Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 652794
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Laurent moved the following substitute for amendment
12  (970672):
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 58, between lines 16 and 17,
17  insert:  
18         Section 60.  Short title.--Sections 60 through 64 of
19  this act may be cited as the "Rural and Family Lands
20  Protection Act."
21         Section 61.  Definitions.--As used in sections 62 and
22  63 of this act, the term "department" means the Department of
23  Agriculture and Consumer Services.
24         Section 62.  Section 570.70, Florida Statutes, is
25  created to read:
26         570.70  Legislative findings.--The Legislature finds
27  and declares that:
28         (1)  A thriving rural economy with a strong
29  agricultural base, healthy natural environment, and viable
30  rural communities is an essential part of Florida. Rural areas
31  also include the largest remaining intact ecosystems and best
    2:55 PM   05/01/01                              s1922c1c-17b0b

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 examples of remaining wildlife habitats as well as a majority 2 of privately owned land targeted by local, state, and federal 3 agencies for natural-resource protection. 4 (2) The growth of Florida's population can result in 5 agricultural and rural lands being converted into residential 6 or commercial development. 7 (3) The agricultural, rural, natural-resource, and 8 commodity values of rural lands are vital to the state's 9 economy, productivity, rural heritage, and quality of life. 10 (4) The Legislature further recognizes the need for 11 enhancing the ability of rural landowners to obtain economic 12 value from their property, protecting rural character, 13 controlling urban sprawl, and providing necessary open space 14 for agriculture and the natural environment, and the 15 importance of maintaining and protecting Florida's rural 16 economy through innovative planning and development strategies 17 in rural areas and the use of incentives that reward 18 landowners for good stewardship of land and natural resources. 19 (5) The purpose of this act is to bring under public 20 protection lands that serve to limit subdivision and 21 conversion of agricultural and natural areas that provide 22 economic, open space, water, and wildlife benefits by 23 acquiring land or related interests in land such as perpetual, 24 less-than-fee acquisitions, agricultural protection 25 agreements, and resource conservation agreements and 26 innovative planning and development strategies in rural areas. 27 Section 63. Section 570.71, Florida Statutes, is 28 created to read: 29 570.71 Conservation easements and agreements.-- 30 (1) The department, on behalf of the Board of Trustees 31 of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, may allocate moneys to 2 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 acquire perpetual, less-than-fee interest in land, to enter 2 into agricultural protection agreements, and to enter into 3 resource conservation agreements for the following public 4 purposes: 5 (a) Promotion and improvement of wildlife habitat; 6 (b) Protection and enhancement of water bodies, 7 aquifer recharge areas, wetlands, and watersheds; 8 (c) Perpetuation of open space on lands with 9 significant natural areas; or 10 (d) Protection of agricultural lands threatened by 11 conversion to other uses. 12 (2) To achieve the purposes of this act, beginning no 13 sooner than July 1, 2002, and every year thereafter, the 14 department may accept applications for project proposals that: 15 (a) Purchase conservation easements, as defined in s. 16 704.06. 17 (b) Purchase rural-lands-protection easements pursuant 18 to this act. 19 (c) Fund resource conservation agreements pursuant to 20 this act. 21 (d) Fund agricultural protection agreements pursuant 22 to this act. 23 24 No funds may be expended to implement this subsection prior to 25 July 1, 2002. 26 (3) Rural-lands-protection easements shall be a 27 perpetual right or interest in agricultural land which is 28 appropriate to retain such land in predominantly its current 29 state and to prevent the subdivision and conversion of such 30 land into other uses. This right or interest in property shall 31 prohibit only the following: 3 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 (a) Construction or placing of buildings, roads, 2 billboards or other advertising, utilities, or structures, 3 except those structures and unpaved roads necessary for the 4 agricultural operations on the land or structures necessary 5 for other activities allowed under the easement, and except 6 for linear facilities described in s. 704.06(11); 7 (b) Subdivision of the property; 8 (c) Dumping or placing of trash, waste, or offensive 9 materials; and 10 (d) Activities that affect the natural hydrology of 11 the land or that detrimentally affect water conservation, 12 erosion control, soil conservation, or fish or wildlife 13 habitat, except those required for environmental restoration; 14 federal, state, or local government regulatory programs; or 15 best management practices. 16 (4) Resource conservation agreements will be contracts 17 for services which provide annual payments to landowners for 18 services that actively improve habitat and water restoration 19 or conservation on their lands over and above that which is 20 already required by law or which provide recreational 21 opportunities. They will be for a term of not less than 5 22 years and not more than 10 years. Property owners will become 23 eligible to enter into a resource conservation agreement only 24 upon entering into a conservation easement or rural lands 25 protection easement. 26 (5) Agricultural protection agreements shall be for 27 terms of 30 years and will provide payments to landowners 28 having significant natural areas on their land. Public access 29 and public recreational opportunities may be negotiated at the 30 request of the landowner. 31 (a) For the length of the agreement, the landowner 4 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 shall agree to prohibit: 2 1. Construction or placing of buildings, roads, 3 billboards or other advertising, utilities, or structures, 4 except those structures and unpaved roads necessary for the 5 agricultural operations on the land or structures necessary 6 for other activities allowed under the easement, and except 7 for linear facilities described in s. 704.06(11); 8 2. Subdivision of the property; 9 3. Dumping or placing of trash, waste, or offensive 10 materials; and 11 4. Activities that affect the natural hydrology of the 12 land, or that detrimentally affect water conservation, erosion 13 control, soil conservation, or fish or wildlife habitat. 14 (b) As part of the agricultural protection agreement, 15 the parties shall agree that the state shall have a right to 16 buy a conservation easement or rural land protection easement 17 at the end of the 30-year term or prior to the landowner 18 transferring or selling the property, whichever occurs later. 19 If the landowner tenders the easement for the purchase and the 20 state does not timely exercise its right to buy the easement, 21 the landowner shall be released from the agricultural 22 agreement. The purchase price of the easement shall be 23 established in the agreement and shall be based on the value 24 of the easement at the time the agreement is entered into, 25 plus a reasonable escalator multiplied by the number of full 26 calendar years following the date of the commencement of the 27 agreement. The landowner may transfer or sell the property 28 before the expiration of the 30-year term, but only if the 29 property is sold subject to the agreement and the buyer 30 becomes the successor in interest to the agricultural 31 protection agreement. Upon mutual consent of the parties, a 5 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 landowner may enter into a perpetual easement at any time 2 during the term of an agricultural protection agreement. 3 (6) Payment for conservation easements and rural land 4 protection easements shall be a lump-sum payment at the time 5 the easement is entered into. 6 (7) Landowners entering into an agricultural 7 protection agreement may receive up to 50 percent of the 8 purchase price at the time the agreement is entered into and 9 remaining payments on the balance shall be equal annual 10 payments over the term of the agreement. 11 (8) Payments for the resource conservation agreements 12 shall be equal annual payments over the term of the agreement. 13 (9) Easements purchased pursuant to this act may not 14 prevent landowners from transferring the remaining fee value 15 with the easement. 16 (10) The department, in consultation with the 17 Department of Environmental Protection, the water management 18 districts, the Department of Community Affairs, and the 19 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, shall adopt 20 rules that establish an application process, a process and 21 criteria for setting priorities for use of funds consistent 22 with the purposes specified in s. 570.71(1) and giving 23 preference to ranch and timber lands managed using sustainable 24 practices, an appraisal process, and a process for title 25 review and compliance and approval of the rules by the Board 26 of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. 27 (11) If a landowner objects to having his property 28 included in any lists or maps developed to implement this act, 29 the department shall remove the property from any such lists 30 or maps upon receipt of the landowner's written request to do 31 so. 6 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 (12) The department is authorized to use funds from 2 the following sources to implement this act: 3 (a) State funds; 4 (b) Federal funds; 5 (c) Other governmental entities; 6 (d) Nongovernmental organizations; or 7 (e) Private individuals. 8 9 Any such funds provided shall be deposited into the 10 Conservation and Recreation Lands Program Trust Fund within 11 the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and used 12 for the purposes of this act. 13 (13) No more than ten percent of any funds made 14 available to implement this act shall be expended for resource 15 conservation agreements and agricultural protection 16 agreements. 17 (14) The department, in consultation with the 18 Department of Environmental Protection, the Fish and Wildlife 19 Conservation Commission, and the water management districts 20 shall conduct a study to determine and prioritize needs for 21 implementing the act. 22 (a) The department may contract with the Florida 23 Natural Areas Inventory for an analysis of the geographic 24 distribution of certain types of natural resources, or 25 resource-based land uses that have been identified for 26 acquisition by previous conservation and recreation land 27 acquisition programs. 28 (b) The needs assessment shall locate areas of the 29 state where existing privately-owned ranch and timber lands 30 containing resources of the type identified in (a) can be 31 preserved or protected through implementation of the Rural and 7 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 Family Lands Protection Act. 2 (c) The department shall report its findings to the 3 Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of 4 Representatives by December 31, 2001. At a minimum, the report 5 must include a prioritization of the types of resources to be 6 preserved or protected, the location of privately-owned ranch 7 and timber lands containing such resources that could be 8 preserved or protected by easements or agreements pursuant to 9 this act, and the funding needs for the program. 10 Section 64. Subsection (11) of section 163.3177, 11 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 12 163.3177 Required and optional elements of 13 comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.-- 14 (11)(a) The Legislature recognizes the need for 15 innovative planning and development strategies which will 16 address the anticipated demands of continued urbanization of 17 Florida's coastal and other environmentally sensitive areas, 18 and which will accommodate the development of less populated 19 regions of the state which seek economic development and which 20 have suitable land and water resources to accommodate growth 21 in an environmentally acceptable manner. The Legislature 22 further recognizes the substantial advantages of innovative 23 approaches to development which may better serve to protect 24 environmentally sensitive areas, maintain the economic 25 viability of agricultural and other predominantly rural land 26 uses, and provide for the cost-efficient delivery of public 27 facilities and services. 28 (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the local 29 government comprehensive plans and plan amendments adopted 30 pursuant to the provisions of this part provide for a planning 31 process which allows for land use efficiencies within existing 8 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 urban areas and which also allows for the conversion of rural 2 lands to other uses, where appropriate and consistent with the 3 other provisions of this part and the affected local 4 comprehensive plans, through the application of innovative and 5 flexible planning and development strategies and creative land 6 use planning techniques, which may include, but not be limited 7 to, urban villages, new towns, satellite communities, 8 area-based allocations, clustering and open space provisions, 9 mixed-use development, and sector planning. 10 (c) It is the further intent of the Legislature that 11 local government comprehensive plans and implementing land 12 development regulations shall provide strategies which 13 maximize the use of existing facilities and services through 14 redevelopment, urban infill development, and other strategies 15 for urban revitalization. 16 (d)1. The department, in cooperation with the 17 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shall provide 18 assistance to local governments in the implementation of this 19 paragraph and s. 9J-5.006(5)(l), Florida Administrative Code. 20 Implementation of those provisions shall include a process by 21 which the department may authorize up to five local 22 governments to designate all or portions of lands classified 23 in the future land use element as predominantly agricultural, 24 rural, open, open-rural, or a substantively equivalent land 25 use, as a rural land stewardship area within which planning 26 and economic incentives are applied to encourage the 27 implementation of innovative and flexible planning and 28 development strategies and creative land use planning 29 techniques, including those contained in Rule 9J-5.006(5)(l), 30 Florida Administrative Code. 31 2. The department shall encourage participation by 9 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 local governments of different sizes and rural 2 characteristics. It is the intent of the Legislature that 3 rural land stewardship areas be used to further the following 4 broad principles of rural sustainability: restoration and 5 maintenance of the economic value of rural land; control of 6 urban sprawl; identification and protection of ecosystems, 7 habitats, and natural resources; promotion of rural economic 8 activity; maintenance of the viability of Florida's 9 agricultural economy; and protection of the character of rural 10 areas of Florida. 11 3. A local government may apply to the department in 12 writing requesting consideration for authorization to 13 designate a rural land stewardship area and shall describe its 14 reasons for applying for the authorization with supporting 15 documentation regarding its compliance with criteria set forth 16 in this section. 17 4. In selecting a local government, the department 18 shall, by written agreement: 19 a. Ensure that the local government has expressed its 20 intent to designate a rural land stewardship area pursuant to 21 the provisions of this subsection and clarify that the rural 22 land stewardship area is intended. 23 b. Ensure that the local government has the financial 24 and administrative capabilities to implement a rural land 25 stewardship area. 26 5. The written agreement shall include the basis for 27 the authorization and provide criteria for evaluating the 28 success of the authorization including the extent the rural 29 land stewardship area enhances rural land values; control 30 urban sprawl; provides necessary open space for agriculture 31 and protection of the natural environment; promotes rural 10 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 economic activity; and maintains rural character and the 2 economic viability of agriculture. The department may 3 terminate the agreement at any time if it determines that the 4 local government is not meeting the terms of the agreement. 5 6. A rural land stewardship area shall be not less 6 than 50,000 acres and shall not exceed 250,000 acres in size, 7 shall be located outside of municipalities and established 8 urban growth boundaries, and shall be designated by plan 9 amendment. The plan amendment designating a rural land 10 stewardship area shall be subject to review by the Department 11 of Community Affairs pursuant to s. 163.3184, F.S., and shall 12 provide for the following: 13 a. Criteria for the designation of receiving areas 14 within rural land stewardship areas in which innovative 15 planning and development strategies may be applied. Criteria 16 shall at a minimum provide for the following: adequacy of 17 suitable land to accommodate development so as to avoid 18 conflict with environmentally sensitive areas, resources, and 19 habitats; compatibility between and transition from higher 20 density uses to lower intensity rural uses; the establishment 21 of receiving area service boundaries which provide for a 22 separation between receiving areas and other land uses within 23 the rural land stewardship area through limitations on the 24 extension of services; and connection of receiving areas with 25 the rest of the rural land stewardship area using rural design 26 and rural road corridors. 27 b. Goals, objectives, and policies setting forth the 28 innovative planning and development strategies to be applied 29 within rural land stewardship areas pursuant to the provisions 30 of this section. 31 c. A process for the implementation of innovative 11 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 planning and development strategies within the rural land 2 stewardship area, including those described in this subsection 3 and s. 9J-5.006(5)(l), Florida Administrative Code, which 4 provide for a functional mix of land uses and which are 5 applied through the adoption by the local government of zoning 6 and land development regulations applicable to the rural land 7 stewardship area. 8 d. A process which encourages visioning pursuant to s. 9 163.3167(11) to ensure that innovative planning and 10 development strategies comply with the provisions of this 11 section. 12 e. The control of sprawl through the use of innovative 13 strategies and creative land use techniques consistent with 14 the provisions of this subsection and rural 9J-5.006(5)(l), 15 Florida Administrative Code. 16 7. A receiving area shall be designated by the 17 adoption of a land development regulation. Prior to the 18 designation of a receiving area, the local government shall 19 provide the Department of Community Affairs a period of 30 20 days in which to review a proposed receiving area for 21 consistency with the rural land stewardship area plan 22 amendment and to provide comments to the local government. 23 8. Upon the adoption of a plan amendment creating a 24 rural land stewardship area, the local government shall, by 25 ordinance, assign to the area a certain number of credits, to 26 be known as "transferable rural land use credits," which shall 27 not constitute a right to develop land, nor increase density 28 of land, except as provided by this section. The total amount 29 of transferrable rural land use credits assigned to the rural 30 land stewardship area must correspond to the 25-year or 31 greater projected population of the rural land stewardship 12 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 area. Transferable rural land use credits are subject to the 2 following limitations: 3 a. Transferable rural land use credits may only exist 4 within a rural land stewardship area. 5 b. Transferable rural land use credits may only be 6 used on lands designated as receiving areas and then solely 7 for the purpose of implementing innovative planning and 8 development strategies and creative land use planning 9 techniques adopted by the local government pursuant to this 10 section. 11 c. Transferable rural land use credits assigned to a 12 parcel of land within a rural land stewardship area shall 13 cease to exist if the parcel of land is removed from the rural 14 land stewardship area by plan amendment. 15 d. Neither the creation of the rural land stewardship 16 area by plan amendment nor the assignment of transferable 17 rural land use credits by the local government shall operate 18 to displace the underlying density of land uses assigned to a 19 parcel of land within the rural land stewardship area; 20 however, if transferable rural land use credits are 21 transferred from a parcel for use within a designated 22 receiving area, the underlying density assigned to the parcel 23 of land shall cease to exist. 24 e. The underlying density on each parcel of land 25 located within a rural land stewardship area shall not be 26 increased or decreased by the local government, except as a 27 result of the conveyance or use of transferable rural land use 28 credits, as long as the parcel remains within the rural land 29 stewardship area. 30 f. Transferable rural land use credits shall cease to 31 exist on a parcel of land where the underlying density 13 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 assigned to the parcel of land is utilized. 2 g. An increase in the density of use on a parcel of 3 land located within a designated receiving area may occur only 4 through the assignment or use of transferable rural land use 5 credits and shall not require a plan amendment. 6 h. A change in the density of land use on parcels 7 located within receiving areas shall be specified in a 8 development order which reflects the total number of 9 transferable rural land use credits assigned to the parcel of 10 land and the infrastructure and support services necessary to 11 provide for a functional mix of land uses corresponding to the 12 plan of development. 13 i. Land within a rural land stewardship area may be 14 removed from the rural land stewardship area through a plan 15 amendment. 16 j. Transferable rural land use credits may be assigned 17 at different ratios of credits per acre according to the land 18 use remaining following the transfer of credits, with the 19 highest number of credits per acre assigned to preserve 20 environmentally valuable land and a lesser number of credits 21 to be assigned to open space and agricultural land. 22 k. The use or conveyance of transferable rural land 23 use credits must be recorded in the public records of the 24 county in which the property is located as a covenant or 25 restrictive easement running with the land in favor of the 26 county and either the Department of Environmental Protection, 27 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, a water 28 management district, or a recognized statewide land trust. 29 9. Owners of land within rural land stewardship areas 30 should be provided incentives to enter into rural land 31 stewardship agreements, pursuant to existing law and rules 14 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 adopted thereto, with state agencies, water management 2 districts, and local governments to achieve mutually agreed 3 upon conservation objectives. Such incentives may include, 4 but not be limited to, the following: 5 a. Opportunity to accumulate transferable mitigation 6 credits. 7 b. Extended permit agreements. 8 c. Opportunities for recreational leases and 9 ecotourism. 10 d. Payment for specified land management services on 11 publicly owned land, or property under covenant or restricted 12 easement in favor of a public entity. 13 e. Option agreements for sale to government, in either 14 fee or easement, upon achievement of conservation objectives. 15 10. The department shall report to the Legislature on 16 an annual basis on the results of implementation of rural land 17 stewardship areas authorized by the department, including 18 successes and failures in achieving the intent of the 19 Legislature as expressed in this paragraph. It is further the 20 intent of the Legislature that the success of authorized rural 21 land stewardship areas be substantiated before implemention 22 occurs on a statewide basis. 23 (e)(d) The implementation of this subsection shall be 24 subject to the provisions of this chapter, chapters 186 and 25 187, and applicable agency rules. 26 (f)(e) The department may adopt rules necessary to 27 shall implement the provisions of this subsection by rule. 28 29 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 30 31 15 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 2 And the title is amended as follows: 3 On page 5, line 26, after the second semicolon 4 5 insert: 6 creating the "Rural and Family Lands Protection 7 Act"; defining terms; creating s. 570.70, F.S.; 8 providing legislative intent; creating s. 9 570.71, F.S.; providing for the purchase of 10 rural-lands-protection easements by the 11 Department of Agriculture and Consumer 12 Services; providing criteria; providing for 13 resource conservation agreements and 14 agricultural protection agreements; prescribing 15 allowable land uses; providing for an 16 application process; providing for the sale of 17 an easement; requiring the department to adopt 18 rules; authorizing the use of specified funds; 19 authorizing the removal of property from lists 20 and maps; providing for the deposit of funds; 21 directing the completion of a needs assessment 22 and a report; amending s. 163.3177, F.S.; 23 directing the department to authorize up to 24 five local governments to designate rural land 25 stewardship areas; requiring a written 26 agreement; providing requirements for 27 comprehensive plan amendments for such 28 designations; providing that owners of land 29 within such areas may convey development rights 30 in return for the assignment of transferable 31 rural land use credits; providing requirements 16 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1922, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 652794 1 with respect to such credits; specifying 2 incentives that should be provided such 3 landowners; requiring reports; providing 4 intent; 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17 2:55 PM 05/01/01 s1922c1c-17b0b