hbd-27                              Bill No. HB 1811, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___ (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
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11  The Procedural & Redistricting Council offered the following:
13         Technical Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 51, lines 19 & 20,
15  remove from the bill:  all of said lines
17  and insert in lieu thereof:  
18         Section 27.  Section 282.322, Florida Statutes, is
19  amended to read:
20         282.322  Special monitoring process for designated
21  information resources management projects.
23         and on page 57, lines 12 & 13,
24  remove from the bill:  all of said lines
26  and insert in lieu thereof:  
27         Section 33.  Subsection (6) is added to section 11.90,
28  Florida Statutes, to read:
    File original & 9 copies    04/30/01                          
    hbd0005                     11:18 am         01811-prc -780059

HOUSE AMENDMENT hbd-27 Bill No. HB 1811, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT) 1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 2 And the title is amended as follows: 3 On page 2, lines 7 through 21, 4 remove from the title of the bill: all of said lines 5 6 and insert in lieu thereof: 7 amending s. 216.0446, F.S.; relating to review 8 of agency information resources management 9 needs; providing that the Technology Review 10 Workgroup and the State Technology Office shall 11 independently review specified long-range 12 program plans and make recommendations with 13 respect thereto; providing reporting 14 requirements; revising powers and duties of the 15 Technology Review Workgroup; amending s. 16 216.181, F.S.; relating to approved budgets for 17 operations and fixed capital outlay; providing 18 requirements with respect to an amendment to 19 the original operating budget for specified 20 information technology projects or initiatives; 21 22 and on page 3, lines 9 through 14, 23 remove from the title of the bill: all of said lines 24 25 and insert in lieu thereof: 26 matters within the state; providing that the 27 office shall take no action with respect to 28 specified information technology and 29 information technology personnel deemed 30 necessary by cabinet officers; amending and 31 renumbering s. 2 File original & 9 copies 04/30/01 hbd0005 11:18 am 01811-prc -780059
HOUSE AMENDMENT hbd-27 Bill No. HB 1811, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT) 1 2 On page 6, lines 22 through 25, 3 remove from the title of the bill: all of said lines 4 5 and insert in lieu thereof: 6 State Technology Office; amending s. 11.90, 7 F.S.; requiring the Legislative Budgeting 8 Commission to review specified information 9 resources management needs, State Technology 10 Office policies, and specified budget 11 amendments; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 File original & 9 copies 04/30/01 hbd0005 11:18 am 01811-prc -780059