Bill No. CS/HB 463   Barcode 722625
    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Education Appropriations offered the
12  following:
14         Amendment (with directory language and title
15  amendments) 
16         On page 3, line 22 through page 4, line 9,
17  remove from the bill:  all of said lines
19  and insert in lieu thereof:  
20         (a)  Except as provided in paragraphs (b), and (c), and
21  (f), no refund shall exceed the amount paid into the fund by
22  the purchaser.
23         (b)  If the beneficiary is awarded a scholarship, the
24  terms of which cover the benefits included in the advance
25  payment contracts, moneys paid for the purchase of the advance
26  payment contracts shall be refunded returned to the purchaser
27  in semester installments coinciding with the matriculation by
28  the beneficiary in an amount which, in total, does not exceed
29  the redemption value of the advance payment contract at a
30  state postsecondary institution amounts of either the original
31  purchase price plus 5 percent compounded interest, or the
    File original & 9 copies    04/04/01                          
    hap0001                     10:32 am         00463-eda -722625

HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 463 Barcode 722625 Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only) 1 current rates at state postsecondary institutions, whichever 2 is less. 3 (c) In the event of the death or total disability of 4 the beneficiary, moneys paid for the purchase of advance 5 payment contracts shall be refunded returned to the purchaser 6 in an amount not to exceed the redemption value of the advance 7 payment contract at a state postsecondary institution together 8 with 5 percent compounded interest, or the current rates at 9 state postsecondary institutions, whichever is less. 10 (f) Benefits purchased under the Florida Prepaid 11 College Program shall be permitted to roll over to a college 12 savings program, as defined under s. 529 of the United States 13 Internal Revenue Code, relating to qualified state tuition 14 programs. The board shall transfer, or cause to have 15 transferred, an amount not to exceed the redemption value of 16 the advance payment contract at a state postsecondary 17 institution in Florida at the time of the rollover, after 18 assessment of a reasonable transfer fee. 19 20 21 == D I R E C T O R Y L A N G U A G E A M E N D M E N T == 22 And the directory language is amended as follows: 23 On page 1, lines 18-20, 24 remove: all of said lines 25 26 and insert in lieu thereof: 27 Section 1. Subsection (10) and paragraphs (a), (b), 28 and (c) of subsection (13) of section 240.551, Florida 29 Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (f) is added to 30 subsection (13) of said section, to read: 31 2 File original & 9 copies 04/04/01 hap0001 10:32 am 00463-eda -722625
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 463 Barcode 722625 Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only) 1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 2 And the title is amended as follows: 3 On page 1, line 13, after the semicolon 4 5 insert: 6 providing for a rollover of benefits to a 7 college savings program at the redemption value 8 of the advance payment contract at a state 9 postsecondary institution; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 File original & 9 copies 04/04/01 hap0001 10:32 am 00463-eda -722625