House Bill hb0179e1

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                                     CS/CS/HB 179, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to child care facilities;

  3         amending s. 402.3055, F.S.; requiring

  4         validation of information provided by an

  5         applicant for a child care facility license;

  6         creating s. 402.3105, F.S.; requiring the

  7         Department of Children and Family Services to

  8         establish a database of information relating to

  9         violations, citations, and penalties imposed

10         against child care facilities regulated by the

11         state; providing duties of the State Technology

12         Office; specifying database capabilities and

13         uses of information contained therein;

14         requiring the department to establish and

15         impose uniform penalties; providing that

16         implementation is not subject to an

17         appropriation; amending s. 409.146, F.S.,

18         relating to children and families client and

19         management information; deleting obsolete

20         language; amending s. 402.301, F.S., specifying

21         which membership organizations are not

22         considered child care facilities; providing an

23         effective date.


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

28  402.3055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

29         402.3055  Child care personnel requirements.--




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                                     CS/CS/HB 179, First Engrossed

  1         (a)  The department or local licensing agency shall

  2  require that the application for a child care license contain

  3  a question that specifically asks the applicant, owner, or

  4  operator if he or she has ever had a license denied, revoked,

  5  or suspended in any state or jurisdiction or has been the

  6  subject of a disciplinary action or been fined while employed

  7  in a child care facility. The applicant, owner, or operator

  8  shall sign an affidavit attesting attest to the accuracy of

  9  the information requested under penalty of perjury.

10         1.  If the applicant, owner, or operator admits that he

11  or she has been a party in such action, the department or

12  local licensing agency shall review the nature of the

13  suspension, revocation, disciplinary action, or fine before

14  granting the applicant a license to operate a child care

15  facility.

16         2.  If the applicant, owner, or operator denies that he

17  or she has been a party in such action in Florida, the

18  department or local licensing agency shall validate the

19  information provided by reviewing statewide child care

20  licensing records to determine if the applicant has had a

21  license denied, revoked, or suspended or has been the subject

22  of a disciplinary action or been fined while employed in a

23  child care facility prior to issuing a license.

24         3.  If the department or local licensing agency

25  determines as the result of such review that it is not in the

26  best interest of the state or local jurisdiction for the

27  applicant to be licensed, a license shall not be granted.

28         Section 2.  Section 402.3105, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         402.3105  Central database on violations, citations,

31  and penalties imposed against child care facilities.--The


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                                     CS/CS/HB 179, First Engrossed

  1  Department of Children and Family Services shall establish and

  2  maintain a central database to record and compile all district

  3  information relating to violations, citations, and penalties

  4  imposed against child care facilities regulated by the

  5  department. The database shall be designed by the State

  6  Technology Office, in consultation with the department

  7  pursuant to chapter 282, and the department shall implement,

  8  operate, and maintain the system in accordance with the

  9  policies and procedures established by the office. The

10  database shall be operated in a manner that enables the

11  department to identify and locate such information for

12  purposes of monitoring and evaluating the uniformity and

13  effectiveness of district investigations and enforcement, in

14  order to ensure compliance of child care facilities with state

15  regulatory requirements. The database shall further maintain

16  and produce aggregate statistical reports monitoring patterns

17  of violations, citations, and penalties, including the classes

18  and types of violations, and any actions taken to suspend or

19  revoke the license of a child care facility. The information

20  in the database shall serve as a resource for the evaluation

21  of child care facilities for license renewal but may not be

22  used for employment screening. The information in the database

23  shall be made available to the public upon request.

24         Section 3.  The Department of Children and Family

25  Services shall establish and impose uniform penalties for

26  violations of ss. 402.301-402.319, Florida Statutes, and rules

27  adopted thereunder.

28         Section 4.  Upon the effective date of this act, the

29  Department of Children and Family Services shall implement the

30  provisions of this act relating to compilation, maintenance,

31  and availability of data, public access thereto, and uniform


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                                     CS/CS/HB 179, First Engrossed

  1  penalties, and such implementation shall not be subject to an

  2  appropriation.

  3         Section 5.  Subsection (9) of section 409.146, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         409.146  Children and families client and management

  6  information system.--

  7         (9)  The Department of Children and Family Services

  8  shall provide an annual report to the Joint Information

  9  Technology Resources Committee. The committee shall review the

10  report and shall forward the report, along with its comments,

11  to the appropriate substantive and appropriations committees

12  of the House of Representatives and the Senate delineating the

13  development status of the system and other information

14  necessary for funding and policy formulation. In developing

15  the system, the Department of Children and Family Services

16  shall consider and report on the availability of, and the

17  costs associated with using, existing software and systems,

18  including, but not limited to, those that are operational in

19  other states, to meet the requirements of this section. The

20  department shall also consider and report on the compatibility

21  of such existing software and systems with an integrated

22  management information system. The report shall be submitted

23  no later than December 1 of each year.

24         Section 6.  Subsection (6) of section 402.301, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         402.301  Child care facilities; legislative intent and

27  declaration of purpose and policy.--It is the legislative

28  intent to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the

29  children of the state and to promote their emotional and

30  intellectual development and care.  Toward that end:



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                                     CS/CS/HB 179, First Engrossed

  1         (1)  It is the purpose of ss. 402.301-402.319 to

  2  establish statewide minimum standards for the care and

  3  protection of children in child care facilities, to ensure

  4  maintenance of these standards, and to approve county

  5  administration and enforcement to regulate conditions in such

  6  facilities through a program of licensing.

  7         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature that all

  8  owners, operators, and child care personnel shall be of good

  9  moral character.

10         (3)  It shall be the policy of the state to ensure

11  protection of children and to encourage child care providers

12  and parents to share responsibility for and to assist in the

13  improvement of child care programs.

14         (4)  It shall be the policy of the state to promote

15  public and private employer initiatives to establish day care

16  services for their employees.

17         (5)  It is the further legislative intent that the

18  freedom of religion of all citizens shall be inviolate.

19  Nothing in ss. 402.301-402.319 shall give any governmental

20  agency jurisdiction or authority to regulate, supervise, or in

21  any way be involved in any Sunday School, Sabbath School, or

22  religious services or any nursery service or other program

23  conducted during religious or church services primarily for

24  the convenience of those attending such services.

25         (6)  It is further the intent that membership

26  organizations that do not provide child care for school-age

27  children for more than four hours per day, and are affiliated

28  with national organizations which do not provide child care,

29  whose primary purpose is providing activities that contribute

30  to the development of good character or good sportsmanship or

31  to the education or cultural development of minors in this


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                                     CS/CS/HB 179, First Engrossed

  1  state, which charge only a nominal annual membership fee,

  2  which are not for profit, and which are certified by their

  3  national associations as being in compliance with the

  4  association's minimum standards and procedures, shall not be

  5  considered child care facilities and therefore, their

  6  personnel shall not be required to be screened. Care for

  7  children under the age of Kindergarten is considered child

  8  care and is subject to the provisions of s. 402.301 through

  9  402.19.

10         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

11  law.






















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