, north of a major theme park, an area that has been

20  designated a federal Weed & Seed target area, and a Community

21  Development Block Grant (CDBG) target area and that houses an

22  active public/private 501(c)(3) community development

23  corporation working to improve the area. The application must

24  be submitted by December 31, 2002, and must comply with the

25  requirements of section 290.0055, Florida Statutes.

26  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 290.0065, Florida

27  Statutes, limiting the total number of enterprise zones

28  designated and the number of enterprise zones within a

29  population category, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

30  Economic Development may designate one enterprise zone under

31  this section. The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic


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    SB 1522                                        First Engrossed

  1  Development shall establish the initial effective date of the

  2  enterprise zone designated under this section.

  3         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  4  law.





























CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.