House Bill hb1887e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                      HB 1887, First Engrossed/ntc

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Okaloosa County; providing

  3         legislative findings; describing a portion of

  4         the Dorcas Fire District to be annexed into the

  5         North Okaloosa Fire District; providing a

  6         contingent effective date.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  The Legislature finds that a response to

11  any call in the following described property currently located

12  in the Dorcas Fire District requires the Dorcas fire

13  department to travel through both the City of Crestview and

14  the North Okaloosa Fire District. The described property is

15  immediately adjacent to the North Okaloosa Fire District.

16         Section 2.  Upon approval by the electors of the North

17  Okaloosa Fire District of the special act codifying the county

18  ordinances and creating the charter for the North Okaloosa

19  Fire District, the following described property shall be

20  served by the North Okaloosa Fire District and shall no longer

21  be served by the Dorcas Fire District:


23         Start at the South East corner of Section 1

24         Township 2 North Range 23 West, the Point of

25         Beginning, thence North along said Section line

26         to a point on the North boundary of Interstate

27         Highway 10, thence run West along said northern

28         boundary of Interstate Highway 10 to the

29         channel of the Shoal River thence South and

30         westerly along the channel of the Shoal River

31         to the intersection of the Section line of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                      HB 1887, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         Section 25 Township 2 North Range 23 West,

  2         thence South along said Section line to the

  3         northern boundary of Eglin Air Force Base,

  4         thence East along said Section line to the

  5         Point Of Beginning being the South East corner

  6         of Section 1 Township 2 North Range 23 West.

  7         Also known as those portions of Township 3

  8         North Range 23 West as follows: that portion of

  9         Section 25 lying South of the North boundary of

10         Interstate Highway 10, that portion of Section

11         26 lying South of the North boundary of

12         Interstate Highway 10 and East and South of the

13         Shoal River, all of Section 36, that portion of

14         Section 35, lying South and East of the Shoal

15         River, that portion of Section 34, lying East

16         and South of the Shoal River; the following

17         portions of Township 2 North, Range 23 West,

18         Section 1, Section 2, that portion of Section

19         3, lying South and East of the Shoal River,

20         that portion of Section 4, lying South of the

21         Shoal River, and that portion of Section 5,

22         lying South of the Shoal River.


24         Section 3.  This act shall take effect on the date

25  House Bill 979, relating to North Okaloosa Fire District takes

26  effect, if it is adopted in the same legislative session or an

27  extension thereof and becomes law.






CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.