House Bill hb0787

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 787

        By Representative Richardson

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Retirement

  3         System; amending s. 121.021, F.S.; redefining

  4         the term "average final compensation" to be the

  5         average of the 3 highest fiscal years of

  6         compensation and the term "normal retirement

  7         date" to mean attainment of 5 years of

  8         creditable service; providing for funding of

  9         the revision of the system by this act;

10         revising contribution rates; providing a

11         finding of important state interest; providing

12         an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Subsections (24), (29), and (45) of section

17  121.021, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases

19  as used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth

20  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:

21         (24)  "Average final compensation" means the average of

22  the 3 5 highest fiscal years of compensation for creditable

23  service prior to retirement, termination, or death.  For

24  in-line-of-duty disability benefits, if less than 3 5 years of

25  creditable service have been completed, the term "average

26  final compensation" means the average annual compensation of

27  the total number of years of creditable service.  Each year

28  used in the calculation of average final compensation shall

29  commence on July 1.

30         (a)  The average final compensation shall include:



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 787


  1         1.  Accumulated annual leave payments, not to exceed

  2  500 hours; and

  3         2.  All payments defined as compensation in subsection

  4  (22).

  5         (b)  The average final compensation shall not include:

  6         1.  Compensation paid to professional persons for

  7  special or particular services;

  8         2.  Payments for accumulated sick leave made due to

  9  retirement or termination;

10         3.  Payments for accumulated annual leave in excess of

11  500 hours;

12         4.  Bonuses as defined in subsection (47);

13         5.  Third party payments made on and after July 1,

14  1990; or

15         6.  Fringe benefits (for example, automobile allowances

16  or housing allowances).

17         (29)  "Normal retirement date" means the first day of

18  any month following the date a member attains one of the

19  following statuses:

20         (a)  If a Regular Class member, the member:

21         1.  Completes 5 6 or more years of creditable service

22  and attains age 62; or

23         2.  Completes 30 years of creditable service,

24  regardless of age, which may include a maximum of 4 years of

25  military service credit as long as such credit is not claimed

26  under any other system.

27         (b)  If a Special Risk Class member, the member:

28         1.  Completes 5 6 or more years of creditable service

29  in the Special Risk Class and attains age 55;

30         2.  Completes 25 years of creditable service in the

31  Special Risk Class, regardless of age; or


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  1         3.  Completes 25 years of creditable service and

  2  attains age 52, which service may include a maximum of 4 years

  3  of military service credit as long as such credit is not

  4  claimed under any other system and the remaining years are in

  5  the Special Risk Class.

  6         (c)  If a Senior Management Service Class member, the

  7  member:

  8         1.  Completes 5 6 years of creditable service in the

  9  Senior Management Service Class and attains age 62; or

10         2.  Completes 30 years of any creditable service,

11  regardless of age, which may include a maximum of 4 years of

12  military service credit as long as such credit is not claimed

13  under any other system.

14         (d)  If an Elected Officers' Class member, the member:

15         1.  Completes 5 6 years of creditable service in the

16  Elected Officers' Class and attains age 62; or

17         2.  Completes 30 years of any creditable service,

18  regardless of age, which may include a maximum of 4 years of

19  military service credit as long as such credit is not claimed

20  under any other system.


22  "Normal retirement age" is attained on the "normal retirement

23  date."

24         (45)(a)  "Vested" or "vesting" means the guarantee that

25  a member is eligible to receive a future retirement benefit

26  upon completion of the required years of creditable service

27  for the employee's class of membership, even though the member

28  may have terminated covered employment before reaching normal

29  or early retirement date. Being vested does not entitle a

30  member to a disability benefit. Provisions governing



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 787


  1  entitlement to disability benefits are set forth under s.

  2  121.091(4).

  3         (b)  Effective July 1, 2001, a 5-year 6-year vesting

  4  requirement shall be implemented for the defined benefit

  5  program of the Florida Retirement System. Pursuant thereto:

  6         1.  Any member employed in a regularly established

  7  position on July 1, 2001, who completes or has completed a

  8  total of 5 6 years of creditable service shall be considered

  9  vested as described in paragraph (a).

10         2.  Any member not employed in a regularly established

11  position on July 1, 2001, shall be deemed vested upon

12  completion of 5 6 years of creditable service, provided that

13  such member is employed in a covered position for at least 1

14  work year after July 1, 2001.  However, no member shall be

15  required to complete more years of creditable service than

16  would have been required for that member to vest under

17  retirement laws in effect before July 1, 2001.

18         Section 2.  It is the intent of the Legislature that

19  the normal costs attributable to the reduction in vesting

20  requirements for members of the defined benefit retirement

21  program shall be funded by recognition of a lump sum from the

22  excess actuarial assets of the Florida Retirement System Trust

23  Fund as follows:

24         (1)  For fiscal year 2001-2002, the lump sum to be

25  recognized shall be the annual cost attributable to 5-year

26  vesting.

27         (2)  For fiscal year 2002-2003, the Legislature intends

28  to recognize a lump sum equal to the annual cost attributable

29  to 5-year vesting and shall review the contribution rates

30  necessary to fund this change in vesting requirements.  Absent

31  legislative action to recognize an additional lump sum for


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  1  fiscal year 2002-2003 and thereafter, the contribution rates

  2  shall be increased as follows:

  3         (a)  The contribution rate that applies to the Regular

  4  Class of the Florida Retirement System shall be increased by

  5  _____ percentage points.

  6         (b)  The contribution rate that applies to the Special

  7  Risk Class of the Florida Retirement System shall be increased

  8  by ____ percentage points.

  9         (c)  The contribution rate that applies to the Special

10  Risk Administrative Support Class of the Florida Retirement

11  System shall be increased by ____ percentage points.

12         (d)  The contribution rate that applies to the Judicial

13  subclass of the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida

14  Retirement System shall be increased by ____ percentage

15  points.

16         (e)  The contribution rate that applies to the

17  legislative-attorney-Cabinet subclass of the Elected Officers'

18  Class of the Florida Retirement System shall be increased by

19  ____ percentage points.

20         (f)  The contribution rate that applies to the County

21  Officers' subclass of the Elected Officers' Class of the

22  Florida Retirement System shall be increased by ____

23  percentage points.

24         (g)  The contribution rate that applies to the Senior

25  Management Service Class of the Florida Retirement System

26  shall be increased by ____ percentage points.


28  These increases shall be in addition to all other changes to

29  such contribution rates which may be enacted into law to take

30  effect on that date. The Division of Statutory Revision is



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 787


  1  directed to adjust the contribution rates set forth in

  2  sections 121.052, 121.055, and 121.071, Florida Statutes.

  3         Section 3.  The Legislature finds that a proper and

  4  legitimate state purpose is served when employees and retirees

  5  of the state and of its political subdivisions, and the

  6  dependents, survivors, and beneficiaries of such employees and

  7  retirees, are extended the basic protections afforded by

  8  governmental retirement systems that provide fair and adequate

  9  benefits that are managed, administered, and funded in an

10  actuarially sound manner, as required by section 14, Article X

11  of the State Constitution and part VII of chapter 112, Florida

12  Statutes. Therefore, the Legislature determines and declares

13  that this act fulfills an important state interest.

14         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.


16            *****************************************

17                          SENATE SUMMARY

18    Changes the "average final compensation" for purposes of
      calculating the benefit under the Florida Retirement
19    System from the average of the best 5 years to the
      average of the best 3 years. Provides for vesting after 5
20    years of creditable service.













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