House Bill hb0411e1

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  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Mobile Home Act;

  3         amending s. 723.003, F.S.; defining the term

  4         "proportionate share"; amending s. 723.011,

  5         F.S.; requiring the Division of Florida Land

  6         Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes to

  7         maintain specified records; requiring that

  8         copies be provided within a specified time

  9         after written request; amending s. 723.012,

10         F.S.; revising provisions relating to

11         statements in a prospectus; amending s.

12         723.037, F.S.; revising procedures for meetings

13         that determine the status of changes in lot

14         rentals; amending s. 723.061, F.S.; revising

15         timeframes for giving notice of changes in lot

16         rental amounts and use of mobile home parks;

17         creating s. 723.0611, F.S.; creating the

18         Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation;

19         providing for a board of directors to be

20         appointed by the Secretary of Business and

21         Professional Regulation; providing for terms of

22         office; specifying powers and duties of the

23         board; authorizing the corporation to borrow

24         from private finance sources; creating s.

25         723.0612, F.S.; providing for the payment of

26         relocation expenses if a mobile home owner is

27         required to move due to a change in use of the

28         mobile home park; providing exceptions;

29         specifying procedures for payments upon

30         approval of the corporation; authorizing a

31         mobile home owner to abandon the mobile home


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  1         and collect one-fourth the amount of relocation

  2         expenses; providing a penalty; providing for

  3         recognition of existing contracts; providing an

  4         effective date.


  6  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  8         Section 1.  Subsections (11) through (14) of section

  9  723.003, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (12)

10  through (15), respectively, and a new subsection (11) is added

11  to said section to read:

12         723.003  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

13  following words and terms have the following meanings unless

14  clearly indicated otherwise:

15         (11)  The term "proportionate share" as used in

16  subsection (10) means an amount calculated by dividing equally

17  among the affected developed lots in the park the total costs

18  for the necessary and actual direct costs and impact or hookup

19  fees incurred for governmentally mandated capital improvements

20  serving the recreational and common areas and all affected

21  developed lots in the park.

22         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 723.011, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         723.011  Disclosure prior to rental of a mobile home

25  lot; prospectus, filing, approval.--

26         (1)(a)  In a mobile home park containing 26 or more

27  lots, the park owner shall file a prospectus with the

28  division.  Prior to entering into an enforceable rental

29  agreement for a mobile home lot, the park owner shall deliver

30  to the homeowner a prospectus approved by the division.  This

31  subsection does shall not be construed to invalidate those lot


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  1  rental agreements for which an approved prospectus was

  2  required to be delivered and which was delivered on or before

  3  July 1, 1986, if the mobile home park owner had:

  4         1.  Filed a prospectus with the division prior to

  5  entering into the lot rental agreement;

  6         2.  Made a good faith effort to correct deficiencies

  7  cited by the division by responding within the time limit set

  8  by the division, if one was set; and

  9         3.  Delivered the approved prospectus to the mobile

10  home owner within 45 days of approval by the division.


12  This paragraph does shall not preclude the finding that a lot

13  rental agreement is invalid on other grounds and does shall

14  not be construed to limit any rights of a mobile home owner or

15  to preclude a mobile home owner from seeking any remedies

16  allowed by this chapter, including a determination that the

17  lot rental agreement or any part thereof is unreasonable.

18         (b)  The division shall determine whether the proposed

19  prospectus or offering circular is adequate to meet the

20  requirements of this chapter and shall notify the park owner

21  by mail, within 45 days after of receipt of the document, that

22  the division has found that either approved the prospectus or

23  offering circular is adequate or has found specified

24  deficiencies.  If In the event the division does not make

25  either finding approve the prospectus or advise the park owner

26  of deficiencies within 45 days, the prospectus shall be deemed

27  to have been found adequate be approved.

28         (c)1.  Filings for mobile home parks in which lots have

29  not been offered for lease prior to June 4, 1984, shall be

30  accompanied by a filing fee of $10 per lot offered for lease



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  1  by the park owner; however, the fee shall not be less than

  2  $100.

  3         2.  Filings for mobile home parks in which lots have

  4  been offered for lease prior to the effective date of this

  5  chapter shall be accompanied by a filing fee as follows:

  6         a.  For a park in which there are 26-50 lots: $100.

  7         b.  For a park in which there are 51-100 lots: $150.

  8         c.  For a park in which there are 101-150 lots: $200.

  9         d.  For a park in which there are 151-200 lots: $250.

10         e.  For a park in which there are 201 or more lots:

11  $300.

12         (d)  The division shall maintain copies of each

13  prospectus and all amendments to each prospectus which are

14  considered adequate by the division. The division shall

15  provide copies of documents requested in writing under this

16  subsection within 10 days after the written request is

17  received.

18         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 723.012, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         723.012  Prospectus or offering circular.--The

21  prospectus or offering circular, which is required to be

22  provided by s. 723.011, must contain the following

23  information:

24         (1)  The front cover or the first page must contain

25  only:

26         (a)  The name of the mobile home park.

27         (b)  The following statements in conspicuous type:






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14         Section 4.  Subsection (4) and paragraph (a) of

15  subsection (5) of section 723.037, Florida Statutes, are

16  amended to read:

17         723.037  Lot rental increases; reduction in services or

18  utilities; change in rules and regulations; mediation.--

19         (4)(a)  A committee, not to exceed five in number,

20  designated by a majority of the affected mobile home owners or

21  by the board of directors of the homeowners' association, if

22  applicable, and the park owner shall meet, at a mutually

23  convenient time and place within 30 days after receipt by the

24  homeowners of the notice of change, to discuss the reasons for

25  the increase in lot rental amount, reduction in services or

26  utilities, or change in rules and regulations.

27         (b)  At the meeting, the park owner or subdivision

28  developer shall in good faith disclose and explain all

29  material factors resulting in the decision to increase the lot

30  rental amount, reduce services or utilities, or change rules

31  and regulations, including how those factors justify the


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  1  specific change proposed. The park owner or subdivision

  2  developer may not limit the discussion of the reasons for the

  3  change to generalities only, such as, but not limited to,

  4  increases in operational costs, changes in economic

  5  conditions, or rents charged by comparable mobile home parks.

  6  For example, if the reason for an increase in lot rental

  7  amount is an increase in operational costs, the park owner

  8  must disclose the item or items which have increased, the

  9  amount of the increase, any similar item or items which have

10  decreased, and the amount of the decrease. If an increase is

11  based upon the lot rental amount charged by comparable mobile

12  home parks, the park owner shall disclose, and provide in

13  writing to the committee at or before the meeting, the name,

14  address, lot rental amount, and any other relevant factors

15  relied upon by the park owner, such as facilities, services,

16  and amenities, concerning the comparable mobile home parks

17  relied upon by the park owner. The park owner shall prepare a

18  written summary of the material factors and retain a copy for

19  3 years. The park owner shall provide the committee a copy of

20  the summary at or before the meeting.

21         (c)  If the committee disagrees with a park owner's lot

22  rental amount increase based upon comparable mobile home

23  parks, the committee shall disclose to the park owner the

24  name, address, lot rental amount, and any other relevant

25  factors relied upon by the committee, such as facilities,

26  services, and amenities, concerning the comparable mobile home

27  parks.  The committee shall provide to the park owner the

28  disclosure, in writing, within 15 days after the meeting with

29  the park owner, together with a request for a second meeting.




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  1         (d)  The committee and the park owner may mutually

  2  agree, in writing, to extend or continue any meetings required

  3  by this section.

  4         (e)  Either party may prepare and use additional

  5  information to support its position during or subsequent to

  6  the meetings required by this section.

  7         (5)(a)  Within 30 days after the date of the last

  8  scheduled meeting described in subsection (4), the homeowners

  9  may petition the division to initiate mediation of the dispute

10  pursuant to s. 723.038 if a majority of the affected

11  homeowners have designated, in writing, that:

12         1.  The rental increase is unreasonable;

13         2.  The rental increase has made the lot rental amount

14  unreasonable;

15         3.  The decrease in services or utilities is not

16  accompanied by a corresponding decrease in rent or is

17  otherwise unreasonable; or

18         4.  The change in the rules and regulations is

19  unreasonable.

20         Section 5.  Section 723.061, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         723.061  Eviction; grounds, proceedings.--

23         (1)  A mobile home park owner may evict a mobile home

24  owner or a mobile home only on one or more of the grounds

25  provided in this section.

26         (a)  Nonpayment of lot rental amount.  If a mobile home

27  owner fails to pay the lot rental amount when due and if the

28  default continues for 5 days after delivery of a written

29  demand by the mobile home park owner for payment of the lot

30  rental amount, the park owner may terminate the tenancy.

31  However, if the mobile home owner pays the lot rental amount


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  1  due, including any late charges, court costs, and attorney's

  2  fees, the court may, for good cause, deny the order of

  3  eviction, provided such nonpayment has not occurred more than

  4  twice.

  5         (b)  Conviction of a violation of a federal or state

  6  law or local ordinance, which violation may be deemed

  7  detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of other

  8  residents of the mobile home park.

  9         (c)  Violation of a park rule or regulation, the rental

10  agreement, or this chapter.

11         1.  For the first violation of any properly promulgated

12  rule or regulation, rental agreement provision, or this

13  chapter which is found by any court having jurisdiction

14  thereof to have been an act which endangered the life, health,

15  safety, or property of the park residents or the peaceful

16  enjoyment of the mobile home park by its residents, the mobile

17  home park owner may terminate the rental agreement, and the

18  mobile home owner will have 7 days from the date that the

19  notice is delivered to vacate the premises.

20         2.  For a second violation of the same properly

21  promulgated rule or regulation, rental agreement provision, or

22  this chapter within 12 months, the mobile home park owner may

23  terminate the tenancy if she or he has given the mobile home

24  owner written notice within 30 days of the first violation,

25  which notice specified the actions of the mobile home owner

26  which caused the violation and gave the mobile home owner 7

27  days to correct the noncompliance. The mobile home owner must

28  have received written notice of the ground upon which she or

29  he is to be evicted at least 30 days prior to the date on

30  which she or he is required to vacate.  A second violation of

31  a properly promulgated rule or regulation, rental agreement


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  1  provision, or this chapter within 12 months of the first

  2  violation is unequivocally a ground for eviction, and it is

  3  not a defense to any eviction proceeding that a violation has

  4  been cured after the second violation.  Violation of a rule or

  5  regulation, rental agreement provision, or this chapter after

  6  the passage of 1 year from the first violation of the same

  7  rule or regulation, rental agreement provision, or this

  8  chapter does not constitute a ground for eviction under this

  9  section.


11  No properly promulgated rule or regulation may be arbitrarily

12  applied and used as a ground for eviction.

13         (d)  Change in use of the land comprising the mobile

14  home park, or the portion thereof from which mobile homes are

15  to be evicted, from mobile home lot rentals to some other use,

16  provided all tenants affected are given at least 6 months' 1

17  year's notice of the projected change of use and of their need

18  to secure other accommodations. The park owner may not give a

19  notice of increase in lot rental amount within 90 days before

20  giving notice of a change in use.

21         (e)  Failure of the purchaser of a mobile home situated

22  in the mobile home park to be qualified as, and to obtain

23  approval to become, a tenant, if such approval is required by

24  a properly promulgated rule.

25         (2)  In the event of eviction for change of land use,

26  homeowners must object to the change in land use by

27  petitioning for administrative or judicial remedies within 90

28  days of the date of the notice or they will be barred from

29  taking any subsequent action to contest the change in land

30  use. This provision shall not be construed to prevent any

31  homeowner from objecting to a zoning change at any time.


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  1         (a)  Within 90 days from the time the park owner gives

  2  the 1-year notice, she or he shall notify the homeowner of her

  3  or his election to either buy the mobile home, relocate the

  4  mobile home to another park owned by the park owner, or pay to

  5  relocate the mobile home to another mobile home park, as

  6  follows:

  7         1.  Pay as damages the actual cost, including setup

  8  fees, to move an evicted mobile home, with comparable and any

  9  required appurtenances, to a comparable mobile home park

10  within a 50-mile radius of the mobile home park or other

11  distance agreed upon by the park owner and mobile home owner.

12  Since the amount of damages that a homeowner will suffer due

13  to the change in land use by the park owner cannot be easily

14  estimated and would be difficult and expensive to determine,

15  it is the intent of the Legislature that the payment contained

16  herein be considered in the nature of liquidated damages and

17  not a penalty.  It is the intent of the Legislature that the

18  liquidated damages to which the mobile home owner is entitled

19  be limited to the damages defined in this subparagraph only

20  for so long as this subsection remains in effect. The

21  liquidated damages apply only to the harm incurred by the

22  homeowner for having to relocate, and this provision shall not

23  preclude incidental damages that might occur in relocating the

24  mobile home;

25         2.  Purchase the mobile home and all appurtenances

26  thereto at a value to be determined as follows:

27         a.  A mutually agreed upon appraiser will assess the

28  book value of the mobile home and cash value of all

29  appurtenances thereto and the market value of the mobile home

30  as situated immediately prior to the notice of change in land

31  use.  Any nationally recognized publication for valuation of


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  1  mobile and manufactured homes shall be used as a guide for

  2  determining such value.

  3         b.  The homeowner will be entitled to the book value of

  4  the mobile home and cash value of the appurtenances.

  5         c.  The homeowner will also be entitled to the

  6  following portion of the difference between the book value and

  7  cash value of the appurtenances and the market value of the

  8  mobile home.  If the homeowner has resided in the mobile home

  9  at the time of notice of land use change by the park owner:

10         0 years up to 5 years........................40 percent

11         5 years up to 15 years.......................60 percent

12         15 years up to 20 years......................80 percent

13         20 years or more............................100 percent

14         d.  The homeowner who has become a resident of the park

15  within 0-5 years of the notice of change in land use shall be

16  entitled, in addition to the compensation set forth above, to

17  60 percent of the difference between the book value and the

18  market value of the mobile home.

19         e.  Between the date of the appraisals referred to in

20  this subsection and the delivery of title and possession of

21  the mobile home and all appurtenances thereto to the park

22  owner, the mobile home and the appurtenances shall be

23  maintained by the homeowner in the condition existing on the

24  date of the appraisals, ordinary wear and tear excepted; or

25         3.  Reach a mutually agreed to settlement between the

26  park owner and the homeowner.

27         (b)  Either the mobile home owner or the park owner may

28  apply to the circuit court in the county where the mobile home

29  lot is located for purposes of selecting an appraiser to

30  determine the value of the mobile home and appurtenances or



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  1  for resolution of any other dispute arising under this

  2  subsection.

  3         (c)  In any dispute in a circuit court regarding the

  4  value of the mobile home as appraised pursuant to this

  5  subsection, the court shall determine the amount to be

  6  deposited into the registry of the court as will fully secure

  7  and fully compensate the homeowner as ultimately determined by

  8  the final judgment.  The court shall fix the time within which

  9  and the terms upon which the homeowner shall be required to

10  surrender possession and title to the park owner. The order of

11  the court shall not become effective unless the deposit of the

12  required sum is made in the registry of the court.

13         (3)(d)  The provisions of s. 723.083 shall not be

14  applicable to any park where the provisions of this subsection

15  apply.

16         (4)(3)  A mobile home park owner applying for the

17  removal of a mobile home owner or a mobile home, or both,

18  shall file, in the county court in the county where the mobile

19  home lot is situated, a complaint describing the lot and

20  stating the facts that authorize the removal of the mobile

21  home owner and the mobile home.  The park owner is entitled to

22  the summary procedure provided in s. 51.011, and the court

23  shall advance the cause on the calendar.

24         (5)(4)  Any notice required by this section must be in

25  writing, and must be posted on the premises and sent to the

26  mobile home owner by certified or registered mail, return

27  receipt requested, addressed to the mobile home owner at her

28  or his last known address.  Delivery of the mailed notice

29  shall be deemed given 5 days after the date of postmark.

30         Section 6.  Section 723.0611, Florida Statutes, is

31  created to read:


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  1         723.0611  Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation.--

  2         (1)  There is created the Florida Mobile Home

  3  Relocation Corporation. The corporation shall be administered

  4  by a board of directors made up of six members, three of whom

  5  shall be appointed by the Secretary of Business and

  6  Professional Regulation from a list of nominees submitted by

  7  the largest nonprofit association representing mobile home

  8  owners in this state, and three of whom shall be appointed by

  9  the Secretary of Business and Professional Regulation from a

10  list of nominees submitted by the largest nonprofit

11  association representing the manufactured housing industry in

12  this state. All members of the board of directors, including

13  the chair, shall be appointed to serve for staggered 3-year

14  terms.

15         (2)(a)  The board of directors may employ or retain

16  such persons as are necessary to perform the administrative

17  and financial transactions and responsibilities of the

18  corporation and to perform other necessary and proper

19  functions not prohibited by law.

20         (b)  Members of the board of directors may be

21  reimbursed from moneys of the corporation for actual and

22  necessary expenses incurred by them as members but may not

23  otherwise be compensated for their services.

24         (c)  There shall be no liability on the part of, and no

25  cause of action of any nature shall arise against, agents or

26  employees of the corporation, members of the board of

27  directors of the corporation, or representatives of the

28  Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes

29  for any act or omission of the board of directors in the

30  performance of their powers and duties under this section,



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  1  unless such act or omission by such person is in intentional

  2  disregard of the rights of the claimant.

  3         (d)  Meetings of the board of directors are subject to

  4  the provisions of s. 286.011.

  5         (3)  The board of directors shall:

  6         (a)  Adopt a plan of operation and articles, bylaws,

  7  and operating rules.

  8         (b)  Establish procedures under which applicants for

  9  payments from the corporation may have grievances reviewed by

10  an impartial body and reported to the board of directors.

11         (4)  The corporation may:

12         (a)  Sue or be sued.

13         (b)  Borrow from private finance sources in order to

14  meet the demands of the relocation program established in s.

15  723.0612.

16         Section 7.  Section 723.0612, Florida Statutes, is

17  created to read:

18         723.0612  Change in use; relocation expenses; payments

19  by park owner.--

20         (1)  If a mobile home owner is required to move due to

21  a change in use of the land comprising the mobile home park as

22  set forth in s. 723.061(1)(d) and complies with the

23  requirements of this section, the mobile home owner is

24  entitled to payment from the Florida Mobile Home Relocation

25  Corporation of:

26         (a)  The amount of actual moving expenses of relocating

27  the mobile home to a new location within a 50-mile radius of

28  the vacated park, or

29         (b)  The amount of $5,000 for a single-section mobile

30  home or $10,000 for a multisection mobile home,



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  1  whichever is less. Moving expenses include the cost of taking

  2  down, moving, and setting up the mobile home in a new

  3  location.

  4         (2)  A mobile home owner shall not be entitled to

  5  compensation under subsection (1) when:

  6         (a)  The park owner moves a mobile home owner to

  7  another space in the mobile home park or to another mobile

  8  home park at the park owner's expense;

  9         (b)  A mobile home owner is vacating the premises and

10  has informed the park owner or manager before notice of the

11  change in use has been given; or

12         (c)  A mobile home owner abandons the mobile home as

13  set forth in subsection (7).

14         (3)  Except as provided in subsection (7), in order to

15  obtain payment from the Florida Mobile Home Relocation

16  Corporation, the mobile home owner shall submit to the

17  corporation, with a copy to the park owner, an application for

18  payment which includes:

19         (a)  A copy of the notice of eviction due to change in

20  use; and

21         (b)  A contract with a moving or towing contractor for

22  the moving expenses for the mobile home.

23         (4)  The Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation

24  must approve payment within 15 days after receipt of the

25  information set forth in subsection (3), or payment is deemed

26  approved. A copy of the approval must be forwarded to the park

27  owner with an invoice for payment. Upon approval, the

28  corporation shall issue a voucher in the amount of the

29  contract price for relocating the mobile home. The moving

30  contractor may redeem the voucher from the corporation



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  1  following completion of the relocation and upon approval of

  2  the relocation by the mobile home owner.

  3         (5)  Actions of the Florida Mobile Home Relocation

  4  Corporation under this section are not subject to the

  5  provisions of chapter 120 but are reviewable only by writ of

  6  certiorari in the circuit court in the county in which the

  7  claimant resides in the manner and within the time provided by

  8  the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure.

  9         (6)  This section does not apply to any proceeding in

10  eminent domain under chapter 73 or chapter 74.

11         (7)  In lieu of collecting payment from the Florida

12  Mobile Home Relocation Corporation as set forth in subsection

13  (1), a mobile home owner may abandon the mobile home in the

14  mobile home park and collect an amount equal to one-fourth of

15  the maximum allowable moving expenses from the corporation as

16  long as the mobile home owner delivers to the park owner the

17  current title to the mobile home duly endorsed by the owner of

18  record and valid releases of all liens shown on the title. If

19  a mobile home owner chooses this option, the park owner shall

20  make payment to the corporation in an amount equal to

21  one-fourth of the maximum allowable moving expenses.

22         (8)  The Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation

23  shall not be liable to any person for recovery if funds are

24  insufficient to pay the amounts claimed. In any such event,

25  the corporation shall keep a record of the time and date of

26  its approval of payment to a claimant. If sufficient funds

27  become available, the corporation shall pay the claimant whose

28  unpaid claim is the earliest by time and date of approval.

29         (9)  It is unlawful for any person or his or her agent

30  to file any notice, statement, or other document required

31  under this section which is false or contains any material


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  1  misstatement of fact. Any person who violates this subsection

  2  commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as

  3  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

  4         Section 8.  Sections 6 and 7 of this act shall not

  5  impair the contract providing for the method of purchase of

  6  the mobile homes where the contracts for purchase were entered

  7  into between the mobile home park owner and the mobile home

  8  owners prior to the effective date of this act and the notices

  9  of eviction are appropriately provided as required by chapter

10  723, Florida Statutes.

11         Section 9.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.






















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