Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 945142
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Bronson moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Delete everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert:  
17         Section 1.  Paragraph (k) is added to subsection (2) of
18  section 373.1961, Florida Statutes, to read:
19         373.1961  Water production.--
20         (2)  The Legislature finds that, due to a combination
21  of factors, vastly increased demands have been placed on
22  natural supplies of fresh water, and that, absent increased
23  development of alternative water supplies, such demands may
24  increase in the future.  The Legislature also finds that
25  potential exists in the state for the production of
26  significant quantities of alternative water supplies,
27  including reclaimed water, and that water production includes
28  the development of alternative water supplies, including
29  reclaimed water, for appropriate uses.  It is the intent of
30  the Legislature that utilities develop reclaimed water
31  systems, where reclaimed water is the most appropriate
    5:34 PM   04/30/01                               s2120.nr18.Fa

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 alternative water supply option, to deliver reclaimed water to 2 as many users as possible through the most cost-effective 3 means, and to construct reclaimed water system infrastructure 4 to their owned or operated properties and facilities where 5 they have reclamation capability. It is also the intent of the 6 Legislature that the water management districts which levy ad 7 valorem taxes for water management purposes should share a 8 percentage of those tax revenues with water providers and 9 users, including local governments, water, wastewater, and 10 reuse utilities, municipal, industrial, and agricultural water 11 users, and other public and private water users, to be used to 12 supplement other funding sources in the development of 13 alternative water supplies. The Legislature finds that public 14 moneys or services provided to private entities for such uses 15 constitute public purposes which are in the public interest. 16 In order to further the development and use of alternative 17 water supply systems, including reclaimed water systems, the 18 Legislature provides the following: 19 (k) The Florida Public Service Commission shall allow 20 entities under its jurisdiction constructing alternative water 21 supply facilities, including but not limited to aquifer 22 storage and recovery wells, to recover the full, prudently 23 incurred cost of such facilities through their rate structure. 24 Every component of an alternative water supply facility 25 constructed by an investor-owned utility shall be recovered in 26 current rates. 27 Section 2. Subsection (4) of section 373.083, Florida 28 Statutes, is amended to read: 29 373.083 General powers and duties of the governing 30 board.--In addition to other powers and duties allowed it by 31 law, the governing board is authorized to: 2 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 (4) Solicit and accept donations or grants of funds or 2 services from both public and private sources for the planning 3 and implementation of district undertakings and delegations, 4 including, but not limited to, projects, programs, works, and 5 studies. 6 Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 373.093, Florida 7 Statutes, is created to read: 8 373.093 Lease of lands or interest in land and 9 personal property.--The governing board of the district may 10 lease any lands or interest in land, including but not limited 11 to oil and mineral rights, to which the district has acquired 12 title, or to which it may hereafter acquire title in the 13 following manner, as long as the lease is consistent with the 14 purposes for which the lands or any interest in land was 15 acquired: 16 (4) The governing board of the district may lease 17 existing communications towers and other similar structures 18 which the district owns or which it may hereafter acquire, for 19 the best price and terms obtainable, to be determined by the 20 board. 21 Section 4. Section 373.608, Florida Statutes, is 22 created to read: 23 373.608 Patents, copyrights, and trademarks.--Each 24 district may, in its own name: 25 (1) Perform all things necessary to secure letters of 26 patent, copyrights, and trademarks on any work products of the 27 district and enforce its rights therein. Each district shall 28 consider contributions by district personnel in the 29 development of trademarks, copyrights, and patents and shall 30 enter into written contracts with such personnel in each 31 trademark, copyright, or patent. 3 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 (2) License, lease, assign, or otherwise give written 2 consent to any person, firm, or corporation for the 3 manufacture or use of such district work products, on a 4 royalty basis or for such other consideration as the 5 applicable governing board shall deem proper. 6 (3) Take any action necessary, including legal action, 7 to protect such district work products against improper or 8 unlawful use or infringement. 9 (4) Enforce the collection of any sums due to the 10 district for the manufacture or use of such district work 11 products by other party. 12 (5) Sell any of such district work products and 13 execute all instruments necessary to consummate any such sale. 14 (6) Do all other acts necessary and proper for the 15 execution of powers and duties conferred upon the districts by 16 this section, including adopting rules, as necessary, in order 17 to administer this section. 18 Section 5. Section 373.610, Florida Statutes, is 19 created to read: 20 373.610 Defaulting vendors and contractors.--The 21 district may suspend a contractor on a temporary or permanent 22 basis, from doing work with the district if such contractor 23 has materially breached its contract with the district. The 24 district shall adopt rules to administer the provisions of 25 this section to specify the circumstances and conditions that 26 constitute a materially breached contract and conditions that 27 constitute the period for temporary or permanent suspension 28 and for reinstatement. 29 Section 6. Section 373.611, Florida Statutes, is 30 created to read: 31 373.611 Modification or limitation of remedy.--In 4 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 order to promote the cost-effective procurement of commodities 2 and contractual services by the water management districts, a 3 district may enter into contracts to limit or alter the 4 measure of damages recoverable from a vendor consistent with 5 the provisions contained in s. 672.719. 6 Section 7. Subsection (7) of section 373.0693, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 373.0693 Basins; basin boards.-- 9 (7) At 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 1976, the Manasota 10 Watershed Basin of the Ridge and Lower Gulf Coast Water 11 Management District, which is annexed to the Southwest Florida 12 Water Management District by change of its boundaries pursuant 13 to chapter 76-243, Laws of Florida, shall be formed into a 14 subdistrict or basin of the Southwest Florida Water Management 15 District, subject to the same provisions as the other basins 16 in such district. Such subdistrict shall be designated 17 initially as the Manasota Basin. The members of the governing 18 board of the Manasota Watershed Basin of the Ridge and Lower 19 Gulf Coast Water Management District shall become members of 20 the governing board of the Manasota Basin of the Southwest 21 Florida Water Management District. Notwithstanding other 22 provisions in this section, beginning on July 1, 2001, the 23 membership of the Manasota Basin Board shall be comprised of 24 three members from Manatee County and three members from 25 Sarasota County. Matters relating to tie votes shall be 26 resolved pursuant to subsection (6) by the ex officio chair 27 designated by the governing board to vote in case of a tie 28 vote. 29 Section 8. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 30 73.015, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 31 73.015 Presuit negotiation.-- 5 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 (1) Effective July 1, 2000, before an eminent domain 2 proceeding is brought under this chapter or chapter 74, the 3 condemning authority must attempt to negotiate in good faith 4 with the fee owner of the parcel to be acquired, must provide 5 the fee owner with a written offer and, if requested, a copy 6 of the appraisal upon which the offer is based, and must 7 attempt to reach an agreement regarding the amount of 8 compensation to be paid for the parcel. 9 (a) No later than the time the initial written or oral 10 offer of compensation for acquisition is made to the fee 11 owner, At the inception of negotiation for acquisition, the 12 condemning authority must notify the fee owner of the 13 following: 14 1. That all or a portion of his or her property is 15 necessary for a project. 16 2. The nature of the project for which the parcel is 17 considered necessary, and the parcel designation of the 18 property to be acquired. 19 3. That, within 15 business days after receipt of a 20 request by the fee owner, the condemning authority will 21 provide a copy of the appraisal report upon which the offer to 22 the fee owner is based; copies, to the extent prepared, of the 23 right-of-way maps or other documents that depict the proposed 24 taking; and copies, to the extent prepared, of the 25 construction plans that depict project improvements to be 26 constructed on the property taken and improvements to be 27 constructed adjacent to the remaining property, including, but 28 not limited to, plan, profile, cross-section, drainage, and 29 pavement marking sheets, and driveway connection detail. The 30 condemning authority shall provide any additional plan sheets 31 within 15 days of request. 6 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 4. The fee owner's statutory rights under ss. 73.091 2 and 73.092, or alternatively provide copies of these 3 provisions of law. 4 5. The fee owner's rights and responsibilities under 5 paragraphs (b) and (c) and subsection (4), or alternatively 6 provide copies of these provisions of law. 7 Section 9. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 270.11, 8 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 9 270.11 Contracts for sale of public lands to reserve 10 certain mineral rights; prohibition on exercise of right of 11 entry in certain cases.-- 12 (1) Unless the applicable agency chooses not to 13 reserve such interest and except Except as otherwise provided 14 by law, in all contracts and deeds for the sale of land 15 executed by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement 16 Trust Fund or by any local government, water management 17 district, or other agency of the state, there shall be 18 reserved for such local government, water management district, 19 other agency of the state, or the board of trustees and its 20 successors an undivided three-fourths interest in, and title 21 in and to an undivided three-fourths interest in, all the 22 phosphate, minerals, and metals that are or may be in, on, or 23 under the said land and an undivided one-half interest in all 24 the petroleum that is or may be in, on, or under said land 25 with the privilege to mine and develop the same. 26 (3) A local government, water management district, or 27 agency of the state may, at its discretion, sell or release 28 such reserved interest in any parcel of land, except that such 29 sale or release shall be made upon petition of the purchaser 30 for such interest and with upon submission by the local 31 government, water management district, or agency of the state 7 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 which owns the parcel of a statement of reasons justifying 2 such sale or release. 3 Section 10. Subsection (4) of section 373.056, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 373.056 State agencies, counties, drainage districts, 6 municipalities, or governmental agencies or public 7 corporations authorized to convey or receive land from water 8 management districts.-- 9 (4) Any water management district within this chapter 10 shall have authority to convey or lease to any governmental 11 entity, other agency described herein or to the United States 12 Government, including its agencies, land or rights in land 13 owned by such district not required for its purposes under 14 such terms and conditions as the governing board of such 15 district may determine. In addition to other general law 16 authorizing the grant of utility easements, any water 17 management district may grant utility easements on land owned 18 by such district to any private or public utility for the 19 limited purpose of obtaining utility service to district 20 property under such terms and conditions as the governing 21 board of such district may determine. 22 Section 11. Section 373.096, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 373.096 Releases.--The governing board of the district 25 may release any canal easement, reservation or right-of-way 26 interests, conveyed to it for which it has no present or 27 apparent future use under terms and conditions determined by 28 the board. 29 Section 12. Subsection (2) of section 373.093, Florida 30 Statutes, is amended to read: 31 373.093 Lease of lands or interest in land.--The 8 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 governing board of the district may lease any lands or 2 interest in land, including but not limited to oil and mineral 3 rights, to which the district has acquired title, or to which 4 it may hereafter acquire title in the following manner, as 5 long as the lease is consistent with the purposes for which 6 the lands or any interest in land was acquired: 7 (2) Before leasing any land, or interest in land 8 including but not limited to oil and mineral rights, the 9 district shall cause a notice of intention to lease to be 10 published in a newspaper published in the county in which said 11 land is situated and such other places as the board may 12 determine once each week for 3 successive weeks (three 13 insertions being sufficient), the first publication of which 14 shall be not less than 30 nor more than 90 45 days prior to 15 the date the board executes the any lease, which said notice 16 shall set forth the time and place of leasing and a 17 description of the lands to be leased. 18 Section 13. Subsection (2) and paragraph (a) of 19 subsection (3) of section 373.139, Florida Statutes, are 20 amended to read: 21 373.139 Acquisition of real property.-- 22 (2) The governing board of the district is empowered 23 and authorized to acquire in fee or less than fee title to 24 real property, and easements and other interests or rights 25 therein, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, eminent domain, or 26 otherwise for flood control, water storage, water management, 27 conservation and protection of water resources, aquifer 28 recharge, water resource and water supply development, and 29 preservation of wetlands, streams, and lakes. Eminent domain 30 powers may be used only for acquiring real property for flood 31 control and water storage or for curing title defects or 9 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 encumbrances to real property owned by the district or to be 2 acquired by the district from a willing seller. 3 (3) The initial 5-year work plan and any subsequent 4 modifications or additions thereto shall be adopted by each 5 water management district after a public hearing. Each water 6 management district shall provide at least 14 days' advance 7 notice of the hearing date and shall separately notify each 8 county commission within which a proposed work plan project or 9 project modification or addition is located of the hearing 10 date. 11 (a) Title information, Appraisal reports, offers, and 12 counteroffers are confidential and exempt from the provisions 13 of s. 119.07(1) until an option contract is executed or, if no 14 option contract is executed, until 30 days before a contract 15 or agreement for purchase is considered for approval by the 16 governing board. However, each district may, at its 17 discretion, disclose appraisal reports to private landowners 18 during negotiations for acquisitions using alternatives to fee 19 simple techniques, if the district determines that disclosure 20 of such reports will bring the proposed acquisition to 21 closure. In the event that negotiation is terminated by the 22 district, the title information, appraisal report, offers, and 23 counteroffers shall become available pursuant to s. 119.07(1). 24 Notwithstanding the provisions of this section and s. 259.041, 25 a district and the Division of State Lands may share and 26 disclose title information, appraisal reports, appraisal 27 information, offers, and counteroffers when joint acquisition 28 of property is contemplated. A district and the Division of 29 State Lands shall maintain the confidentiality of such title 30 information, appraisal reports, appraisal information, offers, 31 and counteroffers in conformance with this section and s. 10 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 259.041, except in those cases in which a district and the 2 division have exercised discretion to disclose such 3 information. A district may disclose appraisal information, 4 offers, and counteroffers to a third party who has entered 5 into a contractual agreement with the district to work with or 6 on the behalf of or to assist the district in connection with 7 land acquisitions. The third party shall maintain the 8 confidentiality of such information in conformance with this 9 section. In addition, a district may use, as its own, 10 appraisals obtained by a third party provided the appraiser is 11 selected from the district's list of approved appraisers and 12 the appraisal is reviewed and approved by the district. 13 Section 14. Section 373.1401, Florida Statutes, is 14 amended to read: 15 373.1401 Management of lands of water management 16 districts.--In addition to provisions contained in s. 17 373.1391(1) for soil and water conservation districts, the The 18 governing board of each water management district may contract 19 with a non-governmental person or entity, any federal or state 20 agency, a county, a municipality, or any other governmental 21 entity, or environmental nonprofit organization to provide for 22 the improvement, management, or maintenance of any real 23 property owned by or under the control of the district. 24 Section 15. Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section 25 374.984, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 26 374.984 Purpose; powers and duties.--It is the purpose 27 and intent of this act that the board perform and do all 28 things which shall be requisite and necessary to comply with 29 the requirements and conditions imposed upon a "local 30 interest" by the Congress of the United States in the several 31 acts authorizing and directing the improvement and maintenance 11 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 of the Intracoastal Waterway from St. Mary's River to the 2 southernmost boundary of Dade County. Said acts include but 3 are not limited to: the Rivers and Harbors Act approved 4 January 21, 1927, as amended by the River and Harbor Act 5 approved July 3, 1930; the River and Harbor Act of June 20, 6 1938; and s. 107 of the Federal River and Harbor Act of 1960. 7 Pursuant thereto, the powers of the board shall include, but 8 not be limited to: 9 (6)(a) Contracting directly for, or entering into 10 agreement from time to time with the district engineer of the 11 Jacksonville, Florida, United States Army Corps of Engineers 12 district, or other agency or party duly authorized 13 representative of the United States, to contribute toward the 14 cost of dredging performed on the waterway by the United 15 States, to construct retaining bulkheads, dikes, and levees, 16 to construct ditches for the control of water discharged by 17 the dredges, and to do all other work and/or things which, in 18 the judgment of the board, shall be proper and necessary to 19 produce economies in meeting the conditions with respect to 20 right-of-way and dredged material management areas imposed 21 upon a "local interest" by the Congress of the United States 22 in the several acts authorizing and directing the improvement, 23 navigability, and maintenance of the Intracoastal Waterway 24 from St. Mary's River to the southernmost boundary of Dade 25 County. 26 Section 16. Section 110.152, Florida Statutes, is 27 amended to read: 28 110.152 Adoption benefits for state or water 29 management district employees; parental leave.-- 30 (1)(a) Any full-time or part-time employee of the 31 state who is paid from regular salary appropriations and or of 12 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 a water management district who adopts a special-needs child, 2 as defined in paragraph (b), is eligible to receive a monetary 3 benefit in the amount of $10,000 per child, $5,000 of which is 4 payable in equal monthly installments over a 2-year period. 5 Any employee of the state or of a water management district 6 who adopts a child whose permanent custody has been awarded to 7 the Department of Children and Family Services or to a 8 Florida-licensed child-placing agency, other than a 9 special-needs child as defined in paragraph (b), shall be 10 eligible to receive a monetary benefit in the amount of $5,000 11 per child, $2,000 of which is payable in equal monthly 12 installments over a 2-year period. Benefits paid under this 13 subsection to a part-time employee must be prorated based on 14 the employee's full-time-equivalency status at the time of 15 applying for the benefits. 16 (b) For purposes of this section, a "special-needs 17 child" is a child whose permanent custody has been awarded to 18 the Department of Children and Family Services or to a 19 Florida-licensed child-placing agency and who is not likely to 20 be adopted because he or she is: 21 1. Eight years of age or older. 22 2. A person with a developmental disability. 23 3. A person with a physical or emotional handicap. 24 4. Of a minority race or of a racially mixed heritage. 25 5. A member of a sibling group of any age, provided 26 that two or more members of a sibling group remain together 27 for the purposes of adoption. 28 (2) An employee of the state or of a water management 29 district who adopts a special-needs child must apply to his or 30 her agency head to obtain the monetary benefit provided in 31 subsection (1). Applications must be on forms approved by the 13 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 department and must include a certified copy of the final 2 order of adoption naming the applicant as the adoptive parent. 3 (3) Nothing in this section shall affect the right of 4 any state employee who adopts a special-needs child to receive 5 financial aid for adoption expenses pursuant to s. 409.166 or 6 any other statute that provides financial incentives for the 7 adoption of children. 8 (4) Any employee of the state or of a water management 9 district who has a child placed in the custody of the employee 10 for adoption, and who continues to reside in the same 11 household as the child placed for adoption, shall be granted 12 parental leave for a period not to exceed 6 months as provided 13 in s. 110.221. 14 Section 17. Section 110.15201, Florida Statutes, is 15 amended to read: 16 110.15201 Adoption benefits for state or water 17 management district employees; rulemaking authority.--The 18 Department of Management Services may adopt rules to 19 administer the provisions of this act. Such rules may provide 20 for an application process such as, but not limited to, an 21 open-enrollment period during which employees may apply for 22 monetary benefits as provided in s. 110.152(1). 23 Section 18. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 24 215.32, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 25 215.32 State funds; segregation.-- 26 (2) The source and use of each of these funds shall be 27 as follows: 28 (c)1. The Budget Stabilization Fund shall consist of 29 amounts equal to at least 5 percent of net revenue collections 30 for the General Revenue Fund during the last completed fiscal 31 year. The Budget Stabilization Fund's principal balance shall 14 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 not exceed an amount equal to 10 percent of the last completed 2 fiscal year's net revenue collections for the General Revenue 3 Fund. As used in this paragraph, the term "last completed 4 fiscal year" means the most recently completed fiscal year 5 prior to the regular legislative session at which the 6 Legislature considers the General Appropriations Act for the 7 year in which the transfer to the Budget Stabilization Fund 8 must be made under this paragraph. 9 2. By September 15 of each year, the Governor shall 10 authorize the Comptroller to transfer, and the Comptroller 11 shall transfer pursuant to appropriations made by law, to the 12 Budget Stabilization Fund the amount of money needed for the 13 balance of that fund to equal the amount specified in 14 subparagraph 1., less any amounts expended and not restored. 15 The moneys needed for this transfer may be appropriated by the 16 Legislature from any funds. 17 3. Unless otherwise provided in this subparagraph, an 18 expenditure from the Budget Stabilization Fund must be 19 restored pursuant to a restoration schedule that provides for 20 making five equal annual transfers from the General Revenue 21 Fund, beginning in the fiscal year following that in which the 22 expenditure was made. For any Budget Stabilization Fund 23 expenditure, the Legislature may establish by law a different 24 restoration schedule and such change may be made at any time 25 during the restoration period. Moneys are hereby appropriated 26 for transfers pursuant to this subparagraph. 27 4. The Budget Stabilization Fund and the Working 28 Capital Fund may be used as revolving funds for transfers as 29 provided in s. 18.125; however, any interest earned must be 30 deposited in the General Revenue Fund. 31 5. The Comptroller and the Department of Management 15 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 Services shall transfer funds to water management districts to 2 pay eligible water management district employees for all 3 benefits due under s. 373.6065, as long as funds remain 4 available for the program described under s. 100.152. 5 Section 19. Section 373.6065, Florida Statutes, is 6 created to read: 7 373.6065 Adoption benefits for water management 8 district employees.-- 9 (1) Any employee of a water management district is 10 eligible to receive monetary benefits for child adoption to 11 the same extent as is an employee of the state, as described 12 in s. 110.152. The employee shall apply for such benefits 13 pursuant to s. 110.15201 14 (2) The Comptroller and the Department of Management 15 Services shall transfer funds to water management districts to 16 pay eligible water management district employees for these 17 child adoption monetary benefits in accordance with s. 18 215.32(1)(c)5., as long as funds remain available for the 19 program described under s. 110.152. 20 (3) Parental leave for eligible water management 21 district employees shall be provided according to the policies 22 and procedures of the individual water management district in 23 existence at the time eligibility is determined. 24 (4) Each water management district shall develop means 25 of implementing these monetary adoption benefits for water 26 management district employees, consistent with its current 27 practices. Water management district rules, policies, 28 guidelines, or procedures so implemented will remain valid and 29 enforceable as long as they do not conflict with the express 30 terms of s. 110.152. 31 Section 20. Section 373.536, Florida Statutes, is 16 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 amended to read: 2 373.536 District budget and hearing thereon.-- 3 (1) FISCAL YEAR.--The fiscal year of districts created 4 under the provisions of this chapter shall extend from October 5 1 of one year through September 30 of the following year. 6 (2) BUDGET SUBMITTAL.--The budget officer of the 7 district shall, on or before July 15 of each year, submit for 8 consideration by the governing board of the district a 9 tentative budget for the district covering its proposed 10 operations operation and funding requirements for the ensuing 11 fiscal year. 12 (3) BUDGET HEARINGS AND WORKSHOPS; NOTICE.-- 13 (a) Unless alternative notice requirements are 14 otherwise provided by law, notice of all budget hearings 15 conducted by the governing board or district staff must be 16 published in a newspaper of general paid circulation in each 17 county in which the district lies not less than 5 days nor 18 more than 15 days before the hearing. 19 (b) Budget workshops conducted for the public and not 20 governed by s. 200.065 must be advertised in a newspaper of 21 general paid circulation in the community or area in which the 22 workshop will occur not less than 5 days nor more than 15 days 23 before the workshop. 24 (c) The tentative budget shall be adopted in 25 accordance with the provisions of s. 200.065; however, if the 26 mailing of the notice of proposed property taxes is delayed 27 beyond September 3 in any county in which the district lies, 28 the district shall advertise its intention to adopt a 29 tentative budget and millage rate, pursuant to s. 30 200.065(3)(g), in a newspaper of general paid circulation in 31 that county. The budget shall set forth, classified by object 17 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 and purpose, and by fund if so designated, the proposed 2 expenditures of the district for bonds or other debt, for 3 construction, for acquisition of land, for operation and 4 maintenance of the district works, for the conduct of the 5 affairs of the district generally, and for other purposes, to 6 which may be added an amount to be held as a reserve. District 7 administrative and operating expenses must be identified in 8 the budget and allocated among district programs. 9 (2) The budget shall also show the estimated amount 10 which will appear at the beginning of the fiscal year as 11 obligated upon commitments made but uncompleted. There shall 12 be shown the estimated unobligated or net balance which will 13 be on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the 14 estimated amount to be raised by district taxes and from other 15 sources for meeting the requirements of the district. 16 (d)(3) As provided in s. 200.065(2)(d), the board 17 shall publish one or more notices of its intention to finally 18 adopt a final budget for the district for the ensuing fiscal 19 year. The notice shall appear adjacent to an advertisement 20 that sets which shall set forth the tentative budget in a 21 format meeting the budget summary requirements of s. 22 129.03(3)(b) in full. The district shall not include 23 expenditures of federal special revenues and state special 24 revenues when preparing the statement required by s. 25 200.065(3)(l). The notice and advertisement shall be published 26 in one or more newspapers having a combined general paid 27 circulation in each county the counties having land in which 28 the district lies. Districts may include explanatory phrases 29 and examples in budget advertisements published under s. 30 200.065 to clarify or illustrate the effect that the district 31 budget may have on ad valorem taxes. 18 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 (e)(4) The hearing for adoption of to finally adopt a 2 final budget and millage rate shall be by and before the 3 governing board of the district as provided in s. 200.065 and 4 may be continued from day to day until terminated by the 5 board. 6 (4) BUDGET CONTROLS.-- 7 (a) The final adopted budget for the district will 8 thereupon be the operating and fiscal guide for the district 9 for the ensuing year; however, transfers of funds may be made 10 within the budget by action of the governing board at a public 11 meeting of the governing board. 12 (b) The district shall control its budget, at a 13 minimum, by funds and shall provide to the Executive Office of 14 the Governor a description of its budget control mechanisms. 15 (c) Should the district receive unanticipated funds 16 after the adoption of the final budget, the final budget may 17 be amended by including such funds, so long as notice of 18 intention to amend is published in the notice of the governing 19 board meeting at which the amendment will be considered, 20 pursuant to s. 120.525 one time in one or more newspapers 21 qualified to accept legal advertisements having a combined 22 general circulation in the counties in the district. The 23 notice shall set forth a summary of the proposed amendment and 24 shall be published at least 10 days prior to the public 25 meeting of the board at which the proposed amendment is to be 26 considered. However, in the event of a disaster or of an 27 emergency arising to prevent or avert the same, the governing 28 board shall not be limited by the budget but shall have 29 authority to apply such funds as may be available therefor or 30 as may be procured for such purpose. 31 (5) TENTATIVE BUDGET CONTENTS AND SUBMISSION; REVIEW 19 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 AND APPROVAL.-- 2 (a) The Executive Office of the Governor is authorized 3 to approve or disapprove, in whole or in part, the budget of 4 each water management district and shall analyze each budget 5 as to the adequacy of fiscal resources available to the 6 district and the adequacy of district expenditures related to 7 water supply, including water resource development projects 8 identified in the district's regional water supply plans; 9 water quality; flood protection and floodplain management; and 10 natural systems. This analysis shall be based on the 11 particular needs within each water management district in 12 those four areas of responsibility. 13 (b) The Executive Office of the Governor and the water 14 management districts shall develop a process to facilitate 15 review and communication regarding water management district 16 budgets, as necessary. Written disapproval of any provision 17 in the tentative budget must be received by the district at 18 least 5 business days prior to the final district budget 19 adoption hearing conducted under s. 200.065(2)(d). If written 20 disapproval of any portion of the budget is not received at 21 least 5 business days prior to the final budget adoption 22 hearing, the governing board may proceed with final adoption. 23 Any provision rejected by the Governor shall not be included 24 in a district's final budget. 25 (c) Each water management district shall, by August 1 26 of each year, submit for review a tentative budget to the 27 Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the 28 House of Representatives, the chairs of all legislative 29 committees and subcommittees with substantive or fiscal 30 jurisdiction over water management districts, as determined by 31 the President of the Senate or Speaker of the House of 20 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 Representatives as applicable, the secretary of the 2 department, and the governing body of each county in which the 3 district has jurisdiction or derives any funds for the 4 operations of the district. 5 (d) The tentative budget must set forth the proposed 6 expenditures of the district, to which may be added an amount 7 to be held as reserve. The tentative budget must include, but 8 is not limited to, the following information for the preceding 9 fiscal year and the current fiscal year, and the proposed 10 amounts for the upcoming fiscal year, in a standard format 11 prescribed by the Executive Office of the Governor which is 12 generally consistent with the format prescribed by legislative 13 budget instructions for state agencies and the format 14 requirements of s. 216.031: 15 1. The estimated amount of funds remaining at the 16 beginning of the fiscal year which have been obligated for the 17 payment of outstanding commitments not yet completed. 18 2. The estimated amount of unobligated funds or net 19 cash balance on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year, and 20 the estimated amount of funds to be raised by district taxes 21 or received from other sources to meet the requirements of the 22 district. 23 3. The millage rates and the percentage increase above 24 the rolled-back rate, together with a summary of the reasons 25 the increase is required, and the percentage increase in 26 taxable value resulting from new construction within the 27 district.; 28 4.2. The salaries salary and benefits, expenses, 29 operating capital outlay, number of authorized positions, and 30 other personal services for the following program areas of the 31 district, including a separate section for lobbying, 21 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 intergovernmental relations, and advertising: 2 a. Water resource planning and monitoring; 3 b. Land acquisition, restoration, and public works; 4 c. Operation and maintenance of works and lands; 5 d. Regulation; 6 e. Outreach for which the information provided must 7 contain a full description and accounting of expenditures for 8 water resources education; public information and public 9 relations, including public service announcements and 10 advertising in any media; and lobbying activities related to 11 local, regional, state and federal governmental affairs, 12 whether incurred by district staff or through contractual 13 services; and 14 f. Management and administration. 15 a. District management and administration; 16 b. Implementation through outreach activities; 17 c. Implementation through regulation; 18 d. Implementation through acquisition, restoration, 19 and public works; 20 e. Implementation through operations and maintenance 21 of lands and works; 22 f. Water resources planning and monitoring; and 23 g. A full description and accounting of expenditures 24 for lobbying activities relating to local, regional, state, 25 and federal governmental affairs, whether incurred by district 26 staff or through contractual services and all expenditures for 27 public relations, including all expenditures for public 28 service announcements and advertising in any media. 29 30 In addition to the program areas reported by all water 31 management districts, the South Florida Water Management 22 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 District shall include in its budget document a separate 2 sections section on all costs associated with the Everglades 3 Construction Project and the Comprehensive Everglades 4 Restoration Plan. 5 5.3. The total estimated amount in the district budget 6 for each area of responsibility listed in subparagraph 4. 7 paragraph (a) and for water resource development projects 8 identified in the district's regional water supply plans. 9 4. A 5-year capital improvements plan. 10 6.5. A description of each new, expanded, reduced, or 11 eliminated program. 12 6. A proposed 5-year water resource development work 13 program, that describes the district's implementation strategy 14 for the water resource development component of each approved 15 regional water supply plan developed or revised pursuant to s. 16 373.0361. The work program shall address all the elements of 17 the water resource development component in the district's 18 approved regional water supply plans. The office of the 19 Governor, with the assistance of the department, shall review 20 the proposed work program. The review shall include a written 21 evaluation of its consistency with and furtherance of the 22 district's approved regional water supply plans, and adequacy 23 of proposed expenditures. As part of the review, the Executive 24 Office of the Governor and the department shall afford to all 25 interested parties the opportunity to provide written comments 26 on each district's proposed work program. At least 7 days 27 prior to the adoption of its final budget, the governing board 28 shall state in writing to the Executive Office of the Governor 29 which changes recommended in the evaluation it will 30 incorporate into its work program, or specify the reasons for 31 not incorporating the changes. The office of the Governor 23 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 shall include the district's responses in the written 2 evaluation and shall submit a copy of the evaluation to the 3 Legislature; and 4 7. The funding sources, including, but not limited to, 5 ad valorem taxes, Surface Water Improvement and Management 6 Program funds, other state funds, federal funds, and user fees 7 and permit fees for each program area. 8 (e)(d) By September 5 of the year in which the budget 9 is submitted, the House and Senate appropriations chairs may 10 transmit to each district comments and objections to the 11 proposed budgets. Each district governing board shall include 12 a response to such comments and objections in the record of 13 the governing board meeting where final adoption of the budget 14 takes place, and the record of this meeting shall be 15 transmitted to the Executive Office of the Governor, the 16 department, and the chairs of the House and Senate 17 appropriations committees. 18 (f)(e) The Executive Office of the Governor shall 19 annually, on or before December 15, file with the Legislature 20 a report that summarizes its review the expenditures of the 21 water management districts' tentative budgets and displays the 22 adopted budget allocations districts by program area. The 23 report must identify and identifies the districts that are not 24 in compliance with the reporting requirements of this section. 25 State funds shall be withheld from a water management district 26 that fails to comply with these reporting requirements. 27 (6) FINAL BUDGET; ANNUAL AUDIT; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 28 PLAN; WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM.-- 29 (a) Each district must, by the date specified for each 30 item, furnish copies of the following documents to the 31 Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the 24 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 House of Representatives, the chairs of all legislative 2 committees and subcommittees having substantive or fiscal 3 jurisdiction over the districts, as determined by the 4 President or Speaker as applicable, the secretary of the 5 department, and the governing board of each county in which 6 the district has jurisdiction or derives any funds for the 7 operations of the district; 8 1. The adopted budget, to be furnished within 10 days 9 after its adoption. 10 2. A financial audit of its accounts and records, to 11 be furnished within 10 days after its acceptance by the 12 governing board. The audit must be conducted in accordance 13 with the provisions of s. 11.45 and the rules adopted 14 thereunder. In addition to the entities named above, the 15 district must provide a copy of the audit to the Auditor 16 General within 10 days after its acceptance by the governing 17 board. 18 3. A 5-year capital improvements plan, to be furnished 19 within 45 days after the adoption of the final budget. The 20 plan must include expected sources of revenue for planned 21 improvements and must be prepared in a manner comparable to 22 the fixed capital outlay format set forth in s. 216.043. 23 4. A 5-year water resource development work program to 24 be furnished within 45 days after the adoption of the final 25 budget. The program must describe the district's 26 implementation strategy for the water resource development 27 component of each approved regional water supply plan 28 developed or revised under s. 373.0361. The work program must 29 address all the elements of the water resource development 30 component in the district's approved regional water supply 31 plans. Within 45 days after its submittal, the department 25 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 shall review the proposed work program and submit its 2 findings, questions, and comments to the district. The review 3 must include a written evaluation of the program's consistency 4 with the furtherance of the district's approved regional water 5 supply plans, and the adequacy of proposed expenditures. As 6 part of the review, the department shall give interested 7 parties the opportunity to provide written comments on each 8 district's proposed work program. Within 60 days after receipt 9 of the department's evaluation, the governing board shall 10 state in writing to the department which changes recommended 11 in the evaluation it will incorporate into its work program or 12 specify the reasons for not incorporating the changes. The 13 department shall include the district's responses in a final 14 evaluation report and shall submit a copy of the report to the 15 Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the 16 House of Representatives. 17 (b) If any entity listed in paragraph (a) provides 18 written comments to the district regarding any document 19 furnished under this subsection, the district must respond to 20 the comments in writing and furnish copies of the comments and 21 written responses to the other entities. 22 Section 21. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section 23 373.079, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 24 373.079 Members of governing board; oath of office; 25 staff.-- 26 (4) 27 (b)1. The governing board of each water management 28 district shall employ an inspector general, who shall report 29 directly to the board. However, the governing boards of the 30 Suwannee River Water Management District and the Northwest 31 Florida Water Management District may jointly employ an 26 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 inspector general, or provide for inspector general services 2 by interagency agreement with a state agency or water 3 management district inspector general. 4 2. An inspector general must have the qualifications 5 prescribed and perform the applicable duties of state agency 6 inspectors general as provided in s. 20.055. 7 3. Within 45 days of the adoption of the final budget, 8 the governing board shall submit a 5-year capital improvement 9 plan and fiscal report for the district to the Governor, the 10 President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 11 Representatives, and the Secretary of Environmental 12 Protection. The capital improvement plan must include expected 13 sources of revenue for planned improvements and shall be 14 prepared in a manner comparable to the fixed capital outlay 15 format set forth in s. 216.043. The fiscal report shall cover 16 the preceding fiscal year and shall include a summary 17 statement of the financial operations of the district. 18 Section 22. Section 373.501, Florida Statutes, is 19 amended to read: 20 373.501 Appropriation of funds to water management 21 districts.-- 22 (1) The department may allocate to the water 23 management districts, from funds appropriated to the 24 department, such sums as may be deemed necessary to defray the 25 costs of the administrative, regulatory, and other activities 26 of the districts. The governing boards shall submit annual 27 budget requests for such purposes to the department, and the 28 department shall consider such budgets in preparing its budget 29 request for the Legislature. 30 (2) Funds appropriated by the Legislature for the 31 purpose of funding a specific water management district 27 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 project shall be transferred to the water management district 2 when the proposed project has been reviewed by the secretary 3 of the pertinent state agency and upon receipt of a governing 4 board resolution requesting such funds. 5 Section 23. Subsection (11) of section 373.59, Florida 6 Statutes, is amended to read: 7 373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.-- 8 (11) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to 9 the contrary, and for the 2000-2001 fiscal year only, the 10 governing board of a water management district may request, 11 and the Secretary of Environmental Protection shall release 12 upon such request, moneys allocated to the districts pursuant 13 to subsection (8) for the purpose of carrying out the purposes 14 consistent with the provisions of s. 373.0361, s. 373.0831 s. 15 375.0831, s. 373.139, or ss. 373.451-373.4595 and for 16 legislatively authorized land acquisition and water 17 restoration initiatives. No funds may be used pursuant to this 18 subsection until necessary debt service obligations, 19 requirements for payments in lieu of taxes, and land 20 management obligations that may be required by this chapter 21 are provided for. This subsection is repealed on July 1, 2001. 22 Section 24. Sections 373.507 and 373.589, Florida 23 Statutes, are repealed. 24 Section 25. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 25 law. 26 27 28 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 29 And the title is amended as follows: 30 Delete everything before the enacting clause 31 28 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 and insert: 2 A bill to be entitled 3 An act relating to water resources; amending s. 4 373.1961, F.S.; allowing certain alternative 5 water supply facilities to recover the cost of 6 such facilities through rate structures; 7 amending s. 373.083, F.S.; authorizing water 8 management districts to solicit donations; 9 amending s. 373.093, F.S.; authorizing water 10 management districts to lease certain personal 11 property; creating s. 373.608, F.S.; 12 authorizing water management districts to 13 obtain and enforce patents, copyrights, and 14 trademarks on work products of the district; 15 providing for rules; creating s. 373.610, F.S.; 16 authorizing water management districts to 17 suspend contractors who have defaulted on 18 contracts; providing procedure; providing for 19 rules; creating s. 373.611, F.S.; authorizing 20 water management districts to enter into 21 contracts to limit or alter the measure of 22 damages recoverable from a vendor; amending s. 23 373.0693, F.S.; providing for membership on the 24 Manasota Basin Board and for the resolution of 25 tie votes; amending s. 73.015, F.S.; clarifying 26 time-frame for providing specific information 27 to fee-owners; requiring agencies to provide 28 specified portions of statute to fee-owners; 29 amending s. 270.11, F.S.; providing discretion 30 to water management districts, local 31 governments, board of trustees and other state 29 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 agencies to determine whether to reserve 2 mineral interests when selling lands; 3 clarifying the types of information to be given 4 by land-owner wanting a release of a 5 reservation; amending s. 373.056, F.S.; 6 granting water management districts the 7 authority to grant utility easements on 8 district-owned land for providing utility 9 service; amending s. 373.093, F.S.; granting 10 additional time to water management districts 11 to provide notification before executing lease 12 agreements; amending s. 373.096, F.S.; 13 providing for release of certain easements, 14 reservations, or right-of-way interests; 15 amending s. 373.139, F.S.; authorizing water 16 management districts to cure title defects 17 after a land sale is executed; allowing water 18 management districts to disclose appraisal 19 information, offers and counter offers to third 20 parties working on the district's behalf; 21 allowing third party appraisals to be used 22 under specific circumstances; amending s. 23 373.1401, F.S.; allowing water management 24 districts to contract with private entities for 25 management, improvement, or maintenance of land 26 held by the districts; amending s. 110.152, 27 F.S.; specifying employees who are entitled to 28 receive such benefits for adopting a 29 special-needs child; deleting references to 30 water management district employees; 31 prescribing the manner of establishing the 30 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 amount of such benefits; amending s. 110.15201, 2 F.S.; providing that rules for administering 3 such adoption benefits may provide for an 4 application process; deleting a reference to 5 water management district employees; amending 6 s. 215.32, F.S.; requiring the Comptroller and 7 the Department of Management Services to 8 transfer funds to water management districts to 9 pay monetary benefits to water management 10 district employees; creating s. 373.6065, F.S.; 11 providing child-adoption monetary benefits to 12 water management district employees; amending 13 s. 373.536, F.S.; revising notice and hearing 14 provisions relating to the adoption of a final 15 budget for the water management districts; 16 specifying to whom a copy of the water 17 management districts' tentative budget must be 18 sent for review; specifying the contents of the 19 tentative budget; requiring the Executive 20 Office of the Governor to file with the 21 Legislature a report summarizing its review of 22 the water management districts' tentative 23 budgets and displaying the adopted budget 24 allocations by program area; requiring the 25 water management districts to submit certain 26 budget documents to specified officials; 27 amending s. 373.079, F.S.; deleting a 28 requirement that the water management districts 29 submit a 5-year capital improvement plan and 30 fiscal report to the Governor, the President of 31 the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 31 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2120 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 945142 1 Representatives, and the Secretary of 2 Environmental Protection; amending s. 373.59, 3 F.S.; providing for the transfer of certain 4 funds; amending s. 373.501, F.S.; providing for 5 the release of moneys from the Water Management 6 Lands Trust Fund; repealing s. 373.507, F.S., 7 relating to postaudits and budgets of water 8 management districts and basins; repealing s. 9 373.589, F.S., relating to audits of water 10 management districts; providing an effective 11 date. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 5:34 PM 04/30/01 s2120.nr18.Fa