House Bill hb0581

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 581

        By Representative Brutus

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to regulating heir finders;

  3         providing legislative findings and intent;

  4         providing definitions; requiring licensure of

  5         heir finders and heir finder businesses;

  6         providing for administration by the Department

  7         of Business and Professional Regulation;

  8         providing powers and duties of the department;

  9         providing qualifications; requiring

10         examinations; requiring a bond; providing

11         limitations; providing for license renewal and

12         reactivation; providing for fees; providing for

13         local licensing requirements; providing for

14         licensing of nonresidents; specifying

15         prohibited acts; providing penalties; providing

16         a felony penalty for certain activities;

17         providing for an Heir Finder Recovery Fund as a

18         separate account in the Professional Regulation

19         Trust Fund; providing for administration by the

20         department; providing for duties and

21         responsibilities of the Treasurer; providing

22         for investing moneys of the fund; providing for

23         uses of the fund; providing conditions for

24         recovery from the fund under certain

25         circumstances; providing for eligibility;

26         providing for a surcharge to license fees;

27         providing assessing licensees under certain

28         circumstances for certain purposes; providing

29         for payments from the fund under certain

30         circumstances; providing for payment of claims;

31         providing for license suspension under certain


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  1         circumstances; providing for repayment by

  2         licensees; providing for expenditure of excess

  3         funds for certain purposes; providing an

  4         effective date.


  6  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  8         Section 1.  (1)  PURPOSE.--The Legislature finds that

  9  unqualified heir finders and unreliable heir finder businesses

10  present a significant threat to the public.  It is the intent

11  of the Legislature to protect the public by regulating heir

12  finders and heir finder businesses and by requiring a license

13  to operate.

14         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this act, the term:

15         (a)  "Heir finder business" means a sole

16  proprietorship, partnership, or corporation which in the

17  regular course of business arranges, manages, advertises,

18  promotes, or carries out contracts or agreements to locate

19  heirs to property.

20         (b)  "Heir finder" means any person licensed pursuant

21  to this act who holds a valid Florida heir finder license.

22         (c)  "Department" means the Department of Business and

23  Professional Regulation.


25  BOND.--

26         (a)  The department shall license any applicant who the

27  department determines is qualified to operate an heir finding

28  business.

29         (b)  No person shall operate any heir finding business

30  in this state unless he or she is licensed by the department.



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  1         (c)  No person shall be licensed as an heir finder if

  2  he or she:

  3         1.  Is under 18 years of age; or

  4         2.  Has committed any act or offense in this state or

  5  any other jurisdiction which would constitute a basis for

  6  disciplinary action under subsection (8).

  7         (d)  Any person seeking a license as an heir finder

  8  must pass a written examination approved by the department

  9  which tests his or her general knowledge of the laws of this

10  state that are relevant to estates, the laws of agency, and

11  the provisions of this act.

12         (e)  No person shall be licensed as an heir finder

13  unless he or she:

14         1.  Has passed the required examination; and

15         2.  Is approved by the department.

16         (f)1.  Any heir finder business that is subject to the

17  provisions of this act must be conducted by an heir finder who

18  has an active license.

19         2.  No business shall operate as an heir finder

20  business or offer to operate as an heir finder business in

21  this state unless it is licensed as an heir finder business by

22  the department. Each application for licensure shall include

23  the names of the owner and the business, the business mailing

24  address and location, and any other information which the

25  department may require. The owner of an heir finder business

26  shall report to the department within 30 days after any change

27  in this required information.

28         (g)  A license issued by the department to an heir

29  finder is not transferable.

30         (4)  RENEWAL OF LICENSE.--



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  1         (a)  The department shall renew a license upon receipt

  2  of the renewal application and fee.

  3         (b)  The department shall adopt rules establishing a

  4  procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses.

  5         (5)  REACTIVATION OF LICENSE; FEE.--The department

  6  shall prescribe by rule a fee not to exceed $250 for the

  7  reactivation of an inactive license. The fee shall be in

  8  addition to the current biennial renewal fee.


10         (a)  The department by rule may establish application,

11  examination, licensure, renewal, and other reasonable and

12  necessary fees, based upon the department's estimate of the

13  costs in administering this act.

14         (b)  An heir finder shall obtain a local occupational

15  license, if required, in the jurisdiction in which his or her

16  permanent business or branch office is located.  However, no

17  local government or local agency may charge any other fee for

18  the practice of heir finding or require any heir finder's

19  license in addition to the license required by this act.


21  RECIPROCITY.--The department shall issue a license by

22  endorsement to engage in heir finding to an applicant who,

23  upon applying to the department and remitting the required

24  fee, set by the department, demonstrates to the department

25  that he or she satisfies the requirements of paragraph (4)(c)

26  and holds a valid license to engage in heir finding activities

27  in another state, provided that the requirements for licensure

28  in that state are substantially equivalent to or more

29  stringent than those existing in this state. The endorsement

30  and reciprocity provisions of this section shall apply to heir



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  1  finders only and not to professions or occupations regulated

  2  by other statutes.

  3         (8)  PROHIBITED ACTS; PENALTIES.--

  4         (a)  The following acts shall be grounds for the

  5  disciplinary activities provided in paragraphs (b) and (c):

  6         1.  Misrepresentation of property alleged to be owned

  7  by an heir or making false promises concerning such property

  8  by an heir finder or heir finder business or by anyone acting

  9  as an agent of or with the consent of the heir finder or heir

10  finder business.

11         2.  Failure to account for or to pay or return, within

12  a reasonable time not to exceed 30 days, money or property

13  belonging to another which has come into the control of an

14  heir finder or heir finder business through heir finding

15  activities.

16         3.  False, deceptive, misleading, or untruthful

17  advertising.

18         4.  Any conduct in connection with an heir finder

19  contract or agreement which demonstrates bad faith or

20  dishonesty.

21         5.  Making any material false statement on a license

22  application.

23         6.  Commingling money or property of another person

24  with his or her own. Every heir finder and heir finder

25  business shall maintain a separate trust or escrow account in

26  an insured bank or savings and loan association located in

27  this state in which shall be deposited all proceeds received

28  for another person through heir finding activities.

29         7.  Refusal or neglect of any heir finder or other

30  receiver of public moneys to pay the moneys so received into



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  1  the State Treasury at the times and under the regulations

  2  prescribed by law.

  3         8.  Violating a statute or administrative rule

  4  regulating activities under this act or a lawful disciplinary

  5  order of the department.

  6         9.  Having a license to practice a comparable

  7  profession revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against by

  8  another state, territory, or country.

  9         10.  Being convicted or found guilty, regardless of

10  adjudication, of a crime in any jurisdiction which directly

11  relates to engaging in heir finding or operating an heir

12  finding business.

13         (b)  When the department finds any person guilty of any

14  of the prohibited acts set forth in paragraph (a), it may

15  enter an order imposing one or more of the following

16  penalties:

17         1.  Refusal to certify to the department an application

18  for licensure.

19         2.  Revocation or suspension of a license.

20         3.  Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed

21  $1,000 for each count or separate offense.

22         4.  Issuance of a reprimand.

23         5.  Placement of the heir finder on probation for a

24  period of time and subject to conditions as the department may

25  specify, including requiring the heir finder to successfully

26  complete the licensure examination.

27         6.  Requirement that the person in violation make

28  restitution to each person affected by that violation. Proof

29  of such restitution shall be a signed and notarized release

30  executed by the person or the person's estate.



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  1         (c)1.  Failure to pay a fine within a reasonable time,

  2  as prescribed by department rule, may be grounds for

  3  disciplinary action.

  4         2.  The department may file for an injunction or bring

  5  any other appropriate civil action against anyone who violates

  6  this act.

  7         (9)  PENALTY.--Any heir finder, or heir finder business

  8  or any owner or manager thereof, or, in the case of corporate

  9  ownership, any substantial stockholder of the corporation

10  owning the heir finding business, who operates without an

11  active license or violates any provision of the prohibited

12  acts listed under subsection (8) commits a felony of the third

13  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

14         (10)  HEIR FINDER RECOVERY FUND.--There is created the

15  Heir Finder Recovery Fund as a separate account in the

16  Professional Regulation Trust Fund. The fund shall be

17  administered by the department.

18         (a)  The Treasurer shall invest the money not currently

19  needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner

20  as other public funds may be invested. Interest that accrues

21  from these investments shall be deposited to the credit of the

22  Heir Finder Recovery Fund and shall be available for the same

23  purposes as other moneys deposited in the Heir Finder Recovery

24  Fund.

25         (b)  All payments and disbursements from the Heir

26  Finder Recovery Fund shall be made by the Treasurer upon a

27  voucher signed by the Secretary of Business and Professional

28  Regulation or the secretary's designee. Amounts transferred to

29  the Heir Finder Recovery Fund shall not be subject to any

30  limitation imposed by an appropriation act of the Legislature.



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  1         (c)  If at any time the moneys in the Heir Finder

  2  Recovery Fund are insufficient to satisfy any valid claim or

  3  portion thereof, the department shall satisfy such unpaid

  4  claim or portion thereof as soon as a sufficient amount has

  5  been deposited in or transferred to the fund.  When there is

  6  more than one unsatisfied claim outstanding, such claims shall

  7  be paid in the order in which the claims were made.

  8         (d)  Upon the payment of any amount from the Heir

  9  Finder Recovery Fund in settlement of a claim in satisfaction

10  of a judgment against an heir finder or heir finder business

11  as described in subsection (13), the license of such heir

12  finder or heir finder business shall be automatically

13  suspended until the licensee has complied with subsection

14  (16).  A discharge of bankruptcy shall not relieve a person

15  from the penalties and disabilities provided in this

16  subsection.

17         (e)  Moneys in the fund at the end of a fiscal year

18  shall be retained in the fund and shall accrue for the benefit

19  of heir finders and heir finder businesses.  When the fund

20  exceeds the amount as set forth in paragraph (11)(b), all

21  surcharges shall be suspended until such time as the fund is

22  reduced below the amount as set forth in paragraph (11)(c).


24         (a)  At the time of licensure under subsection (3),

25  subsection (4), or subsection (5), each licensee shall pay, in

26  addition to an application and license fee, a surcharge in an

27  amount to be determined by the department, not to exceed $300,

28  which shall be deposited in the Heir Finder Recovery Fund.

29         (b)  If the total amount in the Heir Finder Recovery

30  Fund, including principal and interest, exceeds $500,000 at

31  the end of the state fiscal year after the payment of all


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  1  claims and expenses, the amount in excess of $500,000 shall

  2  remain in the fund for benefit of the licensees in tolling the

  3  surcharge until such time as the surcharge shall need

  4  replenishing.

  5         (c)  If the total amount in the Heir Finder Recovery

  6  Fund, including principal and interest, is less than $200,000

  7  at the end of the fiscal year after the payment of all claims

  8  and expenses, the department shall assess, in addition to any

  9  other fees under subsection (5), a surcharge against a

10  licensee at the time of initial licensure or at the time of

11  license renewal, according to the following formula in order

12  to maintain the fund at $500,000:

13         1.  Determine the amount remaining in the fund at the

14  end of the state fiscal year after all expenses and claims

15  have been paid.

16         2.  Subtract the amount determined under subparagraph

17  1. from $500,000.

18         3.  Determine the number of initial licenses and

19  license renewals in the fiscal year that precedes the current

20  fiscal year.

21         4.  Divide the amount determined under subparagraph 2.

22  by the number determined under subparagraph 3.

23         (d)  The department shall assess the surcharge

24  described in paragraph (c) against each licensee who receives

25  an initial license or receives a renewal license during the

26  fiscal year that follows the year in which the amount

27  remaining in the fund was less than $200,000.


29  interest earned or investment of money in the Heir Finder

30  Recovery Fund shall be credited at least semiannually to the

31  fund.  No money may be appropriated from the General Revenue


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  1  Fund for payment of any expenses incurred under this act, and

  2  none of these expenses may be charged against the state.


  4         (a)  Recovery from the Heir Finder Recovery Fund may be

  5  obtained as follows:

  6         1.  Any aggrieved person is eligible to receive

  7  recovery from the Heir Finder Recovery Fund if the department

  8  has issued a final order directing an offending licensee to

  9  pay restitution to the claimant as the result of the licensee

10  violating, within this state, any provision of subsection (8)

11  or any rule adopted by the department and if the department

12  determined that the order of restitution cannot be enforced;

13  or

14         2.  Any aggrieved person who obtains a final judgment

15  in any court against any licensee to recover damages for any

16  actual loss that results from the violation, within this

17  state, by a licensee of any provision of subsection (8) or any

18  rule adopted by the department may, upon termination of all

19  proceedings, including appeals and proceedings supplemental to

20  judgment for collection purposes, file a verified application

21  to the department for an order directing payment out of the

22  Heir Finder Recovery Fund of the amount of actual loss in the

23  transaction that remains unpaid upon the judgment. The amount

24  of actual loss may include court costs, but shall not include

25  attorney's fees or punitive damages awarded.

26         (b)  The amount paid from the Heir Finder Recovery Fund

27  may not exceed $50,000 per claim or claims arising out of the

28  same transaction or auction or an aggregate lifetime limit of

29  $100,000 with respect to any one licensee. For purposes of

30  this paragraph, heir finding activities conducted under a



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 581


  1  single contract or agreement shall be considered continuous

  2  even though conducted at more than one time or place.

  3         (c)  A claim for recovery from the Heir Finder Recovery

  4  Fund shall be made within 4 years from the time of the act

  5  giving rise to the claim or within 4 years from the time the

  6  act is discovered or should have been discovered with the

  7  exercise of due diligence; however, in no event may a claim

  8  for recovery be made more than 6 years after the date of the

  9  act giving rise to the claim.

10         (d)  The department shall not issue an order for

11  payment of a claim from the Heir Finder Recovery Fund unless

12  the claimant has reasonably established to the department that

13  she or he has taken proper and reasonable action to collect

14  the amount of her or his claim from the licensee responsible

15  for the loss and that any recovery made has been applied to

16  reduce the amount of the claim on the Heir Finder Recovery

17  Fund.

18         (e)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act,

19  no claim based on any act or omission that occurred outside

20  this state or that occurred before October 1, 2001, shall be

21  payable from the Heir Finder Recovery Fund.

22         (f)  In case of payment of loss from the Heir Finder

23  Recovery Fund, the fund shall be subrogated, to the extent of

24  the amount of the payment, to all the rights of the claimant

25  against any licensee with respect to the loss.



28  FUNDS.--

29         (a)  If the payment in full of two or more pending

30  valid claims that have been filed by aggrieved persons against

31  a single licensee would exceed the $50,000 limit as set forth


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  1  in subsection (13), the $50,000 shall be distributed among the

  2  aggrieved persons in the ratio that their respective claims

  3  bear to the aggregate of all valid claims or in any other

  4  manner that a court of record may determine to be equitable.

  5  Such money shall be distributed among the persons entitled to

  6  share in it without regard to the order of priority in which

  7  their respective judgments have been obtained or their claims

  8  have been filed.

  9         (b)  Upon petition of the department, the court may

10  require all claimants and prospective claimants against one

11  licensee to be joined in one action, to the end that the

12  respective rights of all the claimants to the department may

13  be equitably adjudicated and settled.

14         (c)  On June 30 and December 31 of each year, the

15  department shall identify each claim that the court orders to

16  be paid during the 6-month period that ended on that day.  The

17  department shall pay the part of each claim that is so

18  identified within 15 days after the end of the 6-month period

19  in which the claim is ordered paid. However, if the balance in

20  the fund is insufficient to pay the full payable amount of

21  each claim that is ordered to be paid during a 6-month period,

22  the department shall pay a prorated portion of each claim that

23  is ordered to be paid during the period.  Any part of the

24  payable amount of a claim left unpaid due to the prorating of

25  payments under this subsection shall be paid, subject to the

26  $50,000 limit described in subsection (13), before the payment

27  of claims ordered to be paid during the following 6 months.

28         (15)  PAYMENT OF CLAIM.--Upon a final order of the

29  court directing that payment be made out of the Heir Finder

30  Recovery Fund, the department shall, subject to the provisions



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  1  of this act, make the payment out of the Heir Finder Recovery

  2  Fund as provided in subsection (13).


  4  REPAYMENT BY LICENSEE; INTEREST.--If the department is

  5  required to make any payment from the Heir Finder Recovery

  6  Fund in settlement of a claim or toward the satisfaction of a

  7  judgment under this act, the department shall suspend the

  8  judgment debtor's license.  The licensee is not eligible to be

  9  licensed again as either an heir finder or heir finder

10  business until the licensee has repaid in full the amount paid

11  from the Heir Finder Recovery Fund, with interest at the

12  current applicable rate.

13         (17)  EXPENDITURE OF EXCESS FUNDS.--Subject to the

14  approval of the department with the concurrence of the

15  department, the department may expend excess moneys from the

16  Heir Finder Recovery Fund to fund publications that provide:

17         (a)  Information concerning the department's activities

18  and administrative rulings.

19         (b)  Distribution of laws, rules, and educational

20  information concerning the business of heir finding.

21         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2001.


23            *****************************************

24                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides for regulating heir finders. Requires licensure
26    of heir finders and heir finder businesses and provides
      for administration by the Department of Business and
27    Professional Regulation. Specifies prohibited acts and
      provides penalties. Provides for an Heir Finder Recovery
28    Fund as a separate account in the Professional Regulation
      Trust Fund and provides for administration by the
29    department. Provides for duties and responsibilities of
      the Treasurer. Provides for investing moneys of the fund,
30    uses of the fund, conditions for recovery from the fund,
      eligibility for recovery. See bill for details.


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