House Bill hb1973

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1973

        By the Committee on Fiscal Policy & Resources and
    Representative Wallace

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state debt; creating s.

  3         215.98, F.S.; providing a declaration of public

  4         policy; requiring the Division of Bond Finance

  5         of the State Board of Administration to conduct

  6         an annual debt affordability analysis;

  7         requiring a report; specifying report

  8         requirements; amending s. 11.90, F.S.;

  9         providing additional powers and duties of the

10         Legislative Budget Commission relating to the

11         state's debt; providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 215.98, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         215.98  State debt fiscal responsibility.--

18         (1)  It is the public policy of this state to encourage

19  fiscal responsibility on matters pertaining to state debt.  In

20  an effort to finance essential capital projects for the

21  benefit of residents at favorable interest rates, the state

22  must continue to maintain its excellent credit standing with

23  investors.  Authorizations of state debt must take into

24  account the ability of the state to meet its total debt

25  service requirements in light of other demands on the state's

26  fiscal resources.  The Legislature declares that it is the

27  policy of this state to exercise prudence in undertaking the

28  authorization and issuance of debt.  In order to implement

29  this policy, the Legislature desires to authorize the issuance

30  of additional state tax-supported debt only when such

31  authorization would not cause the ratio of debt service to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1973


  1  revenue available to pay debt service on tax-supported debt to

  2  exceed 6 percent.  If the 6-percent target debt ratio will be

  3  exceeded, the authorization of such additional debt must be

  4  accompanied by a legislative statement of determination that

  5  such authorization and issuance is in the best interest of the

  6  state and should be implemented.  The Legislature shall not

  7  authorize the issuance of additional state tax-supported debt

  8  if such authorization would cause the designated benchmark

  9  debt ratio of debt service to revenues available to pay debt

10  service to exceed 6.5 percent unless the Legislature

11  determines that such additional debt is necessary to address a

12  critical state emergency.

13         (2)  The Division of Bond Finance shall conduct a debt

14  affordability analysis each year.  Proposed capital projects

15  that require funding by the issuance of additional state debt

16  shall be evaluated on the basis of the analysis to assist the

17  Governor and the Legislature in setting priorities among

18  capital projects and related appropriations.

19         (a)  The Division of Bond Finance shall annually

20  prepare a debt affordability report, to be presented to the

21  governing board of the Division of Bond Finance, the President

22  of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,

23  and the chair of each appropriations committee by December 15

24  of each year, for purposes of providing a framework for the

25  Legislature to evaluate and establish priorities for bills

26  that propose the authorization of additional state debt during

27  the next budget year.

28         (b)  The report shall include, but not be limited to:

29         1.  A listing of state debt outstanding, other debt

30  secured by state revenues, and other contingent debt.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1973


  1         2.  An estimate of revenues available for the next 10

  2  fiscal years to pay debt service, including general revenues

  3  plus any revenues specifically pledged to pay debt service.

  4         3.  An estimate of additional debt issuance for the

  5  next 10 fiscal years for the state's existing borrowing

  6  programs.

  7         4.  A schedule of the annual debt service requirements,

  8  including principal and interest allocation, on the

  9  outstanding state debt and an estimate of the annual debt

10  service requirements on the debt included in subparagraph 3.

11  for each of the next 10 fiscal years.

12         5.  An overview of the state's general obligation

13  credit rating.

14         6.  Identification and calculation of pertinent debt

15  ratios, including, but not limited to, debt service to

16  revenues available to pay debt service, debt to personal

17  income, and debt per capita for the state's net tax-supported

18  debt.

19         7.  The estimated debt capacity available over the next

20  10 fiscal years without the benchmark debt ratio of debt

21  service to revenue exceeding 6 percent.

22         8.  A comparison of the debt ratios prepared for

23  subparagraph 6., with the comparable debt ratios for the 10

24  most populous states.

25         (c)  The Division of Bond Finance shall prepare an

26  update of the report set forth above upon completion of the

27  revenue estimates prepared in connection with the legislative

28  session.

29         (d)  Any entity issuing debt secured by state revenues

30  shall provide the information necessary to prepare the debt

31  affordability report.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 1973


  1         (3)  Failure to comply with this section shall not

  2  affect the validity of any debt or the authorization of such

  3  debt.

  4         Section 2.  Subsection (6) is added to section 11.90,

  5  Florida Statutes, to read:

  6         11.90  Legislative Budgeting Commission.--

  7         (6)  The commission shall have the power and duty to:

  8         (a)  Annually review the amount of state debt

  9  outstanding and submit to the President of the Senate and the

10  Speaker of the House of Representatives an estimate of the

11  maximum amount of additional state tax-supported debt that

12  prudently may be authorized during the current fiscal year.

13  The estimate shall be advisory and shall in no way bind the

14  Legislature.

15         (b)  Promptly after receiving the report required by s.

16  215.98(2)(c), the commission shall submit to the President of

17  the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives the

18  commission's estimate of tax-supported debt which prudently

19  may be authorized for the next fiscal year, together with a

20  report explaining the basis for the estimate.

21         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


23            *****************************************

24                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides a declaration of public policy relating to state
26    debt fiscal responsibility. Requires the Division of Bond
      Finance of the State Board of Administration to conduct
27    an annual debt affordability analysis and requires a
      report. Provides additional powers and duties of the
28    Legislative Budget Commission relating to the state's
      debt. See bill for details.




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