House Bill hb1653

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1653

        By Representative Rich

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Student Achievement

  3         Guarantee in Education (SAGE) Act; providing a

  4         short title; establishing the Student

  5         Achievement Guarantee in Education program to

  6         facilitate improvements in the academic

  7         achievement of low-income students; providing

  8         criteria for participation in the program;

  9         establishing an application process; requiring

10         the Department of Education to review and

11         approve applications based on standards adopted

12         by the department; establishing SAGE program

13         requirements; requiring a contract between the

14         Department of Education and the district school

15         board of each participating school district;

16         providing for the award of funds; providing for

17         annual reviews by the department; requiring a

18         report to the Legislature; authorizing the

19         adoption of rules; providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Student Achievement Guarantee in Education

24  (SAGE) program.--

25         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

26  "Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) Act."

27         (2)  PURPOSE.--The purpose of this act is to facilitate

28  improvement in the academic achievement of economically

29  disadvantaged students.

30         (3)  ELIGIBILITY.--



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1653


  1         (a)  Any elementary school in which at least 50 percent

  2  of the children enrolled in the school during the previous

  3  school year were from low-income families shall be eligible

  4  for participation in the SAGE program.

  5         (b)  For purposes of this section, the number of

  6  children in the school district from low-income families shall

  7  be determined using one of the following indicators of

  8  poverty, or a composite of such indicators, as determined by

  9  the Department of Education:

10         1.  The number of children ages 5 through 17 in poverty

11  counted in the most recent United States Census data.

12         2.  The number of children eligible for free and

13  reduced-price lunches under the Richard B. Russell National

14  School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 1751 et seq.

15         3.  The number of children in families receiving

16  assistance under the state program funded under part A of

17  Title IV of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 601 et seq.

18         4.  The number of children eligible to receive medical

19  assistance under the Medicaid program.

20         (4)  APPLICATION.--The school board of a school

21  district in which there is an eligible school may apply to the

22  Department of Education for participation in the SAGE program.

23  Such application shall include:

24         (a)  The number of schools, classrooms, and students to

25  participate in the program, based on the funding provisions of

26  subsection (6).

27         (b)  Specific performance objectives relating to

28  student academic achievement, professional development, and

29  parental involvement.

30         (c)  A proposal for meeting the requirements of the

31  achievement guarantee contract required by subsection (5).


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1653



  2  The department shall evaluate and prioritize applications for

  3  participation in the SAGE program based on need and the merits

  4  of the proposal, pursuant to standards developed by the

  5  department. The department shall, subject to funding

  6  availability, approve or deny such applications based on such

  7  prioritization, and award funds pursuant to subsection (6).

  8         (5)  SAGE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS.--The district school

  9  board of a school district approved for participation in the

10  SAGE program shall be required to enter into a 5-year

11  achievement guarantee contract with the Department of

12  Education on behalf of each participating school. The

13  achievement guarantee contract shall include the provisions

14  included in the approved application for participation and

15  shall require:

16         (a)  The district school board to achieve class sizes

17  of no greater than 15 students per full-time classroom teacher

18  in each participating classroom. As used in this subsection,

19  "class size" means the number of students assigned to a

20  full-time classroom teacher during the first period full-time

21  equivalent student membership survey. The district school

22  board must delineate how the class size requirements will be

23  met in each participating school, including any alternative

24  class configurations.

25         (b)  The district school board to ensure that each

26  school remains open every day from before school hours until

27  late in the day, as specified in the achievement guarantee

28  contract.

29         (c)  Collaboration with community organizations to make

30  educational and recreational opportunities, as well as a

31  variety of community and social services, available in the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1653


  1  participating schools for the residents of the school

  2  district.

  3         (d)  A rigorous academic curriculum for participating

  4  students, designed to improve student academic achievement. In

  5  consultation with the department and with the participation of

  6  the teachers, administrators, and parents of students at

  7  participating schools, the district school board shall review

  8  the curriculum of each participating school to determine how

  9  well it promotes student academic achievement and, if

10  necessary, revise such curriculum to improve student

11  achievement.

12         (e)  The provision of staff development opportunities

13  and accountability measures for administrative and

14  instructional personnel in the participating schools. The

15  district school board shall:

16         1.  Develop a 1-year program for all newly hired

17  administrative and instructional personnel that assists in the

18  transition from their previous employment to their current

19  employment.

20         2.  Ensure that instructional and administrative

21  personnel are provided adequate time to collaborate and plan.

22         3.  Require that each classroom teacher and

23  administrator submit to the school board a professional

24  development plan that focuses on how the individual will help

25  improve student academic achievement. The plan shall include

26  methods of evaluation of student academic achievement and a

27  method by which a classroom teacher or administrator will

28  receive evaluations from a variety of sources on the success

29  of his or her efforts.




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  1         4.  Regularly review staff development plans to

  2  determine if the methods included in the plans are effective

  3  in improving student academic achievement.

  4         5.  Establish an evaluation process for instructional

  5  and administrative personnel that:

  6         a.  Identifies individual strengths and weaknesses and

  7  clearly describes areas in need of improvement.

  8         b.  Includes a support plan that provides opportunities

  9  to learn and improve.

10         c.  Systematically documents performance in accordance

11  with the plan required by subparagraph 3.

12         d.  Allows professional staff members to comment on and

13  contribute to revisions in the evaluation process.

14         e.  Provides for the dismissal of instructional and

15  administrative personnel whose failure to learn and improve

16  has been documented over a 2-year period.

17         (f)  The attainment of performance objectives included

18  in the application for participation.

19         (6) FUNDING.--To the extent that funding is provided

20  annually by the Legislature in the General Appropriations Act

21  specifically for purposes of this section, the Department of

22  Education shall award:

23         (a)  $60,000 for one elementary school to each eligible

24  district in which there are fewer than 10,000 students.

25         (b)  $180,000 for three elementary schools to each

26  eligible district in which there are between 10,000 and

27  100,000 students.

28         (c)  $300,000 for five elementary schools to each

29  eligible district in which there are greater than 100,000

30  students.



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  1  If funds allocated in accordance with this subsection are

  2  insufficient to serve all eligible schools in a district, the

  3  district school board shall annually rank the eligible schools

  4  from highest to lowest according to the percentage of children

  5  from low-income families and serve such eligible schools in

  6  rank order.

  7         (7)  ANNUAL REVIEW.--The Department of Education shall:

  8         (a)  Annually review the program of each participating

  9  school district to determine compliance with the provisions of

10  the contract entered into pursuant to subsection (5). The

11  department may terminate the contract of any district found

12  not to be in compliance with the provisions of the contract.

13         (b)  Annually prepare and submit to the Legislature a

14  report on the effectiveness of the SAGE program regarding

15  increasing student achievement.

16         (8)  RULES.--The Department of Education may adopt

17  rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54, Florida Statutes,

18  to implement the provisions of this section.

19         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


21            *****************************************

22                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Student Achievement Guarantee in Education
24    (SAGE) program to facilitate improvement in the academic
      achievement of low-income students. Provides criteria for
25    participation in the program. Establishes an application
      process and requires the Department of Education to
26    review and approve applications based on standards
      adopted by the department. Establishes SAGE program
27    requirements. Requires a contract between the Department
      of Education and the district school board of each
28    participating school district. Provides for the award of
      funds. Provides for annual reviews by the department.
29    Requires a report to the Legislature. Authorizes the
      adoption of rules.



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