Senate Bill sb0324

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2001                                   SB 324

    By Senator Geller


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the sentencing of juveniles;

  3         amending s. 985.233, F.S.; providing for the

  4         court to sentence a juvenile who has committed

  5         a criminal offense to a combination of juvenile

  6         and adult sanctions; requiring that the

  7         juvenile complete a juvenile commitment program

  8         as part of such a sentence; authorizing the

  9         court to impose adult sanctions if the juvenile

10         violates any provision of the juvenile

11         commitment program; deleting provisions

12         prohibiting the court from imposing a

13         combination of adult and juvenile punishments;

14         providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (4) of

19  section 985.233, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

20         985.233  Sentencing powers; procedures; alternatives

21  for juveniles prosecuted as adults.--


23         (a)  Sentencing to adult sanctions.--

24         1.  Cases prosecuted on indictment.--If the child is

25  found to have committed the offense punishable by death or

26  life imprisonment, the child shall be sentenced as an adult.

27  If the juvenile is not found to have committed the indictable

28  offense but is found to have committed a lesser included

29  offense or any other offense for which he or she was indicted

30  as a part of the criminal episode, the court may sentence as

31  follows:


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    Florida Senate - 2001                                   SB 324

  1         a.  As an adult;

  2         b.  Pursuant to chapter 958; or

  3         c.  As a juvenile pursuant to this section.

  4         2.  Other cases.--If a child who has been transferred

  5  for criminal prosecution pursuant to information or waiver of

  6  juvenile court jurisdiction is found to have committed a

  7  violation of state law or a lesser included offense for which

  8  he or she was charged as a part of the criminal episode, the

  9  court may sentence as follows:

10         a.  As an adult;

11         b.  Pursuant to chapter 958; or

12         c.  As an adult under a combination of juvenile and

13  adult sanctions; or

14         d.c.  As a juvenile pursuant to this section.

15         3.  Notwithstanding any other provision to the

16  contrary, if the state attorney is required to file a motion

17  to transfer and certify the juvenile for prosecution as an

18  adult pursuant to s. 985.226(2)(b) and that motion is granted,

19  or if the state attorney is required to file an information

20  pursuant to s. 985.227(2)(a) or (b), the court must impose

21  adult sanctions.

22         4.  Any sentence imposing adult sanctions is presumed

23  appropriate, and the court is not required to set forth

24  specific findings or enumerate the criteria in this subsection

25  as any basis for its decision to impose adult sanctions.

26         5.  When a child has been transferred for criminal

27  prosecution as an adult and has been found to have committed a

28  violation of state law, the disposition of the case may

29  include the enforcement of any restitution ordered in any

30  juvenile proceeding.



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    Florida Senate - 2001                                   SB 324

  1         6.  If the court imposes a combination of juvenile and

  2  adult sanctions, the juvenile shall be placed on adult

  3  community control with a special condition that the juvenile

  4  complete a juvenile commitment program during the first part

  5  of the sentence. If the juvenile violates any provision of the

  6  juvenile commitment program, the court may sanction the

  7  juvenile as though the juvenile had violated adult community

  8  control.

  9         (b)  Sentencing to juvenile sanctions.--For juveniles

10  transferred to adult court but who do not qualify for such

11  transfer pursuant to s. 985.226(2)(b) or s. 985.227(2)(a) or

12  (b), the court may impose juvenile sanctions under this

13  paragraph. If juvenile sentences are imposed, the court shall,

14  pursuant to this paragraph, adjudge the child to have

15  committed a delinquent act. Adjudication of delinquency shall

16  not be deemed a conviction, nor shall it operate to impose any

17  of the civil disabilities ordinarily resulting from a

18  conviction. The court shall impose an adult sanction or a

19  juvenile sanction and may not sentence the child to a

20  combination of adult and juvenile punishments. An adult

21  sanction or a juvenile sanction may include enforcement of an

22  order of restitution or probation previously ordered in any

23  juvenile proceeding. However, if the court imposes a juvenile

24  sanction and the department determines that the sanction is

25  unsuitable for the child, the department shall return custody

26  of the child to the sentencing court for further proceedings,

27  including the imposition of adult sanctions. Upon adjudicating

28  a child delinquent under subsection (1), the court may:

29         1.  Place the child in a probation program under the

30  supervision of the department for an indeterminate period of



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    Florida Senate - 2001                                   SB 324

  1  time until the child reaches the age of 19 years or sooner if

  2  discharged by order of the court.

  3         2.  Commit the child to the department for treatment in

  4  an appropriate program for children for an indeterminate

  5  period of time until the child is 21 or sooner if discharged

  6  by the department.  The department shall notify the court of

  7  its intent to discharge no later than 14 days prior to

  8  discharge. Failure of the court to timely respond to the

  9  department's notice shall be considered approval for

10  discharge.

11         3.  Order disposition pursuant to s. 985.231 as an

12  alternative to youthful offender or adult sentencing if the

13  court determines not to impose youthful offender or adult

14  sanctions.

15         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


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18                          SENATE SUMMARY

19    Authorizes the court to impose a combination of juvenile
      and adult sanctions against a juvenile who commits a
20    criminal offense. Requires that the juvenile complete a
      commitment program for juveniles as part of the
21    combination sentence. Provides for the court to impose
      adult sanctions if the juvenile violates the juvenile
22    commitment program.











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