Senate Bill sb0314

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    Florida Senate - 2001                                   SB 314

    By Senator Campbell

    33-277A-01                                           See HB 31

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Money Transmitter's

  3         Code; amending s. 560.103, F.S.; revising

  4         definitions; amending s. 560.111, F.S.;

  5         providing penalties for specified violations of

  6         the deferred presentment act; amending s.

  7         560.114, F.S.; providing additional grounds for

  8         disciplinary action; providing for continuation

  9         of certain administrative proceedings under

10         certain circumstances; amending s. 560.118,

11         F.S.; eliminating the authority to assess

12         examination fees; amending s. 560.119, F.S.;

13         revising the deposit of fees and assessments;

14         amending s. 560.205, F.S.; adding a fee for

15         authorized vendor or branch locations; amending

16         s. 560.206, F.S.; amending the registration

17         period; amending s. 560.207, F.S.; conforming

18         and clarifying the fee for late renewals;

19         amending the renewal application fee; amending

20         s. 560.208, F.S.; requiring notification of

21         vendor or branch locations; requiring a

22         nonrefundable fee and financial statement;

23         amending s. 560.307, F.S.; applying the

24         application fee to check cashers and foreign

25         currency exchanges and adding a fee for

26         authorized vendors or branch locations;

27         requiring notification of vendor or branch

28         locations; amending s. 560.308, F.S.;

29         increasing the registration and renewal fee for

30         each registrant; clarifying the fee to be

31         charged for late renewal; creating part IV, ch.


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  1         560, F.S., consisting of ss. 560.401, 560.402,

  2         560.403, 560.404, 560.405, 560.406, 560.407,

  3         and 560.408, F.S.; providing a short title;

  4         providing definitions; providing registration

  5         requirements for deferred presentment

  6         transactions; providing for filing fees;

  7         providing limitations; specifying requirements

  8         and limitations for engaging in deferred

  9         presentment transactions; providing

10         prohibitions; providing for fees; providing

11         limitations; requiring certain notice;

12         specifying criteria and requirements for

13         deposit and redemption of a drawer's check;

14         providing procedures for recovering damages for

15         worthless checks; requiring maintenance of

16         records for a time certain; providing

17         legislative intent; requiring the Comptroller

18         to submit a report to the President of the

19         Senate and the Speaker of the House of

20         Representatives concerning the effectiveness of

21         this act; providing an appropriation; providing

22         effective dates.


24  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


26         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (4) of

27  section 560.103, Florida Statutes, and subsection (10) of that

28  section is amended to read:

29         560.103  Definitions.--As used in the code, unless the

30  context otherwise requires:



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  1         (4)  "Code" means the "Money Transmitters' Code,"

  2  consisting of:

  3         (d)  Part IV of this chapter, relating to deferred

  4  presentments.

  5         (10)  "Money transmitter" means any person located in

  6  or doing business in this state who acts as a payment

  7  instrument seller, foreign currency exchanger, check casher,

  8  or funds transmitter, or deferred presentment provider.

  9         Section 2.  Subsection (4) is added to section 560.111,

10  Florida Statutes, to read:

11         560.111  Prohibited acts and practices.--

12         (4)  Any person who is not a registered money

13  transmitter and is not otherwise exempt from this code and who

14  violates, or any registered money transmitter who willfully

15  violates, any provision of s. 560.403, s. 560.404, s. 560.405,

16  or s. 560.407 commits a felony of the third degree, punishable

17  as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

18         Section 3.  Paragraphs (w) and (x) are added to

19  subsection (1) of section 560.114, Florida Statutes, and

20  subsection (5) is added to that section, to read:

21         560.114  Disciplinary actions.--

22         (1)  The following actions by a money transmitter or

23  money transmitter-affiliated party are violations of the code

24  and constitute grounds for the issuance of a cease and desist

25  order, the issuance of a removal order, the denial of a

26  registration application or the suspension or revocation of

27  any registration previously issued pursuant to the code, or

28  the taking of any other action within the authority of the

29  department pursuant to the code:

30         (w)  Failure to pay any fee, charge, or fine under the

31  code.


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  1         (x)  Engaging or advertising engagement in the business

  2  of a money transmitter without a registration, unless the

  3  person is exempted from the registration requirements of the

  4  code.

  5         (5)  If any registration expires while administrative

  6  charges are still pending against the deferred presentment

  7  provider, the proceedings against the registrant shall

  8  continue as if the registration were still in effect.

  9         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 560.118, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         560.118  Examinations, reports, and internal audits;

12  penalty.--

13         (1)(a)  The department may conduct an examination of a

14  money transmitter or authorized vendor by providing not less

15  than 15 days' advance notice to the money transmitter or

16  authorized vendor. However, if the department suspects that

17  the money transmitter or authorized vendor has violated any

18  provisions of this code or any criminal laws of this state or

19  of the United States or is engaging in an unsafe and unsound

20  practice, the department may, at any time without advance

21  notice, conduct an examination of all affairs, activities,

22  transactions, accounts, business records, and assets of any

23  money transmitter or any money transmitter-affiliated party

24  for the protection of the public. For the purpose of

25  examinations, the department may administer oaths and examine

26  a money transmitter or any of its affiliated parties

27  concerning their operations and business activities and

28  affairs. The department may accept an audit or examination

29  from any appropriate regulatory agency or from an independent

30  third party with respect to the operations of a money

31  transmitter or an authorized vendor. The department may also


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  1  make a joint or concurrent examination with any state or

  2  federal regulatory agency. The department may furnish a copy

  3  of all examinations made of such money transmitter or

  4  authorized vendor to the money transmitter and any appropriate

  5  regulatory agency provided that such agency agrees to abide by

  6  the confidentiality provisions as set forth in chapter 119.

  7         (b)  Persons subject to this chapter who are examined

  8  shall make available to the department or its examiners the

  9  accounts, records, documents, files, information, assets, and

10  matters which are in their immediate possession or control and

11  which relate to the subject of the examination. Those

12  accounts, records, documents, files, information, assets, and

13  matters not in their immediate possession shall be made

14  available to the department or the department's examiners

15  within 10 days after actual notice is served on such persons.

16         (c)  The audit of a money transmitter required under

17  this section may be performed by an independent third party

18  that has been approved by the department or by a certified

19  public accountant authorized to do business in the United

20  States. The examination of a money transmitter or authorized

21  vendor required under this section may be performed by an

22  independent third party that has been approved by the

23  department or by a certified public accountant authorized to

24  do business in the United States. The cost of such an

25  independent examination or audit shall be directly borne by

26  the money transmitter or authorized vendor.

27         (d)  The department may recover the costs of a regular

28  examination and supervision of a money transmitter or

29  authorized vendor; however, the department may not recover the

30  costs of more than one examination in any 12-month period

31  unless the department has determined that the money


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  1  transmitter or authorized vendor is operating in an unsafe or

  2  unsound or unlawful manner.

  3         (e)  The department may, by rule, set a maximum per-day

  4  examination cost for a regular examination. Such per-day cost

  5  may be less than that required to fully compensate the

  6  department for costs associated with the examination. For the

  7  purposes of this section, "costs" means the salary and travel

  8  expenses directly attributable to the field staff examining

  9  the money transmitter or authorized vendor, and the travel

10  expenses of any supervisory staff required as a result of

11  examination findings. Reimbursement for such costs incurred

12  under this subsection must be postmarked no later than 30 days

13  after the date of receipt of a notice stating that such costs

14  are due. The department may levy a late payment penalty of up

15  to $100 per day or part thereof that a payment is overdue,

16  unless the late payment penalty is excused for good cause. In

17  excusing any such late payment penalty, the department may

18  consider the prior payment history of the money transmitter or

19  authorized vendor.

20         Section 5.  Section 560.119, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         560.119  Deposit of fees and assessments.--The

23  application fees, registration renewal fees, examination fees,

24  late payment penalties, civil penalties, administrative fines,

25  and other fees or penalties provided for in the code shall, in

26  all cases, be paid directly to the department, which shall

27  deposit such proceeds into the Financial Institutions'

28  Regulatory Trust Fund. Each year, the Legislature shall

29  appropriate from the trust fund to the department sufficient

30  moneys to pay the department's costs for administration of the



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  1  code. The Financial Institutions' Regulatory Trust Fund is

  2  subject to the service charge imposed pursuant to chapter 215.

  3         Section 6.  Subsection (2) of section 560.205, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         560.205  Qualifications of applicant for registration;

  6  contents.--

  7         (2)  Each application for registration must be

  8  submitted under oath to the department on such forms as the

  9  department prescribes by rule and must be accompanied by a

10  nonrefundable application investigation fee. Such fee may not

11  exceed $500 for each payment instrument seller or funds

12  transmitter and $50 for each authorized vendor or branch

13  location and may be waived by the department for just cause.

14  The application forms shall set forth such information as the

15  department reasonably requires, including, but not limited to:

16         (a)  The name and address of the applicant, including

17  any fictitious or trade names used by the applicant in the

18  conduct of its business.

19         (b)  The history of the applicant's material

20  litigation, criminal convictions, pleas of nolo contendere,

21  and cases of adjudication withheld.

22         (c)  A description of the activities conducted by the

23  applicant, the applicant's history of operations, and the

24  business activities in which the applicant seeks to engage in

25  this state.

26         (d)  A list identifying the applicant's proposed

27  authorized vendors in this state, including the location or

28  locations in this state at which the applicant and its

29  authorized vendors propose to conduct registered activities.

30         (e)  A sample authorized vendor contract, if

31  applicable.


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  1         (f)  A sample form of payment instrument, if

  2  applicable.

  3         (g)  The name and address of the clearing financial

  4  institution or financial institutions through which the

  5  applicant's payment instruments will be drawn or through which

  6  such payment instruments will be payable.

  7         (h)  Documents revealing that the net worth and bonding

  8  requirements specified in s. 560.209 have been or will be

  9  fulfilled.

10         Section 7.  Section 560.206, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         560.206  Investigation of applicants.--Upon the filing

13  of a properly completed application, accompanied by the

14  nonrefundable application fee and other required documents,

15  the department shall investigate to ascertain whether the

16  qualifications and requirements prescribed by this part have

17  been met. If the department finds that the applicant meets

18  such qualifications and requirements, the department shall

19  issue the applicant a registration to engage in the business

20  of selling payment instruments and transmitting funds in this

21  state. Any registration issued under this part shall remain

22  effective through April 30 of the second year following the

23  date of issuance of the registration, not to exceed 24 months,

24  unless during such period the registration is in effect

25  through April 30 next following its date of issuance unless

26  otherwise specified by the department or earlier surrendered,

27  suspended, or revoked.

28         Section 8.  Section 560.207, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         560.207  Renewal of registration; registration fee.--



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  1         (1)  Registration may be renewed for a 24-month period

  2  or the remainder of any such period without proration

  3  following the date of its expiration, upon the filing with the

  4  department of an application and other statements and

  5  documents as may reasonably be required of registrants by the

  6  department. However, the registrant must remain qualified for

  7  such registration under the provisions of this part.

  8         (2)  All registration renewal applications shall be

  9  accompanied by a renewal fee not to exceed $1,000, unless such

10  fee is waived by the department. All renewal applications must

11  be filed on or after January 1 of the year in which the

12  existing registration expires, but before March 31. If the

13  renewal application is filed prior to the expiration date of

14  an existing registration, no late investigation fee shall be

15  paid in connection with such renewal application. If the

16  renewal application is filed within 60 days after the

17  expiration date of an existing registration, then, in addition

18  to the $1,000 renewal fee, the renewal application shall be

19  accompanied by a nonrefundable late fee of $500 investigation

20  fee pursuant to s. 560.205(2). If the registrant has not filed

21  a renewal application within 60 days after the expiration date

22  of an existing registration, a new application shall be filed

23  with the department pursuant to s. 560.205.

24         (3)  Every registration renewal application shall also

25  include a 2-year registration fee of $50 for each location

26  operating within this state or, at the option of the

27  registrant, a total 2-year fee of $20,000 $5,000 may be paid

28  to register all such locations operating within this state.

29         Section 9.  Section 560.208, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         560.208  Conduct of business.--


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  1         (1)  A registrant may conduct its business at one or

  2  more locations within this state through branches or by means

  3  of authorized vendors, as designated by the registrant.

  4         (2)  Each registrant shall notify the department,

  5  within 60 days after the date of designation by the

  6  registrant, of each authorized vendor or branch location.

  7  Such notification shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable $50

  8  fee for each authorized vendor or branch location.  Each

  9  notification shall also be accompanied by a financial

10  statement demonstrating compliance with s. 560.209(1), unless

11  compliance is demonstrated by the quarterly report filed in

12  compliance with s. 560.118(2).  This section shall not apply

13  to any authorized vendor or branch location that has been

14  designated by the registrant before the effective date of this

15  provision.

16         Section 10.  Section 560.307, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         560.307  Fees.--

19         (1)  The application shall be filed together with a

20  nonrefundable application investigation fee that shall be

21  established by department rule; however, the application

22  investigation fee may not exceed $250 for each check casher or

23  foreign currency exchanger and $50 for each authorized vendor

24  or branch location. Such investigation fee shall satisfy the

25  fee requirement for the first year of registration or the

26  remaining part thereof.

27         (2)  Each registrant shall notify the department,

28  within 60 days after the date of designation by the

29  registrant, of each authorized vendor or branch location. Such

30  notification shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable $50 fee

31  for each authorized vendor or branch location. This section


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  1  shall not apply to any authorized vendor or branch location

  2  that has been designated by the registrant before the

  3  effective date of this provision.

  4         Section 11.  Section 560.308, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         560.308  Registration terms; renewal; renewal fees.--

  7         (1)  Registration pursuant to this part shall remain

  8  effective through the remainder of the second calendar year

  9  following its date of issuance unless during such calendar

10  year the registration is surrendered, suspended, or revoked.

11         (2)  The department shall renew registration upon

12  receipt of a completed renewal form and payment of a

13  nonrefundable renewal fee, as provided by rule, not to exceed

14  $500. The completed renewal form and payment of the renewal

15  fee shall occur on or after June 1 of the year in which the

16  existing registration expires.

17         (3)  In addition to the renewal fee required by

18  subsection (2), each registrant must register and pay a $50

19  registration fee for each location, including any authorized

20  vendors, operating within this state or, at the option of the

21  registrant, a total 2-year fee of $20,000 $5,000 may be paid

22  to register all such operating locations within this state.

23         (4)  Registration that is not renewed on or before the

24  expiration date of the registration period automatically

25  expires. A renewal application and fee, and a late fee of $250

26  an investigation fee pursuant to s. 560.307, must be filed

27  within 60 calendar days after the expiration of an existing

28  registration in order for the registration to before

29  registration may be reinstated.

30         Section 12.  Part IV of chapter 560, Florida Statutes,

31  consisting of sections 560.401, 560.402, 560.403, 560.404,


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  1  560.405, 560.406, 560.407, and 560.408, Florida Statutes, is

  2  created to read:

  3                             PART IV

  4                       DEFERRED PRESENTMENT

  5         560.401  Short title.--This part may be cited as the

  6  "Deferred Presentment Act."

  7         560.402  Definitions.--In addition to the definitions

  8  provided in ss. 560.103, 560.202, and 560.302 and unless

  9  otherwise clearly indicated by the context, for purposes of

10  this part:

11         (1)  "Affiliate" means a person who directly or

12  indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls or is

13  controlled by, or is under common control with, a deferred

14  presentment provider.

15         (2)  "Amount financed" means the total amount of credit

16  provided to the drawer by the deferred presentment provider.

17         (3)  "Business day" means the hours during a particular

18  day during which a deferred presentment provider customarily

19  conducts business, not to exceed 15 consecutive hours during

20  that day.

21         (4)  "Days" means calendar days.

22         (5)  "Deferment period" means the number of days a

23  deferred presentment provider agrees to defer depositing or

24  presenting a payment instrument. A deferment period may not

25  exceed 31 days.

26         (6)  "Deferred presentment provider" means a person who

27  engages in a deferred presentment transaction and is

28  registered under part II or part III of the code and has filed

29  a declaration of intent with the department.

30         (7)  "Deferred presentment transaction" means providing

31  currency or a payment instrument in exchange for a person's


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  1  check and agreeing to hold that person's check for a period of

  2  time prior to presentment, deposit, or redemption.

  3         (8)  "Drawer" means any person who writes a personal

  4  check and upon whose account the check is drawn.

  5         (9)  "Rollover" means the termination of an existing

  6  deferred presentment agreement solely by the payment of fees

  7  then due the deferred presentment provider and the continued

  8  holding of the check or the substitution of a new check drawn

  9  by the drawer pursuant to a new deferred presentment

10  agreement.

11         (10)  "Fee" means the fee authorized for the deferral

12  of the presentation of a check pursuant to this part.

13         (11)  "Termination of an existing deferred presentment

14  agreement" occurs when the check that is the basis for the

15  agreement is presented for payment, is deposited, or is

16  redeemed by the drawer by payment in full in cash or a cash

17  equivalent to the deferred presentment provider.

18         560.403  Requirements of registration; declaration of

19  intent.--

20         (1)  No person shall engage in a deferred presentment

21  transaction unless the person is registered under the

22  provisions of part II or part III and has on file with the

23  department a declaration of intent to engage in deferred

24  presentment transactions. The declaration of intent shall be

25  under oath and on such form as the department prescribes by

26  rule.  The declaration of intent shall be filed together with

27  a nonrefundable filing fee of $1,000. Any person who is

28  registered under part II or part III on the effective date of

29  this act and intends to engage in deferred presentment

30  transactions shall have 60 days after the effective date of

31  this act to file a declaration of intent.


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  1         (2)  A registrant under this part shall renew his or

  2  her intent to engage in the business of deferred presentment

  3  transactions or to act as a deferred presentment provider upon

  4  renewing his or her registration under part II or part III and

  5  shall do so by indicating his or her intent on the renewal

  6  form and by submitting a nonrefundable deferred presentment

  7  provider renewal fee of $1,000, in addition to any fees

  8  required for renewal of registration under part II or part

  9  III.

10         (3)  A registrant under this part who fails to timely

11  renew his or her intent to engage in the business of deferred

12  presentment transactions or to act as a deferred presentment

13  provider shall immediately cease to engage in the business of

14  deferred presentment transactions or to act as a deferred

15  presentment provider.

16         (4)  The license of a registrant under this part who

17  fails to timely renew his or her intent to engage in the

18  business of deferred presentment transactions or to act as a

19  deferred presentment provider on or before the expiration date

20  of the registration period automatically expires. A renewal

21  declaration of intent and fee, and a late fee of $500, must be

22  filed within 60 calendar days after the expiration of an

23  existing registration in order for the declaration of intent

24  to be reinstated. If the registrant has not filed a renewal

25  declaration of intent within 60 days after the expiration date

26  of an existing registration, a new declaration must be filed

27  with the department.

28         (5)  No person shall be exempt from registration and

29  declaration if such person engages in deferred presentment

30  transactions, regardless of whether such person is currently

31  exempt from registration under any provision of this code.


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  1         (6)  Every deferred presentment transaction shall be

  2  documented in a written agreement signed by both the deferred

  3  presentment provider and the drawer.

  4         (7)  The deferred presentment transaction agreement

  5  shall be executed on the day the deferred presentment provider

  6  furnishes currency or a payment instrument to the drawer.

  7         (8)  Each written agreement shall contain:

  8         (a)  The name or trade name, address, and telephone

  9  number of the deferred presentment provider and the name and

10  title of the person who signs the agreement on behalf of the

11  deferred presentment provider.

12         (b)  The date the deferred presentment transaction was

13  made.

14         (c)  The amount of the drawer's check.

15         (d)  The length of deferral period.

16         (e)  The address and telephone number of the

17  department.

18         (f)  A clear description of the drawer's payment

19  obligations under the deferred presentment transaction.

20         (9)  Every deferred presentment provider shall furnish

21  to the drawer a copy of the deferred presentment transaction

22  agreement.

23         (10)  No deferred presentment provider shall require a

24  person to provide any additional security for the deferred

25  presentment transaction or any extension or require a person

26  to provide any additional guaranty from another person.

27         (11)  A deferred presentment provider shall not include

28  any of the following provisions in any written agreement:

29         (a)  A hold harmless clause;

30         (b)  A confession of judgment clause;



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  1         (c)  Any assignment of or order for payment of wages or

  2  other compensation for services;

  3         (d)  A provision in which the drawer agrees not to

  4  assert any claim or defense arising out of the agreement; or

  5         (e)  A waiver of any provision of this part.

  6         560.404  Rules.--A person may engage in deferred

  7  presentment transactions, subject to the following:

  8         (1)  No deferred presentment provider shall charge fees

  9  in excess of 10 percent of the amount financed. However, a

10  verification fee may be charged in accordance with s.

11  560.309(4) and the rules adopted pursuant to the code.

12         (2)  Each deferred presentment provider shall

13  immediately provide the drawer with the full amount of any

14  check to be held, less only the fees permitted under this

15  section. However, no deferred presentment provider shall

16  provide a drawer with the face amount of the check to be held.

17         (3)  The deferred presentment agreement and drawer's

18  check shall bear the same date, and the number of days shall

19  be calculated from this date. No deferred presentment provider

20  or person may alter or delete the date on any written

21  agreement or check held by the deferred presentment provider.

22         (4)  For each deferred presentment transaction, the

23  deferred presentment provider must comply with the disclosure

24  requirements of 12 C.F.R., Part 226, the federal

25  Truth-in-Lending Act, and Regulation Z of the Board of

26  Governors of the Federal Reserve Board. A copy of the

27  disclosure must be provided to the drawer at the time the

28  deferred presentment transaction is initiated.

29         (5)  No deferred presentment provider may accept or

30  hold an undated check or a check dated on a date other than

31  the date on which the deferred presentment provider agreed to


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  1  hold the check and signed the deferred presentment transaction

  2  agreement.

  3         (6)  No deferred presentment agreement shall be for a

  4  term in excess of 21 days or less than 14 days.

  5         (7)  Every deferred presentment provider shall hold the

  6  drawer's check for the agreed number of days, unless the

  7  drawer chooses to redeem the check before the agreed

  8  presentment date.

  9         (8)  The fees authorized by this section may not be

10  collected before the drawer's check is presented or redeemed.

11         (9)  Proceeds in a deferred presentment transaction may

12  be made to the drawer in the form of the deferred presentment

13  provider's business check or money order if the deferred

14  presentment provider is registered under part II; however, no

15  additional fee may be charged by a deferred presentment

16  provider for issuing or cashing the deferred presentment

17  provider's check.

18         (10)  No deferred presentment provider may engage in

19  the rollover of any deferred presentment agreement.  Two

20  business days after the termination of an existing deferred

21  presentment agreement, the drawer may enter into a separate

22  deferred presentment agreement with the same deferred

23  presentment provider or its affiliate.  A deferred presentment

24  provider shall not redeem, extend, or otherwise consolidate a

25  deferred presentment agreement with the proceeds of another

26  deferred presentment transaction made by the same or an

27  affiliated deferred presentment provider.

28         (11)  The face amount of a check taken for deferred

29  presentment may not exceed $500 exclusive of the fees allowed

30  by this part.



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  1         (12)  No deferred presentment provider or affiliate may

  2  have outstanding more than one check from any one drawer at

  3  any one time, nor may the face value of any outstanding check

  4  from any one drawer payable to any deferred presentment

  5  provider or its affiliate exceed $500, exclusive of the fees

  6  allowed by this part. A deferred presentment provider shall

  7  maintain a common database for the purpose of verifying

  8  whether that deferred presentment provider or an affiliate has

  9  outstanding more than one check from any one drawer at any

10  time. A deferred presentment provider shall not use any device

11  or agreement, including, but not limited to, agreements with

12  or referrals to other deferred presentment providers, to

13  obtain greater fees.

14         (13)  A deferred presentment provider shall provide a

15  notice in a prominent place on each deferred presentment

16  agreement in at least 16-point type in substantially the

17  following form:


19                              NOTICE














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  6         (14)  A deferred presentment provider shall charge only

  7  those fees specifically authorized in this section.

  8         (15)  If, at the end of the deferment period, the

  9  drawer cannot redeem or pay in full in cash the amount due and

10  owing the deferred presentment provider, or if there are

11  insufficient available funds in the drawer's account, the

12  deferred presentment provider shall not deposit or present for

13  payment a check being held for deferred presentment before the

14  expiration of 60 days from the date of the deferred

15  presentment agreement. The deferred presentment provider may

16  rely upon the representation of the drawer as to the

17  sufficiency of funds in the drawer's account. No additional

18  fees or penalties shall be imposed on the drawer by virtue of

19  any misrepresentation made by the drawer as to the sufficiency

20  of funds in the drawer's account. In no event shall any

21  additional fees be added to the amounts due and owing to the

22  deferred presentment provider.

23         560.405  Deposit; redemption.--

24         (1)  The deferred presentment provider shall not

25  present the drawer's check prior to the agreed-upon date of

26  presentment, as reflected in the deferred presentment

27  transaction agreement.

28         (2)  Before a deferred presentment provider presents

29  the drawer's check, the check shall be endorsed with the

30  actual name under which the deferred presentment provider is

31  doing business.


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  1         (3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1),

  2  in lieu of presentment, a deferred presentment provider may

  3  allow the check to be redeemed at any time upon payment to the

  4  deferred presentment provider in the amount of the face amount

  5  of the drawer's check. However, payment may not be made in the

  6  form of a personal check. Upon redemption, the deferred

  7  presentment provider shall return the drawer's check that was

  8  being held and provide a signed, dated receipt showing that

  9  the drawer's check has been redeemed.

10         (4)  No drawer can be required to redeem his or her

11  check prior to the agreed-upon date, unless the drawer chooses

12  to redeem the check before the agreed-upon presentment date.

13         560.406  Worthless checks.--If a check is returned to a

14  deferred presentment provider from a payor financial

15  institution due to lack of funds, a closed account, or a

16  stop-payment order, the deferred presentment provider may seek

17  collection pursuant to s. 68.065, except a deferred

18  presentment provider shall not be entitled to collect treble

19  damages pursuant s. 68.065. The notice sent by a deferred

20  deposit provider pursuant to s. 68.065 shall not include any

21  references to treble damages and must clearly state that the

22  deferred presentment provider is not entitled to recover such

23  damages. Except as otherwise provided in this part, an

24  individual who issues a personal check to a deferred

25  presentment provider under a deferred presentment agreement is

26  not subject to criminal penalty. If a check is returned to a

27  deferred presentment provider from a payor financial

28  institution due to insufficient funds, a closed account, or a

29  stop-payment order, the deferred presentment provider may

30  pursue all legally available civil remedies to collect the

31  check, including, but not limited to, the imposition of all


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  1  charges imposed on the deferred presentment provider by any

  2  financial institution. In its collection practices, a deferred

  3  presentment provider shall comply with the prohibitions

  4  against harassment or abuse, false or misleading

  5  representations, and unfair practices, which are contained in

  6  ss. 806, 807, and 808 of the Fair Debt Collections Practices

  7  Act, 15 U.S.C. ss. 1692d, 1692e, 1692f. A violation of this

  8  act is a deceptive and unfair trade practice and constitutes a

  9  violation of the Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act,

10  part II, of chapter 501. In addition, a deferred presentment

11  provider shall comply with the applicable provisions of part

12  VI of chapter 559, the Consumer Collection Practices Act,

13  including, but not limited to, the provisions of s. 559.77.

14         560.407  Records.--

15         (1)  Each registrant under this part must maintain all

16  books, accounts, records, and documents necessary to determine

17  the registrant's compliance with the provisions of the code.

18  Such books, accounts, records, and documents shall be retained

19  for a period of at least 3 years unless a longer period is

20  expressly required by the department, the laws of this state,

21  or any federal law.

22         (2)  The records required to be maintained by the code

23  or any rule adopted pursuant thereto may be maintained by the

24  registrant at any location within this state, provided that

25  the registrant notifies the department, in writing, of the

26  location of the records in its application or otherwise.

27         (3)  A registrant shall make records available to the

28  department for examination and investigation in this state, as

29  permitted by the code, within 7 days after receipt of a

30  written request.



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  1         (4)  The original of any record of a registrant

  2  includes the data or other information comprising a record

  3  stored or transmitted in or by means of any electronic,

  4  computerized, mechanized, or other information storage or

  5  retrieval or transmission system or device that can upon

  6  request generate, regenerate, or transmit the precise data or

  7  other information comprising the record.  An original also

  8  includes the visible data or other information so generated,

  9  regenerated, or transmitted if it is legible or can be made

10  legible by enlargement or other process.

11         560.408  Legislative intent; report.--

12         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to provide for

13  the regulation of deferred presentment transactions. It is

14  further the intent of the Legislature to prevent fraud, abuse,

15  and other unlawful activity associated with deferred

16  presentment transactions in part by:

17         (a)  Providing for sufficient regulatory authority and

18  resources to monitor deferred presentment transactions.

19         (b)  Preventing rollovers.

20         (c)  Regulating the allowable fees charged in

21  connection with a deferred presentment transaction.

22         (2)  The Comptroller shall submit a report to the

23  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

24  Representatives on January 1, 2003, and January 1, 2004,

25  containing findings and conclusions concerning the

26  effectiveness of this act in preventing fraud, abuse, and

27  other unlawful activity associated with deferred presentment

28  transactions. The report may contain legislative

29  recommendations addressing the prevention of fraud, abuse, and

30  other unlawful activity associated with deferred presentment

31  transactions. Prior to filing the report, the Comptroller


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  1  shall consult with the Attorney General for the purpose of

  2  including any recommendations or concerns expressed by the

  3  Attorney General.

  4         Section 13.  Effective July 1, 2001, the sum of

  5  $150,000 is appropriated from the Regulatory Trust Fund of the

  6  Department of Banking and Finance to the department for fiscal

  7  year 2001-2002 to fund three positions for the purpose of

  8  administering the provisions of the Deferred Presentment Act.

  9         Section 14.  Except as otherwise provided in this act,

10  this act shall take effect October 1, 2001.


12            *****************************************

13                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Amends various provisions of the Money Transmitter's Code
15    to revise registration, fee, disciplinary action, and
      penalty provisions. Creates pt. IV of ch. 560, F.S., as
16    the "Deferred Presentment Act." Regulates transactions
      whereby a check is cashed by a person licensed to cash
17    payment instruments or exchange foreign currency and
      provides that, by mutual agreement between such person
18    and the maker of the check, its presentment or
      negotiation is deferred for a limited period of time.
19    Provides that a deferred presentment transaction is not a
      loan. Provides requirements, limitations, and
20    proscriptions for registering as a deferred presentment
      provider and for engaging in deferred presentment
21    transactions. (See bill for details.)












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