Bill No. HB 589   Barcode 572343
    Amendment No. 3 (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Utilities & Telecommunications offered the
12  following:
14         Amendment 
15         On page 2, line 14 through page 3, line 9,
16  remove from the bill:  all of said lines
18  and insert in lieu thereof:  Assistance Program is established
19  in the department.  The department may award financial
20  assistance to a local government in the form of a grant for
21  the purpose of acquiring privately owned water-wastewater
22  utilities.
23         (1)  A local government may qualify for financial
24  assistance if it documents to the department that the
25  privately owned water-wastewater utility the local government
26  intends to acquire meets the following criteria:
27         (a)  The quality of water or wastewater service
28  provided by the privately owned water-wastewater utility is
29  consistently inadequate to meet public health or water quality
30  standards; and
31         (b)  The privately owned water-wastewater utility
    File original & 9 copies    03/07/01                          
    hut0005                     01:17 pm         00589-utco-572343

HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 589 Barcode 572343 Amendment No. 3 (for drafter's use only) 1 cannot make the improvements necessary to alleviate the public 2 health or water quality threats through its own resources 3 without increasing its rates for services to an amount beyond 4 that which is commensurate with community standards; or 5 (c) Operation of the privately owned water-wastewater 6 utility represents a public health or water quality threat 7 that would be more effectively addressed through public 8 management or ownership, as demonstrated through a feasibility 9 determination provided by the applicant for financial 10 assistance to the department, that takes into account 11 economic, managerial and administrative considerations; or 12 (d) The private utility desires to sell. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 File original & 9 copies 03/07/01 hut0005 01:17 pm 00589-utco-572343