Bill No. HB 1943
    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Representative(s) Brummer offered the following:
13         Amendment 
14         On page 2, line 9 through page 3, line 10,
15  remove from the bill:  all of said lines
17  and insert in lieu thereof:  (2)(a)  The Legislature
18  acknowledges that Florida is a right to work state as
19  guaranteed by s. 6, Art. I of the State Constitution, which
20  provides employees the right to bargain collectively.
21  However, the State Constitution does not require an employer
22  to deduct and collect a bargaining agent's dues and uniform
23  assessments from an employee's salary.  Furthermore, the
24  Legislature in implementing s. 6, Art. I of the State
25  Constitution, has declared that it is the public policy of
26  this state to neither encourage nor discourage participation
27  in a certified employee organization.  The current statutory
28  right of a collective bargaining agent to have its dues and
29  uniform assessments deducted from an employee's salary is
30  inconsistent with this policy because it assumes a non-neutral
31  position regarding membership in a certified employee
    File original & 9 copies    04/26/01                          
    hsa0005                     06:37 pm         01943-0038-170395

HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1943 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 organization. By statutorily requiring an employer to deduct a 2 collective bargaining agent's dues and assessments, the state 3 facilitates the financial support of that organization not 4 only for its collective bargaining functions but for whatever 5 political or social causes that organization chooses to 6 support. The payroll deduction process does not require the 7 identification of how the money deducted will be utilized. 8 Other voluntary payroll deductions are clear on their face as 9 to the amount and purpose of the deductions. In addition, 10 other payroll deductions are not encumbered with the legal 11 complexities surrounding collective bargaining rights and this 12 state's policy of neutrality regarding membership in a 13 certified employee organization. Morever, the First Amendment 14 to the United States Constitution guarantees a person freedom 15 of association, and included in that right a person may not be 16 compelled to financially support a social cause or a political 17 candidate or cause. To the extent members of a certified 18 employee organization are uninformed regarding the use of 19 their payroll deducted dues and assessments, unaware of their 20 rights to be refunded any portion of such dues or assessments 21 used for political or social purposes to which they do not 22 agree, or are prevented or inhibited from exercising their 23 associational rights, directly or indirectly, for whatever 24 reason and from whatever source, then the state's 25 participation in their payroll deduction impinges on those 26 employees' First Amendment rights. 27 The Legislature finds that instructional personnel 28 represent the largest collective bargaining unit in this 29 state. Furthermore, the Legislature recognizes and finds that 30 teacher shortages in this state have reached critical 31 proportions and anticipates that Florida will need an 2 File original & 9 copies 04/26/01 hsa0005 06:37 pm 01943-0038-170395
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1943 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 additional 162,000 teachers over the next 10 years to meet the 2 challenges of this state's growing student population. 3 Attracting new teachers as well as retaining existing teachers 4 is a priority for this Legislature. Furthermore, the 5 Legislature finds that this state has a substantial and 6 compelling interest in protecting the First Amendment rights 7 of instructional personnel, and that the state's ability to 8 recruit and retain instructional personnel should be enhanced 9 by empowering instructional personnel to pursue their First 10 Amendment rights and to make informed decisions regarding 11 their political and social participation within the context of 12 exercising their collective bargaining rights. The 13 Legislature also finds that, as a result of the recent merger 14 and industry consolidation of the collective bargaining agents 15 that represented instructional personnel as defined in s. 16 228.041, a monopoly in such services has been created in this 17 state. Accordingly, this state must redouble its efforts to 18 remain neutral and thereby not empower or detract from that 19 collective bargaining agent's representational role, or from 20 the employees' ability to be represented in the collective 21 bargaining process by whomever they so choose. 22 Because of these facts and trends, the Legislature 23 finds that the current status of instructional personnel 24 constitutes a set of circumstances distinct and unique from 25 any other area of public employment within this state. 26 Therefore, the Legislature finds that with regard to 27 instructional personnel, the deduction and collection of the 28 certified bargaining agent's dues and uniform assessments 29 should not be mandated by the Legislature but should be a 30 permissive subject of collective bargaining, as otherwise 31 restricted by this act. The Legislature further finds that 3 File original & 9 copies 04/26/01 hsa0005 06:37 pm 01943-0038-170395
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1943 Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 the restrictions imposed by this act do not interfere with the 2 ability of instructional personnel to be a member of a 3 certified labor organization or to contribute directly to that 4 organization in support of its non-collective bargaining 5 activities. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 File original & 9 copies 04/26/01 hsa0005 06:37 pm 01943-0038-170395