Bill No. HB 1615
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Representative(s) Attkisson offered the following:
13 Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 1, line 13, of the bill
16 insert:
17 Section 1. Neighborhood school construction zone pilot
18 project.--
19 (1) By mutual agreement with the local general purpose
20 government, the applicant for a comprehensive plan amendment,
21 rezoning, or an approved development may satisfy any
22 proportionate share mitigation required as follows:
23 (a) The local government shall designate by ordinance
24 a geographic area to be known as a neighborhood school
25 construction zone. The zone shall include the area within the
26 proposed comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning designation,
27 or approved development.
28 (b) The local general purpose government shall also
29 create by ordinance a neighborhood school construction trust
30 fund. All revenues allocated to and deposited in the trust
31 fund shall be used to fund educational facilities construction
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Bill No. HB 1615
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
1 within the neighborhood school construction zone pursuant to
2 an approved educational facilities plan.
3 (2) Upon creation of a neighborhood school
4 construction zone, all educational facilities impact fees
5 collected within the zone shall be deposited in the trust fund
6 for facilities construction within the zone. All interlocal
7 agreements between local general purpose governments and
8 school districts shall provide for such allocation.
9 (3) In the event the local general purpose government
10 and the applicant agree pursuant to subsection (1) to the
11 described proportionate share mitigation, additional annual
12 funding of the trust fund shall be in an amount not less than
13 the increment in the income, proceeds, revenues, and funds of
14 the school district derived from or held in connection with
15 the undertaking and carrying out of residential development
16 within the neighborhood school construction zone. Such
17 increment shall be determined annually and shall be that
18 amount equal to 95 percent of the difference between:
19 (a) The amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year by
20 the school district within the neighborhood school
21 construction zone pursuant to s. 236.25(1), Florida Statutes,
22 exclusive of any amount for any debt service millage, on
23 taxable real property contained within the geographic
24 boundaries of the neighborhood school construction zone; and
25 (b) The amount of ad valorem taxes which would have
26 been produced pursuant to s. 236.25(1), Florida Statutes, by
27 the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by the school
28 district, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the
29 total assessed value of the taxable real property in the
30 neighborhood school construction zone as shown upon the most
31 recent assessment roll used in connection with the taxation of
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Bill No. HB 1615
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
1 such property by the school district prior to the effective
2 date of the ordinance providing for the funding of the trust
3 fund.
4 (4) An approved applicant may petition the local
5 general purpose government for funds to build an educational
6 facility. The facility shall be built according to state law,
7 located geographically within the established neighborhood
8 school construction zone, and adhere to the following
9 requirements:
10 (a) For schools operated by the school district, the
11 school must be included in the district's approved facilities
12 plan or approved by the school board.
13 (b) For schools organized and operated pursuant to s.
14 228.056, Florida Statutes, the application for the school must
15 be approved according to the requirements of law prior to
16 petitioning the local general purpose government for funding.
17 (5)(a) If the funds generated pursuant to this section
18 are insufficient to fully fund the proposed public school, the
19 difference between the amount needed to construct the school
20 and the local revenue source, up to 35 percent of the
21 construction costs, shall be funded as follows:
22 1. For district-operated schools, the difference shall
23 be funded pursuant to other local sources of revenue per
24 agreement with the local school district.
25 2. For schools approved pursuant to s. 228.056,
26 Florida Statutes, the difference shall be funded with funds
27 generated pursuant to s. 228.0561, Florida Statutes.
28 (b) No schools shall be built costing more than the
29 SMART Schools Clearinghouse annual estimate of student station
30 costs.
31 (c) The SMART Schools Clearinghouse shall oversee this
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Bill No. HB 1615
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
1 section as a 3-year pilot project beginning July 1, 2001. The
2 pilot project shall be for up to six counties selected by the
3 SMART Schools Clearinghouse. A report showing the feasibility
4 and long-term effects of neighborhood school construction
5 trust funds shall be made to the Governor, the President of
6 the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
7 July 1, 2004.
10 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
11 And the title is amended as follows:
12 On page 1, line 2,
13 remove from the title of the bill: all of said line
15 and insert in lieu thereof:
16 An act relating to education; creating a
17 neighborhood school construction zone pilot
18 project; providing for procedures; providing
19 that impact fees within the zone must be placed
20 in a facilities construction trust fund for
21 that zone; providing additional funding;
22 providing that the SMART Schools Clearinghouse
23 shall oversee the pilot project and submit a
24 report to the Governor and Legislature
25 regarding the program's feasibility;
File original & 9 copies 04/26/01
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