Bill No. CS for SB 2210
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 801066
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
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11  Senator Campbell moved the following amendment to amendment
12  (690828):
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 193, between lines 30 and 31,
17  insert:  
18         Section 146.  Sections 146-148 of this act may be cited
19  as the "Debbie Wasserman Schultz Act."
20         Section 147.  Greyhound adoptions.--
21         (1)  Each dogracing permitholder operating a dogracing
22  facility in this state shall provide for a greyhound-adoption
23  booth to be located at the facility. The greyhound-adoption
24  booth must be operated on weekends by personnel or volunteers
25  from a bona fide organization that promotes or encourages the
26  adoption of greyhounds pursuant to section 550.1647, Florida
27  Statutes. As used in this section, the term "weekend" includes
28  the hours during which live greyhound racing is conducted on
29  Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Information pamphlets and
30  application forms shall be provided to the public upon
31  request. In addition, the kennel operator or owner shall
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2210 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 801066 1 notify the permitholder that a greyhound is available for 2 adoption and the permitholder shall provide information 3 concerning the adoption of a greyhound in each race program 4 and shall post adoption information at conspicuous locations 5 throughout the dogracing facility. Any greyhound that is 6 participating in a race and that will be available for future 7 adoption must be noted in the race program. The permitholder 8 shall allow greyhounds to be walked through the track facility 9 to publicize the greyhound-adoption program. 10 (2) In addition to the charity days authorized under 11 section 550.0351, Florida Statutes, a greyhound permitholder 12 may fund the greyhound-adoption program by holding a charity 13 racing day designated as "Greyhound Adopt-A-Pet Day." All 14 profits derived from the operation of the charity day must be 15 placed into a fund used to support activities at the racing 16 facility which promote the adoption of greyhounds. The 17 division may adopt rules for administering the fund. Proceeds 18 from the charity day authorized in this subsection may not be 19 used as a source of funds for the purposes set forth in 20 section 550.1647, Florida Statutes. 21 (3)(a) Upon a violation of this section by a 22 permitholder or licensee, the division may impose a penalty as 23 provided in section 550.0251(10), Florida Statutes, and 24 require the permitholder to take corrective action. 25 (b) A penalty imposed under section 550.0251(10), 26 Florida Statutes, does not exclude a prosecution for cruelty 27 to animals or for any other criminal act. 28 Section 148. Section 550.1647, Florida Statutes, is 29 amended to read: 30 550.1647 Greyhound permitholders; unclaimed tickets; 31 breaks.--All money or other property represented by any 2 8:10 PM 05/03/01 s2210c1c-3328j
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2210 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 801066 1 unclaimed, uncashed, or abandoned pari-mutuel ticket which has 2 remained in the custody of or under the control of any 3 permitholder authorized to conduct greyhound racing 4 pari-mutuel pools in this state for a period of 1 year after 5 the date the pari-mutuel ticket was issued, if the rightful 6 owner or owners thereof have made no claim or demand for such 7 money or other property within that period of time, shall, 8 with respect to live races conducted by the permitholder, be 9 remitted to the state pursuant to s. 550.1645; however, such 10 permitholder shall be entitled to a credit in each state 11 fiscal year in an amount equal to the actual amount remitted 12 in the prior state fiscal year which may be applied against 13 any taxes imposed pursuant to this chapter. In addition, each 14 permitholder shall pay, from any source, including the 15 proceeds from performances conducted pursuant to s. 550.0351, 16 an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount of the credit 17 provided by this section to any bona fide organization that 18 promotes or encourages the adoption of greyhounds. As used in 19 this section, the term "bona fide organization that promotes 20 or encourages the adoption of greyhounds" means any 21 organization that provides evidence of compliance with chapter 22 496 and possesses a valid exemption from federal taxation 23 issued by the Internal Revenue Service. Such bona fide 24 organization, as a condition of adoption, must provide 25 sterilization of greyhounds by a licensed veterinarian before 26 relinquishing custody of the greyhound to the adoptor. The fee 27 for sterilization may be included in the cost of adoption. 28 29 30 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 31 And the title is amended as follows: 3 8:10 PM 05/03/01 s2210c1c-3328j
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2210 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 801066 1 On page 204, line 10, after the semicolon, 2 3 insert: 4 providing a title; requiring dogracing 5 permitholders to provide a greyhound-adoption 6 booth at each dogracing facility in the state; 7 requiring that the booth be operated by certain 8 qualified persons on weekends; requiring that 9 information concerning the adoption of a 10 greyhound be made available to the public at 11 the facility; requiring the permitholder to 12 provide adoption information in racing programs 13 and to identify greyhounds that will become 14 available for adoption; authorizing the 15 permitholder to hold an additional charity day 16 that is designated as "Greyhound Adopt-A-Pet 17 Day"; requiring that profits derived from the 18 charity day be used to fund activities 19 promoting the adoption of greyhounds; 20 authorizing the Division of Pari-mutuel 21 Wagering within the Department of Business and 22 Professional Regulation to adopt rules; 23 providing penalties; amending s. 550.1647, 24 F.S., relating to unclaimed tickets and breaks 25 with respect to greyhound racing; defining the 26 term "bona fide organization that promotes or 27 encourages the adoption of greyhounds"; 28 29 30 31 4 8:10 PM 05/03/01 s2210c1c-3328j