Senate Bill sb2252

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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2252

    By Senator Garcia


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to community colleges; amending

  3         s. 240.359, F.S.; revising the procedure for

  4         determining state financial support and annual

  5         apportionment of state funds to each community

  6         college district; prescribing how funds are to

  7         be disbursed; providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 240.359, Florida

12  Statutes, is amended to read:

13         240.359  Procedure for determining state financial

14  support and annual apportionment of state funds to each

15  community college district.--The procedure for determining

16  state financial support and the annual apportionment to each

17  community college district authorized to operate a community

18  college under the provisions of s. 240.313 shall be as

19  follows:


21         (a)  By December 15 of each year, the Department of

22  Education shall estimate the annual enrollment of each

23  community college for the current fiscal year and for the 6

24  subsequent fiscal years.  These estimates shall be based upon

25  prior years' enrollments, upon the initial fall term

26  enrollments for the current fiscal year for each college, and

27  upon each college's estimated current enrollment and

28  demographic changes in the respective community college

29  districts.

30         (a)(b)  The apportionment to each community college

31  from the Community College Program Fund may shall be


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2252

  1  determined annually in the General Appropriations Act.  In

  2  determining each college's apportionment, the Legislature

  3  shall consider the following components:

  4         1.  Base budget, which includes the state general

  5  revenue and lottery appropriations appropriation to the

  6  Community College Program Fund in the current year plus the

  7  related student matriculation and tuition fees established

  8  assigned in the current General Appropriations Act.

  9         2.  The cost-to-continue allocation, which consists of

10  incremental changes to the base budget, including salaries,

11  price levels, and other related costs allocated through the

12  Operational Resources Funding Model approved annually by the

13  State Board of Community Colleges.

14         3.  Enrollment workload adjustment, which shall be

15  determined as follows:

16         a.  The actual full-time equivalent enrollment for the

17  prior year, as accepted or modified by the Legislature, shall

18  be the assigned enrollment and the basis for allocating

19  appropriated funds for enrollment workload.  If the enrollment

20  workload allocation to a college is determined to be less than

21  zero, the reduction in allocation shall be implemented over a

22  2-year period.

23         b.  The systemwide average direct instructional cost

24  level of each program of study shall be used to calculate the

25  enrollment workload adjustment.  This amount, multiplied by a

26  factor of 1.3, for support services shall be multiplied by the

27  change in enrollment as determined in sub-subparagraph a.

28  From this amount, student matriculation and tuition fees

29  generated by the change in assigned enrollment shall be

30  deducted and the remaining amount shall be the state

31  allocation to each college for enrollment workload.


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2252

  1         c.  Students enrolled in a recreation and leisure

  2  program and students enrolled in a lifelong learning program

  3  may not be counted as full-time equivalent enrollments for

  4  purposes of enrollment workload adjustments.

  5         3.4.  Operating costs of new facilities adjustments,

  6  which shall be provided, from funds available, for each new

  7  facility that is owned by the college and is recommended in

  8  accordance with s. 235.15 and the guidelines of the State

  9  Board of Community Colleges.

10         4.5.  New and improved program enhancements, which

11  shall be determined by the Legislature and may be allocated

12  through the Operational Resources Funding Model.

13         5.  Performance-based budget funding.

14         6.  Workforce development funding.


16  Student fees in the base budget plus student fee revenues

17  generated by increases in fee rates shall be deducted from the

18  sum of the components determined in subparagraphs 1.-5. The

19  amount remaining shall be the net annual state apportionment

20  to each college.

21         (b)  The sum of general revenue and lottery

22  appropriations must be disbursed monthly in 12 equal payments.

23  If lottery funds are insufficient to make equal monthly

24  disbursements, the shortfall must be eliminated through an

25  increase in monthly general revenue disbursements, but the

26  amount of such disbursements is limited to the total of the

27  general revenue appropriation.

28         (c)  No community college shall commit funds for the

29  employment of personnel or resources in excess of those

30  required to continue the same level of support for either the



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    Florida Senate - 2001                                  SB 2252

  1  previously approved enrollment or the revised enrollment,

  2  whichever is lower.

  3         (c)(d)  The apportionment to each community college

  4  district for capital outlay and debt service shall be the

  5  amount determined in accordance with subsection (2). This

  6  amount, less any amount determined as necessary for

  7  administrative expense by the State Board of Education and any

  8  amount necessary for debt service on bonds issued by the State

  9  Board of Education, shall be transmitted to the community

10  college district board of trustees to be expended in a manner

11  prescribed by rules of the State Board of Education.

12         (d)(e)  Colleges shall seek to maintain an unencumbered

13  fund balance of between 4 percent and 10 percent of the funds

14  available in the current general fund of the operating budget.

15  If the 10-percent upper level is exceeded for 2 consecutive

16  years, the appropriation to the college in a succeeding fiscal

17  year shall be reduced by the average of the excess of the fund

18  balance over the 10 percent for the 2 years.  In exceptional

19  cases, when fund balances greater than 10 percent are

20  necessary for a college, prior approval shall be obtained from

21  the State Board of Community Colleges.

22         (e)(f)  Expenditures for apprenticeship programs shall

23  be reported separately.

24         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


26            *****************************************

27                          SENATE SUMMARY

28    Revises the procedure for determining state financial
      support and annual apportionment of state funds to
29    community college districts. Prescribes that general
      revenue and lottery appropriations are to be disbursed
30    monthly in 12 equal payments.



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