House Bill hb1743

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1743

        By the Fiscal Responsibility Council and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the elimination of the

  3         Juvenile Justice Advisory Board; repealing s.

  4         985.401, F.S., which created the Juvenile

  5         Justice Advisory Board; amending ss. 20.316,

  6         216.136, 985.227, 985.315, 985.317, and

  7         985.404, F.S., to remove references to the

  8         Juvenile Justice Advisory Board; providing an

  9         effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 985.401, Florida Statutes, is

14  repealed.

15         Section 2.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of section

16  20.316, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         20.316  Department of Juvenile Justice.--There is

18  created a Department of Juvenile Justice.

19         (4)  INFORMATION SYSTEMS.--

20         (d)  The management information system shall, at a

21  minimum:

22         1.  Facilitate case management of juveniles referred to

23  or placed in the department's custody.

24         2.  Provide timely access to current data and computing

25  capacity to support the outcome evaluation activities of the

26  Juvenile Justice Advisory Board as provided in s. 985.401,

27  legislative oversight, the Juvenile Justice Estimating

28  Conference, and other research.

29         3.  Provide automated support to the quality assurance

30  and program review functions.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1743


  1         4.  Provide automated support to the contract

  2  management process.

  3         5.  Provide automated support to the facility

  4  operations management process.

  5         6.  Provide automated administrative support to

  6  increase efficiency, provide the capability of tracking

  7  expenditures of funds by the department or contracted service

  8  providers that are eligible for federal reimbursement, and

  9  reduce forms and paperwork.

10         7.  Facilitate connectivity, access, and utilization of

11  information among various state agencies, and other state,

12  federal, local, and private agencies, organizations, and

13  institutions.

14         8.  Provide electronic public access to juvenile

15  justice information, which is not otherwise made confidential

16  by law or exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

17         9.  Provide a system for the training of information

18  system users and user groups.

19         Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (8) of section

20  216.136, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         216.136  Consensus estimating conferences; duties and

22  principals.--


24         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

25  the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, and

26  professional staff who have forecasting expertise from the

27  Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Children and

28  Family Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program

29  Offices, the Department of Law Enforcement, the Senate

30  Appropriations Committee staff, the House of Representatives

31  Appropriations Committee staff, or their designees, are the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1743


  1  principals of the Juvenile Justice Estimating Conference. The

  2  responsibility of presiding over sessions of the conference

  3  shall be rotated among the principals. To facilitate policy

  4  and legislative recommendations, the conference may call upon

  5  professional staff of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board and

  6  appropriate legislative staff.

  7         Section 4.  Subsection (4) of section 985.227, Florida

  8  Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         985.227  Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the

10  direct filing of an information in the criminal division of

11  the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory

12  criteria.--

13         (4)  DIRECT-FILE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES.--Each state

14  attorney shall develop written policies and guidelines to

15  govern determinations for filing an information on a juvenile,

16  to be submitted to the Executive Office of the Governor, the

17  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

18  Representatives, and the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board not

19  later than January 1 of each year.

20         Section 5.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

21  985.315, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         985.315  Educational/technical and vocational

23  work-related programs.--

24         (4)

25         (b)  Evaluations of juvenile educational/technical and

26  vocational work-related programs shall be conducted according

27  to the following guidelines:

28         1.  Systematic evaluations and quality assurance

29  monitoring shall be implemented, in accordance with s. ss.

30  985.401(4) and 985.412(1), to determine whether the programs

31  are related to successful postrelease adjustments.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1743


  1         2.  Operations and policies of the programs shall be

  2  reevaluated to determine if they are consistent with their

  3  primary objectives.

  4         Section 6.  Subsection (5) of section 985.317, Florida

  5  Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         985.317  Literacy programs for juvenile offenders.--

  7         (5)  EVALUATION AND REPORT.--The Juvenile Justice

  8  Advisory Board shall evaluate the literacy program outcomes as

  9  part of its annual evaluation of program outcomes under s.

10  985.401. The department, in consultation with the Department

11  of Education, shall develop and implement an evaluation of the

12  literacy program in order to determine the impact of the

13  programs on recidivism. The department shall submit an annual

14  report on the implementation and progress of the programs to

15  the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

16  Representatives by January 1 of each year.

17         Section 7.  Subsection (11) of section 985.404, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         985.404  Administering the juvenile justice

20  continuum.--

21         (11)(a)  The Department of Juvenile Justice, in

22  consultation with the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board, the

23  Office of Economic and Demographic Research, and contract

24  service providers, shall develop a cost-effectiveness model

25  and apply the model to each commitment program. Program

26  recommitment rates shall be a component of the model.  The

27  cost-effectiveness model shall compare program costs to client

28  outcomes and program outputs.  It is the intent of the

29  Legislature that continual development efforts take place to

30  improve the validity and reliability of the cost-effectiveness

31  model and to integrate the standard methodology developed


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  1  under s. 985.401(4) for interpreting program outcome

  2  evaluations.

  3         (b)  The department shall rank commitment programs

  4  based on the cost-effectiveness model and shall submit a

  5  report to the appropriate substantive and fiscal committees of

  6  each house of the Legislature by December 31 of each year.

  7         (c)  Based on reports of the Juvenile Justice Advisory

  8  Board on client outcomes and program outputs and on the

  9  department's most recent cost-effectiveness rankings, the

10  department may terminate a program operated by the department

11  or a provider if the program has failed to achieve a minimum

12  threshold of program effectiveness. This paragraph does not

13  preclude the department from terminating a contract as

14  provided under s. 985.412 or as otherwise provided by law or

15  contract, and does not limit the department's authority to

16  enter into or terminate a contract.

17         (d)  In collaboration with the Juvenile Justice

18  Advisory Board, the Office of Economic and Demographic

19  Research, and contract service providers, the department shall

20  develop a work plan to refine the cost-effectiveness model so

21  that the model is consistent with the performance-based

22  program budgeting measures approved by the Legislature to the

23  extent the department deems appropriate. The department shall

24  notify the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government

25  Accountability of any meetings to refine the model.

26         (e)  Contingent upon specific appropriation, the

27  department, in consultation with the Juvenile Justice Advisory

28  Board, the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, and

29  contract service providers, shall:

30         1.  Construct a profile of each commitment program that

31  uses the results of the quality assurance report required by


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  1  s. 985.412, the outcome evaluation report compiled by the

  2  Juvenile Justice Advisory Board under s. 985.401, the

  3  cost-effectiveness report required in this subsection, and

  4  other reports available to the department.

  5         2.  Target, for a more comprehensive evaluation, any

  6  commitment program that has achieved consistently high, low,

  7  or disparate ratings in the reports required under

  8  subparagraph 1.

  9         3.  Identify the essential factors that contribute to

10  the high, low, or disparate program ratings.

11         4.  Use the results of these evaluations in developing

12  or refining juvenile justice programs or program models,

13  client outcomes and program outputs, provider contracts,

14  quality assurance standards, and the cost-effectiveness model.

15         Section 8.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


17            *****************************************

18                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Eliminates the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board.













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