House Bill hb1723

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1723

        By the Fiscal Responsibility Council and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to ballroom dance studios;

  3         amending s. 205.1969, F.S.; removing a

  4         requirement for the issuance of an occupational

  5         license to a ballroom dance studio; amending s.

  6         501.143, F.S.; eliminating the regulation of

  7         ballroom dance studios by the Department of

  8         Agriculture and Consumer Services, including

  9         the authority to seek penalties and to adopt

10         rules; deleting registration requirements;

11         providing that bonds or other security obtained

12         to ensure refunds to customers will not be

13         placed with the department; providing an

14         effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Section 205.1969, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         205.1969  Health studios; consumer protection.--No

21  county or municipality shall issue or renew an occupational

22  license for the operation of a health studio pursuant to ss.

23  501.012-501.019 or ballroom dance studio pursuant to s.

24  501.143, unless such business exhibits a current license,

25  registration, or letter of exemption from the Department of

26  Agriculture and Consumer Services.

27         Section 2.  Section 501.143, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         501.143  Dance Studio Act.--

30         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

31  "Dance Studio Act."


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  1         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--For the purposes of this section,

  2  the term:

  3         (a)  "Ballroom dance studio" means any person that:

  4         1.  Engages in the sale of ballroom dance studio

  5  lessons or services which are provided at a location

  6  specifically used for dance studio lessons or services; or

  7         2.  Secures floor space at a registered ballroom dance

  8  studio facility or other facility which is not used primarily

  9  for rendering dance studio lessons or services and enters into

10  contracts for future dance studio lessons or services.

11         (b)  "Dance studio lessons" include instruction,

12  training, or assistance in dancing and the use of ballroom

13  dance studio facilities.

14         (c)  "Dance studio services" include membership in any

15  group, club, or association formed by a ballroom dance studio,

16  participation in dance competitions, dance showcases, trips,

17  tours, parties, and other organized events.

18         (d)  "Department" means the Department of Agriculture

19  and Consumer Services.

20         (e)  "Enforcing authority" means the Department of

21  Agriculture and Consumer Services or the Department of Legal

22  Affairs.

23         (d)(f)  "Notice of cancellation" means the mailing or

24  delivering by a pupil or prospective pupil of written

25  notification to cancel the contract or written agreement.

26         (e)(g)  "Reasonable and fair service fee" means no more

27  than 10 percent of the total contract price for contracts of

28  $1,000 and under.  For contracts over $1,000, "reasonable and

29  fair service fee" shall mean no more than $100 plus an amount

30  equal to 5 percent of the total contract price over $1,000

31  (not to exceed $250 in total).


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  2         (a)  Each owner or operator of a ballroom dance studio

  3  shall annually register with the department providing its

  4  legal business or trade name, mailing address, and business

  5  locations, and the full names, addresses, and telephone

  6  numbers of its owners or corporate officers and directors and

  7  the Florida agent of the corporation. A copy of all contracts

  8  offered to the public shall also be submitted to the

  9  department.  A certificate evidencing proof of registration

10  shall be issued by the department.  This certificate must be

11  prominently displayed at the sales or front desk at each

12  business location of a ballroom dance studio defined in

13  subparagraph (2)(a)1.  Ballroom dance studios defined in

14  subparagraph (2)(a)2. must possess the certificate when

15  providing dance studio lessons or services.

16         (b)  Any person applying for or renewing a local

17  occupational license to engage in business as a ballroom dance

18  studio must exhibit an active registration certificate from

19  the department before the local occupational license may be

20  issued or reissued under chapter 205.

21         (c)  Each advertisement or contract of a ballroom dance

22  studio shall include the phrase "...(NAME OF FIRM)... is

23  registered with the State of Florida as a Ballroom Dance

24  Studio Registration No......"

25         (d)  Registration fees shall be $300 per year for each

26  dance studio location. All amounts collected shall be

27  deposited in the General Inspection Trust Fund of the

28  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the

29  administration of this section.

30         (e)  No registration shall be valid for any ballroom

31  dance studio defined in subparagraph (2)(a)1. that transacts


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  1  business at any place other than that designated in its

  2  application, unless the department is first notified in

  3  writing in advance of any change of location.  A registration

  4  issued under this section shall not be assignable, and the

  5  ballroom dance studio shall not be permitted to conduct

  6  business under more than one name except as registered. A

  7  ballroom dance studio desiring to change its registered name

  8  or location or designated agent for service of process at a

  9  time other than upon renewal of registration shall notify the

10  department of such change.

11         (f)  The department may deny or refuse to renew the

12  registration of any dance studio based upon a determination

13  that the dance studio, or any of its directors, officers,

14  owners, or general partners:

15         1.  Has failed to meet the requirements for initial

16  application or renewal as provided in this section; or

17         2.  Has been convicted of a crime involving fraud,

18  dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral turpitude; or

19         3.  Has not satisfied any fine or penalty arising out

20  of any administrative or civil enforcement action brought by

21  any governmental agency or private person based upon conduct

22  involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or any violation of this

23  section; or

24         4.  Has had a judgment entered against him or her in

25  any action brought under ss. 501.201-501.213 by the Department

26  of Legal Affairs or brought under this section by the

27  department.

28         (3)(4)  CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.--Every contract for

29  ballroom dance studio services or lessons shall be in writing

30  and shall be subject to this section.  All provisions,

31  requirements, and prohibitions which are mandated by this


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  1  section shall be contained in the written contract before it

  2  is signed by the customer.  A copy of the signed contract

  3  shall be given to the customer at the time the customer signs

  4  the contract.

  5         (a)  Every contract for ballroom dance studio services

  6  or lessons shall set forth the customer's total payment

  7  obligation for services or lessons to be received pursuant to

  8  the contract and shall contain a written statement of the

  9  hourly or lesson rate charged for each type of lesson for

10  which the customer has contracted.

11         (b)  If the contract includes ballroom dance studio

12  lessons which are sold at different hourly or lesson rates,

13  the contract shall contain separate hourly or lesson rates for

14  each different type of lesson sold.

15         (c)  If the contract for dance studio services or

16  lessons calls for payment in installments, the studio shall

17  comply with all the provisions of the Retail Installment Sales

18  Act, part II of chapter 520.

19         (d)  All charges for dance studio services or lessons

20  for which the customer has contracted which are not capable of

21  an hourly rate shall be set forth in writing in specific

22  terms.

23         (e)  Every ballroom dance studio to which this section

24  applies shall keep a copy of each contract for dance studio

25  services or lessons on file for as long as the contract is in

26  effect and for a period of 2 years thereafter.

27         (f)  Every contract for the sale of future dance studio

28  services or lessons which are paid for in advance or which the

29  buyer agrees to pay for in future installment payments shall

30  be in writing and shall contain in boldfaced type, under



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  1  conspicuous caption, contractual provisions to the contrary

  2  notwithstanding, the following:

  3         1.  A provision for the penalty-free cancellation of

  4  the contract within 3 days, exclusive of holidays and

  5  weekends, of its making, upon the mailing or delivery of

  6  written notice to the ballroom dance studio.  Written notice

  7  may be construed as any written expression of the customer to

  8  not be bound by the contract. The ballroom dance studio shall

  9  refund upon such notice all moneys paid under the contract

10  except the amount for ballroom dance studio services or

11  lessons actually rendered or to have been rendered, by

12  contract, during the number of days prior to the cancellation

13  notice.  A refund shall be issued within 20 days after receipt

14  of the notice of cancellation made within the 3-day notice.

15         2.  A provision for the cancellation of the contract,

16  if the buyer dies or becomes physically or mentally unable to

17  avail himself or herself of the dance studio lessons or

18  services or if the lessons or services cease to be offered as

19  stated in the contract, after 3 business days of its making

20  and release from further payments upon notice of cancellation.

21  After 3 business days the studio shall charge only for the

22  dance instruction and dance instruction services actually

23  furnished under the agreement plus a reasonable and fair

24  service fee.  The studio shall refund the balance in three

25  equal monthly installments, to be completed within not more

26  than 90 days after receiving notice of cancellation.

27         3.  Any provision in a dance contract, certificate,

28  dance package, or brochure or other material from a dance

29  studio that purports to waive, limit, restrict, or avoid any

30  of the duties, obligations, or prescriptions of the dance

31  studio, as provided in this section, is void and unenforceable


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  1  and against public policy, unless it is necessitated by

  2  contractual arrangements with suppliers and fully disclosed.

  3         (4)(5)  SECURITY PROVISIONS.--Each ballroom dance

  4  studio that has been in business under the same ownership for

  5  less than 3 years and that requires or receives an advance

  6  payment from any customer in excess of $250 or enters into

  7  retail installment contracts for payment by any customer for

  8  dance studio services or lessons in installments shall

  9  establish and maintain a mechanism for ensuring customer

10  refunds.  These ballroom dance studios shall maintain security

11  in the form of a bond issued by a surety company admitted to

12  do business in this state, an irrevocable letter of credit

13  from any foreign or domestic bank, or a guaranty agreement

14  that is secured by a certificate of deposit. If the ballroom

15  dance studio has been in business under the same ownership for

16  less than 1 year, the principal amount of the bond or other

17  security shall be $5,000.  If the ballroom dance studio has

18  been in business under the same ownership for at least 1 year,

19  but less than 2 years, the principal amount of the bond or

20  other security shall be $10,000. If the ballroom dance studio

21  has been in business under the same ownership for at least 2

22  years, but less than 3 years, the principal amount of the bond

23  or other security shall be $15,000. The aggregate liability to

24  all persons for all breaches of the conditions of the bond or

25  other security provided under this subsection shall not exceed

26  the amount of the bond or other security.

27         (a)  The bond shall be in favor of the state for the

28  benefit of any person injured as a result of a violation of

29  this section.  The original surety bond required by this

30  section shall be filed with the department.



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  1         (b)  The original letter of credit or certificate of

  2  deposit submitted in lieu of the bond shall be filed with the

  3  department.  The department shall decide whether the security

  4  furnished in lieu of bond by the ballroom dance studio is in

  5  compliance with the requirements of this section.

  6         (5)(6)  PROHIBITED PRACTICES.--It is a violation of

  7  this section for any person:

  8         (a)  To conduct business as a ballroom dance studio

  9  without registering annually with the department.

10         (b)  Knowingly to make any false statement,

11  representation, or certification in any application or

12  registration form required by department rule.

13         (c)  Knowingly to violate or fail to comply with any

14  rule or order adopted or issued by the department pursuant to

15  its lawful authority in carrying out the intent of this

16  section.

17         (a)(d)  To represent, directly or by implication, that

18  a specified number of dance studio lessons or a dance studio

19  service will be furnished, unless the bona fide lessons or

20  service is in fact furnished as represented.

21         (b)(e)  To refuse to honor the terms and provisions of

22  any offer or promise.

23         (c)(f)  To use any of the following or similar

24  techniques or practices to mislead, coerce, or induce the

25  purchase of dance studio lessons or dance studio services:

26         1.  Requesting any customer to sign an uncompleted

27  contract or agreement;

28         2.  Misrepresenting to any customer what is or will be

29  due or payable;




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  1         3.  Using any single day "relay salesmanship" or

  2  consecutive sales talks with more than one representative,

  3  with or without the use of hidden listening devices;

  4         4.  Falsely assuring or representing to any customer

  5  that a given course of dance studio lessons will enable him or

  6  her to achieve a given standard of dancing proficiency;

  7         5.  Representing in any manner that a dancing

  8  instructor or job is obtainable at a studio or misrepresenting

  9  what such an instructor will be paid; or

10         6.  Using any analyses, tests, studio competitions, or

11  other artifices purportedly designed to evaluate dancing

12  ability, progress, or proficiency when the artifices are not

13  so designed or so used.


15  The department may employ investigators and conduct

16  investigations of violations of this section.

17         (7)  PENALTIES; REMEDIES.--The following penalties and

18  remedies are available for enforcement of the provisions of

19  this section:

20         (a)  The department shall have administrative authority

21  to issue a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 120.695 and

22  to suspend or revoke the registration of any ballroom dance

23  studio that violates any of the provisions of this section or

24  the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to such rules.

25  Such ballroom dance studio may not engage in business while

26  the registration is revoked or suspended.

27         (b)  The department may impose an administrative fine

28  not to exceed $5,000 per violation against any ballroom dance

29  studio that violates any of the provisions of this section or

30  the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to this section.



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  1         (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (5),

  2  the department may require any ballroom dance studio that has

  3  operated or is operating in violation of any of the provisions

  4  of this section or the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant

  5  to such rules to post security with the department in an

  6  amount not to exceed $25,000.

  7         (d)  The department may proceed by injunction to

  8  prevent any ballroom dance studio from doing business subject

  9  to the provisions of this section until a performance bond,

10  letter of credit, or certificate of deposit is posted with the

11  department.

12         (e)  The enforcing authority may seek a civil penalty

13  not to exceed $5,000 for each violation of this section or the

14  rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to such rules and may

15  institute a civil action in circuit court to recover any

16  penalties or damages allowed in this section and for

17  injunctive relief to enforce compliance with this section or

18  any rule or order of the department.

19         (f)  The remedies provided in this section are in

20  addition to any other remedies available for the same conduct.

21         (6)(8)  CRIMINAL PENALTIES.--Any person which knowingly

22  violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the first

23  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

24  However, any person which knowingly conducts business as a

25  ballroom dance studio without registering annually with the

26  department commits a misdemeanor of the second degree,

27  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.


29  moneys recovered by the enforcing authority as a penalty under

30  this section shall be deposited in the General Inspection

31  Trust Fund if the action or proceeding was brought by the


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  1  department, or the Consumer Frauds Trust Fund if the action or

  2  proceeding was brought by the Department of Legal Affairs.

  3         (7)(10)  ENFORCEMENT BY CUSTOMER.--Any customer injured

  4  by a fraudulent act or fraudulent omission in violation of

  5  this section may bring an action for the recovery of damages.

  6  Judgment may be entered for three times the amount at which

  7  the actual damages are assessed, plus costs and reasonable

  8  attorney's fees.

  9         (8)(11)  EXEMPTIONS.--This section does not apply to

10  governmental and bona fide tax-exempt not-for-profit entities.

11         (12)  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.--The department has the

12  authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54

13  to implement this section.

14         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


16            *****************************************

17                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Eliminates the regulation of ballroom dance studios by
19    the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.














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