House Bill hb0367

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 367

        By Representative Brummer

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to judicial nominating

  3         commissions; creating s. 43.291, F.S.;

  4         specifying membership composition and

  5         requirements of judicial nominating

  6         commissions; providing limitations; providing

  7         for terms; abolishing prior offices; providing

  8         for suspension or removal; requiring racial,

  9         ethnic, gender, and geographical diversity of

10         commission memberships; providing severability;

11         repealing s. 43.29, F.S., relating to judicial

12         nominating commissions; providing an effective

13         date.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Section 43.291, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         43.291  Judicial nominating commissions.--

20         (1)  Each judicial nominating commission established

21  pursuant s. 11(d), Art. V of the State Constitution shall

22  consist of nine members, appointed by the Governor, each of

23  whom shall be a resident of the territorial jurisdiction

24  served by the commission to which the member is appointed.

25  Five members shall be members in good standing of The Florida

26  Bar who are actively engaged in the practice of law and four

27  members shall not be members of The Florida Bar.

28         (2)(a)  In making such appointments, the Governor shall

29  seek to ensure that the members of the commissions reflect the

30  racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of the population within



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 367


  1  the territorial jurisdiction of the court for which

  2  nominations will be considered.

  3         (b)  In appointing members for judicial circuits of

  4  this state, the Governor shall appoint at least one

  5  commissioner from each county within the judicial circuit and

  6  such commissioner shall reside within the county from which he

  7  or she is appointed.

  8         (c)  In appointing members for court of appeals

  9  districts of this state, the Governor shall appoint at least

10  one commissioner from each judicial circuit within the

11  district and such commissioner shall reside within the

12  judicial circuit from which he or she is appointed.

13         (d)  In appointing members for the Supreme Court

14  Judicial Nominating Commission, the Governor shall appoint at

15  least one commissioner from each court of appeals district

16  within the state and such commissioner shall reside within the

17  court of appeals district from which he or she is appointed.

18         (3)  No justice or judge may be a member of a judicial

19  nominating commission.  A member of a judicial nominating

20  commission may hold public office other than judicial office.

21  A member of a judicial nominating commission is not eligible

22  for appointment to the state judicial office for which the

23  commission has the authority to make nominations, either

24  during such term of membership or for a period of 2 years

25  thereafter.  All acts of a judicial nominating commission

26  shall be made with concurrence of a majority of its members.

27         (4)  All members shall be appointed for a term to end

28  concurrent with the term to which the Governor was elected.

29  The terms of all members shall be concurrent, and the terms

30  may commence at any time following the inauguration of the

31  Governor as a result of a general election.  If a member is


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 367


  1  unable to complete his or her term, the Governor shall appoint

  2  another individual, qualified under the same subsection of

  3  this section as the member previously appointed, to fill the

  4  remainder of the member's term. All terms shall end at

  5  midnight on the evening prior to the next inauguration of a

  6  Governor following a general election. For cause, a member of

  7  a judicial nominating commission may be suspended by the

  8  Governor pursuant to uniform rules of procedure established by

  9  the Executive Office of the Governor consistent with s. 7,

10  Art. IV of the State Constitution and thereafter removed by

11  the Senate.

12         (5)  The office of any member of any judicial

13  nominating commission appointed pursuant to s. 43.29 prior to

14  the effective date of this act is abolished upon the effective

15  date of this act and is replaced by those offices created

16  pursuant to subsection (1).  Any member of a judicial

17  nominating commission who will not complete a 4-year term

18  because of enactment of this section may be reappointed by the

19  Governor.

20         Section 2.  If any provision of this act or the

21  application thereof to any person or circumstance is held

22  invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or

23  applications of the act which can be given effect without the

24  invalid provision or application, and to this end the

25  provisions of this act are declared severable.

26         Section 3.  Section 43.29, Florida Statutes, is

27  repealed.

28         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.





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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 367


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises the judicial nominating commission member
  4    appointment process. See bill for details.







