House Bill hb0173

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 173

        By Representative Brutus

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to facilitating voting;

  3         amending s. 97.052, F.S.; revising the

  4         information required to be elicited on the

  5         uniform statewide voter registration

  6         application; amending s. 97.061, F.S.;

  7         authorizing special registration for electors

  8         requiring assistance in voting because their

  9         primary language is other than English;

10         amending s. 97.071, F.S.; revising the

11         information a voter registration card is

12         required to contain; amending s. 98.461, F.S.;

13         revising the information a precinct register is

14         required to contain; creating s. 101.005, F.S.;

15         providing for a uniform statewide voting system

16         and ballots; providing rulemaking authority to

17         the Department of State to implement and adopt

18         standards for the system, including ballot

19         requirements; amending s. 101.051, F.S.;

20         authorizing assistance in voting for electors

21         whose primary language is other than English;

22         creating s. 101.155, F.S.; authorizing

23         identifying colors or symbols to be placed on

24         the ballot next to candidate names, subject to

25         prior approval by the Division of Elections of

26         the Department of State; amending s. 101.2515,

27         F.S.; providing for translation of ballot

28         language, voter instructions, and registration

29         and other voting materials under certain

30         circumstances; amending s. 101.65, F.S.;

31         revising instructions to absent electors


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  1         relating to the requirement to personally mark

  2         the absentee ballot unless exempted by reason

  3         of needing assistance; amending s. 101.661,

  4         F.S.; authorizing absent electors whose primary

  5         language is other than English to allow certain

  6         other persons to mark or assist in marking

  7         their absentee ballots; providing effective

  8         dates.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 97.052, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         97.052  Uniform statewide voter registration

15  application.--

16         (2)  The uniform statewide voter registration

17  application must be designed to elicit the following

18  information from the applicant:

19         (a)  Full name.

20         (b)  Date of birth.

21         (c)  Address of legal residence.

22         (d)  Mailing address, if different.

23         (e)  County of legal residence.

24         (f)  Address of property for which the applicant has

25  been granted a homestead exemption, if any.

26         (g)  Race of or ethnicity that best describes the

27  applicant, to be provided using any one or more of the

28  following categories:

29         1.  American Indian or Alaskan Native, including the

30  name of the person's principal or enrolled tribe.



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  1         2.  Asian, including whether Asian Indian, Chinese,

  2  Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or any other Asian

  3  race, as specified by the applicant or Pacific Islander.

  4         3.  Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander,

  5  including Guamanian, Chamorro, or Samoan, or any other Pacific

  6  island race, as specified by the applicant.

  7         4.3.  Black or African American, not Hispanic.

  8         5.4.  White, not Hispanic.

  9         6.5.  Some other race, as specified by the applicant

10  Hispanic.

11         (h)  Whether the applicant is Hispanic and, if so, the

12  specific group to which the applicant belongs, including

13  Chicano, Cuban, Honduran, Mexican, Mexican American, Puerto

14  Rican, Spanish, Venezuelan, or any other Hispanic group, as

15  specified by the applicant.

16         (i)  Ancestry or ethnic origin, including Bahamian,

17  Cuban, Dutch, Haitian, Italian, Mexican, Nigerian, Norwegian,

18  Syrian, Taiwanese, Ukranian, or any other nationality,

19  lineage, or country of origin, as specified by the applicant.

20         (j)  Primary language, if other than English.

21         (k)(h)  Sex.

22         (l)(i)  Party affiliation.

23         (m)(j)  Whether the applicant needs assistance in

24  voting.

25         (n)(k)  Name and address where last registered.

26         (o)(l)  Last four digits of the applicant's social

27  security number.

28         (p)(m)  Florida driver's license number or the

29  identification number from a Florida identification card

30  issued under s. 322.051.

31         (q)(n)  Telephone number (optional).


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  1         (r)(o)  Signature of applicant under penalty for false

  2  swearing pursuant to s. 104.011, by which the person

  3  subscribes to the oath required by s. 3, Art. VI of the State

  4  Constitution and s. 97.051, and swears or affirms that the

  5  information contained in the registration application is true.

  6         (s)(p)  Whether the application is being used for

  7  initial registration, to update a voter registration record,

  8  or to request a replacement registration identification card.

  9         (t)(q)  Whether the applicant is a citizen of the

10  United States.

11         (u)(r)  That the applicant has not been convicted of a

12  felony or, if convicted, has had his or her civil rights

13  restored.

14         (v)(s)  That the applicant has not been adjudicated

15  mentally incapacitated with respect to voting or, if so

16  adjudicated, has had his or her right to vote restored.


18  The registration form must be in plain language and designed

19  so that convicted felons whose civil rights have been restored

20  and persons who have been adjudicated mentally incapacitated

21  and have had their voting rights restored are not required to

22  reveal their prior conviction or adjudication.

23         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 97.061, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         97.061  Special registration for electors requiring

26  assistance.--

27         (1)  Any person who is eligible to register and who is

28  unable to read or write, whose primary language is other than

29  English, or who, because of some disability, needs assistance

30  in voting shall upon that person's request be registered by

31  the supervisor under the procedure prescribed by this section


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  1  and shall be entitled to receive assistance at the polls under

  2  the conditions prescribed by this section.

  3         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 97.071, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         97.071  Registration identification card.--

  6         (1)  A registration identification card must be

  7  furnished to all voters registering under the permanent single

  8  registration system and must contain:

  9         (a)  Voter's registration number.

10         (b)  Date of registration.

11         (c)  Full name.

12         (d)  Party affiliation.

13         (e)  Date of birth.

14         (f)  Race, ethnic origin, and ancestry or ethnicity, if

15  provided by the applicant.

16         (g)  Primary language, if other than English.

17         (h)(g)  Sex, if provided by the applicant.

18         (i)(h)  Address of legal residence.

19         (j)(i)  Precinct number.

20         (k)(j)  Signature of supervisor.

21         (l)(k)  Place for voter's signature.

22         (m)(l)  Other information deemed necessary by the

23  department.

24         Section 4.  Section 98.461, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         98.461  Registration form, precinct register;

27  contents.--A registration form, approved by the Department of

28  State, containing the information required in s. 97.052 shall

29  be filed alphabetically in the office of the supervisor as the

30  master list of electors of the county. However, the

31  registration forms may be microfilmed and such microfilms


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  1  substituted for the original registration forms; or, when

  2  voter registration information, including the voter's

  3  signature, is maintained digitally or on electronic, magnetic,

  4  or optic media, such stored information may be substituted for

  5  the original registration form. Such microfilms or stored

  6  information shall be retained in the custody of the supervisor

  7  of elections. In the event the original registration forms are

  8  microfilmed or maintained digitally or on electronic or other

  9  media, such originals may be destroyed in accordance with the

10  schedule approved by the Bureau of Archives and Records

11  Management of the Division of Library and Information Services

12  of the Department of State. As an alternative, the information

13  from the registration form, including the signature, may be

14  electronically reproduced and stored as provided in s. 98.451.

15  A computer printout may be used at the polls as a precinct

16  register in lieu of the registration books. The precinct

17  register shall contain the date of the election, the precinct

18  number, and the following information concerning each

19  registered elector: last name, first name, and middle name or

20  initial; party affiliation; residence address; registration

21  number; date of birth; sex, if provided; race, ethnic origin,

22  and ancestry, if provided; primary language, if other than

23  English; whether the voter needs assistance in voting; and

24  such other additional information as to readily identify the

25  elector. The precinct register may also contain a list of the

26  forms of identification, which must include, but is not

27  limited to, a Florida driver's license, a Florida

28  identification card issued under s. 322.051, or another form

29  of picture identification approved by the Department of State.

30  The precinct register may also contain a space for the

31  elector's signature, a space for the initials of the


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  1  witnessing clerk or inspector, and a space for the signature

  2  slip or ballot number.

  3         Section 5.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

  4  section 101.005, Florida Statutes, is created to read:

  5         101.005  Uniform statewide voting system and ballots.--

  6         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

  7  contrary, there shall be a uniform statewide voting system,

  8  beginning with the primary and general elections held in 2002.

  9  The uniform statewide voting system shall be the most

10  reliable, accurate, and secure marksense or optical scan

11  voting system certified by the department as of September 30,

12  2001, and may be updated for subsequent elections as needed.

13         (2)  The ballots used by the uniform statewide voting

14  system shall be uniform, to the extent practicable, and must

15  be approved by the department prior to use in any election.

16         (3)  The department may adopt rules pursuant to ss.

17  120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary to implement this section and

18  to specify both the standards for the uniform statewide voting

19  system, including those relating to software, hardware,

20  accuracy, and security, and the requirements for the ballots

21  used by such system, including those relating to the order and

22  manner of arrangement of the names of candidates and issues in

23  order to ensure consistency and those relating to the

24  placement of the voting squares in order to eliminate

25  confusion as to which name or issue a square belongs.

26         Section 6.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 101.051,

27  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

28         101.051  Electors seeking assistance in casting

29  ballots; oath to be executed; forms to be furnished.--

30         (1)(a)  Any elector applying to vote in any election

31  who requires assistance to vote by reason of blindness,


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  1  disability, or inability to read or write or because the

  2  elector's primary language is other than English may request

  3  the assistance of two election officials or some other person

  4  of the elector's own choice, other than the elector's

  5  employer, an agent of the employer, or an officer or agent of

  6  his or her union, to assist the elector in casting his or her

  7  vote.  Any such elector, before retiring to the voting booth,

  8  may have one of such persons read over to him or her, without

  9  suggestion or interference, the titles of the offices to be

10  filled and the candidates therefor and the issues on the

11  ballot.  After the elector requests the aid of the two

12  election officials or the person of the elector's choice, they

13  shall retire to the voting booth for the purpose of casting

14  the elector's vote according to the elector's choice.

15         (b)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a), any elector voting

16  for the first time may request assistance in voting under this

17  section.

18         (3)  Any elector applying to cast an absentee ballot in

19  the office of the supervisor, in any election, who requires

20  assistance to vote by reason of blindness, disability, or

21  inability to read or write or because the elector's primary

22  language is other than English may request the assistance of

23  some person of his or her own choice, other than the elector's

24  employer, an agent of the employer, or an officer or agent of

25  his or her union, in casting his or her absentee ballot.

26         Section 7.  Section 101.155, Florida Statutes, is

27  created to read:

28         101.155  Candidate colors or symbols on ballots.--Any

29  candidate who has secured a position on any ballot may have an

30  identifying color or symbol placed next to the candidate's

31  name on the ballot, provided the color or symbol has been


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  1  approved by the division within 14 days after the close of

  2  qualifying for the office sought.

  3         Section 8.  Section 101.2515, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         101.2515  Translation of ballot language, voter

  6  instructions, and registration and other voting materials.--

  7         (1)  Upon the request of a supervisor of elections made

  8  No later than 60 days prior to the date of a general election,

  9  the Department of State shall provide the supervisor of

10  elections of each affected county a written translation of a

11  statewide ballot issue in the language of any language

12  minority group making up more than 1 percent of the voting age

13  citizens in that county specified in the provisions of s. 203

14  of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, as applicable to

15  this state.

16         (2)  Whenever the supervisor of elections of any county

17  having a language minority group making up more than 1 percent

18  of the voting age citizens in any precinct in that county

19  provides any registration or voting notices, forms,

20  instructions, assistance, or other materials or information

21  relating to the electoral process, including ballots, the

22  supervisor shall provide them for that precinct in the

23  language of the applicable minority group as well as in

24  English.  However, if the language of the applicable minority

25  group is oral or unwritten or in the case of Alaskan natives

26  and American Indians, if the predominant language is

27  historically unwritten, the supervisor is only required to

28  furnish oral instructions, assistance, or other information

29  relating to registration and voting.

30         (3)  For purposes of this section, "language minority

31  group" means any group of citizens whose primary language is


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  1  other than English and who are unable to speak or understand

  2  English adequately enough to participate in the electoral

  3  process.

  4         Section 9.  Section 101.65, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         101.65  Instructions to absent electors.--The

  7  supervisor shall enclose with each absentee ballot separate

  8  printed instructions in substantially the following form:



11         1.  VERY IMPORTANT.  In order to ensure that your

12  absentee ballot will be counted, it should be completed and

13  returned as soon as possible so that it can reach the

14  supervisor of elections of the county in which your precinct

15  is located no later than 7 p.m. on the day of the election.

16         2.  Mark your ballot in secret as instructed on the

17  ballot. You must mark your own ballot unless you are unable to

18  do so because of blindness, disability, or inability to read

19  or write or because your primary language is other than

20  English.

21         3.  Place your marked ballot in the enclosed secrecy

22  envelope.

23         4.  Insert the secrecy envelope into the enclosed

24  mailing envelope which is addressed to the supervisor.

25         5.  Seal the mailing envelope and completely fill out

26  the Voter's Certificate on the back of the mailing envelope.

27         6.  VERY IMPORTANT.  In order for your absentee ballot

28  to be counted, you must sign your name on the line above

29  (Voter's Signature), place the last four digits of your Social

30  Security number in the space provided, and your ballot must be

31  witnessed in either of the following manners:


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  1         a.  One witness, who is a registered voter in the

  2  state, must affix his or her signature, printed name, address,

  3  voter identification number, and county of registration on the

  4  voter's certificate. Each witness is limited to witnessing

  5  five ballots per election unless certified as an absentee

  6  ballot coordinator. A candidate may not serve as an attesting

  7  witness.

  8         b.  Any notary or other officer entitled to administer

  9  oaths or any Florida supervisor of elections or deputy

10  supervisor of elections, other than a candidate, may serve as

11  an attesting witness.

12         7.  Mail, deliver, or have delivered the completed

13  mailing envelope. Be sure there is sufficient postage if

14  mailed.

15         8.  FELONY NOTICE. It is a felony under Florida law to

16  accept any gift, payment, or gratuity in exchange for your

17  vote for a candidate. It is also a felony under Florida law to

18  vote in an election using a false identity or false address,

19  or under any other circumstances making your ballot false or

20  fraudulent.

21         Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 101.661, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         101.661  Voting absentee ballots.--All electors must

24  personally mark or designate their choices on the absentee

25  ballot, except:

26         (1)  Electors who require assistance to vote because of

27  blindness, disability, or inability to read or write or

28  because the elector's primary language is other than English,

29  who may have some person of the elector's choice, other than

30  the elector's employer, an agent of the employer, or an

31  officer or agent of the elector's union, mark the elector's


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  1  choices or assist the elector in marking his or her choices on

  2  the ballot.

  3         Section 11.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

  4  act shall take effect January 1, 2002.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises the information required to be elicited on the
  9    uniform statewide voter registration application and the
      information voter registration cards and precinct
10    registers are required to contain, to include more
      specific information on race, ethnic origin, and ancestry
11    and information on primary languages other than English.

      Authorizes special registration for electors requiring
13    assistance in voting because their primary language is
      other than English, and authorizes assistance in voting
14    for such electors.  Authorizes absent electors whose
      primary language is other than English to allow certain
15    other persons to mark or assist in marking their absentee
      ballots, and revises instructions to absent electors
16    relating to the requirement to personally mark the
      absentee ballot unless exempted by reason of needing
17    assistance, to conform.

      Provides for a uniform statewide voting system and
19    ballots, beginning with the primary and general elections
      held in 2002, and requires the voting system to be a
20    marksense or optical scan system.  Provides rulemaking
      authority to the Department of State to implement and
21    adopt standards for the system, including ballot

23    Authorizes identifying colors or symbols to be placed on
      the ballot next to candidate names, subject to prior
24    approval by the Division of Elections of the Department
      of State.

26    Provides for translation of ballot language, voter
      instructions, and registration and other voting materials
27    under certain circumstances.  See bill for details.






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