Senate Bill sb1920e1

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    CS for SB 1920                                 First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Mobile Home

  3         Relocation Trust Fund; creating s. 723.06115,

  4         F.S.; creating the Florida Mobile Home

  5         Relocation Trust Fund within the Department of

  6         Business and Professional Regulation; providing

  7         purposes; providing funding; providing for

  8         legislative review and termination or

  9         re-creation of the trust fund; creating s.

10         723.06116, F.S.; requiring that a mobile home

11         park owner make specified payments to the trust

12         fund upon a change in use of the mobile home

13         park which requires a mobile home owner to

14         move; providing exceptions; providing an

15         appropriation; providing a contingent effective

16         date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Section 723.06115, Florida Statutes, is

21  created to read:

22         723.06115  Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund.--

23         (1)  There is established within the Department of

24  Business and Professional Regulation the Florida Mobile Home

25  Relocation Trust Fund, to be used by the department for the

26  purpose of funding the administration and operations of the

27  Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation. All interest

28  earned from the investment or deposit of moneys in the trust

29  fund shall be deposited in the trust fund. The trust fund

30  shall be funded from the moneys collected by the department

31  under s. 723.06116 from mobile home park owners who change the


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    CS for SB 1920                                 First Engrossed

  1  use of their mobile home parks and by other appropriated

  2  funds.

  3         (2)  Moneys in the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust

  4  Fund may be expended only:

  5         (a)  To pay the administration costs of the Florida

  6  Mobile Home Relocation Corporation; and

  7         (b)  To carry out the purposes and objectives of the

  8  Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation by making payments

  9  to mobile home owners under the relocation program.

10         Section 2.  In accordance with Section 19(f)(2),

11  Article III of the State Constitution, the Florida Mobile Home

12  Relocation Trust Fund shall, unless terminated sooner, be

13  terminated on July 1, 2005. Before its scheduled termination,

14  the trust fund shall be reviewed as provided in s. 215.3206(1)

15  and (2), Florida Statutes.

16         Section 3.  Section 723.06116, Florida Statutes, is

17  created to read:

18         723.06116  Payments to the Florida Mobile Home

19  Relocation Trust Fund.--

20         (1)  If a mobile home owner is required to move due to

21  a change in use of the land comprising a mobile home park as

22  set forth in s. 723.061(1)(d), the mobile home park owner

23  shall, upon such change in use, pay to the department for

24  deposit in the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund

25  $2,000 for each single-section mobile home and $2,500 for each

26  multisection mobile home for which a mobile home owner has

27  made application for payment of moving expenses.

28         (2)  A mobile home park owner is not required to make

29  the payment prescribed in subsection (1), nor is the mobile

30  home owner entitled to compensation under s. 723.0612, when:



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    CS for SB 1920                                 First Engrossed

  1         (a)  The mobile home park owner moves a mobile home

  2  owner to another space in the mobile home park or to another

  3  mobile home park at the park owner's expense;

  4         (b)  A mobile home owner is vacating the premises and

  5  has informed the mobile home park owner or manager before the

  6  change in use notice has been given; or

  7         (c)  A mobile home owner abandons the mobile home as

  8  set forth in s. 723.0612(8).

  9         Section 4.  There is hereby appropriated to the Florida

10  Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund the sum of $500,000 of

11  nonrecurring revenues from the General Revenue Fund.

12         Section 5.  This act shall take effect on the effective

13  date of Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for

14  Senate Bill 442, but it shall not take effect unless it is

15  enacted by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house

16  of the Legislature.

















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.