Senate Bill sb2030

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2030

    By Senator Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to electrologists; amending s.

  3         478.42, F.S.; redefining the term

  4         "electrolysis" to include the use of lasers or

  5         light-based devices for hair removal; amending

  6         s. 478.49, F.S.; requiring training in the use

  7         of such devices; requiring general supervision

  8         by a physician when such devices are used;

  9         amending s. 478.50, F.S.; revising criteria for

10         training programs; providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Subsection (5) of section 478.42, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         478.42  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

17  term:

18         (5)  "Electrolysis or electrology" means the permanent

19  removal of hair by destroying the hair-producing cells of the

20  skin and vascular system, using equipment and devices,

21  including laser and light-based equipment designed for hair

22  removal, approved by the board which have been cleared by and

23  registered with the United States Food and Drug Administration

24  and that are used pursuant to protocols approved by the

25  council board.

26         Section 2.  Section 478.49, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         478.49  License required.--

29         (1)  A No person may not practice electrology or hold

30  herself or himself out as an electrologist in this state

31  unless the person has been issued a license by the department


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2030

  1  and holds an active license pursuant to the requirements of

  2  this chapter.

  3         (2)  An electrologist may not use lasers or light-based

  4  devices for hair removal unless such electrologist:

  5         (a)  Has completed a board-approved training course in

  6  the use of such devices; and

  7         (b)  Practices under the general supervision of a

  8  physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, which

  9  supervision follows written protocols that require easy

10  accessibility and communication between the electrologist and

11  the physician and that ensure patient safety when the

12  physician is not physically present during the procedures.

13         (3)(2)  A licensee shall display her or his license in

14  a conspicuous location in her or his place of practice and

15  provide it to the department or the board upon request.

16         Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

17  478.50, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         478.50  Renewal of license; delinquent status; address

19  notification; continuing education requirements.--

20         (4)

21         (b)  The board, with the assistance of the council,

22  shall approve criteria for, and content of, electrolysis

23  training programs, including the use of lasers and light-based

24  devices, and continuing education courses required for

25  licensure and renewal as set forth in this chapter.

26         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


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29                          SENATE SUMMARY

30    Requires electrologists to receive special training
      before using lasers or light-based devices for hair
31    removal and requires them to use such devices under the
      general supervision of a physician.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.