Senate Bill sb2194
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2001 SB 2194
By Senators Dyer, Dawson, Lawson, Miller, Rossin, Wasserman
Schultz, Campbell and Klein
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to elections; providing
3 legislative findings; requiring supervisors of
4 elections to conduct voter-education projects;
5 requiring reports to the Division of Elections;
6 prescribing duties of the division; providing
7 an appropriation; prescribing duties of the
8 State Board of Education with respect to civic
9 and voter education; providing an effective
10 date.
12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14 Section 1. The Legislature finds that the integrity
15 and accuracy of the electoral process will be enhanced as a
16 result of increases in the knowledge of and sophistication in
17 that process by the electors of this state. In order to
18 facilitate the informed participation by voters in this state:
19 (1) The supervisor of elections in each county shall
20 conduct a voter-education program before the 2002 General
21 Election and, by comparing the percentage of misvoted ballots
22 in the 2000 General Election to the percentage of misvoted
23 ballots in the 2002 General Election, determine the
24 effectiveness of the voter-education program. The supervisors
25 shall report to the Division of Elections, describing the
26 programs and listing the respective percentages and the
27 division shall determine the relative effectiveness of
28 voter-education programs county-by-county. The division shall
29 report the results of this determination to the Legislature no
30 later than February 1, 2003, and shall include with its report
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Florida Senate - 2001 SB 2194
1 any recommendations for statutory, statewide implementation of
2 the most effective programs.
3 (2) The sum of ..... is appropriated from the General
4 Revenue Fund to the Division of Elections for the purpose of
5 making grants to supervisors of elections during the 2001-2002
6 fiscal year to fund voter-education programs. The distribution
7 of such funds shall be made per capita among the counties
8 based on actual voter registration and not per capita based on
9 each county's share of the total number of voters
10 participating in the 2000 General Election.
11 (3) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for
12 expanding quality civic education programs in high schools in
13 the state. The expansion must contain voter-education
14 programs, including basic instruction in voter skills. The
15 supervisor of elections in each county shall cooperate with
16 the county school board in conducting and implementing
17 voter-education programs provided for in this subsection, but
18 a voter-education under this subsection is in addition to, and
19 not in lieu of, a program required under subsection (1).
20 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.
22 *****************************************
24 Requires supervisors of elections to conduct
voter-education programs and to report the results of
25 such programs, represented by a comparison of misvoted
ballots in the 2000 General Election versus the 2002
26 General Election. Appropriates moneys to the Division of
Elections for distribution to counties to fund voter
27 education. Requires the State Board of Education to
improve civic education, with emphasis on voter
28 education, in high schools.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.