House Bill hb0803

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 803

        By Representative Negron

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to physician collective

  3         negotiations; providing legislative findings;

  4         providing definitions; authorizing competing

  5         physicians within a health plan service area to

  6         meet and communicate for collective negotiation

  7         of certain contract terms and conditions;

  8         providing a prohibition; providing an

  9         exception; imposing criteria on such collective

10         negotiations; providing requirements for

11         physicians' representatives; providing duties

12         of the Department of Insurance; providing for

13         antitrust application; providing an effective

14         date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Physician collective negotiations.--

19         (1)  The Legislature finds that collective negotiation

20  by competing physicians of certain terms and conditions of

21  contracts with health plans will result in procompetitive

22  effects in the absence of any express or implied threat of

23  retaliatory collective action by physicians, such as a boycott

24  or strike.  Although the Legislature finds that collective

25  negotiations over fee-related terms may in some circumstances

26  yield anticompetitive effects, the Legislature also recognizes

27  that there are instances in which health plans dominate the

28  market to such a degree that fair negotiations between

29  physicians and health plans are unobtainable absent any

30  collective action on behalf of physicians.  In these

31  instances, health plans have the ability to virtually dictate


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 803


  1  the terms of the contracts they offer physicians.

  2  Consequently, the Legislature finds it appropriate and

  3  necessary to authorize collective negotiations over

  4  fee-related and other issues when such imbalances exist.

  5         (2)  For purposes of this act:

  6         (a)  "Health plan" means any health maintenance

  7  organization as defined in s. 641.19, Florida Statutes, or any

  8  prepaid health clinic as defined in s. 641.402, Florida

  9  Statutes.

10         (b)  "Department" means the Department of Insurance.

11         (c)  "Person" means an individual, association, or

12  corporation, or any other legal entity.

13         (d)  "Physicians' representative" means a third party,

14  including a member of the physicians' group who will engage in

15  joint negotiations, who is authorized by physicians to

16  negotiate on their behalf with health benefit plans over

17  contractual terms and conditions affecting those physicians.

18         (3)  Competing physicians within the service area of a

19  health plan may meet and communicate for the purpose of

20  collectively negotiating the following terms and conditions of

21  contracts with the health plan:

22         (a)  Practices and procedures to assess and improve the

23  delivery of effective, cost-efficient preventive health care

24  services, including, but not limited to, childhood

25  immunizations, prenatal care, mammograms, and other cancer

26  screening tests or procedures.

27         (b)  Practices and procedures to encourage early

28  detection and effective, cost-efficient management of diseases

29  and illnesses in children.

30         (c)  Practices and procedures to assess and improve the

31  delivery of women's medical and health care, including, but


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  1  not limited to, care associated with menopause and

  2  osteoporosis.

  3         (d)  Clinical criteria for effective, cost-efficient

  4  disease management programs, including, but not limited to,

  5  programs associated with diabetes, asthma, and cardiovascular

  6  disease.

  7         (e)  Practices and procedures to encourage and promote

  8  patient education and treatment compliance, including, but not

  9  limited to, parental involvement in children's health care.

10         (f)  Practices and procedures to identify, correct, and

11  prevent potentially fraudulent activities.

12         (g)  Practices and procedures for the effective,

13  cost-efficient use of outpatient surgery.

14         (h)  Clinical practice guidelines and coverage

15  criteria.

16         (i)  Respective physician and health plan liability for

17  the treatment or lack of treatment of health plan enrollees.

18         (j)  Administrative procedures, including methods and

19  timing of physician payment for services.

20         (k)  Dispute resolution procedures relating to disputes

21  between health plans and physicians.

22         (l)  Patient referral procedures.

23         (m)  Formulation and application of reimbursement

24  methodology.

25         (n)  Quality assurance programs.

26         (o)  Health service utilization review procedures.

27         (p)  Health plan physician selection and termination

28  criteria or whether to engage in selective contracting.

29         (q)  The inclusion or alteration of terms and

30  conditions to the extent they are the subject of government

31  regulation prohibiting or requiring the particular term or


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  1  condition in question; however, such restriction does not

  2  limit physician rights to collectively petition government for

  3  a change in such regulation. Nothing in this paragraph shall

  4  be construed to allow a boycott.

  5         (4)  Except as provided in subsection (5), competing

  6  physicians shall not meet and communicate for the purposes of

  7  collectively negotiating the following terms and conditions of

  8  contracts with health plans:

  9         (a)  The fees or prices for services, including those

10  arrived at by applying any reimbursement methodology

11  procedures.

12         (b)  The conversion factors in a resource-based

13  relative value scale reimbursement methodology or similar

14  methodologies.

15         (c)  The amount of any discount on the price of

16  services to be rendered by physicians.

17         (d)  The dollar amount of capitation or fixed payment

18  for health services rendered by physicians to health plan

19  enrollees.

20         (5)  Competing physicians within the service area of a

21  health plan may collectively negotiate the terms and

22  conditions specified in subsection (4) if the health plan has

23  substantial market power. Substantial market power is deemed

24  to exist if the health plan's market share exceeds 15 percent,

25  as measured by:

26         (a)  The number of covered lives as reported by the

27  Insurance Commissioner; or

28         (b)  The actual number of consumers of prepaid

29  comprehensive health services.




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  1  Substantial market power is also deemed to exist if a health

  2  plan's market share exceeds 15 percent within a particular

  3  market segment, broken down into the Medicare, Medicaid,

  4  commercial managed care, and health maintenance organization

  5  market segments.

  6         (6)  Competing physicians' exercise of collective

  7  negotiation rights granted by subsections (3) and (5) shall

  8  conform to the following criteria:

  9         (a)  Physicians may communicate with each other with

10  respect to the contractual terms and conditions to be

11  negotiated with a health plan.

12         (b)  Physicians may communicate with a physicians'

13  representative who is authorized to negotiate on their behalf

14  with health plans over such contractual terms and conditions.

15         (c)  The physicians' representative is the sole party

16  authorized to negotiate with health plans on behalf of the

17  physicians as a group.

18         (d)  Physicians may be bound by the terms and

19  conditions negotiated by the physicians' representative

20  authorized to represent their interests.

21         (e)  Health plans communicating or negotiating with the

22  physicians' representative shall remain free to contract with

23  or offer different contract terms and conditions to individual

24  competing physicians.

25         (f)  The physicians' representative shall not represent

26  more than 30 percent of the market of practicing physicians

27  for the provision of services or a particular physician type

28  or specialty in the service area or proposed service area of a

29  health plan with less than 5 percent of the market, as

30  measured by:



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  1         1.  The number of covered lives as reported by the

  2  Insurance Commissioner; or

  3         2.  The actual number of consumers of prepaid

  4  comprehensive health services.

  5         (g)  The physicians' representative shall comply with

  6  the provisions of subsection (7).

  7         (7)  Any person or organization proposing to act or

  8  acting as a physicians' representative for the purpose of

  9  exercising authority granted under this act shall comply with

10  the following requirements:

11         (a)  Before engaging in any collective negotiations

12  with health plans on behalf of competing physicians, the

13  representative shall file with the department information

14  identifying the representative, the representative's plan of

15  operation, and the representative's procedures to ensure

16  compliance with this section.

17         (b)  Before engaging in any collective negotiations

18  with health plans on behalf of competing physicians, the

19  representative shall provide to the department a report

20  identifying the proposed subject matter of the negotiations or

21  discussions with health plans and the efficiencies or benefits

22  expected to be achieved by such negotiations.  The department

23  shall approve or disapprove the negotiations proposed in the

24  report. The department shall withhold approval if the proposed

25  negotiations would exceed the authority granted under this

26  act. The representative shall supplement the report to the

27  department as new information becomes available that indicates

28  that the subject matter of the negotiations with the health

29  plan has changed or will change.

30         (c)  Within 14 days after a health plan decision

31  declining negotiation, terminating negotiation, or failing to


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  1  respond to a request for negotiation, the representative shall

  2  report to the department that negotiations have ceased.

  3         (d)  Before reporting the results of negotiations with

  4  a health plan and before giving physicians an evaluation of

  5  any offer made by a health plan, the representative shall

  6  furnish for the department's approval, prior to dissemination

  7  to physicians, a copy of all communications to be made to

  8  physicians related to negotiations, discussions, and health

  9  plan offers.

10         (8)  With the advice of the Attorney General, the

11  department shall, within 30 days after the report required in

12  paragraph (7)(b) is filed, either approve or disapprove the

13  negotiations proposed in the report.  If the department

14  disapproves the negotiations, the department shall furnish to

15  the physicians' representative a written explanation of any

16  deficiencies along with a statement of specific remedial

17  measures through which such deficiencies could be corrected.

18  A physicians' representative who conducts negotiations

19  proposed in the report without the department's approval is

20  deemed to act outside the authority granted under this act.

21         (9)  Nothing contained in this act is intended to

22  authorize competing physicians to act in concert in response

23  to a report issued by the physicians' representative related

24  to the representative's discussions or negotiations with

25  health plans.  The physicians' representative shall advise

26  physicians of the provisions of this subsection and shall warn

27  physicians of the potential for legal action against

28  physicians who violate state or federal antitrust laws by

29  exceeding the authority granted under this act.

30         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2001.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 803


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Authorizes competing physicians within a health plan
  4    service area to meet and communicate for collective
      negotiation of contract terms and conditions. Imposes
  5    criteria on such collective negotiations. Provides
      requirements for physicians' representatives. See bill
  6    for details.



























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