990046                                                            No.  59

                               CHAMBER ACTION
           SENATE                     .                    HOUSE
                                                   ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW


Representative(s): Joyner, Gottlieb, Stansel, Gelber, Heyman, Henriquez, 
Rich, and Romeo
offered the following amendment:

In Section: 03 On Page: 046 Specific Appropriation:  237
Transfers $37 million in the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund from the
District Lottery and School Recognition Program to the Florida Resident
Access Grant to replace $37 million in General Revenue, which is then
transfered to the Agency for Health Care Administration to restore Medicaid
Adult Dental, Visual and Hearing services.
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Health Care Services
        Executive Direction And Support Services

        In Section 03  On Page 046
237     Special Categories
        Medicaid Fiscal Contract

          From General Revenue Fund               11,492,667     11,585,538
          From Administrative Trust Fund          36,049,942     36,257,137
          From Refugee Assistance Trust Fund         100,480        106,666

        Medicaid Services To Individuals

        In Section 03  On Page 047
242     Special Categories
        Adult Dental, Visual And Hearing Services

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          From General Revenue Fund                              13,721,034
          From Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund                      2,000,000
          From Medical Care Trust Fund                           20,377,783
          From Refugee Assistance Trust Fund                        584,116

Immediately following Specific Appropriation  242, INSERT:

Funds in Specific Appropriation 242 shall provide services to
individuals, including individuals over 21 years of age, who qualify to
receive adult dental, visual and hearing services under the state
Medicaid program.

        Public Schools, Division Of
        Program: State Grants/K-12 Programs - 

        In Section 01  On Page 001
4A      Aid To Local Governments
        Grants And Aids - District Lottery And 
        School Recognition Program

          From Educational Enhancement Trust     280,609,000    243,609,000

DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation    4A:

a)   One  half  of  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  4A shall be
allocated  by  prorating  the  amount   of  the  appropriation  on  each
district's  K-12  base funding entitlement.  Prior to the expenditure of
these  funds, each district shall establish policies and procedures that
define enhancement and the types of expenditures that will be consistent
with  that  definition. From the portion of  funds allocated pursuant to
this  paragraph,  school boards must allocate, not later than October 1,
2001,  at  least  $10  per  unweighted  FTE  student  to  be used at the
discretion of the school advisory council or, in the absence of such, at
the  discretion  of  the  staff and parents of the school.  A portion of
these  funds shall be used for implementing the school improvement plan.
The  improvement  plan  shall  include  performance indicators which are
measurable.  Funding  for  use  by the school advisory councils shall be
allocated  directly  to  the  school  advisory  councils  and  shall  be
earmarked  for  the  councils'  use.  Council  funds  are not subject to
override by the principal or interim approvals by school district staff.
Council  funds must be accounted for and are subject to being audited on
a yearly basis.

b)   The   remaining   one  half  of  the  funds  provided  in  Specific
Appropriation  4A  shall  be  used  to fund financial awards pursuant to
provisions  of  s.  231.2905,  F.S.,  relating  to  the  Florida  School
Recognition  Program,  and  to fund the provisions of s. 236.08106, F.S.
relating  to  the  Excellent  Teaching  Program.  Funds  for  the School

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Recognition  Program  shall be awarded by the Commissioner in the amount
of   $100  per  student  in  each  qualifying  school.  From  the  funds
appropriated  in  Specific  Appropriations  4A and 127, payment shall be
made to school districts in the amount of the employer's share of Social
Security  and  Medicare taxes (7.65%) for those teachers who qualify for
national  board  certification and receive bonus amounts consistent with
the provisions of s. 236.08106, F.S.

c)  Any funds remaining after the obligations in paragraph (b) have been
fully  met  shall  be  allocated  to all school districts as provided in
paragraph  (a),  and shall be subject to the expenditure requirements of
that paragraph.

The  Commissioner  of  Education  shall  develop  a  process  such  that
estimated  payments  for  the  School  Recognition program and Excellent
Teaching  program  shall be determined by December 31, 2001, so that the
balance of funds shall be allocated for the District Lottery program.

and insert in lieu thereof:

a)   $140,304,500 of  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  4A shall
be allocated  by  prorating  the  amount   of  the  appropriation  on 
each district's  K-12  base funding entitlement.  Prior to the
expenditure of these  funds, each district shall establish policies and
procedures that define enhancement and the types of expenditures that
will be consistent with  that  definition. From the portion of  funds
allocated pursuant to this  paragraph,  school boards must allocate, not
later than October 1, 2001,  at  least  $10  per  unweighted  FTE 
student  to  be used at the discretion of the school advisory council
or, in the absence of such, at the  discretion  of  the  staff and
parents of the school.  A portion of these  funds shall be used for
implementing the school improvement plan.  The  improvement  plan  shall
 include  performance indicators which are measurable.  Funding  for 
use  by the school advisory councils shall be allocated  directly  to 
the  school  advisory  councils  and  shall  be earmarked  for  the 
councils'  use.  Council  funds  are not subject to override by the
principal or interim approvals by school district staff. Council  funds
must be accounted for and are subject to being audited on a yearly

b)   $103,304,500 of  the  funds  provided  in  Specific
Appropriation  4A  shall  be  used  to fund the provisions of s.
236.08106, F.S. relating  to  the  Excellent  Teaching  Program.  From 
the  funds appropriated  in  Specific  Appropriations  4A and 127,
payment shall be made to school districts in the amount of the
employer's share of Social Security  and  Medicare taxes (7.65%) for
those teachers who qualify for national  board  certification and
receive bonus amounts consistent with the provisions of s. 236.08106,

c)  Any funds remaining after the obligations in paragraph (b) have been
fully  met  shall  be  allocated  to all school districts as provided in

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paragraph  (a),  and shall be subject to the expenditure requirements of
that paragraph.

The  Commissioner  of  Education  shall  develop  a  process  such  that
estimated  payments  for  the  Excellent Teaching  program  shall be
determined by December 31, 2001, so that the balance of funds shall be
allocated for the District Lottery program.

        Program: Private Colleges And 

        In Section 02  On Page 014
78      Special Categories
        Florida Resident Access Grant

          From General Revenue Fund               70,830,388     33,830,388
          From Educational Enhancement Trust                     37,000,000

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.

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