House Bill hb0407

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 407

        By the Committee on State Administration and
    Representative Brummer

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public records and meetings

  3         exemptions for university health services

  4         support organizations; repealing s.

  5         240.2995(6), F.S., which provides that meetings

  6         of the governing board of a university health

  7         services support organization are public and

  8         requires that certain records be made available

  9         to the Department of Insurance; amending s.

10         240.2996, F.S., which provides exemptions from

11         public records and meetings requirements for

12         certain contracts and related documents,

13         marketing plans, trade secrets, and evaluation

14         records of such organizations, for meetings at

15         which any of such records or information is

16         discussed, and for records of such meetings;

17         reenacting such exemptions and removing the

18         October 2, 2001, repeal thereof scheduled under

19         the Open Government Sunset Review Act of 1995;

20         narrowing the type of marketing plans exempted;

21         requiring university health services support

22         organizations to make certain records available

23         to the Department of Insurance; providing an

24         effective date.


26  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


28         Section 1.  Subsection (6) of section 240.2995, Florida

29  Statutes, is repealed.

30         Section 2.  Notwithstanding the October 2, 2001, repeal

31  of said subsections scheduled pursuant to the Open Government


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 407


  1  Sunset Review Act of 1995, subsections (2), (3), and (4) of

  2  section 240.2996, Florida Statutes, are reenacted and amended,

  3  and subsection (1) of said section is amended, to read:

  4         240.2996  University health services support

  5  organization; confidentiality of information.--

  6         (1)  All meetings of a governing board of a university

  7  health services support organization and all university health

  8  services support organization records shall be open and

  9  available to the public in accordance with s. 286.011 and s.

10  24(b), Art. I of the State Constitution and chapter 119 and s.

11  24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, respectively, unless

12  made confidential or exempt by law. Records required by the

13  Department of Insurance to discharge its duties shall be made

14  available to the department upon request.

15         (2)  The following university health services support

16  organization's records and information are confidential and

17  exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art.

18  I of the State Constitution:

19         (a)  Contracts for managed care arrangements under

20  which the university health services support organization

21  provides health care services, including preferred provider

22  organization contracts, health maintenance organization

23  contracts, alliance network arrangements, and exclusive

24  provider organization contracts, and any documents directly

25  relating to the negotiation, performance, and implementation

26  of any such contracts for managed care arrangements or

27  alliance network arrangements. As used in this paragraph, the

28  term "managed care" means systems or techniques generally used

29  by third-party payors or their agents to affect access to and

30  control payment for health care services. Managed-care

31  techniques most often include one or more of the following:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 407


  1  prior, concurrent, and retrospective review of the medical

  2  necessity and appropriateness of services or site of services;

  3  contracts with selected health care providers; financial

  4  incentives or disincentives related to the use of specific

  5  providers, services, or service sites; controlled access to

  6  and coordination of services by a case manager; and payor

  7  efforts to identify treatment alternatives and modify benefit

  8  restrictions for high-cost patient care.

  9         (b)  Each A university health services support

10  organization's marketing plan the disclosure of which plans

11  for marketing its services, which services are or may

12  reasonably be expected by the organization's governing board

13  to be used by a competitor or an affiliated provider of the

14  organization to frustrate, circumvent, or exploit the purposes

15  of the plan before it is implemented and which is not

16  otherwise known or cannot be legally obtained by a competitor

17  or an affiliated provider provided by competitors of the

18  organization or its affiliated providers.  However, documents

19  that are submitted to the organization's governing board as

20  part of the board's approval of the organization's budget, and

21  the budget itself, are not confidential and exempt.

22         (c)  Trade secrets, as defined in s. 688.002, including

23  reimbursement methodologies and rates.

24         (d)  The records of the peer review panels, committees,

25  governing board, and agents of the university health services

26  support organization which relate solely to the evaluation of

27  health care services and professional credentials of health

28  care providers and physicians employed by or providing

29  services under contract to the university health services

30  support organization.  The exemptions created by this

31  paragraph shall not be construed to impair any otherwise


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 407


  1  established rights of an individual health care provider to

  2  inspect documents concerning the determination of such

  3  provider's professional credentials.


  5  The exemptions in this subsection are subject to the Open

  6  Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s.

  7  119.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2001, unless

  8  reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the

  9  Legislature.

10         (3)  Any portion of a governing board or peer review

11  panel or committee meeting during which a confidential and

12  exempt contract, document, record, marketing plan, or trade

13  secret, as provided for in subsection (2), is discussed is

14  exempt from the provisions of s. 286.011 and s. 24(b), Art. I

15  of the State Constitution.  The exemption in this subsection

16  is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in

17  accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed on October

18  2, 2001, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through

19  reenactment by the Legislature.

20         (4)  Those portions of any public record, such as a

21  tape recording, minutes, and notes, generated during that

22  portion of a governing board or peer review panel or committee

23  meeting which is closed to the public pursuant to this

24  section, which contain information relating to contracts,

25  documents, records, marketing plans, or trade secrets which

26  are made confidential and exempt by this section, are

27  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1)

28  and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. The exemptions

29  in this subsection are subject to the Open Government Sunset

30  Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 407


  1  stand repealed on October 2, 2001, unless reviewed and saved

  2  from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.

  3         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2001.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Reenacts the public records and meetings exemptions for
  8    certain contracts and related documents, marketing plans,
      trade secrets, and evaluation records of university
  9    health services support organizations, for meetings at
      which any of such records or information is discussed,
10    and for records of such meetings, narrows the type of
      marketing plans exempted, and removes the October 2,
11    2001, repeal thereof scheduled under the Open Government
      Sunset Review Act of 1995.

13    Removes provisions which provide that meetings of the
      governing board of a university health services support
14    organization are public.



















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