House Bill hb0729e1

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                                        CS/HB 729, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to environmental control;

  3         amending s. 403.813, F.S.; creating an

  4         exemption from permitting requirements under

  5         ch. 403, F.S., for the removal of invasive

  6         plants and the removal of organic detrital

  7         material from freshwater lakes and rivers under

  8         specified conditions; precluding additional

  9         state or local approval requirements for

10         floating vessel platforms within boat slips;

11         providing guidelines; providing an effective

12         date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Paragraph (r) is amended and paragraph (s)

17  is added to subsection (2) of section 403.813, Florida

18  Statutes, and subsection (4) is added to said section, to

19  read:

20         403.813  Permits issued at district centers;

21  exceptions.--

22         (2)  No permit under this chapter, chapter 373, chapter

23  61-691, Laws of Florida, or chapter 25214 or chapter 25270,

24  1949, Laws of Florida, shall be required for activities

25  associated with the following types of projects; however,

26  except as otherwise provided in this subsection, nothing in

27  this subsection relieves an applicant from any requirement to

28  obtain permission to use or occupy lands owned by the Board of

29  Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or any water

30  management district in its governmental or proprietary

31  capacity or from complying with applicable local pollution


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                                        CS/HB 729, First Engrossed

  1  control programs authorized under this chapter or other

  2  requirements of county and municipal governments:

  3         (r)  The removal of aquatic plants, the removal of

  4  tussocks, the associated replanting of indigenous aquatic

  5  plants, or the associated removal from lakes of organic

  6  material when such planting or removal is performed and

  7  authorized by permit or exemption granted under s. 369.20 or

  8  s. 369.25, if:

  9         1.  Organic material that exists on the surface of

10  natural mineral soil shall be allowed to be removed to a depth

11  of 3 feet or to the natural mineral soils, whichever is less.

12         2.  All organic material removal pursuant to this

13  subsection shall be deposited in an upland site in a manner

14  that will prevent the reintroduction of the material into

15  waters in the state except when spoil material is permitted to

16  be used to create wildlife islands in freshwater bodies of the

17  state when a governmental entity is permitted pursuant to this

18  section to create such islands as a part of a restoration or

19  enhancement project.

20         3.  All activities are performed in a manner consistent

21  with state water quality standards.

22         4.  No activities under this exemption are conducted in

23  wetland areas, as defined by s. 373.019(22), which are

24  supported by a natural soil as shown in applicable U.S.

25  Department of Agriculture county soil surveys, except when a

26  governmental entity is permitted pursuant to s. 369.20 to

27  conduct such activities as a part of a restoration or

28  enhancement project.

29         (s)  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in

30  this subsection, no permit or other authorization under

31  chapter 253, chapter 369, chapter 373, or this chapter is


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                                        CS/HB 729, First Engrossed

  1  required for the removal of organic detrital material from

  2  freshwater rivers or lakes that have a natural sand or rocky

  3  substrate and that are not aquatic preserves, and the

  4  associated removal and replanting of aquatic vegetation for

  5  the purpose of environmental enhancement, provided that:

  6         1.  No activities under this exemption are conducted in

  7  wetland areas as defined by s. 373.019(22), that are supported

  8  by a natural soil as shown in applicable U.S. Department of

  9  Agriculture county soil surveys.

10         2.  No filling or peat mining is allowed.

11         3.  No removal of native wetland trees, including, but

12  not limited to, ash, bay cypress, gum, maple, and tupelo,

13  shall occur.

14         4.  When removing organic detrital material, no portion

15  of the underlying natural mineral soils or rocky substrate may

16  be removed.

17         5.  Organic detrital material and plant material

18  removed is deposited in an upland site in a manner that will

19  not cause water quality violations.

20         6.  All activities are conducted in such a manner and

21  with appropriate turbidity controls to prevent any water

22  quality violations outside of the immediate work area.

23         7.  Replanting with a variety of aquatic plants native

24  to Florida shall occur in a minimum of 25 percent of the areas

25  where organic detrital material is removed except for areas

26  where the material is removed to bare rocky substrate;

27  however, an area may be maintained clear of vegetation as an

28  access corridor. The access corridor width shall not exceed 50

29  percent of the property owner's frontage or 50 feet, whichever

30  is less, and may be a sufficient length waterward to create a

31  corridor to allow access for a boat or swimmer to reach open


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                                        CS/HB 729, First Engrossed

  1  water. Replanting shall be at a minimum density of 2 feet on

  2  center and be completed within 90 days after removal of

  3  existing aquatic vegetation, except that under dewatered

  4  conditions, replanting must be completed within 90 days after

  5  reflooding. The area to be replanted shall extend waterward

  6  from the ordinary high water line to a point where normal

  7  water depth would be 3 feet or to the preexisting vegetation

  8  line, whichever is less, provided such area does not extend

  9  beyond a point 5 feet waterward of the ordinary high water

10  line. Individuals are required to make a reasonable effort to

11  maintain planting density for a period of 6 months after

12  replanting is complete and the plants, including naturally

13  recruited native aquatic plants, shall be allowed to expand

14  and fill in the revegetation area.  Native aquatic plants to

15  be used for revegetation shall be salvaged from the

16  enhancement project site or obtained from an aquatic plant

17  nursery regulated by the Department of Agriculture and

18  Consumer Services. Plants that are not native to the state of

19  Florida shall not be used for replanting.

20         8.  No activity may occur any farther waterward of the

21  ordinary high water line than 100 feet and all activities must

22  be designed and conducted in a manner that will not

23  unreasonably restrict or infringe upon the riparian rights of

24  the upland riparian owners.

25         9.  Any person who seeks to use this exemption notifies

26  the applicable department district office in writing at least

27  30 days prior to commencing work and allows the department to

28  conduct a preconstruction site inspection.  Notice must

29  include an organic detrital material removal and disposal plan

30  and, if applicable, a vegetation removal and revegetation

31  plan.


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                                        CS/HB 729, First Engrossed

  1         10.  The department is provided written certification

  2  of compliance with the terms and conditions of subparagraphs

  3  1.-8. within 30 days after completion of any activity under

  4  this exemption.

  5         (t)  A floating vessel platform or floating boat lift

  6  either of which floats at all times in the water for the sole

  7  purpose of supporting a vessel so that the vessel is out of

  8  the water when not in use, provided that:

  9         1.  Such structures are wholly contained within a boat

10  slip previously permitted under ss. 403.91-403.929, 1984

11  Supplement to the Florida Statutes 1983, as amended, or Part

12  IV of chapter 373, or, when associated with a dock that is

13  exempt under this subsection or a permitted dock with no

14  defined boat slip, such structures do not exceed a combined

15  total of 500 square feet, or 200 square feet in an Outstanding

16  Florida Water.

17         2.  Such structures shall not be used for any

18  commercial purpose or for mooring additional vessels that

19  remain in the water when not in use, and shall not

20  substantially impede the flow of water, creat a navigational

21  hazard, or unreasonably infringe upon the traditional, or

22  common law riparian rights of adjacent property owners, as

23  defined in s. 253.141;

24         3.  Such structures shall be constructed and used so as

25  to minimize adverse impacts to submerged lands, wetlands,

26  shellfish areas, aquatic plant and animal species, and other

27  biological communities; including locating such structures in

28  areas where no seagrasses exist if such areas are present

29  adjacent to the dock; and

30         4.  Such structures shall not be constructed in areas

31  specifically prohibited for boat mooring under conditions of a


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                                        CS/HB 729, First Engrossed

  1  permit issued in accordance with ss. 403.91-403.929, 1984

  2  Supplement to the Florida Statutes 1983, as amended, or Part

  3  IV of Chapter 373, or other form of authorization issued by a

  4  local government.

  5  Structures that qualify for this exemption are relieved from

  6  any requirement to obtain permission to use or occupy lands

  7  owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

  8  Trust Fund and shall not be subject to any more stringent

  9  regulation by any local government.  The exemption provided in

10  this paragraph shall be in addition to the exemption provided

11  in paragraph (b). By January 1, 2002, the department shall

12  adopt a general permit by rule for those floating vessel

13  platforms that do not qualify for the exemptions provided in

14  this paragraph, but do not cause significant adverse impacts

15  to occur individually or cumulatively.  The issuance of such

16  general permit shall also constitute permission to use or

17  occupy lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal

18  Improvement Trust Fund.  Upon the adoption of the rule

19  creating such general permit, no local government shall impose

20  a more stringent regulation on floating vessel platforms

21  covered by such general permit.

22         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.











CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.