House Bill hb0473

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 473

        By Representative Allen

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to expressway authorities;

  3         amending s. 348.0012, F.S.; providing that the

  4         Florida Expressway Authority Act does not apply

  5         to an expressway authority which has been

  6         created pursuant to parts II-IX of ch. 348,

  7         F.S.; amending s. 348.754, F.S.; revising

  8         language with respect to purposes and powers;

  9         amending s. 348.7543, F.S.; revising language

10         with respect to bond financing; amending ss.

11         348.7544 and 348.7545, F.S.; authorizing the

12         refinancing of the Northwest Beltway Part A and

13         the Western Beltway Part C with certain bonds;

14         amending s. 348.755, F.S.; revising language

15         with respect to bonds of the Orlando-Orange

16         County Expressway Authority; providing an

17         effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Section 348.0012, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         348.0012  Exemptions from applicability.--The Florida

24  Expressway Authority Act does not apply:

25         (1)  To In a county in which an expressway authority

26  which has been created pursuant to parts II-IX of this

27  chapter; or

28         (2)  To a transportation authority created pursuant to

29  chapter 349.

30         Section 2.  Section 348.7544, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 473


  1         348.7544  Northwest Beltway Part A, construction

  2  authorized; financing.--Notwithstanding s. 338.2275, the

  3  Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority is hereby

  4  authorized to construct, finance, operate, own, and maintain

  5  that portion of the Western Beltway known as the Northwest

  6  Beltway Part A, extending from Florida's Turnpike near Ocoee

  7  north to U.S. 441 near Apopka, as part of the authority's

  8  20-year capital projects plan. This project may be financed

  9  with any funds available to the authority for such purpose or

10  revenue bonds issued by the Division of Bond Finance of the

11  State Board of Administration on behalf of the authority

12  pursuant to s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution and the

13  State Bond Act, ss. 215.57-215.83. This project may be

14  refinanced with bonds issued by the authority pursuant to s.

15  348.755(1)(d).

16         Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

17  348.754, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         348.754  Purposes and powers.--

19         (1)

20         (b)  It is the express intention of this part that said

21  authority, in the construction of said Orlando-Orange County

22  Expressway System, shall be authorized to acquire (including

23  the exercise of its condemnation powers), finance, construct,

24  and equip any extensions, additions, or improvements to said

25  system or appurtenant facilities, including all necessary

26  approaches, roads, bridges, and avenues of access as the

27  authority shall deem desirable and proper together, with such

28  changes, modifications, or revisions to of said system or

29  appurtenant facilities project as the authority shall deem be

30  deemed desirable and proper.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 473


  1         Section 4.  Section 348.7573, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         348.7543  Improvements, bond financing authority

  4  for.--Pursuant to s. 11(e), Art. VII of the State

  5  Constitution, the Legislature hereby approves for bond

  6  financing the cost of acquiring, constructing, equipping,

  7  improving, or refurbishing any current or future extensions,

  8  additions, and improvements to an expressway system, including

  9  by the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority improvements

10  to toll collection facilities and, interchanges to the

11  legislatively approved expressway system, and any other

12  facility appurtenant, necessary, or incidental to the approved

13  system, including all necessary approaches, roads, bridges,

14  and avenues of access, all as shall be deemed desirable and

15  proper by the authority pursuant to s. 348.754(1)(b).  Subject

16  to terms and conditions of applicable revenue bond resolutions

17  and covenants, such costs financing may be financed in whole

18  or in part by revenue bonds issued pursuant to s.

19  348.755(1)(a) or (b) whether currently issued, issued in the

20  future, or by a combination of such bonds.

21         Section 5.  Section 348.7545, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         348.7545  Western Beltway Part C, construction

24  authorized; financing.--Notwithstanding s. 338.2275, the

25  Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority is authorized to

26  exercise its condemnation powers, construct, finance, operate,

27  own, and maintain that portion of the Western Beltway known as

28  the Western Beltway Part C, extending from Florida's Turnpike

29  near Ocoee in Orange County southerly through Orange and

30  Osceola Counties to an interchange with I-4 near the

31  Osceola-Polk County line, as part of the authority's 20-year


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 473


  1  capital projects plan. This project may be financed with any

  2  funds available to the authority for such purpose or revenue

  3  bonds issued by the Division of Bond Finance of the State

  4  Board of Administration on behalf of the authority pursuant to

  5  s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution and the State Bond

  6  Act, ss. 215.57-215.83. This project may be refinanced with

  7  bonds issued by the authority pursuant to s. 348.755(1)(d).

  8         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 348.755, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         348.755  Bonds of the authority.--

11         (1)(a)  Bonds may be issued on behalf of the authority

12  pursuant to the State Bond Act.

13         (b)  Alternatively, the authority may issue its own

14  bonds pursuant to the provisions of this part in the principal

15  amount as, in the opinion of the authority, is necessary to

16  provide sufficient moneys for achieving its purposes; however,

17  such bonds shall not pledge the full faith and credit of the

18  state. Bonds issued by the authority pursuant to this

19  paragraph or paragraph (a) The bonds of the authority issued

20  pursuant to the provisions of this part, whether on original

21  issuance or on refunding, shall be authorized by resolution of

22  the members thereof and may be either term or serial bonds,

23  shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times,

24  not exceeding 40 years from their respective dates, bear

25  interest at such rate or rates, payable semiannually, be in

26  such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or fully

27  registered, shall carry such registration, exchangeability and

28  interchangeability privileges, be payable in such medium of

29  payment and at such place or places, be subject to such terms

30  of redemption and be entitled to such priorities on the

31  revenues, rates, fees, rentals or other charges or receipts of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 473


  1  the authority including the Orange County gasoline tax funds

  2  received by the authority pursuant to the terms of any

  3  lease-purchase agreement between the authority and the

  4  department, as such resolution or any resolution subsequent

  5  thereto may provide.  The bonds shall be executed either by

  6  manual or facsimile signature by such officers as the

  7  authority shall determine, provided that such bonds shall bear

  8  at least one signature which is manually executed thereon, and

  9  the coupons attached to such bonds shall bear the facsimile

10  signature or signatures of such officer or officers as shall

11  be designated by the authority and shall have the seal of the

12  authority affixed, imprinted, reproduced or lithographed

13  thereon, all as may be prescribed in such resolution or

14  resolutions.

15         (c)(b)  Said Bonds of the authority issued pursuant to

16  paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be sold at public sale in the

17  manner provided by the State Bond Act.  However, if the

18  authority shall, by official action at a public meeting,

19  determine that a negotiated sale of such the bonds is in the

20  best interest of the authority, the authority may negotiate

21  for sale of such the bonds with the underwriter or

22  underwriters designated by:

23         1.  The authority and the Division of Bond Finance of

24  the State Board of Administration with respect to bonds issued

25  pursuant to paragraph (a); or

26         2.  The authority with respect to bonds issued pursuant

27  to paragraph (b).


29  The authority's determination to negotiate the sale of such

30  bonds may be based, in part, upon the written advice of the

31  authority's financial advisor. Pending the preparation of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 473


  1  definitive bonds, interim certificates may be issued to the

  2  purchaser or purchasers of such bonds and may contain such

  3  terms and conditions as the authority may determine.

  4         (d)  The authority may issue bonds pursuant to

  5  paragraph (b) to refund any bonds previously issued regardless

  6  of whether the bonds being refunded were issued by the

  7  authority pursuant to this chapter or on behalf of the

  8  authority pursuant to the State Bond Act.

  9         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

10  law.


12            *****************************************

13                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides that the Florida Expressway Authority Act does
15    not apply to an expressway authority created pursuant to
      parts II-IX of chapter 348, F.S. Authorizes the
16    refinancing of the Northwest Beltway Part A and the
      Western Beltway Part C with described bonds. Revises
17    provisions with respect to bonds of the Orlando-Orange
      County Expressway Authority. See bill for details.















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