House Bill hb1821er

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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed


  2         An act relating to state retirement

  3         contributions; amending ss. 121.052, 121.055,

  4         121.071, and 121.40, F.S.; changing

  5         contribution rates for specified classes and

  6         subclasses; amending ss. 121.35, 121.051,

  7         121.055, and 240.3195, F.S.; changing employer

  8         contribution rates for participants in the

  9         State University System optional retirement

10         program, the Community College optional

11         retirement program, and the Senior Management

12         Service optional annuity program; providing

13         legislative intent; recognizing excess

14         actuarial assets to fund costs and rate

15         reductions; reducing certain contribution

16         rates; repealing s. 20 of ch. 2000-169, Laws of

17         Florida, relating to increasing contributions

18         rates; amending s. 112.363, 121.052, 121.055,

19         and 121.071, F.S.; changing the employer

20         contribution for the retiree health insurance

21         subsidy; amending s. 121.571, F.S.; adding

22         cross references; providing a finding of

23         important state interest; providing an

24         effective date.


26  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


28         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section

29  121.052, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         121.052  Membership class of elected officers.--

31         (7)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1         (a)  The following table states the required retirement

  2  contribution rates for members of the Elected Officers' Class

  3  and their employers in terms of a percentage of the member's

  4  gross compensation. A change in a contribution rate is

  5  effective with the first salary paid on or after the beginning

  6  date of the change. Contributions shall be made or deducted as

  7  may be appropriate for each pay period and are in addition to

  8  the contributions required for social security and the Retiree

  9  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.


11  Dates of Contribution

12    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


14  July 1, 1972, through September 30, 1977

15    Legislators                                 8%           8%

16    All Other Members                           8%           8%


18  October 1, 1977, through September 30, 1978

19    Legislators                                 8%           8%

20    All Other Members                           4%          12%


22  October 1, 1978, through September 30, 1979

23    Legislators                                 8%       10.57%

24    All Other Members                           4%       16.78%


26  October 1, 1979, through September 30, 1981

27    Legislators                                 8%       10.57%

28    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

29      Officers                                  4%       16.78%

30    All Other Members                           0%       20.78%



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  July 1, 1981, through June 30, 1984

  2    County Elected Officers                     0%       19.30%


  4  July 1, 1984, through September 30, 1984

  5    County Elected Officers                     0%       20.25%


  7  October 1, 1981, through September 30, 1984

  8    Legislators                                 0%       19.30%

  9    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

10      Officers                                  0%       21.03%

11    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       20.95%

12    Justices, Judges                            0%       22.55%


14  October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1986

15    Legislators                                 0%       10.98%

16    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

17      Officers                                  0%       10.98%

18    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       10.98%

19    Justices, Judges                            0%       21.79%

20    County Elected Officers                     0%       16.97%


22  October 1, 1986, through December 31, 1988

23    Legislators                                 0%       11.50%

24    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

25      Officers                                  0%       11.50%

26    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       11.50%

27    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.94%

28    County Elected Officers                     0%       17.19%


30  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1989

31    Legislators                                 0%       13.70%


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  2      Officers                                  0%       13.70%

  3    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       13.70%

  4    Justices, Judges                            0%       22.58%

  5    County Elected Officers                     0%       18.44%


  7  January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1990

  8    Legislators                                 0%       15.91%

  9    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

10      Officers                                  0%       15.91%

11    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       15.91%

12    Justices, Judges                            0%       24.22%

13    County Elected Officers                     0%       19.71%


15  January 1, 1991, through December 31, 1991

16    Legislators                                 0%       17.73%

17    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

18      Officers                                  0%       17.73%

19    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       17.73%

20    Justices, Judges                            0%       26.63%

21    County Elected Officers                     0%       23.32%


23  January 1, 1992, through December 31, 1992

24    Legislators                                 0%       19.94%

25    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

26      Officers                                  0%       19.94%

27    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       19.94%

28    Justices, Judges                            0%       28.27%

29    County Elected Officers                     0%       24.59%


31  January 1, 1993, through December 31, 1993


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1    Legislators                                 0%       22.14%

  2    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  3      Officers                                  0%       22.14%

  4    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.14%

  5    Justices, Judges                            0%       29.91%

  6    County Elected Officers                     0%       25.84%


  8  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994

  9    Legislators                                 0%       22.65%

10    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

11      Officers                                  0%       22.65%

12    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.65%

13    Justices, Judges                            0%       30.52%

14    County Elected Officers                     0%       26.07%


16  January 1, 1995, through December 31, 1995

17    Legislators                                 0%       22.80%

18    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

19      Officers                                  0%       22.80%

20    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.80%

21    Justices, Judges                            0%       30.21%

22    County Elected Officers                     0%       27.48%


24  January 1, 1996, through June 30, 1996

25    Legislators                                 0%       22.90%

26    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

27      Officers                                  0%       22.90%

28    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.90%

29    Justices, Judges                            0%       30.15%

30    County Elected Officers                     0%       27.54%



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  July 1, 1996, through June 30, 1998

  2    Legislators                                 0%       23.07%

  3    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  4      Officers                                  0%       23.07%

  5    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       23.07%

  6    Justices, Judges                            0%       29.55%

  7    County Elected Officers                     0%       27.33%


  9  July 1, 1998, through June 30, 1999

10    Legislators                                 0%       22.33%

11    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

12      Officers                                  0%       22.33%

13    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.33%

14    Justices, Judges                            0%       27.21%

15    County Elected Officers                     0%       26.99%


17  Effective July 1, 1999

18    Legislators                                 0%       14.31%

19    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

20      Officers                                  0%       14.31%

21    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       14.31%

22    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.48%

23    County Elected Officers                     0%       17.05%


25  Effective July 1, 2001

26    Legislators                                 0%       15.14%

27    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

28    Officers                                    0%       15.14%

29    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       15.14%

30    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.61%

31    County Elected Officers                     0%       17.61%


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed


  2         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

  3  121.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  4         121.055  Senior Management Service Class.--There is

  5  hereby established a separate class of membership within the

  6  Florida Retirement System to be known as the "Senior

  7  Management Service Class," which shall become effective

  8  February 1, 1987.

  9         (3)(a)  The following table states the required

10  retirement contribution rates for members of the Senior

11  Management Service Class and their employers in terms of a

12  percentage of the member's gross compensation. A change in the

13  contribution rate is effective with the first salary paid on

14  or after the beginning date of the change.  Contributions

15  shall be made for each pay period and are in addition to the

16  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

17  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.


19  Dates of Contribution

20    Rate Changes                          Members   Employers


22  February 1, 1987, through

23    December 31, 1988                       0%       13.88%

24  January 1, 1989, through

25    December 31, 1989                       0%       14.95%

26  January 1, 1990, through

27    December 31, 1990                       0%       16.04%

28  January 1, 1991, through

29    December 31, 1991                       0%       18.39%

30  January 1, 1992, through

31    December 31, 1992                       0%       19.48%


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  January 1, 1993, through

  2    December 31, 1993                       0%       20.55%

  3  January 1, 1994, through

  4    December 31, 1994                       0%       23.07%

  5  January 1, 1995, through

  6    December 31, 1995                       0%       23.88%

  7  January 1, 1996, through

  8    June 30, 1996                           0%       24.14%

  9  July 1, 1996, through

10    June 30, 1998                           0%       21.58%

11  July 1, 1998, through

12    June 30, 1999                           0%       23.10%

13  Effective July 1, 1999

14                                            0%       11.19%

15  Effective July 1, 2001                    0%       11.73%


17         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 121.071, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         121.071  Contributions.--Contributions to the system

20  shall be made as follows:

21         (1)  The following tables state the required retirement

22  contribution rates for members of the Regular Class, Special

23  Risk Class, or Special Risk Administrative Support Class and

24  their employers in terms of a percentage of the member's gross

25  compensation.  A change in a contribution rate is effective

26  with the first salary paid on or after the beginning date of

27  the change. Contributions shall be made or deducted as may be

28  appropriate for each pay period and are in addition to the

29  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

30  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1         (a)  Retirement contributions for regular members are

  2  as follows:


  4  Dates of Contribution

  5    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


  7  December 1, 1970, through December

  8    31, 1974, for state agencies, state

  9    universities, community colleges,

10    and district school boards                  4%           4%


12  December 1, 1970, through September

13    30, 1975, for all other local

14    government agencies                         4%           4%


16  January 1, 1975, through September

17    30, 1978, for state agencies and

18    state universities                          0%           9%


20  January 1, 1975, through July 31,

21    1978, for community colleges and

22    district school boards                      0%           9%


24  October 1, 1975, through September

25    30, 1978, for all other local

26    government agencies                         0%           9%


28  August 1, 1978, through September 30,

29    1981, for community colleges and

30    district school boards                      0%         9.1%



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed


  2  October 1, 1978, through September

  3    30, 1981, for all other agencies            0%         9.1%


  5  October 1, 1981, through

  6    September 30, 1984                          0%       10.93%

  7  October 1, 1984, through

  8    September 30, 1986                          0%       12.24%

  9  October 1, 1986, through

10    December 31, 1988                           0%       13.14%

11  January 1, 1989, through

12    December 31, 1989                           0%       13.90%

13  January 1, 1990, through

14    December 31, 1990                           0%       14.66%

15  January 1, 1991, through

16    December 31, 1991                           0%       15.72%

17  January 1, 1992, through

18    December 31, 1992                           0%       16.51%

19  January 1, 1993, through

20    December 31, 1993                           0%       17.27%

21  January 1, 1994, through

22    December 31, 1994                           0%       17.10%

23  January 1, 1995, through

24    December 31, 1995                           0%       16.91%

25  January 1, 1996, through

26    June 30, 1996                               0%       17.00%

27  July 1, 1996, through

28    June 30, 1998                               0%       16.77%

29  July 1, 1998, through

30    June 30, 1999                               0%       15.51%

31  Effective July 1, 1999


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1                                                0%        9.21%

  2  Effective July 1, 2001                        0%        9.91%


  4         (b)  Retirement contributions for special risk members

  5  are as follows:


  7  Dates of Contribution

  8    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


10  December 1, 1970, through

11    September 30, 1974                          6%           6%


13  October 1, 1974, through December 31,

14    1974, for state agencies, state

15    universities, community colleges,

16    and district school boards                  8%           8%


18  October 1, 1974, through September

19    30, 1975, for all other local

20    government agencies                         8%           8%


22  January 1, 1975, through September

23    30, 1978, for state agencies, state

24    universities, community colleges,

25    and district school boards                  0%          13%


27  October 1, 1975, through September

28    30, 1978, for other local

29    government agencies                         0%          13%


31  October 1, 1978, through


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1    September 30, 1981                          0%       13.95%

  2  October 1, 1981, through

  3    September 30, 1984                          0%       13.91%

  4  October 1, 1984, through

  5    September 30, 1986                          0%       14.67%

  6  October 1, 1986, through

  7    December 31, 1988                           0%       15.11%

  8  January 1, 1989, through

  9    December 31, 1989                           0%       17.50%

10  January 1, 1990, through

11    December 31, 1990                           0%       19.90%

12  January 1, 1991, through

13    December 31, 1991                           0%       25.52%

14  January 1, 1992, through

15    December 31, 1992                           0%       26.35%

16  January 1, 1993, through

17    December 31, 1993                           0%       27.14%

18  January 1, 1994, through

19    December 31, 1994                           0%       27.03%

20  January 1, 1995, through

21    December 31, 1995                           0%       26.83%

22  January 1, 1996, through

23    June 30, 1996                               0%       26.84%

24  July 1, 1996, through

25    June 30, 1998                               0%       26.44%

26  July 1, 1998, through

27    June 30, 1999                               0%       24.38%

28  July 1, 1999, through

29    June 30, 2000                               0%       20.22%

30  Effective July 1, 2000

31                                                0%       20.35%


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  Effective July 1, 2001                        0%       22.07%


  3         (c)  Retirement contributions for special risk

  4  administrative support members are as follows:


  6  Dates of Contribution

  7    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


  9  July 1, 1982, through

10    September 30, 1984                          0%       11.14%

11  October 1, 1984, through

12    September 30, 1986                          0%       13.09%

13  October 1, 1986, through

14    December 31, 1988                           0%       15.44%

15  January 1, 1989, through

16    December 31, 1989                           0%       14.76%

17  January 1, 1990, through

18    December 31, 1990                           0%       14.09%

19  January 1, 1991, through

20    December 31, 1991                           0%       20.16%

21  January 1, 1992, through

22    December 31, 1992                           0%       19.51%

23  January 1, 1993, through

24    December 31, 1993                           0%       18.83%

25  January 1, 1994, through

26    December 31, 1994                           0%       18.59%

27  January 1, 1995, through

28    December 31, 1995                           0%       17.81%

29  January 1, 1996, through

30    June 30, 1996                               0%       17.80%

31  July 1, 1996, through


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1    June 30, 1998                               0%       17.20%

  2  July 1, 1998, through

  3    June 30, 1999                               0%       14.64%

  4  July 1, 1999, through

  5    June 30, 2000                               0%       11.53%

  6  Effective July 1, 2000

  7                                                0%       11.74%

  8  Effective July 1, 2001                        0%       12.55%


10         Section 4.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (12) of section

11  121.40, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

12         121.40  Cooperative extension personnel at the

13  Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; supplemental

14  retirement benefits.--

15         (12)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

16         (b)  The monthly contributions required to be paid

17  pursuant to paragraph (a) on the gross monthly salaries, from

18  all sources with respect to such employment, paid to those

19  employees of the institute who hold both state and federal

20  appointments and who participate in the federal Civil Service

21  Retirement System shall be as follows:


23  Dates of Contribution                              Percentage

24    Rate Changes                                        Due


26  July 1, 1985, through December 31, 1988              6.68%

27  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1993           6.35%

28  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994           6.69%

29  January 1, 1995, through June 30, 1996               6.82%

30  July 1, 1996, through June 30, 1998                  5.64%

31  Effective July 1, 1998, through


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1    June 30, 2001                                      7.17%

  2  Effective July 1, 2001                               6.96%


  4         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

  5  121.35, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         121.35  Optional retirement program for the State

  7  University System.--

  8         (4)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

  9         (a)  Through June 30, 2001, each employer shall

10  contribute on behalf of each participant in the optional

11  retirement program an amount equal to the normal cost portion

12  of the employer retirement contribution which would be

13  required if the participant  were a regular member of the

14  Florida Retirement System defined benefit program, plus the

15  portion of the contribution rate required in s. 112.363(8)

16  that would otherwise be assigned to the Retiree Health

17  Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.  Effective July 1, 2001, each

18  employer shall contribute on behalf of each participant in the

19  optional program an amount equal to 10.43 percent of the

20  participant's gross monthly compensation.  The department

21  shall deduct, less an amount approved by the Legislature which

22  shall be deducted by the department to provide for the

23  administration of this program. The payment of the

24  contributions to the optional program which is required by

25  this paragraph for each participant shall be made by the

26  employer to the department, which shall forward the

27  contributions to the designated company or companies

28  contracting for payment of benefits for the participant under

29  the program. However, such contributions paid on behalf of an

30  employee described in paragraph (3)(c) shall not be forwarded

31  to a company and shall not begin to accrue interest until the


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  employee has executed an annuity contract and notified the

  2  department.

  3         Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

  4  121.051, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         121.051  Participation in the system.--

  6         (2)  OPTIONAL PARTICIPATION.--

  7         (c)  Employees of members of the Florida Community

  8  College System or charter technical career centers sponsored

  9  by members of the Florida Community College System, as

10  designated in s. 240.3031, who are members of the Regular

11  Class of the Florida Retirement System and who comply with the

12  criteria set forth in this paragraph and in s. 240.3195 may

13  elect, in lieu of participating in the Florida Retirement

14  System, to withdraw from the Florida Retirement System

15  altogether and participate in a lifetime monthly annuity

16  program, to be known as the State Community College System

17  Optional Retirement Program, which may be provided by the

18  employing agency under s. 240.3195. Pursuant thereto:

19         1.  Through June 30, 2001, the cost to the employer for

20  such annuity shall equal the normal cost portion of the

21  employer retirement contribution which would be required if

22  the employee were a member of the Regular Class defined

23  benefit program, plus the portion of the contribution rate

24  required by s. 112.363(8) that would otherwise be assigned to

25  the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund. Effective

26  July 1, 2001, each employer shall contribute on behalf of each

27  participant in the optional program an amount equal to 10.43

28  percent of the participant's gross monthly compensation. The

29  employer shall deduct, and less an amount approved by the

30  employer to provide for the administration of the optional

31  retirement program. The employer providing such annuity shall


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  contribute an additional amount to the Florida Retirement

  2  System Trust Fund equal to the unfunded actuarial accrued

  3  liability portion of the Regular Class contribution rate.

  4         2.  The decision to participate in such an optional

  5  retirement program shall be irrevocable for as long as the

  6  employee holds a position eligible for participation. Any

  7  service creditable under the Florida Retirement System shall

  8  be retained after the member withdraws from the Florida

  9  Retirement System; however, additional service credit in the

10  Florida Retirement System shall not be earned while a member

11  of the optional retirement program.

12         3.  Participation in an optional annuity program shall

13  be limited to those employees who satisfy the following

14  eligibility criteria:

15         a.  The employee must be otherwise eligible for

16  membership in the Regular Class of the Florida Retirement

17  System, as provided in s. 121.021(11) and (12).

18         b.  The employee must be employed in a full-time

19  position classified in the Accounting Manual for Florida's

20  Public Community Colleges as:

21         (I)  Instructional; or

22         (II)  Executive Management, Instructional Management,

23  or Institutional Management, if a community college determines

24  that recruiting to fill a vacancy in the position is to be

25  conducted in the national or regional market, and:

26         (A)  The duties and responsibilities of the position

27  include either the formulation, interpretation, or

28  implementation of policies; or

29         (B)  The duties and responsibilities of the position

30  include the performance of functions that are unique or



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  specialized within higher education and that frequently

  2  involve the support of the mission of the community college.

  3         c.  The employee must be employed in a position not

  4  included in the Senior Management Service Class of the Florida

  5  Retirement System, as described in s. 121.055.

  6         4.  Participants in the program are subject to the same

  7  reemployment limitations, renewed membership provisions, and

  8  forfeiture provisions as are applicable to regular members of

  9  the Florida Retirement System under ss. 121.091(9), 121.122,

10  and 121.091(5), respectively.

11         5.  Eligible community college employees shall be

12  compulsory members of the Florida Retirement System until,

13  pursuant to the procedures set forth in s. 240.3195, the first

14  day of the next full calendar month following the filing of

15  both a written election to withdraw and a completed

16  application for an individual contract or certificate with the

17  program administrator and receipt of such election by the

18  division.

19         Section 7.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (6) of section

20  121.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         121.055  Senior Management Service Class.--There is

22  hereby established a separate class of membership within the

23  Florida Retirement System to be known as the "Senior

24  Management Service Class," which shall become effective

25  February 1, 1987.

26         (6)

27         (d)  Contributions.--

28         1.  Through June 30, 2001, each employer shall

29  contribute on behalf of each participant in the Senior

30  Management Service Optional Annuity Program an amount equal to

31  the normal cost portion of the employer retirement


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  contribution which would be required if the participant were a

  2  Senior Management Service Class member of the Florida

  3  Retirement System defined benefit program, plus the portion of

  4  the contribution rate required in s. 112.363(8) that would

  5  otherwise be assigned to the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy

  6  Trust Fund.  Effective July 1, 2001, each employer shall

  7  contribute on behalf of each participant in the optional

  8  program an amount equal to 12.49 percent of the participant's

  9  gross monthly compensation.  The department shall deduct, less

10  an amount approved by the Legislature which shall be deducted

11  by the department to provide for the administration of this

12  program. The payment of the contributions to the optional

13  program which is required by this subparagraph for each

14  participant shall be made by the employer to the department,

15  which shall forward the contributions to the designated

16  company or companies contracting for payment of benefits for

17  the participant under the program.

18         2.  Each employer shall contribute on behalf of each

19  participant in the Senior Management Service Optional Annuity

20  Program an amount equal to the unfunded actuarial accrued

21  liability portion of the employer contribution which would be

22  required for members of the Senior Management Service Class in

23  the Florida Retirement System.  This contribution shall be

24  paid to the department for transfer to the Florida Retirement

25  System Trust Fund.

26         3.  An Optional Annuity Program Trust Fund shall be

27  established in the State Treasury and administered by the

28  department to make payments to provider companies on behalf of

29  the optional annuity program participants, and to transfer the

30  unfunded liability portion of the state optional annuity



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  program contributions to the Florida Retirement System Trust

  2  Fund.

  3         4.  Contributions required for social security by each

  4  employer and each participant, in the amount required for

  5  social security coverage as now or hereafter may be provided

  6  by the federal Social Security Act shall be maintained for

  7  each participant in the Senior Management Service retirement

  8  program and shall be in addition to the retirement

  9  contributions specified in this paragraph.

10         5.  Each participant in the Senior Management Service

11  Optional Annuity Program may contribute by way of salary

12  reduction or deduction a percentage amount of the

13  participant's gross compensation not to exceed the percentage

14  amount contributed by the employer to the optional annuity

15  program. Payment of the participant's contributions shall be

16  made by the employer to the department, which shall forward

17  the contributions to the designated company or companies

18  contracting for payment of benefits for the participant under

19  the program.

20         Section 8.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

21  240.3195, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         240.3195  State Community College System Optional

23  Retirement Program.--Each community college may implement an

24  optional retirement program, if such program is established

25  therefor pursuant to s. 240.319(4)(r), under which annuity

26  contracts providing retirement and death benefits may be

27  purchased by, and on behalf of, eligible employees who

28  participate in the program. Except as otherwise provided

29  herein, this retirement program, which shall be known as the

30  State Community College System Optional Retirement Program,



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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  may be implemented and administered only by an individual

  2  community college or by a consortium of community colleges.

  3         (4)(a)  Through June 30, 2001, each college must

  4  contribute on behalf of each program participant an amount

  5  equal to the normal cost portion of the employer retirement

  6  contribution which would be required if the program

  7  participant were a member of the Regular Class of the Florida

  8  Retirement System as provided in s. 121.071, plus the portion

  9  of the contribution rate required in s. 112.363(8) that would

10  otherwise be assigned to the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy

11  Trust Fund. Effective July 1, 2001, each college must

12  contribute on behalf of each program participant an amount

13  equal to 10.43 percent of the participant's gross monthly

14  compensation. The college shall deduct, and less an amount

15  approved by the community college to provide for the

16  administration of the optional retirement program.  Payment of

17  this contribution must be made either directly by the

18  community college or through the program administrator to the

19  designated company contracting for payment of benefits to the

20  program participant.

21         (b)  Each community college must contribute on behalf

22  of each program participant an amount equal to the unfunded

23  actuarial accrued liability portion of the employer

24  contribution which would be required if the program

25  participant were a member of the Regular Class of the Florida

26  Retirement System.  Payment of this contribution must be made

27  directly by the college to the department for deposit in the

28  Florida Retirement System Trust Fund.

29         (c)  Each program participant who has executed an

30  annuity contract may contribute by way of salary reduction or

31  deduction a percentage of the program participant's gross


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  compensation, but this percentage may not exceed the

  2  corresponding percentage contributed by the community college

  3  to the optional retirement program. Payment of this

  4  contribution may be made either directly by the college or

  5  through the program administrator to the designated company

  6  contracting for payment of benefits to the program

  7  participant.

  8         (d)  Contributions to an optional retirement program by

  9  a college or a program participant are in addition to, and

10  have no effect upon, contributions required now or in future

11  by the federal Social Security Act.

12         Section 9.  (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature

13  that the normal costs attributable to the actuarial experience

14  study and six-year vesting as determined by Milliman &

15  Robertson, Inc., consulting actuaries for the system, shall be

16  funded by recognition of a lump sum from the excess actuarial

17  assets of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund. For fiscal

18  year 2001-2002, the lump sum to be recognized shall be the

19  annual cost attributable to the actuarial experience study and

20  six-year vesting.

21         (2)  Effective July 1, 2001, for fiscal year 2001-2002

22  only, the contribution rates set forth in sections 1 through 3

23  of this act shall be reduced as follows:

24         (a)  The contribution rate that applies to the Regular

25  Class of the Florida Retirement System defined benefit program

26  shall be reduced by 0.70 percentage points.

27         (b)  The contribution rate that applies to the Special

28  Risk Class of the Florida Retirement System defined benefit

29  program shall be reduced by 1.72 percentage points.

30         (c)  The contribution rate that applies to the Special

31  Risk Administrative Support Class of the Florida Retirement


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  System defined benefit program shall be reduced by 0.81

  2  percentage points.

  3         (d)  The contribution rate that applies to the Judicial

  4  subclass of the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida

  5  Retirement System defined benefit program shall be reduced by

  6  0.14 percentage points.

  7         (e)  The contribution rate that applies to the

  8  legislative-attorney-Cabinet subclass of the Elected Officers'

  9  Class of the Florida Retirement System defined benefit program

10  shall be reduced by 0.83 percentage points.

11         (f)  The contribution rate that applies to the County

12  Officers' subclass of the Elected Officers' Class of the

13  Florida Retirement System defined benefit program shall be

14  reduced by 0.56 percentage points.

15         (g)  The contribution rate that applies to the Senior

16  Management Service Class of the Florida Retirement System

17  defined benefit program shall be reduced by 0.54 percentage

18  points.

19         Section 10.  (1)  Effective July 1, 2001, for fiscal

20  year 2001-2002 only, the contribution rates for the defined

21  benefit program for the Regular Class, Special Risk Class,

22  Special Risk Administrative Support Class, each subclass of

23  the Elected Officers' Class, and the Senior Management Service

24  Class each shall be reduced by 3.02 percentage points. These

25  reductions shall be in addition to all other changes to such

26  contribution rates which may be enacted into law after July 1,

27  2001.

28         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature that the costs

29  attributable to the reduction of contribution rates pursuant

30  to subsection (1) shall be funded by recognition of a lump sum

31  equal to the annual cost attributable to this reduction of the


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  contribution rates from the excess actuarial assets of the

  2  Florida Retirement System Trust Fund.

  3         Section 11.  Section 20 of chapter 2000-169, Laws of

  4  Florida, is repealed.

  5         Section 12.  The Legislature finds that a proper and

  6  legitimate state purpose is served when employees, officers,

  7  and retirees of the state and of its political subdivisions,

  8  and the dependents, survivors, and beneficiaries of such

  9  employees, officers, and retirees, are extended the basic

10  protections afforded by governmental retirement systems that

11  provide fair and adequate benefits and that are managed,

12  administered, and funded in an actuarially sound manner, as

13  required by s. 14 of Art. X of the State Constitution and part

14  VII of chapter 112 of the Florida Statutes. Therefore, the

15  Legislature hereby determines and declares that the provisions

16  of this act fulfill an important state interest.

17         Section 13.  Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (8)

18  of section 112.363, Florida Statutes, to read:

19         112.363  Retiree health insurance subsidy.--

20         (8)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--For purposes of funding the

21  insurance subsidy provided by this section:

22         (f)  Beginning July 1, 2001, the employer of each

23  member of a state-administered plan shall contribute 1.11

24  percent of gross compensation each pay period.


26  Such contributions shall be submitted to the Department of

27  Management Services and deposited in the Retiree Health

28  Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

29         Section 14.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (7) of section

30  121.052, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         121.052  Membership class of elected officers.--


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1         (7)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

  2         (c)  The following table states the required employer

  3  contribution on behalf of each member of the Elected Officers'

  4  Class in terms of a percentage of the member's gross

  5  compensation. Such contribution constitutes the entire health

  6  insurance subsidy contribution with respect to the member. A

  7  change in the contribution rate is effective with the first

  8  salary paid on or after the beginning date of the change. The

  9  retiree health insurance subsidy contribution rate is as

10  follows:


12  Dates of Contribution                             Contribution

13    Rate Changes                                        Rate


15  October 1, 1987, through December 31, 1988             0.24%

16  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1993             0.48%

17  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994             0.56%

18  January 1, 1995, through June 30, 1998                 0.66%

19  Effective July 1, 1998, through June 30,               0.94%

20  2001

21  Effective July 1, 2001                                 1.11%


23  Such contributions shall be deposited by the administrator in

24  the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

25         Section 15.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

26  121.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         121.055  Senior Management Service Class.--There is

28  hereby established a separate class of membership within the

29  Florida Retirement System to be known as the "Senior

30  Management Service Class," which shall become effective

31  February 1, 1987.


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    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1         (3)

  2         (c)  The following table states the required employer

  3  contribution on behalf of each member of the Senior Management

  4  Service Class in terms of a percentage of the member's gross

  5  compensation.  Such contribution constitutes the entire health

  6  insurance subsidy contribution with respect to the member. A

  7  change in the contribution rate is effective with the first

  8  salary paid on or after the beginning date of the change.  The

  9  retiree health insurance subsidy contribution rate is as

10  follows:


12  Dates of Contribution                             Contribution

13    Rate Changes                                        Rate


15  October 1, 1987, through December 31, 1988             0.24%

16  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1993             0.48%

17  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994             0.56%

18  January 1, 1995, through June 30, 1998                 0.66%

19  Effective July 1, 1998, through June 30,               0.94%

20  2001

21  Effective July 1, 2001                                 1.11%


23  Such contributions shall be deposited by the administrator in

24  the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

25         Section 16.  Subsection (4) of section 121.071, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         121.071  Contributions.--Contributions to the system

28  shall be made as follows:

29         (4)  The following table states the required employer

30  contribution on behalf of each member of the Regular Class,

31  Special Risk Class, or Special Risk Administrative Support


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1  Class in terms of a percentage of the member's gross

  2  compensation.  Such contribution constitutes the entire health

  3  insurance subsidy contribution with respect to the member.  A

  4  change in the contribution rate is effective with the first

  5  salary paid on or after the beginning date of the change. The

  6  retiree health insurance subsidy contribution rate is as

  7  follows:


  9  Dates of Contribution                             Contribution

10    Rate Changes                                        Rate


12  October 1, 1987, through December 31, 1988             0.24%

13  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1993             0.48%

14  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994             0.56%

15  January 1, 1995, through June 30, 1998                 0.66%

16  Effective July 1, 1998, through June 30,               0.94%

17  2001

18  Effective July 1, 2001                                 1.11%


20  Such contributions shall be deposited by the administrator in

21  the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

22         Section 17.  Subsection (4) of section 121.571, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         121.571  Contributions.--Contributions to the Public

25  Employee Optional Retirement Program shall be made as follows:


27  RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY.--Contributions required

28  under this section shall be in addition to employer and member

29  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

30  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund as provided in ss.

31  112.363, 121.052, 121.055, and s. 121.071, as appropriate.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2001 Legislature                     HB 1821, Second Engrossed

  1         Section 18.  The Legislature finds that a proper and

  2  legitimate state purpose is served when employees, officers,

  3  and retirees of the state and of its political subdivisions,

  4  and the dependents, survivors, and beneficiaries of such

  5  employees, officers, and retirees, are extended the basic

  6  protections afforded governmental retirement systems that

  7  provide fair and adequate benefits, including health insurance

  8  subsidies, and that are managed, administered, and funded in a

  9  reasonable manner.  Therefore, the Legislature hereby

10  determines and declares that the provisions of this act

11  fulfill an important state interest.

12         Section 19.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.