House Bill hb0475c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001              CS/HB 475

        By the Council for Healthy Communities and Representatives
    Hogan and Alexander

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public health; amending ss.

  3         39.201, 63.0423, 383.50, and 827.035, F.S.;

  4         expanding the type of personnel and facilities

  5         that may accept abandoned newborns; providing

  6         implied consent for treatment and transport and

  7         certain immunity from liability; amending s.

  8         154.02, F.S.; specifying purposes for which

  9         reserve amounts must be maintained in the

10         County Health Department Trust Fund; amending

11         s. 232.465, F.S.; expanding the type of

12         personnel that may supervise nonmedical school

13         district personnel; providing technical

14         corrections; amending s. 381.0056, F.S.;

15         providing requirements for school health

16         programs funded by health care districts or

17         certain health care entities; amending s.

18         381.0059, F.S.; revising background screening

19         requirements for school health service

20         personnel; amending s. 381.026, F.S., relating

21         to the Florida Patient's Bill of Rights and

22         Responsibilities; replacing references to the

23         term "physical handicap" with the term

24         "handicap"; amending ss. 382.003, 382.004,

25         382.013, 382.016, and 382.0255, F.S.; modifying

26         provisions relating to vital records; amending

27         s. 383.14, F.S.; requiring postnatal tests and

28         screenings for infant metabolic disorders to be

29         performed by the State Public Health

30         Laboratory; amending s. 383.402, F.S.;

31         modifying the annual report date for child


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  1         abuse death reviews; creating s. 391.037, F.S.;

  2         providing that the furnishing of medical

  3         services by state employees under specified

  4         conditions does not constitute a conflict of

  5         interest; amending s. 401.113, F.S.; providing

  6         for use of funds in the Emergency Medical

  7         Services Trust Fund for injury prevention

  8         programs; amending s. 401.27, F.S.; authorizing

  9         the Department of Health to define by rule the

10         equivalent of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

11         courses for emergency medical technicians and

12         paramedics; exempting emergency medical

13         services examination questions and answers from

14         discovery; providing conditions for

15         introduction in administrative proceedings;

16         requiring the department to establish rules;

17         repealing s. 404.056(2), F.S., relating to the

18         Florida Coordinating Council on Radon

19         Protection; amending s. 404.056, F.S.; deleting

20         an obsolete environmental radiation

21         soil-testing requirement; clarifying rulemaking

22         authority; amending s. 499.012, F.S.; modifying

23         provisions relating to a retail pharmacy

24         wholesaler's permit to authorize transfer of

25         certain prescription drugs between the

26         permittee and a Modified Class II institutional

27         pharmacy; amending s. 509.049, F.S.; revising

28         provisions related to food service employee

29         training programs; providing for audits and

30         revocation of training program approval;

31         providing rulemaking authority; amending s.


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  1         742.10, F.S.; requiring a voluntary

  2         acknowledgment of paternity for a child born

  3         out of wedlock to be notarized; amending s.

  4         743.0645, F.S., relating to consent to medical

  5         care or treatment of a minor; providing that a

  6         power of attorney to provide such consent

  7         includes the power to consent to surgical and

  8         general anesthesia services; repealing s. 71(1)

  9         of ch. 98-171, Laws of Florida; abrogating the

10         repeal of provisions of law which require

11         background screening of certain applicants for

12         licensure, certification, or registration;

13         providing effective dates.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (2) of section

18  39.201, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         39.201  Mandatory reports of child abuse, abandonment,

20  or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse

21  hotline.--

22         (2)

23         (f)  Reports involving abandoned newborn infants as

24  described in s. 383.50 shall be made and received by the

25  department.

26         1.  If the report is of an abandoned newborn infant as

27  described in s. 383.50 and there is no indication of abuse,

28  neglect, or abandonment of the infant other than that

29  necessarily entailed in the infant having been left at a fire

30  station or hospital, emergency medical services station, or

31  fire station, the department shall provide to the caller the


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  1  name of a licensed child-placing agency on a rotating basis

  2  from a list of licensed child-placing agencies eligible and

  3  required to accept physical custody of and to place newborn

  4  infants left at a hospital, emergency medical services

  5  station, or a fire station. The report shall not be considered

  6  a report of abuse, neglect, or abandonment solely because the

  7  infant has been left at a hospital, emergency medical services

  8  station, or fire station pursuant to s. 383.50.

  9         2.  If the caller reports indications of abuse or

10  neglect beyond that necessarily entailed in the infant having

11  been left at a fire station or hospital, emergency medical

12  services station, or fire station, the report shall be

13  considered as a report of abuse, neglect, or abandonment and

14  shall be subject to the requirements of s. 39.395 and all

15  other relevant provisions of this chapter, notwithstanding any

16  provisions of chapter 383.

17         Section 2.  Subsections (1) and (4), paragraph (c) of

18  subsection (7), and subsection (10) of section 63.0423,

19  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

20         63.0423  Procedures with respect to abandoned

21  newborns.--

22         (1)  A licensed child-placing agency that takes

23  physical custody of a newborn infant left at a hospital,

24  emergency medical services station, or a fire station pursuant

25  to s. 383.50, shall assume responsibility for all medical

26  costs and all other costs associated with the emergency

27  services and care of the newborn infant from the time the

28  licensed child-placing agency takes physical custody of the

29  newborn infant.

30         (4)  Within 7 days after accepting physical custody of

31  the newborn infant, the licensed child-placing agency shall


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  1  initiate a diligent search to notify and to obtain consent

  2  from a parent whose identity or location is unknown, other

  3  than the parent who has left a newborn infant at a fire

  4  station or a hospital, emergency medical services station, or

  5  fire station in accordance with s. 383.50. The diligent search

  6  must include, at a minimum, inquiries of all known relatives

  7  of the parent, inquiries of all offices or program areas of

  8  the department likely to have information about the parent,

  9  inquiries of other state and federal agencies likely to have

10  information about the parent, inquiries of appropriate utility

11  and postal providers and inquiries of appropriate law

12  enforcement agencies. Constructive notice must also be

13  provided pursuant to chapter 49 in the county where the

14  newborn infant was left and in the county where the petition

15  to terminate parental rights will be filed. The constructive

16  notice must include at a minimum, available identifying

17  information, and information on whom a parent must contact in

18  order to assert a claim of parental rights of the newborn

19  infant and how to assert that claim. If a parent is identified

20  and located, notice of the adjudicatory hearing shall be

21  provided. If a parent can not be identified or located

22  subsequent to the diligent search and constructive notice, the

23  licensed child-placing agency shall file an affidavit of

24  diligent search at the same time that the petition to

25  terminate parental rights is filed.

26         (7)  If a claim of parental rights of a newborn infant

27  is made before the judgment to terminate parental rights is

28  entered, the circuit court shall hold the action for

29  termination of parental rights pending subsequent adoption in

30  abeyance for a period of time not to exceed 60 days.



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  1         (c)  The court may not terminate parental rights solely

  2  on the basis that the parent left a newborn infant at a

  3  hospital, emergency medical services station, or fire station

  4  in accordance with s. 383.50.

  5         (10)  Except to the extent expressly provided in this

  6  section, proceedings initiated by a licensed child-placing

  7  agency for the termination of parental rights and subsequent

  8  adoption of a newborn left at a hospital, emergency medical

  9  services station, or a fire station in accordance with s.

10  383.50 shall be conducted pursuant to this chapter 63.

11         Section 3.  Subsection (5) is added to section 154.02,

12  Florida Statutes, to read:

13         154.02  County Health Department Trust Fund.--

14         (5)  At a minimum, the trust fund shall consist of:

15         (a)  An operating reserve, consisting of 8.5 percent of

16  the annual operating budget, maintained to ensure adequate

17  cash flow from nonstate revenue sources.

18         (b)  An emergency reserve of $500,000, derived from an

19  annual assessment on county health department funds based upon

20  their proportionate share of state general revenue, maintained

21  for county health departments to respond to public health

22  emergencies such as epidemics and natural disasters. The

23  emergency reserve shall be increased each July 1 by the

24  increase in the consumer price index that occurred during the

25  previous 12 months.

26         (c)  A fixed capital outlay reserve for nonrecurring

27  expenses that are needed for the renovation and expansion of

28  facilities, and for the construction of new and replacement

29  facilities identified by the Department of Health in

30  conjunction with the board of county commissioners in their

31  annual state-county contract and approved by the secretary of


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  1  the department. These funds may not be used for construction

  2  projects unless there is a specific appropriation included in

  3  the General Appropriations Act for this purpose.

  4         Section 4.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 232.465,

  5  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  6         232.465  Provision of medical services; restrictions.--

  7         (2)  Nonmedical assistive personnel shall be allowed to

  8  perform health-related services upon successful completion of

  9  child-specific training by a registered nurse or advanced

10  registered nurse practitioner licensed under chapter 464, a

11  licensed practical nurse, a physician licensed pursuant to

12  chapter 458 or chapter 459, or a physician assistant licensed

13  pursuant to chapter 458 or chapter 459.  All procedures shall

14  be monitored periodically by a the nurse, advanced registered

15  nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or physician.  Those

16  procedures include, but are not limited to:

17         (a)  Cleaning Intermittent clean catheterization.

18         (b)  Gastrostomy tube feeding.

19         (c)  Monitoring blood glucose.

20         (d)  Administering emergency injectable medication.

21         (3)  For all other invasive medical services not listed

22  in this section subsection (1) or subsection (2), a registered

23  nurse or advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed under

24  chapter 464, a licensed practical nurse, a physician licensed

25  pursuant to chapter 458 or chapter 459, or a physician

26  assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 458 or chapter 459

27  shall determine if nonmedical school district personnel shall

28  be allowed to perform such service.

29         Section 5.  Subsection (11) is added to section

30  381.0056, Florida Statutes, to read:

31         381.0056  School health services program.--


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  1         (11)  School health programs funded by health care

  2  districts or entities defined in subsection (3) must be

  3  supplementary to and consistent with the requirements of this

  4  section and ss. 381.0057 and 381.0059.

  5         Section 6.  Section 381.0059, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         381.0059  Background screening requirements for school

  8  health services personnel.--

  9         (1)(a)  Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 435, any

10  person who provides services under a school health services

11  plan pursuant to s. 381.0056 must meet complete level 2

12  screening requirements as described in s. 435.04 as provided

13  in chapter 435. A person may satisfy the requirements of this

14  subsection by submitting proof of compliance with the

15  requirements of level 2 screening under s. 435.04, conducted

16  within 12 months before the date that person initially

17  provides services under a school health services plan pursuant

18  to s. 381.0056.

19         (2)  A person may provide Any person who provides

20  services under a school health services plan pursuant to s.

21  381.0056 prior to the completion of level 2 screening.

22  However, shall be on probationary status pending the results

23  of the level 2 screening, such person may not be alone with a

24  minor.

25         (b)  In order to conduct level 2 screening, any person

26  who provides services under a school health services plan

27  pursuant to s. 381.0056 must furnish to the Department of

28  Health a full set of fingerprints to enable the department to

29  conduct a criminal background investigation. Each person who

30  provides services under a school health services plan pursuant

31  to s. 381.0056 must file a complete set of fingerprints taken


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  1  by an authorized law enforcement officer and must provide

  2  sufficient information for a statewide criminal records

  3  correspondence check through the Florida Department of Law

  4  Enforcement. The Department of Health shall submit the

  5  fingerprints to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for

  6  a statewide criminal history check, and the Florida Department

  7  of Law Enforcement shall forward the fingerprints to the

  8  Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal

  9  history check.

10         (c)  The person subject to the required background

11  screening or his or her employer must pay the fees required to

12  obtain the background screening. Payment for the screening

13  must be submitted to the Department of Health. The Florida

14  Department of Law Enforcement shall charge the Department of

15  Health for a level 2 screening at a rate sufficient to cover

16  the costs of such screening pursuant to s. 943.053(3). The

17  Department of Health shall establish a schedule of fees to

18  cover the costs of the level 2 screening. The applicant or his

19  or her employer who pays for the required screening may be

20  reimbursed by the Department of Health from funds designated

21  for this purpose.

22         (2)(a)  When the Department of Health has reasonable

23  cause to believe that grounds exist for the disqualification

24  of any person providing services under a school health

25  services plan pursuant to s. 381.0056, as a result of

26  background screening, it shall notify the person in writing,

27  stating the specific record that indicates noncompliance with

28  the level 2 screening standards. The Department of Health must

29  disqualify any person from providing services under a school

30  health services plan pursuant to s. 381.0056 if the department

31  finds that the person is not in compliance with the level 2


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  1  screening standards. A person who provides services under a

  2  school health plan pursuant to s. 381.0056 on a probationary

  3  status and who is disqualified because of the results of his

  4  or her background screening may contest that disqualification.

  5         (3)(b)  As provided in s. 435.07, the Department of

  6  Health may grant an exemption from disqualification to provide

  7  a person providing services under a school health services

  8  plan pursuant to s. 381.0056 who has not received a

  9  professional license or certification from the Department of

10  Health.

11         (c)  As provided in s. 435.07, the Department of Health

12  may grant an exemption from disqualification to a person

13  providing services under a school health services plan

14  pursuant to s. 381.0056 who has received a professional

15  license or certification from the Department of Health.

16         (3)  Any person who is required to undergo the

17  background screening to provide services under a school health

18  plan pursuant to s. 381.0056 who refuses to cooperate in such

19  screening or refuses to submit the information necessary to

20  complete the screening, including fingerprints, shall be

21  disqualified for employment or volunteering in such position

22  or, if employed, shall be dismissed.

23         (4)  Under penalty of perjury, each person who provides

24  services under a school health plan pursuant to s. 381.0056

25  must attest to meeting the level 2 screening requirements for

26  participation under the plan and agree to inform his or her

27  employer the Department of Health immediately if convicted of

28  any disqualifying offense while providing services under a

29  school health services plan pursuant to s. 381.0056.

30         (5)  As used in this section, the term "person who

31  provides services under a school health services plan"


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  1  includes unpaid volunteers, except for does not include an

  2  unpaid volunteer who lectures students in group settings on

  3  health education topics.

  4         Section 7.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (4) and

  5  subsection (6) of section 381.026, Florida Statutes, are

  6  amended to read:

  7         381.026  Florida Patient's Bill of Rights and

  8  Responsibilities.--

  9         (4)  RIGHTS OF PATIENTS.--Each health care facility or

10  provider shall observe the following standards:

11         (d)  Access to health care.--

12         1.  A patient has the right to impartial access to

13  medical treatment or accommodations, regardless of race,

14  national origin, religion, physical handicap, or source of

15  payment.

16         2.  A patient has the right to treatment for any

17  emergency medical condition that will deteriorate from failure

18  to provide such treatment.


20  health care provider who treats a patient in an office or any

21  health care facility licensed under chapter 395 that provides

22  emergency services and care or outpatient services and care to

23  a patient, or admits and treats a patient, shall adopt and

24  make available to the patient, in writing, a statement of the

25  rights and responsibilities of patients, including the

26  following:







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  1         Florida law requires that your health care provider or

  2  health care facility recognize your rights while you are

  3  receiving medical care and that you respect the health care

  4  provider's or health care facility's right to expect certain

  5  behavior on the part of patients.  You may request a copy of

  6  the full text of this law from your health care provider or

  7  health care facility.  A summary of your rights and

  8  responsibilities follows:

  9         A patient has the right to be treated with courtesy and

10  respect, with appreciation of his or her individual dignity,

11  and with protection of his or her need for privacy.

12         A patient has the right to a prompt and reasonable

13  response to questions and requests.

14         A patient has the right to know who is providing

15  medical services and who is responsible for his or her care.

16         A patient has the right to know what patient support

17  services are available, including whether an interpreter is

18  available if he or she does not speak English.

19         A patient has the right to know what rules and

20  regulations apply to his or her conduct.

21         A patient has the right to be given by the health care

22  provider information concerning diagnosis, planned course of

23  treatment, alternatives, risks, and prognosis.

24         A patient has the right to refuse any treatment, except

25  as otherwise provided by law.

26         A patient has the right to be given, upon request, full

27  information and necessary counseling on the availability of

28  known financial resources for his or her care.

29         A patient who is eligible for Medicare has the right to

30  know, upon request and in advance of treatment, whether the



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  1  health care provider or health care facility accepts the

  2  Medicare assignment rate.

  3         A patient has the right to receive, upon request, prior

  4  to treatment, a reasonable estimate of charges for medical

  5  care.

  6         A patient has the right to receive a copy of a

  7  reasonably clear and understandable, itemized bill and, upon

  8  request, to have the charges explained.

  9         A patient has the right to impartial access to medical

10  treatment or accommodations, regardless of race, national

11  origin, religion, physical handicap, or source of payment.

12         A patient has the right to treatment for any emergency

13  medical condition that will deteriorate from failure to

14  provide treatment.

15         A patient has the right to know if medical treatment is

16  for purposes of experimental research and to give his or her

17  consent or refusal to participate in such experimental

18  research.

19         A patient has the right to express grievances regarding

20  any violation of his or her rights, as stated in Florida law,

21  through the grievance procedure of the health care provider or

22  health care facility which served him or her and to the

23  appropriate state licensing agency.

24         A patient is responsible for providing to the health

25  care provider, to the best of his or her knowledge, accurate

26  and complete information about present complaints, past

27  illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters

28  relating to his or her health.

29         A patient is responsible for reporting unexpected

30  changes in his or her condition to the health care provider.



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  1         A patient is responsible for reporting to the health

  2  care provider whether he or she comprehends a contemplated

  3  course of action and what is expected of him or her.

  4         A patient is responsible for following the treatment

  5  plan recommended by the health care provider.

  6         A patient is responsible for keeping appointments and,

  7  when he or she is unable to do so for any reason, for

  8  notifying the health care provider or health care facility.

  9         A patient is responsible for his or her actions if he

10  or she refuses treatment or does not follow the health care

11  provider's instructions.

12         A patient is responsible for assuring that the

13  financial obligations of his or her health care are fulfilled

14  as promptly as possible.

15         A patient is responsible for following health care

16  facility rules and regulations affecting patient care and

17  conduct.

18         Section 8.  Subsections (6) and (10) of section

19  382.003, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

20         382.003  Powers and duties of the department.--The

21  department may:

22         (6)  Investigate cases of irregularity or violation of

23  law, and all local registrars of vital statistics shall aid

24  the department in such investigations.  When necessary, the

25  department shall report cases of violations of any of the

26  provisions of this chapter to the state attorney having charge

27  of the prosecution of misdemeanors in the registration

28  district in which the violation occurs.

29         (10)  Accept, use, and produce all records, reports,

30  and documents necessary for carrying out the provisions of

31  this chapter, in paper or electronic form, and adopt,


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  1  promulgate, and enforce all rules necessary for the

  2  acceptance, use, production creation, issuance, recording,

  3  maintenance, and processing of such vital records, reports,

  4  and documents, and for carrying out the provisions of ss.

  5  382.004-382.0135 and ss. 382.016-382.019.

  6         Section 9.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 382.004,

  7  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  8         382.004  Reproduction and destruction of records.--

  9         (1)  The department is authorized to photograph,

10  microphotograph, reproduce on film, or reproduce by electronic

11  means vital records in such a manner that the data on each

12  page are in exact conformity with the original record.

13         (2)  The department is authorized to destroy any of the

14  original vital records after they have been photographed or

15  reproduced in exact conformity with the original record and

16  after approval for destruction in accordance with chapter 257.

17         Section 10.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

18  382.013, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         382.013  Birth registration.--A certificate for each

20  live birth that occurs in this state shall be filed within 5

21  days after such birth with the local registrar of the district

22  in which the birth occurred and shall be registered by the

23  local registrar if the certificate has been completed and

24  filed in accordance with this chapter and adopted rules. The

25  information regarding registered births shall be used for

26  comparison with information in the state case registry, as

27  defined in chapter 61.

28         (2)  PATERNITY.--

29         (c)  If the mother is not married at the time of the

30  birth, the name of the father may not be entered on the birth

31  certificate without the execution of an a consenting affidavit


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  1  signed by both the mother and the person to be named as the

  2  father.  The facility shall give After giving notice orally or

  3  through the use of video or audio equipment, and in writing,

  4  of the alternatives to, the legal consequences of, and the

  5  rights, including, if one parent is a minor, any rights

  6  afforded due to minority status, and responsibilities that

  7  arise from signing an acknowledgment of paternity, the

  8  facility shall provide the mother and the person to be named

  9  as the father with the affidavit, as well as information

10  provided by the Title IV-D agency established pursuant to s.

11  409.2557, regarding the benefits of voluntary establishment of

12  paternity. Upon request of the mother and the person to be

13  named as the father, the facility shall assist in the

14  execution of the affidavit or a notarized voluntary

15  acknowledgment of paternity.

16         Section 11.  Section 382.016, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         382.016  Amendment of records.--

19         (1)  The department, upon receipt of the fee prescribed

20  in s. 382.0255;, documentary evidence, as specified by rule,

21  of any misstatement, error, or omission occurring in any

22  birth, death, or fetal death record; as may be required by

23  department rule, and an affidavit setting forth the changes to

24  be made, shall amend or replace the original certificate as

25  necessary. However, except for a misspelling or an omission on

26  a death certificate with regard to the name of the surviving

27  spouse, the department may not change the name of the

28  surviving spouse on the certificate except by order of a court

29  of competent jurisdiction.




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  1         (a)  Until a child's first birthday, the child's given

  2  name or surname may be amended upon receipt of the fees

  3  prescribed in s. 382.0255 and an affidavit signed by each

  4  parent named on the original birth certificate or by the

  5  registrant's guardian. If both parents are named on the

  6  certificate but both are not willing or available to sign the

  7  affidavit, the registrant's name may only be amended by court

  8  order.

  9         (b)(3)  Upon written request and receipt of an

10  affidavit or notarized voluntary acknowledgment of paternity

11  signed by the mother and father acknowledging the paternity of

12  a registrant born out of wedlock, together with sufficient

13  information to identify the original certificate of live

14  birth, the department shall prepare a new birth certificate,

15  which shall bear the same file number as the original birth

16  certificate. The names and identifying information of the

17  parents shall be entered as of the date of the registrant's

18  birth. The surname of the registrant may be changed from that

19  shown on the original birth certificate at the request of the

20  mother and father of the registrant, or the registrant if of

21  legal age. If the mother and father marry each other at any

22  time after the registrant's birth, the department shall, upon

23  the request of the mother and father or registrant if of legal

24  age and proof of the marriage, amend the certificate with

25  regard to the parents' marital status as though the parents

26  were married at the time of birth.

27         (4)  When a new certificate of birth is prepared

28  pursuant to subsection (3), The department shall substitute

29  the new certificate of birth for the original certificate on

30  file. All copies of the original certificate of live birth in

31  the custody of a local registrar or other state custodian of


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  1  vital records shall be forwarded to the State Registrar.

  2  Thereafter, when a certified copy of the certificate of birth

  3  or portion thereof is issued, it shall be a copy of the new

  4  certificate of birth or portion thereof, except when a court

  5  order requires issuance of a certified copy of the original

  6  certificate of birth. The department shall place the original

  7  certificate of birth and all papers pertaining thereto under

  8  seal, not to be broken except by order of a court of competent

  9  jurisdiction or as otherwise provided by law.

10         (c)(5)  If a father's name is listed on the birth

11  certificate, the birth certificate may only be amended to

12  remove the father's name or to add a different father's name

13  upon court order. If a change in the registrant's surname is

14  also desired, such change must be included in the court order

15  or the name must be changed pursuant to s. 68.07.

16         (2)  CERTIFICATE OF DEATH AMENDMENTS.--Except for a

17  misspelling or an omission on a death certificate with regard

18  to the name of the surviving spouse, the department may not

19  change the name of a surviving spouse on the certificate

20  except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

21         Section 12.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section

22  382.0255, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         382.0255  Fees.--

24         (1)  The department is entitled to fees, as follows:

25         (h)  Not less than 5 cents or more than 10 cents for

26  each data vital record listed on electronic media plus a

27  reasonable charge for the cost of preparation, as established

28  defined by department rule.

29         Section 13.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

30  383.402, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         383.402  Child abuse death review; State Child Abuse

  2  Death Review Committee; local child abuse death review

  3  committees.--

  4         (3)  The State Child Abuse Death Review Committee

  5  shall:

  6         (c)  Prepare an annual statistical report on the

  7  incidence and causes of death resulting from child abuse in

  8  the state during the prior calendar year. The state committee

  9  shall submit a copy of the report by December 31 September 30

10  of each year to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and

11  the Speaker of the House of Representatives, with the first

12  annual report due on September 30, 2000. The report must

13  include recommendations for state and local action, including

14  specific policy, procedural, regulatory, or statutory changes,

15  and any other recommended preventive action.

16         Section 14.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

17  383.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         383.14  Screening for metabolic disorders, other

19  hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk

20  factors.--

21         (1)  SCREENING REQUIREMENTS.--To help ensure access to

22  the maternal and child health care system, the Department of

23  Health shall promote the screening of all infants born in

24  Florida for phenylketonuria and other metabolic, hereditary,

25  and congenital disorders known to result in significant

26  impairment of health or intellect, as screening programs

27  accepted by current medical practice become available and

28  practical in the judgment of the department.  The department

29  shall also promote the identification and screening of all

30  infants born in this state and their families for

31  environmental risk factors such as low income, poor education,


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  1  maternal and family stress, emotional instability, substance

  2  abuse, and other high-risk conditions associated with

  3  increased risk of infant mortality and morbidity to provide

  4  early intervention, remediation, and prevention services,

  5  including, but not limited to, parent support and training

  6  programs, home visitation, and case management.

  7  Identification, perinatal screening, and intervention efforts

  8  shall begin prior to and immediately following the birth of

  9  the child by the attending health care provider.  Such efforts

10  shall be conducted in hospitals, perinatal centers, county

11  health departments, school health programs that provide

12  prenatal care, and birthing centers, and reported to the

13  Office of Vital Statistics.

14         (b)  Postnatal screening.--A risk factor analysis using

15  the department's designated risk assessment instrument shall

16  also be conducted as part of the medical screening process

17  upon the birth of a child and submitted to the department's

18  Office of Vital Statistics for recording and other purposes

19  provided for in this chapter.  The department's screening

20  process for risk assessment shall include a scoring mechanism

21  and procedures that establish thresholds for notification,

22  further assessment, referral, and eligibility for services by

23  professionals or paraprofessionals consistent with the level

24  of risk. Procedures for developing and using the screening

25  instrument, notification, referral, and care coordination

26  services, reporting requirements, management information, and

27  maintenance of a computer-driven registry in the Office of

28  Vital Statistics which ensures privacy safeguards must be

29  consistent with the provisions and plans established under

30  chapter 411, Pub. L. No. 99-457, and this chapter.  Procedures

31  established for reporting information and maintaining a


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  1  confidential registry must include a mechanism for a

  2  centralized information depository at the state and county

  3  levels.  The department shall coordinate with existing risk

  4  assessment systems and information registries.  The department

  5  must ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the

  6  screening information registry is integrated with the

  7  department's automated data systems, including the Florida

  8  On-line Recipient Integrated Data Access (FLORIDA) system.

  9  Tests and screenings must be performed by the State Public

10  Health Laboratory, in coordination with Children's Medical

11  Services, at such times and in such manner as is prescribed by

12  the department after consultation with the Genetics and Infant

13  Screening Advisory Council and the State Coordinating Council

14  for School Readiness Programs.

15         Section 15.  Subsections (1), (3), (5), (6), and (9) of

16  section 383.50, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

17         383.50  Treatment of abandoned newborn infant.--

18         (1)  As used in this section, the term "newborn infant"

19  means a child that a licensed physician reasonably believes to

20  be approximately 3 days old or younger at the time the child

21  is left at a hospital, emergency medical services station, or

22  a fire station.

23         (3)  Each emergency medical services station or fire

24  station staffed with full-time firefighters, or emergency

25  medical technicians, or paramedics shall accept any newborn

26  infant left with a firefighter, or emergency medical

27  technician, or paramedic. The firefighter, emergency medical

28  technician, or paramedic fire station shall consider these

29  actions as implied consent to and shall:




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  1         (a)  Provide emergency medical services to the newborn

  2  infant to the extent he or she is trained to provide those

  3  services, and

  4         (b)  Arrange for the immediate transportation of the

  5  newborn infant to the nearest hospital having with emergency

  6  services.


  8  A licensee as defined in s. 401.23, a fire department, or an

  9  employee or agent of a licensee or fire department may treat

10  and transport a newborn infant pursuant to this section. If a

11  newborn infant is placed in the physical custody of an

12  employee or agent of a licensee or fire department, such

13  placement shall be considered implied consent for treatment

14  and transport. A licensee, a fire department, or an employee

15  or agent of a licensee or fire department Any firefighter or

16  emergency medical technician accepting or providing emergency

17  medical services to a newborn infant pursuant to this

18  subsection is immune from criminal or civil liability for

19  acting in good faith pursuant to this section having performed

20  the act. Nothing in this subsection limits liability for

21  negligence.

22         (5)  Except where there is actual or suspected child

23  abuse or neglect, any parent who leaves a newborn infant with

24  a firefighter, or emergency medical technician, or paramedic

25  at a fire station or emergency medical services station, or

26  brings a newborn infant to an emergency room of a hospital and

27  expresses an intent to leave the newborn infant and not

28  return, has the absolute right to remain anonymous and to

29  leave at any time and may not be pursued or followed unless

30  the parent seeks to reclaim the newborn infant.



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  1         (6)  A parent of a newborn infant left at a hospital,

  2  emergency medical services station, or a fire station under

  3  this section may claim his or her newborn infant up until the

  4  court enters a judgment terminating his or her parental

  5  rights. A claim to of parental rights of the newborn infant

  6  must be made to the entity having physical or legal custody of

  7  the newborn infant or to the circuit court before whom

  8  proceedings involving the newborn infant are pending.

  9         (9)  A newborn infant left at a fire station or a

10  hospital, emergency medical services station, or fire station

11  in accordance with this section shall not be deemed abandoned

12  and subject to reporting and investigation requirements under

13  s. 39.201 unless there is actual or suspected child abuse or

14  until the department takes physical custody of the child.

15         Section 16.  Section 391.037, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         391.037  Physicians; private-sector services.--It is

18  not a violation of s. 112.313(7) for a physician licensed

19  under chapter 458 or chapter 459 who is providing

20  private-sector services to clients of the department or who is

21  employed by or has a contractual relationship with any

22  business entity or agency that is a contract provider for the

23  department to also be employed by the department to provide

24  services under this chapter or chapter 39 if:

25         (1)  The physician does not enter into contracts with

26  the department on behalf of any business entity or agency with

27  whom the physician is employed or has an employment or

28  contractual relationship.

29         (2)  The physician's private-sector employment or

30  contractual relationship does not create a conflict between

31  the physician's private-sector interests and public duties or


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  1  impede the full and faithful discharge of the physician's

  2  public duties as an employee of the department.

  3         (3)  The physician's employment with the department

  4  does not compromise the ability of department clients to make

  5  a voluntary choice among department-referred physicians and

  6  private providers for their medical services.

  7         Section 17.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section

  8  401.113, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         401.113  Department; powers and duties.--

10         (2)  The department shall annually dispense funds

11  contained in the Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund as

12  follows:

13         (b)  Forty percent of such moneys must be used by the

14  department for making matching grants to local agencies,

15  municipalities, and emergency medical services organizations

16  for the purpose of conducting research, increasing existing

17  levels of emergency medical services, evaluation, community

18  education, injury prevention programs, and training in

19  cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other lifesaving and first

20  aid techniques.

21         1.  At least 90 percent of these moneys must be made

22  available on a cash matching basis.  A grant made under this

23  subparagraph must be contingent upon the recipient providing a

24  cash sum equal to 25 percent of the total department-approved

25  grant amount.

26         2.  No more than 10 percent of these moneys must be

27  made available to rural emergency medical services, and

28  notwithstanding the restrictions specified in subsection (1),

29  these moneys may be used for improvement, expansion, or

30  continuation of services provided.  A grant made under this

31  subparagraph must be contingent upon the recipient providing a


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  1  cash sum equal to no more than 10 percent of the total

  2  department-approved grant amount.


  4  The department shall develop procedures and standards for

  5  grant disbursement under this paragraph based on the need for

  6  emergency medical services, the requirements of the population

  7  to be served, and the objectives of the state emergency

  8  medical services plan.

  9         Section 18.  Subsections (4) and (5) of section 401.27,

10  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

11         401.27  Personnel; standards and certification.--

12         (4)  An applicant for certification or recertification

13  as an emergency medical technician or paramedic must:

14         (a)  Have completed an appropriate training course as

15  follows:

16         1.  For an emergency medical technician, an emergency

17  medical technician training course equivalent to the most

18  recent emergency medical technician basic training course of

19  the United States Department of Transportation as approved by

20  the department;

21         2.  For a paramedic, a paramedic training program

22  equivalent to the most recent paramedic course of the United

23  States Department of Transportation as approved by the

24  department;

25         (b)  Certify under oath that he or she is not addicted

26  to alcohol or any controlled substance;

27         (c)  Certify under oath that he or she is free from any

28  physical or mental defect or disease that might impair the

29  applicant's ability to perform his or her duties;

30         (d)  Within 1 year after course completion have passed

31  an examination developed or required by the department;


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  1         (e)1.  For an emergency medical technician, hold either

  2  a current American Heart Association cardiopulmonary

  3  resuscitation course card or an American Red Cross

  4  cardiopulmonary resuscitation course card or its equivalent as

  5  defined by department rule;

  6         2.  For a paramedic, hold a certificate of successful

  7  course completion in advanced cardiac life support from the

  8  American Heart Association or its equivalent as defined by

  9  department rule;

10         (f)  Submit the certification fee and the nonrefundable

11  examination fee prescribed in s. 401.34, which examination fee

12  will be required for each examination administered to an

13  applicant; and

14         (g)  Submit a completed application to the department,

15  which application documents compliance with paragraphs (a),

16  (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), and, if applicable, (d). The

17  application must be submitted so as to be received by the

18  department at least 30 calendar days before the next regularly

19  scheduled examination for which the applicant desires to be

20  scheduled.

21         (5)  The certification examination must be offered

22  monthly.  The department shall issue an examination admission

23  notice to the applicant advising him or her of the time and

24  place of the examination for which he or she is scheduled.

25  Individuals achieving a passing score on the certification

26  examination may be issued a temporary certificate with their

27  examination grade report.  The department must issue an

28  original certification within 45 days after the examination.

29  Examination questions and answers are not subject to discovery

30  but may be introduced into evidence and considered only in

31  camera in any administrative proceeding under chapter 120. If


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  1  an administrative hearing is held, the department shall

  2  provide challenged examination questions and answers to the

  3  administrative law judge. The department shall establish by

  4  rule the procedure by which an applicant, and the applicant's

  5  attorney, may review examination questions and answers in

  6  accordance with s. 119.07(3)(a).

  7         Section 19.  Subsection (2) of section 404.056, Florida

  8  Statutes, is repealed, and present subsections (5) and (7) of

  9  said section are renumbered as subsections (4) and (6),

10  respectively, and amended to read:

11         404.056  Environmental radiation standards and

12  programs; radon protection.--

13         (4)(5)  MANDATORY TESTING.--All public and private

14  school buildings or school sites housing students in

15  kindergarten through grade 12; all state-owned,

16  state-operated, state-regulated, or state-licensed 24-hour

17  care facilities; and all state-licensed day care centers for

18  children or minors which are located in counties designated

19  within the Department of Community Affairs' Florida Radon

20  Protection Map Categories as "Intermediate" or "Elevated Radon

21  Potential" shall be measured to determine the level of indoor

22  radon, using measurement procedures established by the

23  department. Testing shall be completed within the first year

24  of construction in 20 percent of the habitable first floor

25  spaces within any of the regulated buildings. Initial

26  measurements shall be completed and reported to the department

27  by July 1 of the year the building is opened for occupancy.

28  Followup testing must be completed in 5 percent of the

29  habitable first floor spaces within any of the regulated

30  buildings after the building has been occupied for 5 years,

31  and results must be reported to the department by July 1 of


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  1  the 5th year of occupancy. After radon measurements have been

  2  made twice, regulated buildings need not undergo further

  3  testing unless significant structural changes occur. Where

  4  fill soil is required for the construction of a regulated

  5  building, initial testing of fill soil must be performed using

  6  measurement procedures established by the department, and the

  7  results must be reported to the department prior to

  8  construction. No funds collected pursuant to s. 553.721 shall

  9  be used to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

10         (6)(7)  RULES.--The department shall have the authority

11  to promulgate rules necessary to carry out the provisions of

12  this section, including the definition of terms.

13         Section 20.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section

14  499.012, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         499.012  Wholesale distribution; definitions; permits;

16  general requirements.--

17         (2)  The following types of wholesaler permits are

18  established:

19         (d)  A retail pharmacy wholesaler's permit.  A retail

20  pharmacy wholesaler is a retail pharmacy engaged in wholesale

21  distribution of prescription drugs within this state under the

22  following conditions:

23         1.  The pharmacy must obtain a retail pharmacy

24  wholesaler's permit pursuant to ss. 499.001-499.081 and the

25  rules adopted under those sections.

26         2.  The wholesale distribution activity does not exceed

27  30 percent of the total annual purchases of prescription

28  drugs.  If the wholesale distribution activity exceeds the

29  30-percent maximum, the pharmacy must obtain a prescription

30  drug wholesaler's permit.



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  1         3.  The transfer of prescription drugs that appear in

  2  any schedule contained in chapter 893 is subject to chapter

  3  893 and the federal Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and

  4  Control Act of 1970.

  5         4.  The transfer is between a retail pharmacy and

  6  another retail pharmacy, or a Modified Class II institutional

  7  pharmacy, or a health care practitioner licensed in this state

  8  and authorized by law to dispense or prescribe prescription

  9  drugs.

10         5.  All records of sales of prescription drugs subject

11  to this section must be maintained separate and distinct from

12  other records and comply with the recordkeeping requirements

13  of ss. 499.001-499.081.

14         Section 21.  Section 509.049, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         509.049  Food service employee training.--

17         (1)  The division shall adopt, by rule, minimum food

18  safety protection standards for the training of all food

19  service employees who are responsible for the storage,

20  preparation, display, or serving of foods to the public in

21  establishments regulated under this chapter.  These standards

22  shall not include an examination, but shall provide for a food

23  safety training certificate program for food service employees

24  to be administered by a private nonprofit provider chosen by

25  the division.

26         (2)  The division shall issue a request for competitive

27  sealed proposals which includes a statement of the contractual

28  services sought and all terms and conditions applicable to the

29  contract.  The division shall award the contract to the

30  provider whose proposal is determined in writing to be the

31  most advantageous to the state, taking into consideration the


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  1  price and the other criteria set forth in the request for

  2  proposals.  The division shall contract with a provider on a

  3  4-year basis and is authorized to promulgate by rule a per

  4  employee fee to cover the contracted price for the program

  5  administered by the provider.  In making its selection, the

  6  division shall consider factors including, but not limited to,

  7  the experience and history of the provider in representing the

  8  food service industry, the provider's demonstrated commitment

  9  to food safety, and its ability to provide a statewide program

10  with industry support and participation.

11         (3)  Any food safety training program established and

12  administered to food handler employees utilized at a public

13  food service establishment prior to July 1, 2000, may the

14  effective date of this act shall be submitted by the operator

15  or the provider to the division for its review and approval.

16  If the food safety training program is found to be in

17  substantial compliance with the division's required criteria

18  and is approved by the division, nothing in this section shall

19  preclude any other operator of a food service establishment

20  from also utilizing the approved program or require the

21  employees of any operator to receive training from or pay a

22  fee to the division's contracted provider.  Review and

23  approval by the division of a program or programs under this

24  section shall include, but not be limited to, the minimum food

25  safety standards adopted by the division in accordance with

26  this section.

27         (4)  Approval of a program is subject to the provider's

28  continued compliance with the division's minimum program

29  standards. The division may conduct random audits of approved

30  programs to determine compliance and may audit any program if

31  it has reason to believe a program is not in compliance with


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  1  this section. The division may revoke a program's approval if

  2  it finds a program is not in compliance with this section or

  3  the rules adopted under this section.

  4         (5)  It shall be the duty of the licensee of the public

  5  food service establishment to provide training in accordance

  6  with the described rule to all employees under the licensee's

  7  supervision or control.  The licensee may designate a

  8  certified food service manager to perform this function as an

  9  agent of the licensee. Food service employees must receive

10  certification pursuant to this section by January 1, 2001.

11  Food service employees hired after November 1, 2000, must

12  receive certification within 60 days after employment.

13  Certification pursuant to this section shall remain valid for

14  3 years.

15         (6)  The division may adopt rules pursuant to ss.

16  120.536(1) and 120.54 necessary to administer this section.

17  The rules may require:

18         (a)  The use of application forms, which may require,

19  but need not be limited to, the identification of training

20  components of the program and an applicant affidavit attesting

21  to the accuracy of the information provided in the

22  application;

23         (b)  Providers to maintain information concerning

24  establishments where they provide training pursuant to this

25  section;

26         (c)  Specific subject matter related to food safety for

27  use in training program components; and

28         (d)  The licensee to be responsible for providing proof

29  of employee training, and the division may request production

30  of such proof upon inspection of the establishment.



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  1         Section 22.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 742.10,

  2  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         742.10  Establishment of paternity for children born

  4  out of wedlock.--

  5         (1)  This chapter provides the primary jurisdiction and

  6  procedures for the determination of paternity for children

  7  born out of wedlock. When the establishment of paternity has

  8  been raised and determined within an adjudicatory hearing

  9  brought under the statutes governing inheritance, or

10  dependency under workers' compensation or similar compensation

11  programs, or when an affidavit acknowledging paternity or a

12  stipulation of paternity is executed by both parties and filed

13  with the clerk of the court, or when an a consenting affidavit

14  or notarized voluntary acknowledgment of paternity as provided

15  for in s. 382.013 or s. 382.016 is executed by both parties,

16  it shall constitute the establishment of paternity for

17  purposes of this chapter. If no adjudicatory proceeding was

18  held, a notarized voluntary acknowledgment of paternity shall

19  create a rebuttable presumption, as defined by s. 90.304, of

20  paternity and is subject to the right of any signatory to

21  rescind the acknowledgment within 60 days of the date the

22  acknowledgment was signed or the date of an administrative or

23  judicial proceeding relating to the child, including a

24  proceeding to establish a support order, in which the

25  signatory is a party, whichever is earlier.  Both parents are

26  required to provide their social security numbers on any

27  acknowledgment of paternity, consent affidavit, or stipulation

28  of paternity. Except for consenting affidavits under seal

29  pursuant to ss. 382.015 and 382.016, the Office of Vital

30  Statistics shall provide certified copies of affidavits to the

31  Title IV-D agency upon request.


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  1         (3)  The department shall adopt rules which establish

  2  the information which must be provided to an individual prior

  3  to execution of an a consenting affidavit or voluntary

  4  acknowledgment of paternity. The information shall explain the

  5  alternatives to, the legal consequences of, and the rights,

  6  including, if one parent is a minor, any rights afforded due

  7  to minority status, and responsibilities that arise from

  8  acknowledging paternity.

  9         Section 23.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and

10  paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 743.0645, Florida

11  Statutes, are amended to read:

12         743.0645  Other persons who may consent to medical care

13  or treatment of a minor.--

14         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

15         (b)  "Medical care and treatment" includes ordinary and

16  necessary medical and dental examination and treatment,

17  including blood testing, preventive care including ordinary

18  immunizations, tuberculin testing, and well-child care, but

19  does not include surgery, general anesthesia, provision of

20  psychotropic medications, or other extraordinary procedures

21  for which a separate court order, power of attorney, or

22  informed consent as provided by law is required.

23         (2)  Any of the following persons, in order of priority

24  listed, may consent to the medical care or treatment of a

25  minor who is not committed to the Department of Children and

26  Family Services or the Department of Juvenile Justice or in

27  their custody under chapter 39, chapter 984, or chapter 985

28  when, after a reasonable attempt, a person who has the power

29  to consent as otherwise provided by law cannot be contacted by

30  the treatment provider and actual notice to the contrary has

31  not been given to the provider by that person:


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  1         (a)  A person who possesses a power of attorney to

  2  provide medical consent for the minor. A power of attorney

  3  executed after July 1, 2001, to provide medical consent for a

  4  minor includes the power to consent to medically necessary

  5  surgical and general anesthesia services for the minor unless

  6  such services are excluded by the individual executing the

  7  power of attorney.


  9  There shall be maintained in the treatment provider's records

10  of the minor documentation that a reasonable attempt was made

11  to contact the person who has the power to consent.

12         Section 24.  Section 827.035, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         827.035  Newborn infants.--It shall not constitute

15  neglect of a child pursuant to s. 827.03 or contributing to

16  the dependency of a child pursuant to s. 827.04, if a parent

17  leaves a newborn infant, as defined in s. 383.50, at a

18  hospital, emergency medical services station, or fire station

19  or brings a newborn infant to an emergency room and expresses

20  an intent to leave the infant and not return, in compliance

21  with s. 383.50.

22         Section 25.  Effective June 1, 2001, subsection (1) of

23  section 71 of chapter 98-171, Laws of Florida, is repealed.

24         Section 26.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

25  act shall take effect July 1, 2001.








CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.