Bill No. SB 2004
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 333290
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
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11 Senator Horne moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 1, line 26,
16 insert:
17 Section 1. Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing
18 Program.--
19 (1) By January 1, 2002, the Articulation Coordinating
20 Committee shall identify the minimum scores, maximum credit,
21 and course or courses for which credit is to be awarded for
22 each College Level Examination Program (CLEP) general
23 examination, CLEP subject examination, College Board Advanced
24 Placement Program examination, and International Baccalaureate
25 examination. In addition, the Articulation Coordinating
26 Committee shall identify such courses in the general education
27 core curriculum of each state university and community
28 college.
29 (2) Each community college and state university must
30 award credit for specific courses for which competency has
31 been demonstrated by successful passage of one of these
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Bill No. SB 2004
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 333290
1 examinations unless the award of credit duplicates credit
2 already awarded. Community colleges and universities may not
3 exempt students from courses without the award of credit if
4 competencies have been so demonstrated.
5 (3) Beginning with initial award recipients for the
6 2002-2003 academic year and continuing thereafter, students
7 eligible for a Florida Academic Scholars award or a Florida
8 Medallion Scholars award who are admitted to and enroll in a
9 community college or state university shall, prior to
10 registering for courses that may be earned through a CLEP
11 examination and no later than registration for their second
12 term, complete at least five examinations from those specified
13 in subsection (1) in the following areas: English; humanities;
14 mathematics; natural sciences; and social sciences. Successful
15 completion of dual enrollment courses, Advanced Placement
16 examinations, and International Baccalaureate examinations
17 taken prior to high school graduation satisfy this
18 requirement. The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall
19 identify the examinations that satisfy each component of this
20 requirement.
21 (4) Initial award recipients for the 2001-2002
22 academic year who are eligible for a Florida Academic Scholars
23 award or a Florida Medallion Scholars award and who are
24 admitted to and enroll in a community college or state
25 university may choose, prior to registering for courses that
26 may be earned through CLEP examination, to complete up to five
27 CLEP examinations, one in each of the following areas:
28 English; humanities; mathematics; natural sciences; and social
29 sciences.
30 (5) Each community college and state university shall
31 pay for the CLEP examinations required pursuant to this
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Amendment No. ___ Barcode 333290
1 section from the funds appropriated from the Educational
2 Enhancement Trust Fund. Institutions shall pay no more than
3 $46 per examination for the program, which shall include
4 access to a student guide to prepare for the test. The
5 Department of Education shall negotiate with the College Board
6 for a reduced rate for the examinations. The institution shall
7 not charge the student for preparation and administration of
8 the test, access to a student guide to prepare for the test,
9 or recordkeeping and reporting of each student's test results
10 to the department.
11 (6) The credit awarded pursuant to this section shall
12 apply toward the 120 hours of college credit required pursuant
13 to s. 240.115(6).
14 (7) The maximum number of credit hours for which a
15 student is eligible to receive a Florida Bright Futures
16 Scholarship Program award shall be reduced by the number of
17 hours for which credit is awarded pursuant to this section.
18 (8) Beginning with the 2002-2003 award recipients, the
19 Department of Education shall track and annually report on the
20 effectiveness of the program, and include information on the
21 number of students participating in the program; the CLEP
22 examinations taken and the passage rate of Florida Academic
23 Scholars and Florida Medallion Scholars award recipients; the
24 use of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate
25 examinations and dual enrollment courses to satisfy the
26 requirements of the program; and the course credit provided.
28 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
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Bill No. SB 2004
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 333290
1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
2 And the title is amended as follows:
3 On page 1, line 2, after the semicolon,
5 insert:
6 providing for the Florida Bright Futures
7 Scholarship Testing Program; requiring the
8 Articulation Coordinating Committee to identify
9 scores, credit, and courses for which credit
10 may be awarded for specified examinations;
11 requiring the completion of examinations for
12 receipt of certain awards; providing
13 requirements with respect to the award of
14 credit; requiring annual reporting of the
15 effectiveness of the program;
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