House Bill hb1909

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1909

        By the Committee on General Government Appropriations and
    Representatives Dockery, Greenstein, Holloway, Bennett,
    Harrell, Mayfield and Gottlieb

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trust funds; creating s.

  3         287.103, F.S.; creating the Purchasing and

  4         Transportation Support Trust Fund, to be

  5         administered by the Department of Management

  6         Services; providing for sources of funds and

  7         purposes; providing for annual carryforward of

  8         funds; providing for future review and

  9         termination or re-creation of the trust fund;

10         providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Section 287.103, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         287.103  Purchasing and Transportation Support Trust

17  Fund.--

18         (1)  The Purchasing and Transportation Support Trust

19  Fund is created, to be administered by the Department of

20  Management Services.

21         (2)(a)  Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall

22  consist of the following:

23         1.  Receipts from user fees charged to vendors for

24  using state term contracts, agencies for using the executive

25  aircraft pool, entities for using motor vehicle and watercraft

26  disposal services, agencies for using the motor vehicle

27  management reporting system, and entities that receive federal

28  surplus and excess property.

29         2.  Proceeds from the sale of motor vehicles and

30  watercraft.

31         3.  Interest earnings.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1909


  1         (b)  Funds shall be used for the purpose of supporting

  2  the state's purchasing oversight functions and other

  3  activities of the department as required by law, pursuant to

  4  legislative appropriation or an approved amendment to the

  5  department's operating budget pursuant to the provisions of

  6  chapter 216.

  7         (3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and

  8  pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund at the

  9  end of any fiscal year shall remain in the trust fund at the

10  end of the year and shall be available for carrying out the

11  purposes of the trust fund.

12         (4)  Pursuant to the provisions of s. 19(f)(2), Art.

13  III of the State Constitution, the trust fund shall, unless

14  terminated sooner, be terminated on July 1, 2005. Prior to its

15  scheduled termination, the trust fund shall be reviewed as

16  provided in s. 215.3206(1) and (2).

17         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


19            *****************************************

20                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Purchasing and Transportation Support Trust
22    Fund, to be administered by the Department of Management
      Services. Provides for sources of funds and purposes.
23    Provides for annual carryforward of funds. Provides for
      future review and termination or re-creation of the trust
24    fund.









CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.