Senate Bill sb2080

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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2080

    By Senator Carlton

    24-1221-01                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

  3         215.555, F.S.; revising definitions; amending

  4         s. 624.155, F.S.; revising time periods for

  5         notice for bringing certain actions; amending

  6         s. 624.307, F.S.; authorizing the Department of

  7         Insurance to adopt rules; amending s. 624.310,

  8         F.S.; proscribing conflict of interest

  9         activities of licensee-affiliated parties under

10         certain circumstances; requiring

11         licensee-affiliated parties to disclose certain

12         personal interests; specifying certain

13         restrictions for licensee-affiliated parties;

14         providing voting rights limitations; providing

15         standards for identifying certain hazardous

16         insurers; providing the department with

17         authority to determine an insurer's financial

18         condition and issue certain orders to a

19         hazardous insurer; authorizing the department

20         to adopt rules; amending s. 624.315, F.S.;

21         revising specified contents of certain reports;

22         amending s. 624.408, F.S.; deleting obsolete

23         provisions; amending ss. 624.423, 626.742,

24         626.8736, 626.907, 634.161, F.S.; providing for

25         alternative methods of service of process;

26         amending s. 624.424, F.S.; exempting certain

27         insurers from certain annual statement

28         requirements; providing exceptions;

29         transferring and renumbering s. 624.4435, F.S.,

30         as s. 624.4242, F.S.; amending s. 625.340,

31         F.S.; requiring certain foreign insurers to


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  1         comply with certain provisions; amending s.

  2         626.8805, F.S.; exempting certain

  3         administrators from certificate-of-authority

  4         requirements; amending s. 627.4615, F.S.;

  5         increasing the minimum rate for certain

  6         interest calculations; amending s. 627.482,

  7         F.S.; specifying a rate of simple interest for

  8         certain cash surrenders of policies; amending

  9         s. 627.613, F.S.; increasing a specified rate

10         of simple interest; amending s. 627.914, F.S.;

11         clarifying application of time-of-payment

12         requirements to self-insurance funds; deleting

13         provisions relating to certain required

14         information relating to workers' compensation

15         insurance; amending s. 627.915, F.S.; revising

16         certain reporting requirements concerning

17         private passenger automobile insurance

18         information; amending s. 641.19, F.S.; defining

19         the term "health care risk contract"; amending

20         s. 641.26, F.S.; revising health maintenance

21         organization annual reporting requirements;

22         creating s. 641.263, F.S.; providing for

23         risk-based capital for health maintenance

24         organizations; providing for risk-based capital

25         reports; providing requirements for health

26         maintenance organizations upon the occurrence

27         of certain events; providing notice

28         requirements; requiring a risk-based capital

29         plan for such events; providing duties and

30         responsibilities of the department; providing

31         for department hearings of challenges by health


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  1         maintenance organizations; providing for notice

  2         requirements; authorizing the department to

  3         adopt rules; authorizing the department to

  4         exempt certain health maintenance

  5         organizations; providing for effect of certain

  6         notices; providing for alternative requirements

  7         for certain time periods; creating s. 641.265,

  8         F.S.; requiring health maintenance

  9         organizations to file certain comprehensive

10         business plans; providing requirements;

11         amending s. 641.35, F.S.; including under

12         liabilities the amounts of certain claims in

13         determinations of financial health of health

14         maintenance organizations; amending ss.

15         641.2018, 641.495, 817.234, 817.50, F.S.;

16         conforming cross-references; repealing s.

17         641.2342, F.S., relating to contract providers;

18         providing effective dates.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

23  215.555, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (n) is

24  added to that subsection, to read:

25         215.555  Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.--

26         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

27         (c)  "Covered policy" means any insurance policy

28  covering residential property in this state, including, but

29  not limited to, any homeowner's, mobile home owner's, farm

30  owner's, condominium association, condominium unit owner's,

31  tenant's, or apartment building policy, or any other policy


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  1  covering a residential structure or its contents issued by any

  2  authorized insurer, including any joint underwriting

  3  association or similar entity created pursuant to law or a

  4  transferred policy as defined in paragraph (n). Additionally,

  5  covered policies include policies covering the peril of wind

  6  removed from the Florida Residential Property and Casualty

  7  Joint Underwriting Association, created pursuant to s.

  8  627.351(6), or from the Florida Windstorm Underwriting

  9  Association, created pursuant to s. 627.351(2), by an

10  authorized insurer under the terms and conditions of an

11  executed assumption agreement between the authorized insurer

12  and either such association. Each assumption agreement between

13  either association and such authorized insurer must be

14  approved by the Florida Department of Insurance prior to the

15  effective date of the assumption, and the Department of

16  Insurance must provide written notification to the board

17  within 15 working days after such approval. "Covered policy"

18  does not include any policy that excludes wind coverage or

19  hurricane coverage or any reinsurance agreement and does not

20  include any policy otherwise meeting this definition which is

21  issued by a surplus lines insurer or a reinsurer.

22         (n)  "Transferred policy" means a policy originally

23  written by an authorized insurer or joint underwriting

24  association which has been assumed by another authorized

25  insurer pursuant to an assumption and reinsurance agreement,

26  and meets all of the following conditions:

27         1.  The policy was covered under a contract with the

28  fund immediately prior to the assumption.

29         2.  The assumption and reinsurance agreement was

30  approved in advance by the Department of Insurance.



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  1         3.  The assuming insurer is obligated to pay 100

  2  percent of the losses of the policy.

  3         4.  An assumption notice that identifies the assuming

  4  insurer is provided to each of the policyholders.

  5         5.  All premiums and assessments due to the fund from

  6  the ceding insurer have been paid in full.

  7         6.  The assumption agreement provides for the full

  8  payment of any premiums due to the fund for the transferred

  9  policies for the balance of the contract period.

10         7.  The assumption agreement clearly identifies

11  policies transferred and provides for the collection of any

12  data necessary for the fund to determine reimbursement under

13  the contract.

14         8.  In the case of an authorized insurer, the

15  assumption agreement provides for the transfer of all policies

16  covered under the existing contract with the fund.

17         9.  The assumption agreement provides for the full

18  payment of any future assessments associated with the exposure

19  from the transferred policies.

20         10.  The assumption agreement is filed with the fund by

21  the assuming insurer within 15 days after approval by the

22  department.

23         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 624.155, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         624.155  Civil remedy.--

26         (2)(a)  As a condition precedent to bringing an action

27  under this section, the department and the insurer must have

28  been given 60 days' written notice of the violation.  If the

29  department returns a notice for lack of specificity, the

30  60-day time period shall not begin until a proper notice is

31  filed.


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  1         (b)  The notice shall be on a form provided by the

  2  department and shall state with specificity the following

  3  information, and such other information as the department may

  4  require:

  5         1.  The statutory provision, including the specific

  6  language of the statute, which the insurer allegedly violated.

  7         2.  The facts and circumstances giving rise to the

  8  violation.

  9         3.  The name of any individual involved in the

10  violation.

11         4.  Reference to specific policy language that is

12  relevant to the violation, if any.  If the person bringing the

13  civil action is a third party claimant, she or he shall not be

14  required to reference the specific policy language if the

15  insurer has not provided a copy of the policy to the third

16  party claimant pursuant to written request.

17         5.  A statement that the notice is given in order to

18  perfect the right to pursue the civil remedy authorized by

19  this section.

20         (c)  Within 20 days of receipt of the notice, the

21  department may return any notice that does not provide the

22  specific information required by this section, and the

23  department shall indicate the specific deficiencies contained

24  in the notice. A determination by the department to return a

25  notice for lack of specificity shall be exempt from the

26  requirements of chapter 120.

27         (c)(d)  No action shall lie if, within 60 days after

28  filing notice, the damages are paid or the circumstances

29  giving rise to the violation are corrected.




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  1         (d)(e)  The insurer that is the recipient of a notice

  2  filed pursuant to this section shall report to the department

  3  on the disposition of the alleged violation.

  4         (e)(f)  The applicable statute of limitations for an

  5  action under this section shall be tolled for a period of 65

  6  days by the mailing of the notice required by this subsection

  7  or the mailing of a subsequent notice required by this

  8  subsection.

  9         Section 3.  Subsection (8) is added to section 624.307,

10  Florida Statutes, to read:

11         624.307  General powers; duties.--

12         (8)  The department may by rule specify the format

13  whereby any records, documents, or filings required pursuant

14  to the provisions of the Florida Insurance Code are to be

15  furnished to the department by licensees and

16  certificateholders.  The rules may include provisions

17  governing electronic methodologies for use in furnishing such

18  records, documents, or filings.

19         Section 4.  Present subsections (4), (5), (6), and (7)

20  of section 624.310, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as

21  subsections (5), (6), (8), and (9), respectively, new

22  subsections (4) and (7) are added to that section, and present

23  subsection (6) of that section is amended, to read:

24         624.310  Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal

25  of certain persons; fines.--


27         (a)  A licensee-affiliated party may not engage or

28  participate, directly or indirectly, in any business or

29  transaction conducted on behalf of or involving the licensee,

30  subsidiary, or service corporation which would result in a

31  conflict of the party's own personal interests with those of


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  1  the licensee, subsidiary, or service corporation with which he

  2  or she is affiliated, unless:

  3         1.  Such business or transactions are conducted in good

  4  faith and are honest, fair, and reasonable to the licensee,

  5  subsidiary, or service corporation and are on terms no more

  6  favorable than would be offered to a disinterested third

  7  party.

  8         2.  A full disclosure of such business or transaction

  9  and the nature of the licensee-affiliated party's interest is

10  made to the board of directors.

11         3.  Such business or transactions are approved in good

12  faith by the board of directors, any interested director

13  abstaining, and such approval is recorded in the minutes.

14         4.  Any profits inuring to the licensee-affiliated

15  party are not at the expense of the state financial

16  institution, subsidiary, or service corporation and do not

17  prejudice the best interests of the licensee, subsidiary, or

18  service corporation in any way.

19         5.  Such business or transactions do not represent a

20  breach of the licensee-affiliated party's fiduciary duty and

21  are not fraudulent, illegal, or ultra vires.

22         (b)  Without limitation by any of the specific

23  provisions of this section, the department may require the

24  disclosure by licensee-affiliated parties of their personal

25  interests, directly or indirectly, in any business or

26  transactions on behalf of or involving the licensee,

27  subsidiary, or service corporation and of their control of or

28  active participation in enterprises having activities related

29  to the business of the state financial institution,

30  subsidiary, or service corporation.



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  1         (c)  The following restrictions governing the conduct

  2  of licensee-affiliated parties are expressly specified, but

  3  such specification is not to be construed in any manner as

  4  excusing such parties from the observance of any other aspect

  5  of the general fiduciary duty owed by them to the licensee

  6  which they serve:

  7         1.  A director of a licensee may not accept director

  8  fees unless the director fees have been previously approved by

  9  the board of directors and such fees represent reasonable

10  compensation for service as a director or member of a

11  committee.  This subparagraph does not limit or preclude

12  reasonable compensation as otherwise authorized by paragraph

13  (a) for a director who also provides goods or services to the

14  licensee.

15         2.  Except as provided in ss. 657.039 and 658.48, a

16  licensee-affiliated party may not have any interest, directly

17  or indirectly, in the proceeds of a loan or investment or of a

18  purchase or sale made by the licensee, subsidiary, or service

19  corporation unless such loan, investment, purchase, or sale is

20  authorized expressly by resolution of the board of directors

21  and unless such resolution is approved by vote of at least a

22  majority of the directors of the licensee with all interested

23  parties taking no part in such vote.

24         3.  A licensee-affiliated party may not have any

25  interest, direct or indirect, in the purchase at less than the

26  face value of any evidence of a savings account, deposit, or

27  other indebtedness issued by the state financial institution,

28  subsidiary, or service corporation.

29         4.  A licensee-affiliated party acting as proxy for a

30  stockholder of a licensee, subsidiary, or service corporation

31  may not exercise, transfer, or delegate such vote or votes in


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  1  any consideration of a private benefit or advantage, direct or

  2  indirect.  The voting rights of stockholders and directors may

  3  not be the subject of sale, barter, exchange, or similar

  4  transaction, either directly or indirectly. Any

  5  licensee-affiliated party who violates the provisions of this

  6  subparagraph is accountable to the licensee, subsidiary, or

  7  service corporation for any increment.

  8         (7)  CORRECTIVE ACTION.--

  9         (a)  The purpose of this subsection is to set forth the

10  standards the department may use for identifying insurers

11  found to be in such condition as to render the continuance of

12  their business hazardous to the public or to holders of their

13  policies or certificates of insurance.  This subsection shall

14  not be interpreted to limit the powers granted the department

15  by any other laws of this state, nor shall this subsection be

16  interpreted to supersede any laws or parts of laws of this

17  state.

18         (b)  The following standards may be considered by the

19  department to determine whether the continued operation of any

20  insurer transacting an insurance business in this state might

21  be deemed to be hazardous to policyholders, creditors, or the

22  general public:

23         1.  Adverse findings reported in financial condition

24  and market conduct examination reports.

25         2.  The National Association of Insurance Commissioners

26  Insurance Regulatory Information System and its related

27  reports.

28         3.  The ratios of commission expense, general insurance

29  expense, policy benefits, and reserve increases as to annual

30  premium and net investment income which could lead to an

31  impairment of capital and surplus.


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  1         4.  Whether the insurer's asset portfolio, when viewed

  2  in light of current economic conditions, is of sufficient

  3  value, liquidity, or diversity to assure the insurer's ability

  4  to meet its outstanding obligations as they mature.

  5         5.  The ability of an assuming reinsurer to perform and

  6  whether the insurer's reinsurance program provides sufficient

  7  protection for the insurer's remaining surplus after taking

  8  into account the insurer's cash flow and the classes of

  9  business written as well as the financial condition of the

10  assuming reinsurer.

11         6.  Whether the insurer's operating loss in the last

12  12-month period or any shorter period of time, including, but

13  not limited to, net capital gain or loss, change in

14  non-admitted assets, and cash dividends paid to shareholders,

15  is greater than 50 percent of the insurer's remaining surplus

16  as regards policyholders in excess of the minimum required.

17         7.  Whether any affiliate, subsidiary, or reinsurer is

18  insolvent, threatened with insolvency, or delinquent in

19  payment of its monetary or other obligation.

20         8.  Contingent liabilities, pledges, or guaranties that

21  either individually or collectively involve a total amount

22  that in the opinion of the department may affect the solvency

23  of the insurer.

24         9.  Whether any controlling person of an insurer is

25  delinquent in the transmitting to, or payment of, net premiums

26  to such insurer.

27         10.  The age and collectibility of receivables.

28         11.  Whether the management of an insurer, including

29  officers, directors, or any other person who directly or

30  indirectly controls the operation of such insurer, fails to

31  possess and demonstrate the competence, fitness, and


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  1  reputation deemed necessary to serve the insurer in such

  2  position.

  3         12.  Whether the management of an insurer has failed to

  4  respond to inquiries relative to the condition of the insurer

  5  or has furnished false and misleading information concerning

  6  an inquiry.

  7         13.  Whether the management of an insurer has filed any

  8  false or misleading sworn financial statement, has released a

  9  false or misleading financial statement to lending

10  institutions or to the general public, or has made a false or

11  misleading entry or omitted an entry of material amount in the

12  books of the insurer.

13         14.  Whether the insurer has grown so rapidly and to

14  such an extent that the insurer lacks adequate financial and

15  administrative capacity to meet its obligations in a timely

16  manner.

17         15.  Whether the insurer has experienced or will

18  experience in the foreseeable future cash flow liquidity

19  problems.

20         (c)1.  For the purposes of making a determination of an

21  insurer's financial condition under this subsection, the

22  department may:

23         a.  Disregard any credit or amount receivable resulting

24  from transactions with a reinsurer which is insolvent,

25  impaired, or otherwise subject to a delinquency proceeding.

26         b.  Make appropriate adjustments to asset values

27  attributable to investments in or transactions with parents,

28  subsidiaries, or affiliates.

29         c.  Refuse to recognize the stated value of accounts

30  receivable if the ability to collect receivables is highly



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  1  speculative in view of the age of the account or the financial

  2  condition of the debtor.

  3         d.  Increase the insurer's liability in an amount equal

  4  to any contingent liability, pledge, or guarantee not

  5  otherwise included if there is a substantial risk that the

  6  insurer will be called upon to meet the obligation undertaken

  7  within the next 12-month period.

  8         2.  If the department determines that the continued

  9  operation of the insurer licensed to transact business in this

10  state may be hazardous to policyholders, creditors, or the

11  general public, the department may, upon its determination,

12  issue an order requiring the insurer to:

13         a.  Reduce the total amount of present and potential

14  liability for policy benefits by reinsurance.

15         b.  Reduce, suspend, or limit the volume of business

16  being accepted or renewed.

17         c.  Reduce general insurance and commission expenses by

18  specified methods.

19         d.  Increase the insurer's capital and surplus.

20         e.  Suspend or limit the declaration and payment of

21  dividend by an insurer to its stockholders or to its

22  policyholders.

23         f.  File reports in a form acceptable to the department

24  concerning the market value of an insurer's assets.

25         g.  Limit or withdraw from certain investments or

26  discontinue certain investment practices to the extent the

27  department deems necessary.

28         h.  Document the adequacy of premium rates in relation

29  to the risks insured.

30         i.  File, in addition to regular annual statements,

31  interim financial reports on the form adopted by the National


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  1  Association of Insurance Commissioners or in such format as

  2  adopted by the department.


  4  If the insurer is a foreign insurer, the department's order

  5  may be limited to the extent provided by law.

  6         3.  Any insurer subject to an order under subparagraph

  7  2. may request a hearing to review that order pursuant to the

  8  applicable provisions of chapter 120.

  9         (d)  The department may adopt any rules necessary to

10  implement the provisions of this subsection and in so doing

11  may consider revisions by the National Association of

12  Insurance Commissioners to the model regulation or act upon

13  which this subsection is based or upon any similar association

14  model regulation or act.

15         (8)(6)  ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES.--All administrative

16  proceedings under subsections (3), (4), and (5), and (6) shall

17  be conducted in accordance with chapter 120.  Any service

18  required or authorized to be made by the department under this

19  code shall be made by certified mail, return receipt

20  requested, delivered to the addressee only; by personal

21  delivery; or in accordance with chapter 48.  The service

22  provided for herein shall be effective from the date of

23  delivery.

24         Section 5.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 624.315,

25  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

26         624.315  Department; annual report.--

27         (1)  As early as reasonably possible, the department

28  shall annually prepare a report to the Speaker and Minority

29  Leader of the House of Representatives, the President and

30  Minority Leader of the Senate, the chairs of the legislative

31  committees with jurisdiction over matters of insurance, and


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  1  the Governor showing, with respect to the preceding calendar

  2  year:

  3         (a)  Names of the authorized insurers transacting

  4  insurance in this state, with abstracts of their financial

  5  statements including assets, liabilities, and net worth.

  6         (b)  Names of insurers whose business was closed during

  7  the year, the cause thereof, and amounts of assets and

  8  liabilities as ascertainable.

  9         (c)  Names of insurers against which delinquency or

10  similar proceedings were instituted, and a concise statement

11  of the circumstances and results of each such proceeding.

12         (d)  The receipts and estimated expenses of the

13  department for the year.

14         (d)(e)  Such other pertinent information and matters as

15  the department deems to be in the public interest.

16         (e)(f)  Annually after each regular session of the

17  Legislature, a compilation of the laws of this state relating

18  to insurance.  Any such publication may be printed, revised,

19  or reprinted upon the basis of the original low bid.

20         (f)(g)  An analysis and summary report of the state of

21  the insurance industry in this state evaluated as of the end

22  of the most recent calendar year.

23         (2)  The department shall maintain the following

24  information and make such information available upon request:

25         (a)  Calendar year profitability, including investment

26  income from policyholders' unearned premium and loss reserves

27  (Florida and countrywide).

28         (b)  Aggregate Florida loss reserves.

29         (c)  Premiums written (Florida and countrywide).

30         (d)  Premiums earned (Florida and countrywide).

31         (e)  Incurred losses (Florida and countrywide).


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  1         (f)  Paid losses (Florida and countrywide).

  2         (g)  Allocated Florida loss adjustment expenses.

  3         (h)  Renewal ratio (countrywide).

  4         (i)  Variation of premiums charged by the industry as

  5  compared to rates promulgated by the Insurance Services Office

  6  (Florida and countrywide).

  7         (j)  An analysis of policy size limits (Florida and

  8  countrywide).

  9         (k)  Insureds' selection of claims-made versus

10  occurrence coverage (Florida and countrywide).

11         (h)(l)  A subreport on the involuntary market in

12  Florida encompassing such joint underwriting plans and

13  assigned risk plans operating in the state.

14         (i)(m)  A subreport providing information relevant to

15  emerging markets and alternate marketing mechanisms, such as

16  self-insured trusts, risk retention groups, purchasing groups,

17  and the excess-surplus lines market.

18         (n)  Trends; emerging trends as exemplified by the

19  percentage change in frequency and severity of both paid and

20  incurred claims, and pure premium (Florida and countrywide).

21         (o)  Fast track loss ratios as defined and assimilated

22  by the Insurance Services Office (Florida and countrywide).

23         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

24  624.408, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         624.408  Surplus as to policyholders required; new and

26  existing insurers.--

27         (1)

28         (b)  For any property and casualty insurer holding a

29  certificate of authority on December 1, 1993, the following

30  amounts apply instead of the $4 million required by

31  subparagraph (a)5.:


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  1         1.  On December 31, 1999, and until December 30, 2000,

  2  $2.5 million.

  3         1.2.  On December 31, 2000, and until December 30,

  4  2001, $2.75 million.

  5         2.3.  On December 31, 2001, and until December 30,

  6  2002, $3 million.

  7         3.4.  On December 31, 2002, and until December 30,

  8  2003, $3.25 million.

  9         4.5.  On December 31, 2003, and until December 30,

10  2004, $3.6 million.

11         5.6.  On December 31, 2004, and thereafter, $4 million.

12         Section 7.  Subsection (1) of section 624.423, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (4) is added to that

14  section, to read:

15         624.423  Serving process.--

16         (1)  Service of process upon the Insurance Commissioner

17  and Treasurer as process agent of the insurer (under s.

18  624.422) shall be made by serving copies in triplicate of the

19  process upon the Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer or upon

20  her or his assistant, deputy, or other person in charge of her

21  or his office.  Upon receiving such service, the Insurance

22  Commissioner and Treasurer shall file one copy in her or his

23  office, return one copy with her or his admission of service,

24  and promptly forward one copy of the process by registered or

25  certified mail or by such other method of expeditious delivery

26  determined to be appropriate by the department to the person

27  last designated by the insurer to receive the same, as

28  provided under s. 624.422(2).

29         (4)  The department may prescribe by rule the method to

30  be used by the department in forwarding the process to the



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  1  person designated by the insurer and in returning a copy with

  2  the admission of service as described in this section.

  3         Section 8.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

  4  624.424, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         624.424  Annual statement and other information.--

  6         (1)

  7         (b)1.  Each insurer's annual statement must contain a

  8  statement of opinion on loss and loss adjustment expense

  9  reserves made by a member of the American Academy of Actuaries

10  or by a qualified loss reserve specialist, under criteria

11  established by rule of the department. In adopting the rule,

12  the department must consider any criteria established by the

13  National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The

14  department may require semiannual updates of the annual

15  statement of opinion as to a particular insurer if the

16  department has reasonable cause to believe that such reserves

17  are understated to the extent of materially misstating the

18  financial position of the insurer. Workpapers in support of

19  the statement of opinion must be provided to the department

20  upon request. This subparagraph paragraph does not apply to

21  life insurance or title insurance.

22         2.  Any authorized insurer otherwise subject to this

23  paragraph having direct premiums written in this state of less

24  than $1 million in any calendar year and less than 1,000

25  policyholders or certificateholders of directly written

26  policies nationwide at the end of such calendar year is exempt

27  from this section for such year unless the department makes a

28  specific finding that compliance is necessary in order for the

29  department to carry out its statutory responsibilities.

30  However, any insurer having assumed premiums pursuant to

31  contracts or treaties or reinsurance of $1 million or more is


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  1  not exempt.  Any insurer subject to an exemption must submit,

  2  by March 1 following the year to which the exemption applies,

  3  an affidavit sworn to by a responsible officer of the insurer

  4  specifying the amount of direct premiums written in this state

  5  and number of policyholders or certificateholders.

  6         Section 9.  Section 624.4435, Florida Statutes, is

  7  transferred and renumbered as section 624.4242, Florida

  8  Statutes.

  9         Section 10.  Section 625.340, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         625.340  Investments of foreign or alien insurers.--The

12  investment portfolio of a foreign or alien insurer shall be as

13  permitted by the laws of its domicile if of a quality

14  substantially as high as that required under this chapter for

15  similar funds of like domestic insurers. Foreign insurers that

16  are commercially domiciled as defined in s. 624.075 shall

17  comply with parts I and II of this chapter.

18         Section 11.  Subsection (4) of section 626.742, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         626.742  Nonresident agents; service of process.--

21         (4)  Upon receiving such service, the Insurance

22  Commissioner and Treasurer shall forthwith send one of the

23  copies of the process, by registered mail or by such other

24  method of expeditious delivery determined to be appropriate by

25  the department with return receipt requested, to the defendant

26  agent at his or her last address of record with the

27  department.

28         Section 12.  Subsection (4) of section 626.8736,

29  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         626.8736  Nonresident independent or public adjusters;

31  service of process.--


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  1         (4)  Upon receiving the service, the Insurance

  2  Commissioner and Treasurer shall forthwith send one of the

  3  copies of the process, by registered mail or by such other

  4  method of expeditious delivery determined to be appropriate by

  5  the department with return receipt requested, to the defendant

  6  nonresident independent or public adjuster at his or her last

  7  address of record with the department.

  8         Section 13.  Effective January 1, 2002, subsection (7)

  9  is added to section 626.8805, Florida Statutes, to read:

10         626.8805  Certificate of authority to act as

11  administrator.--

12         (7)  An administrator is not required to hold a

13  certificate of authority pursuant to this section if:

14         (a)  The administrator has its principal place of

15  business in another state.

16         (b)  The administrator is not soliciting business as an

17  administrator in this state.

18         (c)  In the case of any group policy or plan of

19  insurance serviced by the administrator, the lesser of 5

20  percent of or 100 certificateholders reside in this state.

21         Section 14.  Subsection (1) of section 626.907, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         626.907  Service of process; judgment by default.--

24         (1)  Service of process upon an insurer or person

25  representing or aiding such insurer pursuant to s. 626.906

26  shall be made by delivering to and leaving with the Insurance

27  Commissioner and Treasurer or some person in apparent charge

28  of his or her office two copies thereof.  The Insurance

29  Commissioner and Treasurer shall forthwith mail, or by such

30  other method of expeditious delivery determined to be

31  appropriate by the department send, by registered mail one of


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  1  the copies of such process to the defendant at the defendant's

  2  last known principal place of business and shall keep a record

  3  of all process so served upon him or her.  The service of

  4  process is sufficient, provided notice of such service and a

  5  copy of the process are sent within 10 days thereafter by

  6  registered mail by plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney to the

  7  defendant at the defendant's last known principal place of

  8  business, and the defendant's receipt, or receipt issued by

  9  the post office with which the letter is registered, showing

10  the name of the sender of the letter and the name and address

11  of the person to whom the letter is addressed, and the

12  affidavit of the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney showing a

13  compliance herewith are filed with the clerk of the court in

14  which the action is pending on or before the date the

15  defendant is required to appear, or within such further time

16  as the court may allow.

17         Section 15.  Section 627.4615, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         627.4615  Interest payable on death claim

20  payments.--When a policy provides for payment of its proceeds

21  in a lump sum upon the death of the insured, the payment must

22  include interest, at an annual rate equal to or greater than

23  the Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average-Monthly Average

24  Corporate as of the day the claim was received, from the date

25  the insurer receives written due proof of death of the

26  insured.  If the method of calculating such index is

27  substantially changed from the method of calculation in use on

28  January 1, 1993, the rate must not be less than 12 8 percent.

29         Section 16.  Subsection (1) of section 627.482, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         627.482  Interest payable on cash surrender of

  2  policy.--

  3         (1)  If an insured requests payment of the cash

  4  surrender value of a policy from its insurer, such payment

  5  shall include simple interest at the rate of 12 percent per

  6  year interest specified in s. 625.121(6)(e), unless such

  7  payment is made by the insurer within 30 days of receipt of

  8  the insurance policy and request for cash surrender.

  9         Section 17.  Subsection (6) of section 627.613, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         627.613  Time of payment of claims.--

12         (6)  All overdue payments shall bear simple interest at

13  the rate of 12 10 percent per year.

14         Section 18.  Section 627.914, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         627.914  Reports of information by workers'

17  compensation insurers required.--

18         (1)  The department shall promulgate rules and

19  statistical plans which shall thereafter be used by each

20  insurer and self-insurance fund as defined in s. 624.461 in

21  the recording and reporting of loss, expense, and claims

22  experience, in order that the experience of all insurers and

23  self-insurance funds self-insurers may be made available at

24  least annually in such form and detail as may be necessary to

25  aid the department in determining whether Florida experience

26  for workers' compensation insurance is sufficient for

27  establishing rates.

28         (2)  Any insurer authorized to write a policy of

29  workers' compensation insurance shall transmit the following

30  information to the department each year with its annual

31  report, and such information shall be reported on a net basis


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  1  with respect to reinsurance for nationwide experience and on a

  2  direct basis for Florida experience:

  3         (a)  Premiums written;

  4         (b)  Premiums earned;

  5         (c)  Dividends paid or credited to policyholders;

  6         (d)  Losses paid;

  7         (e)  Allocated loss adjustment expenses;

  8         (f)  The ratio of allocated loss adjustment expenses to

  9  losses paid;

10         (g)  Unallocated loss adjustment expenses;

11         (h)  The ratio of unallocated loss adjustment expenses

12  to losses paid;

13         (i)  The total of losses paid and unallocated and

14  allocated loss adjustment expenses;

15         (j)  The ratio of losses paid and unallocated and

16  allocated loss adjustment expenses to premiums earned;

17         (k)  The number of claims outstanding as of December 31

18  of each year;

19         (l)  The total amount of losses unpaid as of December

20  31 of each year;

21         (m)  The total amount of allocated and unallocated loss

22  adjustment expenses unpaid as of December 31 of each year; and

23         (n)  The total of losses paid and allocated loss

24  adjustment expenses and unallocated loss adjustment expenses,

25  plus the total of losses unpaid as of December 31 of each year

26  and loss adjustment expenses unpaid as of December 31 of each

27  year.

28         (3)  A report of the information required in subsection

29  (2) shall be filed no later than April 1 of each year and

30  shall include the information for the preceding year ending

31  December 31. All reports shall be on a calendar-accident year


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  1  basis, and each calendar-accident year shall be reported at

  2  eight stages of development.

  3         (2)(4)  Each insurer and self-insurance fund as defined

  4  in s. 624.461 authorized to write a policy of workers'

  5  compensation insurance shall transmit the following

  6  information for paragraphs (a), (b), (d), and (e) annually on

  7  both Florida experience and nationwide experience separately:

  8         (a)  Payrolls by classification.

  9         (b)  Manual premiums by classification.

10         (c)  Standard premiums by classification.

11         (d)  Losses by classification and injury type.

12         (e)  Expenses.


14  A report of this information shall be filed no later than July

15  April 1 of each year.  All reports shall be filed in

16  accordance with standard reporting procedures for insurers,

17  which procedures have received approval by the department, and

18  shall contain data for the most recent policy period

19  available.  A statistical or rating organization may be used

20  by insurers or self-insurance funds to report the data

21  required by this section.  The statistical or rating

22  organization shall report each data element in the aggregate

23  only for insurers and self-insurance funds required to report

24  under this section who elect to have the rating organization

25  report on their behalf. Such insurers and self-insurance funds

26  shall be named in the report.

27         (3)(5)  Individual self-insurers authorized to transact

28  workers' compensation insurance as provided in s.

29  440.02(23)(a) shall report only Florida data as prescribed in

30  paragraphs (a)-(e) of subsection (2)(4) to the Division of



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  1  Workers' Compensation of the Department of Labor and

  2  Employment Security.

  3         (a)  The Division of Workers' Compensation shall

  4  publish the dates and forms necessary to enable individual

  5  self-insurers to comply with this section.

  6         (b)  The Division of Workers' Compensation shall report

  7  the information collected under this section to the Department

  8  of Insurance in a manner prescribed by the department.

  9         (c)  A statistical or rating organization may be used

10  by individual self-insurers for the purposes of reporting the

11  data required by this section and calculating experience

12  ratings.

13         (4)(6)  The department shall provide a summary of

14  information provided pursuant to subsection subsections (2)

15  and (4) in its annual report.

16         Section 19.  Subsection (1) of section 627.915, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         627.915  Insurer experience reporting.--

19         (1)  Each insurer transacting private passenger

20  automobile insurance in this state shall report certain

21  information annually to the department.  The information will

22  be due on or before July 1 of each year. The information shall

23  be divided into the following categories:  bodily injury

24  liability; property damage liability; uninsured motorist;

25  personal injury protection benefits; medical payments;

26  comprehensive and collision.  The information given shall be

27  on direct insurance writings in the state alone and shall

28  represent total limits data. The information set forth in

29  paragraphs (a)-(d)(f) is applicable to voluntary private

30  passenger and Joint Underwriting Association private passenger

31  writings and shall be reported for each of the latest 3


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  1  calendar-accident years, with an evaluation date of March 31

  2  of the current year.  The information set forth in paragraphs

  3  (e)-(h) (g)-(j) is applicable to voluntary private passenger

  4  writings and shall be reported on a calendar-accident year

  5  basis ultimately seven times at seven different stages of

  6  development.

  7         (a)  Premiums earned for the latest 3 calendar-accident

  8  years.

  9         (b)  Loss development factors and the historic

10  development of those factors.

11         (b)(c)  Policyholder dividends incurred.

12         (c)(d)  Expenses for other acquisition and general

13  expense.

14         (d)(e)  Expenses for agents' commissions and taxes,

15  licenses, and fees.

16         (f)  Profit and contingency factors as utilized in the

17  insurer's automobile rate filings for the applicable years.

18         (e)(g)  Losses paid.

19         (f)(h)  Losses unpaid.

20         (g)(i)  Loss adjustment expenses paid.

21         (h)(j)  Loss adjustment expenses unpaid.

22         Section 20.  Subsection (1) of section 634.161, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         634.161  Service of process; method.--

25         (1)  Service of process upon the Insurance Commissioner

26  and Treasurer as process agent of the company shall be made by

27  serving copies in triplicate of the process upon the Insurance

28  Commissioner and Treasurer or upon her or his assistant,

29  deputy, or other person in charge of her or his office.  Upon

30  receiving such service, the Insurance Commissioner and

31  Treasurer shall file one copy with the department, return one


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  1  copy with her or his admission of service, and promptly

  2  forward one copy of the process by registered or certified

  3  mail or by such other method of expeditious delivery

  4  determined to be appropriate by the department to the person

  5  last designated by the company to receive the same, as

  6  provided under s. 634.151.

  7         Section 21.  Present subsections (12) through (21) of

  8  section 641.19, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as

  9  subsections (13) through (22), respectively, and a new

10  subsection (12) is added to that section to read:

11         641.19  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:

12         (12)  "Health care risk contract" means a contract

13  under which a person or entity receives consideration or other

14  compensation in an amount greater than 1 percent of the health

15  maintenance organization's annual gross written premium in

16  exchange for providing to the health maintenance organization

17  a provider network and other services, which may include

18  administrative services.

19         Section 22.  Subsection (1) of section 641.2018,

20  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         641.2018  Limited coverage for home health care

22  authorized.--

23         (1)  Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter,

24  a health maintenance organization may issue a contract that

25  limits coverage to home health care services only.  The

26  organization and the contract shall be subject to all of the

27  requirements of this part that do not require or otherwise

28  apply to specific benefits other than home care services.  To

29  this extent, all of the requirements of this part apply to any

30  organization or contract that limits coverage to home care

31  services, except the requirements for providing comprehensive


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  1  health care services as provided in ss. 641.19(4), (12), and

  2  (13), and (14), and 641.31(1), except ss. 641.31(9), (12),

  3  (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), and (24) and 641.31095.

  4         Section 23.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 641.26,

  5  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (9) is added to

  6  that section, to read:

  7         641.26  Annual report.--

  8         (1)  Every health maintenance organization shall,

  9  annually by April 1 within 3 months after the end of its

10  fiscal year, or within an extension of time therefor as the

11  department, for good cause, may grant, in a form prescribed by

12  the department, file a report with the department, verified by

13  the oath of two officers of the organization or, if not a

14  corporation, of two persons who are principal managing

15  directors of the affairs of the organization, properly

16  notarized, showing its condition on the last day of the

17  immediately preceding reporting period.  Such report shall

18  include:

19         (a)  A financial statement of the health maintenance

20  organization filed on a computer diskette using a format

21  acceptable to the department.

22         (b)  A financial statement of the health maintenance

23  organization filed on forms acceptable to the department.

24         (c)  An audited financial statement of the health

25  maintenance organization, including its balance sheet and a

26  statement of operations for the preceding year certified by an

27  independent certified public accountant, prepared in

28  accordance with statutory accounting principles.

29         (d)  The number of health maintenance contracts issued

30  and outstanding and the number of health maintenance contracts

31  terminated.


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  1         (e)  The number and amount of damage claims for medical

  2  injury initiated against the health maintenance organization

  3  and any of the providers engaged by it during the reporting

  4  year, broken down into claims with and without formal legal

  5  process, and the disposition, if any, of each such claim.

  6         (f)  An actuarial certification that:

  7         1.  The health maintenance organization is actuarially

  8  sound, which certification shall consider the rates, benefits,

  9  and expenses of, and any other funds available for the payment

10  of obligations of, the organization.

11         2.  The rates being charged or to be charged are

12  actuarially adequate to the end of the period for which rates

13  have been guaranteed.

14         3.  Incurred but not reported claims and claims

15  reported but not fully paid have been adequately provided for,

16  including claims arising for services provided to subscribers

17  if these services are provided under health care risk

18  contracts unless the obligations under such contracts are

19  secured by a financial instrument acceptable to the

20  department. Such instrument shall be certified as complying

21  with the requirements of this subsection. This requirement

22  shall not apply to a contract with a provider where the

23  contract is limited to services provided by such provider

24  under the scope of that provider's license.

25         (g)  A report prepared by the certified public

26  accountant and filed with the department describing material

27  weaknesses in the health maintenance organization's internal

28  control structure as noted by the certified public accountant

29  during the audit.  The report must be filed with the annual

30  audited financial report as required in paragraph (c).  The

31  health maintenance organization shall provide a description of


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  1  remedial actions taken or proposed to correct material

  2  weaknesses, if the actions are not described in the

  3  independent certified public accountant's report.

  4         (h)  Such other information relating to the performance

  5  of health maintenance organizations as is required by the

  6  department.

  7         (3)  Every health maintenance organization shall file

  8  quarterly, within 45 days after each of its quarterly

  9  reporting periods, an unaudited quarterly financial statement

10  for each quarter except the fourth quarter of the organization

11  as described in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b). The report shall be

12  as described in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) and shall be due

13  within 45 days after the end of the quarter.  The quarterly

14  report shall be verified by the oath of two officers of the

15  organization, properly notarized.

16         (9)  Each health maintenance organization shall

17  annually report, in a form and manner prescribed by the

18  department by rule, a summary of each health risk contract.

19         Section 24.  Section 641.263, Florida Statutes, is

20  created to read:

21         641.263  Risk-based capital.--

22         (1)  For purposes of this section:

23         (a)  "Adjusted risk-based capital report" means a

24  risk-based capital report which has been adjusted by the

25  department in accordance with paragraph (2)(b).

26         (b)  "Association" means the National Association of

27  Insurance Commissioners.

28         (c)  "Corrective order" means an order issued by the

29  department specifying corrective actions which the department

30  has determined are required.



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  1         (d)  "Risk-based capital instructions" means the

  2  risk-based capital report including risk-based capital

  3  instructions adopted by the association, as these risk-based

  4  capital instructions may be amended by the association from

  5  time to time in accordance with the procedures adopted by the

  6  association.

  7         (e)  "Risk-based capital level" means a health

  8  maintenance organization's company action level risk-based

  9  capital, regulatory action level risk-based capital,

10  authorized control level risk-based capital, or mandatory

11  control level risk-based capital. For purposes of this

12  section:

13         1.  "Company action level risk-based capital" means the

14  product of 2.0 and the health maintenance organization's

15  authorized control level risk-based capital.

16         2.  "Regulatory action level risk-based capital" means

17  the product of 1.5 and the health maintenance organization's

18  authorized control level risk-based capital.

19         3.  "Authorized control level risk-based capital" means

20  the number determined under the risk-based capital formula in

21  accordance with the risk-based capital instructions.

22         4.  "Mandatory control level risk-based capital" means

23  the product of .70 and the authorized control level risk-based

24  capital.

25         (f)  "Risk-based capital plan" means a comprehensive

26  financial plan containing the elements specified in paragraph

27  (3)(b). If the department rejects the risk-based capital plan,

28  and the plan is revised by the health maintenance

29  organization, with or without the department's recommendation,

30  the plan shall be called the "revised risk-based capital

31  plan."


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  1         (g)  "Risk-based capital report" means the report

  2  required in subsection (2).

  3         (h)  "Total adjusted capital" means the sum of:

  4         1.  A health maintenance organization's net worth,

  5  consisting of its statutory capital and surplus, as determined

  6  in accordance with the statutory accounting applicable to the

  7  annual financial statements required to be filed under s.

  8  641.26; and

  9         2.  Such other items, if any, as the risk-based capital

10  instructions may provide.

11         (2)(a)  A health maintenance organization shall, on or

12  prior to April 1 of each year, prepare and submit to the

13  department a report of its risk-based capital levels as of the

14  end of the calendar year just ended, in a form and containing

15  such information as is required by the risk-based capital

16  instructions. In addition, a health maintenance organization

17  shall file its risk-based capital report:

18         1.  With the association in accordance with the

19  risk-based capital instructions; and

20         2.  With the chief insurance regulatory official in any

21  state in which the health maintenance organization is

22  authorized to do business, if such official has notified the

23  health maintenance organization of his or her request in

24  writing, in which case the health maintenance organization

25  shall file its risk-based capital report not later than the

26  later of 15 days after the receipt of notice to file its

27  risk-based capital report with that state or April 1.

28         (b)  A health maintenance organization's risk-based

29  capital shall be determined in accordance with the formula set

30  forth in the risk-based capital instructions. The formula



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  1  shall take into account and may adjust for the covariance

  2  between:

  3         1.  Asset risks;

  4         2.  Credit risks;

  5         3.  Underwriting risks; and

  6         4.  All other business risks and such other relevant

  7  risks as are set forth in the risk-based capital instructions,


  9  determined in each case by applying the factors in the manner

10  set forth in the risk-based capital instructions.

11         (c)  The Legislature finds that an excess of capital

12  over the amount produced by the risk-based capital

13  requirements contained in this section and the formulas,

14  schedules, and instructions referenced in this section is

15  desirable in the health maintenance organization business.

16  Accordingly, health maintenance organizations should seek to

17  maintain capital above the risk-based capital levels required

18  by this section. Additional capital is used and useful in the

19  health maintenance organization business and helps to secure a

20  health maintenance organization against various risks inherent

21  in, or affecting, said business and not accounted for or only

22  partially measured by the risk-based capital requirements

23  contained in this section.

24         (d)  If a health maintenance organization files a

25  risk-based capital report that in the judgment of the

26  department is inaccurate, the department shall adjust the

27  risk-based capital report to correct the inaccuracy and shall

28  notify the health maintenance organization of the adjustment.

29  The notice shall contain a statement of the reason for the

30  adjustment. A risk-based capital report as so adjusted is

31  referred to as an "adjusted risk-based capital report."


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  1         (3)(a)  A company action level event includes:

  2         1.  The filing of a risk-based capital report by a

  3  health maintenance organization that indicates that the health

  4  maintenance organization's total adjusted capital is greater

  5  than or equal to its regulatory action level risk-based

  6  capital but less than its company action level risk-based

  7  capital;

  8         2.  Notification by the department to the health

  9  maintenance organization of an adjusted risk-based capital

10  report that indicates the event described in subparagraph 1.,

11  provided the health maintenance organization does not

12  challenge the adjusted risk-based capital report under

13  subsection (7); or

14         3.  If, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (7), a

15  health maintenance organization challenges an adjusted

16  risk-based capital report that indicates the event described

17  in subparagraph 1., the notification by the department to the

18  health maintenance organization that the department has, after

19  a hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

20  challenge.

21         (b)  If a company action level event occurs, the health

22  maintenance organization shall prepare and submit to the

23  department a risk-based capital plan that shall:

24         1.  Identify the conditions that contribute to the

25  company action level event.

26         2.  Contain proposals of corrective actions that the

27  health maintenance organization intends to take and that would

28  be expected to result in the elimination of the company action

29  level event.

30         3.  Provide projections of the health maintenance

31  organization's financial results in the current year and at


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  1  least the 2 succeeding years, both in the absence of proposed

  2  corrective actions and giving effect to the proposed

  3  corrective actions, including projections of statutory balance

  4  sheets, operating income, net income, capital and surplus, and

  5  risk-based capital levels. The projections for both new and

  6  renewal business might include separate projections for each

  7  major line of business and separately identify each

  8  significant income, expense, and benefit component.

  9         4.  Identify the key assumptions impacting the health

10  maintenance organization's projections and the sensitivity of

11  the projections to the assumptions.

12         5.  Identify the quality of, and problems associated

13  with, the health maintenance organization's business,

14  including, but not limited to, its assets, anticipated

15  business growth and associated surplus strain, extraordinary

16  exposure to risk, mix of business, and use of reinsurance, if

17  any, in each case.

18         (c)  The risk-based capital plan shall be submitted:

19         1.  Within 45 days after a company action level event;

20  or

21         2.  If the health maintenance organization challenges

22  an adjusted risk-based capital report pursuant to the

23  provisions of subsection (7), within 45 days after

24  notification to the health maintenance organization that the

25  department has, after a hearing, rejected the health

26  maintenance organization's challenge.

27         (d)  Within 60 days after the submission by a health

28  maintenance organization of a risk-based capital plan to the

29  department, the department shall notify the health maintenance

30  organization whether the risk-based capital plan shall be

31  implemented or is, in the judgment of the department,


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  1  unsatisfactory. If the department determines the risk-based

  2  capital plan is unsatisfactory, the notification to the health

  3  maintenance organization shall set forth the reasons for the

  4  determination and may set forth proposed revisions which will

  5  render the risk-based capital plan satisfactory in the

  6  judgment of the department. Upon notification from the

  7  department, the health maintenance organization shall prepare

  8  a revised risk-based capital plan, which may incorporate by

  9  reference any revisions proposed by the department, and shall

10  submit the revised risk-based capital plan to the department:

11         1.  Within 45 days after the notification from the

12  department; or

13         2.  If the health maintenance organization challenges

14  the notification from the department under the provisions of

15  subsection (7), within 45 days after a notification to the

16  health maintenance organization that the department has, after

17  a hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

18  challenge.

19         (e)  If the department notifies a health maintenance

20  organization that the health maintenance organization's

21  risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan is

22  unsatisfactory, the department may, at its discretion, subject

23  to the health maintenance organization's right to a hearing

24  under the provisions of subsection (7), specify in the

25  notification that the notification constitutes a regulatory

26  action level event.

27         (f)  Each domestic health maintenance organization that

28  files a risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based capital

29  plan with the department shall file a copy of the risk-based

30  capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan with the



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  1  insurance department in any state in which the health

  2  maintenance organization is authorized to do business if:

  3         1.  The state has a risk-based capital provision

  4  substantially similar to the provisions of s. 641.264; and

  5         2.  The insurance department of that state has notified

  6  the health maintenance organization of its request for the

  7  filing in writing, in which case the health maintenance

  8  organization shall file a copy of the risk-based capital plan

  9  or revised risk-based capital plan in that state no later than

10  the later of:

11         a.  Fifteen days after the receipt of notice to file a

12  copy of its risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based

13  capital plan with the state; or

14         b.  The date on which the risk-based capital plan or

15  revised risk-based capital plan is filed under paragraph (c)

16  or paragraph (d).

17         (4)(a)  A regulatory action level event includes, with

18  respect to a health maintenance organization:

19         1.  The filing of a risk-based capital report by the

20  health maintenance organization that indicates that the health

21  maintenance organization's total adjusted capital is greater

22  than or equal to its authorized control level risk-based

23  capital but less than its regulatory action level risk-based

24  capital;

25         2.  Notification by the department to a health

26  maintenance organization of an adjusted risk-based capital

27  report that indicates the event described in subparagraph 1.,

28  provided the health maintenance organization does not

29  challenge the adjusted risk-based capital report under the

30  provisions of subsection (7);



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  1         3.  If, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (7),

  2  the health maintenance organization challenges an adjusted

  3  risk-based capital report that indicates the event described

  4  in subparagraph 1., the notification by the department to the

  5  health maintenance organization that the department has, after

  6  a hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

  7  challenge;

  8         4.  The failure of the health maintenance organization

  9  to file a risk-based capital report by April 1, unless the

10  health maintenance organization has provided an explanation

11  for the failure that is satisfactory to the department and has

12  cured the failure within 10 days after April 1;

13         5.  The failure of the health maintenance organization

14  to submit a risk-based capital plan to the department within

15  the time period set forth in paragraph (3)(c);

16         6.  Notification by the department to the health

17  maintenance organization that:

18         a.  The risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based

19  capital plan submitted by the health maintenance organization

20  is, in the judgment of the department, unsatisfactory; and

21         b.  Notification constitutes a regulatory action level

22  event with respect to the health maintenance organization,

23  provided the health maintenance organization has not

24  challenged the determination under subsection (7);

25         7.  If, pursuant to subsection (7), the health

26  maintenance organization challenges a determination by the

27  department under subparagraph 6., the notification by the

28  department to the health maintenance organization that the

29  department has, after a hearing, rejected the health

30  maintenance organization's challenge;



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  1         8.  Notification by the department to the health

  2  maintenance organization that the health maintenance

  3  organization has failed to adhere to its risk-based capital

  4  plan or revised risk-based capital plan, but only if the

  5  failure has a substantial adverse effect on the ability of the

  6  health maintenance organization to eliminate the company

  7  action level event in accordance with its risk-based capital

  8  plan or revised risk-based capital plan and the department has

  9  so stated in the notification, provided the health maintenance

10  organization has not challenged the determination under

11  subsection (7); or

12         9.  If, pursuant to subsection (7), the health

13  maintenance organization challenges a determination by the

14  department under subparagraph 8., the notification by the

15  department to the health maintenance organization that the

16  department has, after a hearing, rejected the health

17  maintenance organization's challenge.

18         (b)  If a regulatory action level event occurs, the

19  department shall:

20         1.  Require the health maintenance organization to

21  prepare and submit a risk-based capital plan or, if

22  applicable, a revised risk-based capital plan.

23         2.  Perform such examination or analysis as the

24  department deems necessary of the assets, liabilities, and

25  operations of the health maintenance organization, including a

26  review of its risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based

27  capital plan.

28         3.  Subsequent to the examination or analysis, issue a

29  corrective order specifying such corrective actions as the

30  department shall determine are required.



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  1         (c)  In determining corrective actions, the department

  2  may take into account factors the department deems relevant

  3  with respect to the health maintenance organization based upon

  4  the department's examination or analysis of the assets,

  5  liabilities, and operations of the health maintenance

  6  organization, including, but not limited to, the results of

  7  any sensitivity tests undertaken pursuant to the risk-based

  8  capital instructions. The risk-based capital plan or revised

  9  risk-based capital plan shall be submitted:

10         1.  Within 45 days after the occurrence of the

11  regulatory action level event;

12         2.  If the health maintenance organization challenges

13  an adjusted risk-based capital report pursuant to subsection

14  (7) and the challenge is not frivolous in the judgment of the

15  department, within 45 days after the notification to the

16  health maintenance organization that the department has, after

17  a hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

18  challenge; or

19         3.  If the health maintenance organization challenges a

20  revised risk-based capital plan pursuant to subsection (7) and

21  the challenge is not frivolous in the judgment of the

22  department, within 45 days after the notification to the

23  health maintenance organization that the department has, after

24  a hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

25  challenge.

26         (d)  The department may retain actuaries, investment

27  experts, and other consultants as may be necessary in the

28  judgment of the department to review the health maintenance

29  organization's risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based

30  capital plan, examine or analyze the assets, liabilities, and

31  operations, including contractual relationships, of the health


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  1  maintenance organization, and formulate the corrective order

  2  with respect to the health maintenance organization. The fees,

  3  costs, and expenses relating to consultants shall be borne by

  4  the affected health maintenance organization or such other

  5  party as directed by the department.

  6         (5)(a)  An authorized control level event includes:

  7         1.  The filing of a risk-based capital report by the

  8  health maintenance organization that indicates that the health

  9  maintenance organization's total adjusted capital is greater

10  than or equal to its mandatory control level risk-based

11  capital but less than its authorized control level risk-based

12  capital;

13         2.  Notification by the department to the health

14  maintenance organization of an adjusted risk-based capital

15  report that indicates the event described in subparagraph 1.,

16  provided the health maintenance organization does not

17  challenge the adjusted risk-based capital report under

18  subsection (7);

19         3.  If, pursuant to subsection (7), the health

20  maintenance organization challenges an adjusted risk-based

21  capital report that indicates the event described in

22  subparagraph 1., notification by the department to the health

23  maintenance organization that the department has, after a

24  hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

25  challenge;

26         4.  The failure of the health maintenance organization

27  to respond, in a manner satisfactory to the department, to a

28  corrective order, provided the health maintenance organization

29  has not challenged the corrective order under subsection (7);

30  or



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  1         5.  If the health maintenance organization has

  2  challenged a corrective order under subsection (7) and the

  3  department has, after a hearing, rejected the challenge or

  4  modified the corrective order, the failure of the health

  5  maintenance organization to respond, in a manner satisfactory

  6  to the department, to the corrective order subsequent to

  7  rejection or modification by the department.

  8         (b)  If an authorized control level event occurs, with

  9  respect to a health maintenance organization, the department

10  shall:

11         1.  Take such actions as are required under paragraph

12  (4)(b) regarding a health maintenance organization with

13  respect to which a regulatory action level event has occurred;

14  or

15         2.  If the department deems it to be in the best

16  interests of the subscribers and creditors of the health

17  maintenance organization and of the public, take such actions

18  as are necessary to cause the health maintenance organization

19  to be placed under regulatory control under chapter 631. If

20  the department takes such actions, the authorized control

21  level event shall be deemed sufficient grounds for the

22  department to take action under chapter 631 and the department

23  shall have the rights, powers, and duties with respect to the

24  health maintenance organization as are set forth in such

25  chapter. If the department takes actions under this

26  subparagraph pursuant to an adjusted risk-based capital

27  report, the health maintenance organization shall be entitled

28  to such protections as are afforded to health maintenance

29  organizations under the summary proceedings provisions of s.

30  120.574.

31         (6)(a)  A mandatory control level event includes:


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  1         1.  The filing of a risk-based capital report by the

  2  health maintenance organization that indicates that the health

  3  maintenance organization's total adjusted capital is less than

  4  its mandatory control level risk-based capital;

  5         2.  Notification by the department to the health

  6  maintenance organization of an adjusted risk-based capital

  7  report that indicates the event described in subparagraph 1.,

  8  provided the health maintenance organization does not

  9  challenge the adjusted risk-based capital report under

10  subsection (7); or

11         3.  If, pursuant to subsection (7), the health

12  maintenance organization challenges an adjusted risk-based

13  capital report that indicates the event described in

14  subparagraph 1., notification by the department to the health

15  maintenance organization that the department has, after a

16  hearing, rejected the health maintenance organization's

17  challenge.

18         (b)  If a mandatory control level event occurs, the

19  department shall take such actions as are necessary to place

20  the health maintenance organization under regulatory control

21  under chapter 631. If the department takes such actions, the

22  mandatory control level event shall be deemed sufficient

23  grounds for the department to take action under chapter 631

24  and the department shall have the rights, powers, and duties

25  with respect to the health maintenance organization as are set

26  forth in such chapter.  If the department takes actions under

27  this paragraph pursuant to an adjusted risk-based capital

28  report, the health maintenance organization shall be entitled

29  to the summary proceedings protections of s. 120.574. However,

30  the department may forego action for up to 90 days after the

31  mandatory control level event if the department finds there is


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  1  a reasonable expectation that the mandatory control level

  2  event may be eliminated within the 90-day period.

  3         (7)  Upon the occurrence of any of the following

  4  events, the health maintenance organization shall have the

  5  right to a confidential departmental hearing, on a record, at

  6  which the health maintenance organization may challenge any

  7  determination or action by the department. The health

  8  maintenance organization shall notify the department of its

  9  request for a hearing within 5 days after the notification by

10  the department under this subsection. Upon receipt of the

11  health maintenance organization's request for a hearing, the

12  department shall set a date for the hearing, which shall be no

13  less than 10 nor more than 30 days after the date of the

14  health maintenance organization's request. Such events are:

15         (a)  Notification to a health maintenance organization

16  by the department of an adjusted risk-based capital report.

17         (b)  Notification to a health maintenance organization

18  by the department that:

19         1.  The health maintenance organization's risk-based

20  capital plan or revised risk-based capital plan is

21  unsatisfactory; and

22         2.  Notification constitutes a regulatory action level

23  event with respect to the health maintenance organization.

24         (c)  Notification to a health maintenance organization

25  by the department that the health maintenance organization has

26  failed to adhere to its risk-based capital plan or revised

27  risk-based capital plan and that the failure has a substantial

28  adverse effect on the ability of the health maintenance

29  organization to eliminate the company action level event with

30  respect to the health maintenance organization in accordance



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  1  with its risk-based capital plan or revised risk-based capital

  2  plan.

  3         (d)  Notification to a health maintenance organization

  4  by the department of a corrective order with respect to the

  5  health maintenance organization.

  6         (8)(a)  This section is supplemental to any other

  7  provisions of this part and shall not preclude or limit any

  8  other powers or duties of the department as provided in the

  9  insurance code.

10         (b)  The department may adopt reasonable rules

11  necessary to implement this section.

12         (c)  The department may exempt from the application of

13  this section a health maintenance organization that:

14         1.  Writes direct business only in this state;

15         2.a.  Assumes no reinsurance in excess of 5 percent of

16  direct premium written; and

17         b.  Writes direct annual premiums for comprehensive

18  medical business of $2,000,000 or less; or

19         3.  Is a limited health service organization that

20  covers less than 2,000 lives.

21         (9)  There shall be no liability on the part of, and no

22  cause of action shall arise against, the commissioner or the

23  department or its employees or agents for any action taken by

24  them in the performance of their powers and duties under this

25  section.

26         (10)  All notices by the department to a health

27  maintenance organization that may result in regulatory action

28  under this section shall be effective upon dispatch if

29  transmitted by registered or certified mail, or in the case of

30  any other transmission shall be effective upon the health

31  maintenance organization's receipt of notice.


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  1         (11)  For risk-based capital reports required to be

  2  filed in 2002, 2003, and 2004 by health maintenance

  3  organizations with respect to their 2001, 2002, and 2003

  4  annual statement data, the following requirements shall apply

  5  in lieu of the provisions of subsections (3), (4), (5), and

  6  (6):

  7         (a)  If a company action level event occurs with

  8  respect to a health maintenance organization, the department

  9  shall take no regulatory action under this section.

10         (b)  If a regulatory action level event as provided in

11  subparagraphs (4)(a)1., 2., or 3. occurs, the department shall

12  take the actions required under subsection (3).

13         (c)  If a regulatory action level event as provided in

14  subparagraphs (4)(a)4., 5., 6., 7., 8., or 9. occurs or an

15  authorized control level event occurs, the department shall

16  take the actions required under subsection (4) with respect to

17  the health maintenance organization.

18         (d)  If a mandatory control level event occurs with

19  respect to a health maintenance organization, the department

20  shall take the actions required under subsection (5) with

21  respect to the health maintenance organization.


23  Nothing in this subsection restricts or otherwise limits the

24  department's authority under other provisions of the insurance

25  code.

26         Section 25.  Section 641.265, Florida Statutes, is

27  created to read:

28         641.265  Comprehensive business plan.--Each health

29  maintenance organization, at the time of its application for

30  licensure, shall file with the department a comprehensive

31  business plan that includes:


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  1         (1)  A feasibility study and marketing plan.

  2         (2)  A description of the proposed service area,

  3  provider contracts, provider access, plan administration, and,

  4  if applicable, management contracts.

  5         (3)  A minimum of 3 years of financial projections and

  6  a description of any financial guarantees.

  7         (4)  A summary of the benefits to be offered.

  8         Section 26.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

  9  641.35, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         641.35  Assets, liabilities, and investments.--

11         (3)  LIABILITIES.--In any determination of the

12  financial condition of a health maintenance organization,

13  liabilities to be charged against its assets shall include:

14         (a)  The amount, estimated consistently with the

15  provisions of this part, necessary to pay all of its unpaid

16  losses and claims incurred for or on behalf of a subscriber,

17  on or prior to the end of the reporting period, whether

18  reported or unreported, including claims arising for services

19  provided to subscribers where these services are provided

20  under health care risk contracts unless the obligations under

21  such contracts are secured by a financial instrument

22  acceptable to the department.  This requirement shall not

23  apply to a contract with a provider where the contract is

24  limited to services provided by such provider under the scope

25  of that provider's license.


27  The department, upon determining that a health maintenance

28  organization has failed to report liabilities that should have

29  been reported, shall require a corrected report which reflects

30  the proper liabilities to be submitted by the organization to



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  1  the department within 10 working days of receipt of written

  2  notification.

  3         Section 27.  Subsection (4) of section 641.495, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         641.495  Requirements for issuance and maintenance of

  6  certificate.--

  7         (4)  The organization shall ensure that the health care

  8  services it provides to subscribers, including physician

  9  services as required by s. 641.19(14)(13)(d) and (e), are

10  accessible to the subscribers, with reasonable promptness,

11  with respect to geographic location, hours of operation,

12  provision of after-hours service, and staffing patterns within

13  generally accepted industry norms for meeting the projected

14  subscriber needs. The health maintenance organization must

15  provide treatment authorization 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

16  Requests for treatment authorization may not be held pending

17  unless the requesting provider contractually agrees to take a

18  pending or tracking number.

19         Section 28.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section

20  817.234, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         817.234  False and fraudulent insurance claims.--

22         (2)

23         (b)  In addition to any other provision of law,

24  systematic upcoding by a provider, as defined in s.

25  641.19(16)(15), with the intent to obtain reimbursement

26  otherwise not due from an insurer is punishable as provided in

27  s. 641.52(5).

28         Section 29.  Subsection (1) of section 817.50, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         817.50  Fraudulently obtaining goods, services, etc.,

31  from a health care provider.--


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  1         (1)  Whoever shall, willfully and with intent to

  2  defraud, obtain or attempt to obtain goods, products,

  3  merchandise, or services from any health care provider in this

  4  state, as defined in s. 641.19(16)(15), commits a misdemeanor

  5  of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or

  6  s. 775.083.

  7         Section 30.  Section 641.2342, Florida Statutes, is

  8  repealed.

  9         Section 31.  Except as otherwise provided in this act,

10  this act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


12            *****************************************

13                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Revises various provisions relating to insurance. Revises
15    time periods for notice for bringing actions. Proscribes
      conflict of interest activities of licensee-affiliated
16    parties, requires licensee-affiliated parties to disclose
      personal interests, and specifies restrictions for
17    licensee-affiliated parties. Provides for alternative
      methods of service of process. Requires foreign insurers'
18    code compliance. Provides for an administrator exemption
      from certificate of authority requirements. Revises
19    interest rates and calculations of rates. Provides time
      of payment requirements to self-insurance funds. Revises
20    private passenger automobile insurance information
      reporting requirements and required information relating
21    to workers' compensation insurance. Revises health
      maintenance organization annual reporting requirements.
22    Provides for risk-based capital for health maintenance
      organizations and requires risk-based capital reports and
23    a risk-based capital plan for specified events. Provides
      duties and responsibilities of the Department of
24    Insurance. Requires health maintenance organizations to
      file comprehensive business plans. Includes under
25    liabilities the amounts of specified claims in
      determinations of financial health of health maintenance
26    organizations. (See bill for details.)







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