House Bill hb0799er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2001 Legislature                                        HB 799


  2         An act relating to the Barron Water Control

  3         District, an independent special district in

  4         Glades County and Hendry County, codifying the

  5         District's charter pursuant to section 189.429,

  6         Florida Statutes; providing legislative intent;

  7         amending, codifying, and reenacting the special

  8         laws relating to the Barron Water Control

  9         District as a single act; declaring the status

10         of the District; providing for the corporate

11         life of the District and the term of office of

12         the supervisors of the District; repealing

13         chapters 84-436 and 2000-416, Laws of Florida;

14         providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida

19  Statutes, this act constitutes the codification of all special

20  acts relating to the Barron Water Control District. It is the

21  intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a

22  single, comprehensive special act charter for the District

23  including all current legislative authority granted to the

24  District by its several legislative enactments and any

25  additional authority granted by this act. It is further the

26  intent of this act to preserve all District authority in

27  addition to any authority contained in chapter 298, Florida

28  Statutes, as amended from time to time.

29         Section 2.  Chapters 84-436 and 2000-416, Laws of

30  Florida, relating to the Barron Water Control District, are

31  amended, codified, reenacted, and repealed as herein provided.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2001 Legislature                                        HB 799

  1         Section 3.  The charter for the Barron Water Control

  2  District is re-created and reenacted to read:

  3         Section 1.  Status of Barron Water Control

  4  District.--The Barron Water Control District is an independent

  5  special district authorized by chapter 298, Florida Statutes,

  6  created by the "Order Granting Petition for the Formation of a

  7  Water Management [sic] District," entered on May 8, 1975, by

  8  the Circuit Court of the 20th Judicial Circuit in and for

  9  Hendry County, in Case No. 72-197, styled "In Re: Barron Water

10  Management District," and the modification provided by this

11  codification.

12         Section 2.  Charter of Barron Water Control

13  District.--The Charter of the Barron Water Control District is

14  provided by chapter 298, Florida Statutes, and by this act,

15  and, to the extent it is not inconsistent with this act and

16  chapter 298, Florida Statutes, or to the extent the

17  inconsistency is allowed by this act or chapter 298, Florida

18  Statutes, by the "Order Granting Petition for the Formation of

19  Water Management [sic] District," entered on May 8, 1975, by

20  the Circuit Court of the 20th Judicial Circuit in and for

21  Hendry County, in Case No. 72-197, styled "In Re: Barron Water

22  Management District."

23         Section 3.a.  The Barron Water Control District of

24  Glades and Hendry Counties shall cease to exist at midnight

25  September 30, 2020.

26         b.  The terms of office of the supervisors of the

27  Barron Water Control District shall be changed so as to change

28  to the month of January the time for the annual meeting of the

29  landowners of the Barron Water Control District. In all other

30  respects, the procedures and requirements pertaining to said



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    2001 Legislature                                        HB 799

  1  annual landowners' meeting shall be as prescribed by chapter

  2  298, Florida Statutes.

  3         Section 4.  If any provision of this act or the

  4  application thereof to any person or circumstance is held

  5  invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or

  6  applications of the act which can be given effect without the

  7  invalid provision or application, and to this end the

  8  provisions of this act are declared severable.

  9         Section 5.  This act shall be construed as a remedial

10  act and shall be liberally construed to promote the purpose

11  for which it is intended.

12         Section 6.  Chapters 84-436 and 2000-416, Laws of

13  Florida, are repealed.

14         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

15  law.


















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.