hbd-02                               Bill No. HB 757, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___ (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Procedural & Redistricting Council offered the following:
13         Technical Amendment 
14         On page 1, line 6,
15  remove from the bill:  F.S.;
17  and insert in lieu thereof:  F.S., relating to liens; revising
18  conditions for sale of certain vehicles and vessels;
19         and on page 2, lines 18-23,
20  remove from the bill:  all of said lines
22  and insert:  
23         Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) and
24  subsection (6) of section 713.78, Florida Statutes, are
25  amended, and subsection (13) is added to said section, to
26  read:
27         713.78  Liens for recovering, towing, or storing
28  vehicles and documented vessels.--
29         (4)
30         (b)  Notice by certified mail, return receipt
    File original & 9 copies    04/30/01                          
    hbd0002                     06:18 pm         00757-prc -485277

HOUSE AMENDMENT hbd-02 Bill No. HB 757, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT) 1 and on page 4, line 22, 2 remove from the bill: "paragraphs" 3 4 and on page 4, line 23, 5 remove from the bill: "(2)(c) or (2)(d)" 6 7 and insert in lieu thereof: paragraph (2)(c) or paragraph 8 (2)(d) 9 10 and on page 6, line 25, 11 remove from the bill: "licensed" 12 13 and insert in lieu thereof: license 14 15 On page 7, line 22, 16 remove from the bill: "licensed" 17 18 and insert in lieu thereof: license 19 20 and on page 8, line 9, 21 remove from the bill: "licensed" 22 23 and insert in lieu thereof: license 24 25 26 and on page 8, line 16, 27 remove from the bill: "application" 28 29 and insert in lieu thereof: applicable 30 31 2 File original & 9 copies 04/30/01 hbd0002 06:18 pm 00757-prc -485277