Senate Bill sb2212

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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2212

    By Senator Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to workers' compensation;

  3         amending s. 440.15, F.S.; substantially

  4         revising provisions governing compensation for

  5         disability; providing guidelines relating to

  6         permanent total disability, to temporary total

  7         disability, to permanent partial disability, to

  8         temporary partial disability, and to subsequent

  9         injury; providing consequences if an employee

10         refuses or leaves employment; amending s.

11         440.34, F.S.; substantially revising provisions

12         relating to attorney's fees and costs;

13         providing that reasonable attorney's fees must

14         be awarded to a claimant, as specified;

15         providing penalties for violations; providing

16         an effective date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Section 440.15, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         (Substantial rewording of section. See

23         s. 440.15, F.S., for present text.)

24         440.15  Compensation for disability.--Compensation for

25  disability shall be paid to the employee, subject to the

26  limits provided in s. 440.12(2), as follows:


28         (a)  In case of total disability adjudged to be

29  permanent, 60 percent of the average weekly wages shall be

30  paid to the employee during the continuance of such total

31  disability.


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  1         (b)  Loss of both hands, of both arms, of both feet, of

  2  both legs, of both eyes, or of any two thereof, in the absence

  3  of conclusive proof to the contrary, constitutes permanent

  4  total disability. In all other cases, permanent total

  5  disability must be determined in accordance with the facts.

  6         (c)  If an employee who is being paid compensation for

  7  permanent total disability becomes rehabilitated to the extent

  8  that she or he establishes an earning capacity, the employee

  9  must be paid during the period of such employment, instead of

10  the compensation provided in paragraph (a), compensation in

11  the amount of 60 percent of the difference between his or her

12  average weekly wages at the time the total disability was

13  incurred and his or her wage-earning capacity as determined by

14  his or her actual earnings in such employment.

15         (d)1.  In case of permanent total disability resulting

16  from injuries that occurred subsequent to June 30, 1955, and

17  for which the liability of the employer for compensation has

18  not been discharged under s. 440.20, the injured employee

19  shall receive from the division additional weekly compensation

20  benefits equal to 5 percent of the injured employee's weekly

21  compensation rate as established pursuant to the law in effect

22  on the date of his or her injury, multiplied by the number of

23  calendar years since the date of injury, and subject to the

24  maximum weekly compensation rate set forth in s. 440.12(2).

25  Such additional benefits shall be paid out of the Workers'

26  Compensation Administration Trust Fund. This subparagraph

27  applies to payments due after October 1, 1974.

28         2.  The division shall provide by rule for the periodic

29  reporting to the division of all earnings of any nature and

30  social security income by the injured employee entitled to or

31  claiming additional compensation under subparagraph 1. Neither


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  1  the division nor the employer or carrier shall make any

  2  payment of those additional benefits provided by subparagraph

  3  1. for any period during which the employee willfully fails or

  4  refuses to report as required by the division in the manner

  5  prescribed by such rules.


  7  The division shall provide by rule for the periodic reporting

  8  to the employer or carrier of all earnings of any nature or

  9  social security income by the injured employee entitled to or

10  claiming benefits for permanent total disability for any

11  period during which the employee willfully fails or refuses to

12  report upon request by the employer or carrier in the manner

13  prescribed by such rules.


15         (a)  In case of disability total in character but

16  temporary in quality, 60 percent of the average weekly wages

17  shall be paid to the employee during the continuance thereof,

18  not to exceed 350 weeks except as provided in s. 440.12(1).

19         (b)  Temporary total disability, for which compensation

20  shall be paid pursuant to paragraph (a), shall include such

21  periods as are reasonably required for training in the use of

22  artificial members and appliances, and shall include such

23  period as the employee may be receiving training or education

24  under a rehabilitation program pursuant to s. 440.49(1), s.

25  440.49(2), or s. 440.49(3), not to exceed 40 weeks.

26         (c)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a), an employee who has

27  sustained the loss of an arm, leg, hand, or foot, or the total

28  loss of use of such member, because of organic damage to the

29  nervous system, or has lost the sight of both eyes as provided

30  in paragraph (3)(p), shall be paid temporary total disability

31  of 80 percent of his or her average weekly wage, until the


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  1  employee has completed her or his training in the use of

  2  artificial members or appliances as necessary and completed

  3  training or education under a rehabilitative program pursuant

  4  to s. 440.49(1), s. 440.49(2), or s. 440.49(3), if provided.

  5  The increased temporary total disability compensation provided

  6  for in this paragraph must not extend beyond 6 months after

  7  the date of the injury. The compensation provided by this

  8  paragraph is not subject to the limits provided in s.

  9  440.12(2), but instead is subject to a maximum weekly

10  compensation rate of $400. If, at the conclusion of this

11  period of increased temporary total disability compensation,

12  the employee is still temporarily totally disabled, the

13  employee shall continue to receive temporary total disability

14  compensation as set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b). The

15  period of time the employee has received this increased

16  compensation will be counted as part of, and not in addition

17  to, the maximum periods of time for which the employee is

18  entitled to compensation under paragraph (a) but not paragraph

19  (b).

20         (3)  PERMANENT PARTIAL DISABILITY.--In case of

21  disability partial in character but permanent in quality, the

22  compensation shall, in addition to that provided by subsection

23  (2), be 60 percent of the average weekly wages, and shall be

24  paid to the employee as follows:

25         (a)  Arm lost, 200 weeks' compensation.

26         (b)  Leg lost, 200 weeks' compensation.

27         (c)  Hand lost, 175 weeks' compensation.

28         (d)  Foot lost, 175 weeks' compensation.

29         (e)  Eye lost, 175 weeks' compensation.

30         (f)  Thumb lost, 60 weeks' compensation.

31         (g)  First finger lost, 35 weeks' compensation.


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  1         (h)  Great toe lost, 30 weeks' compensation.

  2         (i)  Second finger lost, 30 weeks' compensation.

  3         (j)  Third finger lost, 20 weeks' compensation.

  4         (k)  Toe other than great toe lost, 10 weeks'

  5  compensation.

  6         (l)  Fourth finger lost, 15 weeks' compensation.

  7         (m)  Loss of hearing:  Compensation for loss of hearing

  8  in one ear, 40 weeks. Compensation for loss of hearing in both

  9  ears, 150 weeks.

10         (n)  Phalanges:  Compensation for loss of more than one

11  phalange of a digit shall be the same as for loss of the

12  entire digit. Compensation for loss of the first phalange

13  shall be one-half of the compensation for the loss of the

14  entire digit.

15         (o)  Amputated arm or leg:  Compensation for an arm or

16  leg, if amputated at or above the elbow or the knee, shall be

17  the same as for the loss of the arm or leg, but, if amputated

18  between the elbow and the wrist, or the knee and the ankle,

19  shall be the same as for the loss of a hand or foot.

20         (p)  Percent of vision:  Compensation for loss of 80

21  percent or more of the vision of an eye shall be the same as

22  for the loss of the eye.

23         (q)  Two or more digits:  Compensation for loss of two

24  or more digits or one or more phalanges of two or more digits,

25  or a hand or foot may be proportioned to the loss of use of

26  the hand or foot occasioned thereby, but shall not exceed the

27  compensation for loss of a hand or foot.

28         (r)  Total loss of use:  Compensation for permanent

29  total loss of use of a member shall be the same as for loss of

30  the member.



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  1         (s)  Partial loss or partial loss of use:  Compensation

  2  for permanent partial loss or loss of use of a member may be

  3  for proportionate loss or loss of use of the member.

  4         (t)  Disfigurement:  The judge of compensation claims

  5  shall award proper and equitable compensation for serious

  6  facial or head disfigurement, not to exceed $2,000; however,

  7  in granting such an award, the judge of compensation claims

  8  shall consider only the effect the disfigurement will have on

  9  the future earning capacity of the injured employee.

10         (u)  Other cases:  In all other cases in this class of

11  disability the compensation shall be:

12         1.  Sixty percent of the injured employee's average

13  weekly wage for such number of weeks as the injured employee's

14  percentage of disability is of 175 weeks when the injured

15  employee's percentage of disability is 10 percent or less.

16         2.  Sixty percent of the injured employee's average

17  weekly wage for such number of weeks as the injured employee's

18  percentage of disability is of 350 weeks when the injured

19  employee's percentage of disability is more than 10 percent

20  but less than and including 50 percent.

21         3.  Sixty percent of the injured employee's average

22  weekly wage for such number of weeks as the injured employee's

23  percentage of disability is of 525 weeks when the injured

24  employee's percentage of disability is more than 50 percent

25  but less than and including 99 percent.


27  However, as used in this paragraph, the term "disability"

28  means either physical impairment or diminution of wage-earning

29  capacity, whichever is greater.

30         (4)  TEMPORARY PARTIAL DISABILITY.--In case of

31  temporary partial disability resulting in decrease of earning


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  1  capacity, the compensation shall be 60 percent of the

  2  difference between the injured employee's average weekly wages

  3  before the injury and his or her wage-earning capacity after

  4  the injury in the same or other employment, to be paid during

  5  the continuance of the disability, but not to be paid for a

  6  period exceeding 5 years.

  7         (5)  SUBSEQUENT INJURY.--

  8         (a)  If any employee receives any injury for which

  9  compensation is payable while she or he is still receiving or

10  is entitled to receive compensation for a previous injury in

11  the employ of the same employer, he or she shall not at the

12  same time be entitled to compensation for both injuries,

13  unless the latter injury be a permanent injury such as those

14  specified in this section; but he or she shall be entitled to

15  compensation for that injury and from the time of that injury

16  which will cover the longest period and the longest amount

17  payable under this chapter.

18         (b)  If any employee receives permanent injury as

19  specified in this section, after having previously sustained

20  another permanent injury in the employ of the same employer,

21  he or she shall be entitled to compensation for both injuries,

22  but the total compensation shall be paid by extending the

23  period and not by increasing the amount of weekly

24  compensation. When the previous and subsequent injuries

25  received in the same employment result in permanent total

26  disability, compensation shall be payable for permanent total

27  disability.

28         (c)  The fact that an employee has suffered previous

29  disability, impairment, or disease or has received

30  compensation therefor shall not preclude him or her from

31  receiving benefits for a later injury nor preclude receiving


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  1  benefits for death resulting therefrom; but in determining

  2  compensation for the later injury or death, the employee's

  3  average weekly wages shall be the sum that represents his or

  4  her earning capacity at the time of the later injury. However,

  5  if an employee who has received compensation under this

  6  chapter for a previous permanent partial disability,

  7  impairment, or disease incurs a subsequent permanent partial

  8  disability from injury or occupational disease arising out of

  9  and in the course of his or her employment which merges with

10  the preexisting permanent partial disability, impairment, or

11  disease to cause a permanent partial disability that is

12  greater than that which would have resulted from the

13  subsequent injury or occupational disease alone, the

14  compensation received for the previous permanent partial

15  disability, impairment, or disease shall be deducted from the

16  compensation payable for the subsequent permanent partial

17  disability. However, the compensation for the subsequent

18  permanent partial disability must not be less than that

19  allowed from the subsequent injury or occupational disease if

20  the previous disability had not existed.

21         (6)  HERNIA.--In all claims for compensation for hernia

22  resulting from injury by accident arising out of and in the

23  course of employment, it must be proved to the satisfaction of

24  the division:

25         (a)  That there was an injury resulting in hernia.

26         (b)  That the hernia appeared suddenly.

27         (c)  That it was accompanied by pain.

28         (d)  That the hernia immediately followed an accident.

29         (e)  That the hernia did not exist before the accident

30  for which compensation is claimed.



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  1         (f)  All hernia, inguinal, femoral, or otherwise, so

  2  proved to be the result of an injury by accident arising out

  3  of and in the course of the employment, shall be treated at

  4  the expense of the employer in a surgical manner by radical

  5  operation. Compensation shall be paid for a period of 6 weeks

  6  after the date of the operation. If the injured employee

  7  refuses to undergo the radical operation for the cure of the

  8  hernia, no compensation will be allowed during the time of

  9  refusal unless the employee by religious belief does not use

10  medical or surgical treatment. If, however, it is shown that

11  the employee had some chronic disease, or is otherwise in such

12  physical condition that the judge of compensation claims

13  considers it unsafe for the employee to undergo the operation,

14  the compensation shall be paid as otherwise provided in

15  subsection (4), but not for more than 30 weeks. Compensation

16  shall be allowed for temporary total disability as provided by

17  subsection (2) for such disability before the operation.

18         (7)  EMPLOYEE REFUSES EMPLOYMENT.--If an injured

19  employee refuses employment suitable to his or her capacity,

20  offered to or procured therefor, the employee shall not be

21  entitled to any compensation at any time during the

22  continuance of such refusal unless in the opinion of the judge

23  of compensation claims such refusal is justifiable.

24         (8)  EMPLOYEE LEAVES EMPLOYMENT.--If an injured

25  employee, when receiving compensation for temporary partial

26  disability, leaves the employment of the employer by whom he

27  or she was employed at the time of the accident for which the

28  compensation is being paid, she or he shall, upon securing

29  employment elsewhere, give to his or her former employer an

30  affidavit in writing containing the name of his or her new

31  employer, the place of employment, and the amount of wages


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  1  being received at the new place of employment, and, until he

  2  or she gives such an affidavit, the compensation for temporary

  3  partial disability will cease. The employer by whom the

  4  employee was employed at the time of the accident for which

  5  such compensation is being paid may also at any time demand of

  6  the employee an additional affidavit in writing containing the

  7  name of his or her employer, the place of his or her

  8  employment, and the amount of wages he or she is receiving,

  9  and if the employee, upon such demand, fails or refuses to

10  make and furnish such an affidavit, his or her right to

11  compensation for temporary partial disability shall cease

12  until the affidavit is made and furnished.

13         Section 2.  Section 440.34, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         (Substantial rewording of section. See

16         s. 440.34, F.S., for present text.)

17         440.34  Attorney's fees; costs; penalty for

18  violations.--

19         (1)  If the employer or carrier files a response to

20  petition as provided in s. 440.192, and has declined to pay a

21  claim on or before the 30th day after the date of the petition

22  being filed, and the claimant has employed an attorney in the

23  successful prosecution of the claim, there shall, in addition

24  to the award for compensation, be awarded a reasonable

25  attorney's fee of 25 percent of the first $5,000 of the amount

26  of the benefits secured, 20 percent of the next $5,000 of the

27  amount of the benefits secured, and 15 percent of the

28  remaining amount of benefits secured, to be approved by the

29  judge of compensation claims, which fee may be paid directly

30  to the attorney for the claimant in a lump sum. However, such



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  1  terms do not include future medical benefits to be provided on

  2  any date more than 5 years after the date the claim is filed.

  3         (2)  In awarding a reasonable attorney's fee, the judge

  4  of compensation claims shall consider only that portion of the

  5  award to the claimant that the attorney is responsible for

  6  securing.

  7         (3)  If any proceedings are had for review of any

  8  compensation order before the First District Court of Appeal,

  9  the court may, in its discretion, allow attorney's fees, which

10  shall be in addition to the compensation paid the claimant and

11  shall be paid as the court directs.

12         (4)  There shall be further assessed against the

13  employer or carrier, as costs in such claims, such fees and

14  mileage for witnesses attending the hearing at the instance of

15  the claimant as would be allowed such witnesses in cases at

16  law.

17         (5)  Any person:

18         (a)  Who receives any fees or other consideration or

19  any gratuity on account or services so rendered, unless the

20  consideration or gratuity is approved by the judge of

21  compensation claims or the First District Court of Appeal; or

22         (b)  Who makes it a business to solicit employment for

23  a lawyer or for himself or herself in respect of any petition

24  or award for compensation,


26  commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as

27  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

28         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.





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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2212

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Substantially revises provisions governing workers'
      compensation, including those relating to amounts and to
  4    conditions for granting compensation. Provides guidelines
      relating to permanent total disability, to temporary
  5    total disability, to permanent partial disability, to
      temporary partial disability, and to subsequent injury.
  6    Provides consequences if an employee refuses or leaves
      employment. Substantially revises provisions relating to
  7    attorney's fees and costs. Provides for the award of
      reasonable attorney's fees and costs to a claimant in
  8    worker's-compensation cases, as specified. Provides
      penalties for violations.
























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