Senate Bill sb0746c1
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 746
By the Committee on Appropriations and Senator Sullivan
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to education; creating s.
3 231.6015, F.S.; authorizing a mathematics and
4 science teacher-education program; requiring
5 demonstration of certain uses of funds;
6 providing a program purpose, required
7 components, and resource allocation; requiring
8 collaborative planning and implementation;
9 authorizing incentives and certification;
10 creating s. 240.149, F.S.; creating a
11 nongovernmental organization to plan and
12 implement a program for mathematics and science
13 teacher education; requiring a board of
14 directors, a chief executive officer, other
15 staff, and an advisory council; providing for
16 membership, terms of office, and an
17 appointments process; providing responsibility
18 and authority to conduct certain activities;
19 requiring a budget request; amending s.
20 229.592, F.S.; requiring a report; amending s.
21 231.600, F.S.; requiring certain additions to
22 professional development programs; amending s.
23 236.685, F.S.; requiring a report to include
24 certain information; providing an effective
25 date.
27 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
29 Section 1. Section 231.6015, Florida Statutes, is
30 created to read:
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1 231.6015 Mathematics and science teacher-education
2 program.--
3 (1) The Legislature intends to establish an inservice
4 professional development program to improve the teaching of
5 mathematics and science in the public schools of this state,
6 with an initial emphasis on students in kindergarten through
7 grade 8. The program may be conducted separately or in
8 conjunction with other inservice professional development
9 programs provided by a school district. The funds are to be
10 used to supplement but not to supplant current professional
11 development in mathematics and science education.
12 (2) As used in this section, the term "teacher" has
13 the meaning ascribed to "instructional personnel" in s.
14 236.685.
15 (3) The purpose of the program is to improve the
16 ability of teachers to deliver instruction that:
17 (a) Concentrates learning on the Sunshine State
18 Standards and the Subject Matter Content Standards for
19 teachers adopted by the Education Standards Commission;
20 (b) Includes content in sequences designed to prepare
21 students for the state assessments of progress;
22 (c) Demonstrates its quality by improvement in
23 students' classroom achievement; and
24 (d) Identifies and challenges students who excel in
25 science and mathematics as well as those whose aptitude is
26 average or below average.
27 (4) The program must be designed to improve a
28 teacher's command of content knowledge and teaching skills. If
29 resources are insufficient to provide adequate instruction for
30 all teachers, the program design should allocate those
31 resources to produce a measurable, systemic change in student
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1 learning, rather than only to reach as many teachers as
2 possible.
3 (5) The program must:
4 (a) Employ strategies that have proved effective;
5 (b) Exploit current knowledge and research on
6 professional staff development and standards;
7 (c) Include components for school board members and
8 administrators at the school level, school district
9 administration level, and state level;
10 (d) Involve the expertise of public and independent
11 universities, colleges, and community colleges in planning and
12 implementation;
13 (e) Provide for an incentive plan; and
14 (f) Include an evaluation of effectiveness as
15 determined by the Florida Alliance for Improving Mathematics
16 and Science in Education Programs. The evaluation component of
17 the program must provide data capable of allowing an analysis
18 of the achievement of students before and after the program is
19 implemented and for an analysis of students whose teachers
20 participate in the program compared to a cohort of students
21 whose teachers do not. As much as possible, the cohort must
22 consist of students having similar demographic characteristics
23 and selected measures of academic achievement.
24 (6) The Legislature shall determine annually in the
25 General Appropriations Act the funds to be available for this
26 program. Under s. 240.149, the Florida Alliance for Improving
27 Mathematics and Science in Education Programs may operate the
28 delivery mechanisms for the program or may delegate that
29 responsibility to a school district, a consortium of school
30 districts, an academy, an area center for educational
31 enhancement, or a group operating under a charter arranged by
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1 a district or consortium. The delivery mechanisms may involve
2 the expertise of science centers, and the Florida Alliance for
3 Improving Mathematics and Science and school boards may
4 arrange participation by science centers in the planning and
5 delivery of the program, including participation in charter
6 agreements, where appropriate. As used in this subsection, a
7 science center means a nonprofit organization, recognized
8 under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is
9 a full member of the Association of Science and Technology
10 Centers, is accredited by the American Association of Museums,
11 and has had at least 5 years experience providing professional
12 development and support services to teachers throughout the
13 state. The administrators of each component of the program
14 shall work collaboratively with the Florida Alliance for
15 Improving Mathematics and Science in Education Programs to
16 plan programs and activities provided by the professional
17 development program, including follow-up support for the
18 teachers.
19 (7) Teachers participating in the program may receive
20 compensation from the school district for their participation
21 and may use successful participation in the program for
22 extension of a certificate, for adding a new certification
23 area if the district has an approved add-on certification
24 program as provided by the State Board of Education, or for
25 college credit for portions of the program which are taught by
26 full-time faculty members of postsecondary institutions. In
27 addition to a stipend for the workdays allocated to the
28 training, a teacher may be eligible for a salary bonus upon
29 successful completion of the program.
30 (8) Delivery sites used in the program should be
31 joint-use facilities and may be on property belonging to a
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1 school district; a public or independent university, college,
2 or community college; or any other group under a contract
3 approved by the alliance.
4 (9) A community college or university may report
5 full-time-equivalent students as a result of providing
6 instruction for the program if the instruction is provided
7 in-load by its own staff paid by its own resources.
8 (10) This section shall be implemented only to the
9 extent funded by the General Appropriations Act.
10 Section 2. Section 240.149, Florida Statutes, is
11 created to read:
12 240.149 Mathematics and science teacher-education
13 organization; responsibility for program planning and
14 implementation.--
15 (1) An organization is established to plan and
16 implement the mathematics and science teacher education
17 program created in s. 231.6015. The organization is to be
18 named the Florida Alliance for Improving Mathematics and
19 Science Teaching in Education Programs; must be recognized
20 under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and
21 registered, incorporated, organized, and operated in
22 compliance with chapter 617; and is not to be considered to be
23 a unit or entity of state government.
24 (a) The organization shall execute its
25 responsibilities independently but is assigned to the Office
26 of the Commissioner of Education for administrative purposes.
27 (b) In the interest of sound public policy, the
28 Legislature determines that the organization is subject to the
29 provisions of chapter 119 which relate to public records, and
30 to the provisions of chapter 286 which relate to public
31 meetings and records.
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1 (2) A board of directors shall govern the
2 organization. The members of the board shall be appointed by
3 the Commissioner of Education from recommendations provided by
4 the Postsecondary Education Planning Commission, the Education
5 Standards Commission, the Board of Directors of Workforce
6 Florida, or other public or private organizations with
7 expertise in education or technology upon invitation of the
8 commissioner.
9 (a) Four members must be employees of postsecondary
10 education institutions and must have expertise in science and
11 science education, mathematics and mathematics education, or a
12 related technical field.
13 (b) Four members must be employees of Florida district
14 school boards; at least two of these members must be teachers.
15 (c) Four members must be from the private sector.
16 (d) One member shall serve ex officio as a
17 representative of the Department of Education. An ex officio
18 member may participate in all deliberations of the alliance
19 but may not vote.
20 (e) Members shall serve 4-year staggered terms, with
21 four of the members having initial terms of 2 years, 3 years,
22 and 4 years, respectively. The commissioner shall appoint a
23 new member to fill the remainder of a vacant, unexpired term
24 and may reappoint a member.
25 (f) Members are entitled to reimbursement for travel
26 and per diem expenses, as provided in s. 112.061.
27 (3) The board of directors shall employ a chief
28 executive officer, who shall direct and supervise the
29 administrative affairs of the board of directors. The board of
30 directors may delegate to the chief executive officer any
31 powers and duties it finds appropriate. The chief executive
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1 officer may contract with or employ legal and technical
2 experts and other employees as authorized by the board of
3 directors. The chief executive officer shall administer the
4 professional development grant program assigned to the
5 organization and other finances of the organization to ensure
6 appropriate accountability and the prudent use of public and
7 private funds.
8 (4) A council is created to assist the organization
9 and to apprise decisionmakers of its activities.
10 (a) The council shall be composed of six members who
11 represent the following governmental branches or sectors: one
12 member of the Florida Senate appointed by the President of the
13 Senate; one member of the Florida House of Representatives
14 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; a
15 representative of the Executive Office of the Governor
16 appointed by the Governor; a representative of the Department
17 of Education appointed by the Commissioner of Education; a
18 representative of the Florida Community College System
19 appointed by the executive director of the system; and a
20 representative of the State University System appointed by the
21 chancellor.
22 (b) The council shall meet at least 2 times a year,
23 with one meeting conducted jointly with the board of
24 directors.
25 (5) The Florida Alliance for Improving Mathematics and
26 Science Teaching in Education Programs shall plan and oversee
27 implementation of the program created by s. 231.6015 and
28 shall:
29 (a) Establish and maintain a system of professional
30 development programs in mathematics and science education, as
31 provided in the General Appropriations Act.
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1 (b) Provide for involvement of postsecondary education
2 in planning and implementation.
3 (c) Produce specialized professional development
4 program guidelines. These guidelines may include curricula and
5 instructional methods and must assure that the programs focus
6 on content learning, employ tested strategies, reflect the
7 nature of science and mathematics, and base their design on
8 current knowledge and research concerning professional
9 development.
10 (d) Provide for the selection and preparation of staff
11 to implement professional development in mathematics and
12 science.
13 (e) Establish priorities that school districts and
14 centers for educational enhancement must use in selecting the
15 teachers to participate in the program. If the plan does not
16 provide for participation by all teachers of kindergarten
17 through grade 8 within a 4-year cycle, the selection
18 priorities must implement a rationale for disseminating the
19 program's benefits.
20 (f) Design strategies for providing follow-up support
21 for each participating teacher. The follow-up strategies must
22 provide for integration of the principles learned in the
23 program into the teacher's workday for at least 1 year, with
24 continuing followup for 2 additional years or more, as
25 provided in the General Appropriations Act.
26 (g) Design and oversee an incentive plan that will
27 encourage the participation of public school teachers and
28 administrators in the professional development program. The
29 incentive plan must provide for access to any merit-pay plans
30 developed by school districts and may provide for a stipend
31 and a salary bonus for participating teachers. Such bonus must
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1 be in addition to the teacher's regular earnings from a school
2 district and may not be awarded until a teacher has
3 successfully completed the program and demonstrated, through
4 prescribed follow-up activities in the classroom, an
5 improvement in student achievement in mathematics or science.
6 (h) Measure the effectiveness of the professional
7 development program on learning and teaching in mathematics
8 and science. This impact assessment must assure state and
9 local quality control of the improvement of mathematics and
10 science teaching.
11 (6) By December 1, 2001, the board must submit to the
12 office of the Commissioner of Education a proposed budget for
13 implementing the program in 2002-2005. The budget must contain
14 alternative plans for the participation of 50 percent, 33
15 percent, and 25 percent of the state's teachers at the
16 elementary and middle-school levels by 2005.
17 Section 3. Subsection (8) of section 229.592, Florida
18 Statutes, is amended to read:
19 229.592 Implementation of state system of school
20 improvement and education accountability.--
21 (8) STATE BOARD.--The State Board of Education shall
22 adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement
23 a state system of school improvement and education
24 accountability and shall specify required annual reports by
25 schools and school districts. The rules must also require each
26 school to report the number and percentage of teachers who
27 have achieved certification by the National Board of
28 Professional Teaching Standards and, for schools that contain
29 a kindergarten or grade 1 through grade 8, the number and
30 proportion of teachers who have successfully completed the
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1 program to improve mathematics and science teaching under s.
2 231.6015.
3 Section 4. Subsection (3) of section 231.600, Florida
4 Statutes, is amended to read:
5 231.600 School Community Professional Development
6 Act.--
7 (3) The activities designed to implement this section
8 must:
9 (a) Increase the success of educators in guiding
10 student learning and development so as to implement state and
11 local educational standards, goals, and initiatives;
12 (b) Assist the school community in providing
13 stimulating educational activities that encourage and motivate
14 students to achieve at the highest levels and to become active
15 learners; and
16 (c) Provide continuous support for all education
17 professionals as well as temporary intervention for education
18 professionals who need improvement in knowledge, skills, and
19 performance; and.
20 (d) Assure that teacher education programs in science,
21 mathematics, and technology education will be fully aligned
22 with the content of science tasks included in statewide
23 testing scheduled for 2004. These education programs must
24 assure that all teachers, especially teachers of kindergarten
25 through grade 8, know and understand the science and
26 mathematics standards included in the Sunshine State Standards
27 and the Subject Matter Content Standards for teachers adopted
28 by the Education Standards Commission.
29 Section 5. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
30 236.685, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
31 236.685 Educational funding accountability.--
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1 (4)(a) The school public accountability report to
2 parents must include the number of employees in each of the
3 categories listed in subsection (3), by work location.
4 However, this does not include the number of temporary
5 substitute employees. The report must also include the number
6 and proportion of instructional personnel in kindergarten
7 through grade 8 who have achieved certification by the
8 National Board of Professional Teaching Standards or have
9 completed the program to improve mathematics and science
10 teaching in Florida under s. 231.6015.
11 Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.
14 Senate Bill 746
16 Removes from the bill the provision that allowed teachers who
completed the mathematics and science teacher-education
17 program to be eligible for the Excellent Teaching Program.
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