House Bill hb0829

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 829

        By Representative Ritter

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Broward County; extending

  3         the corporate limits of the Town of

  4         Lauderdale-By-The-Sea; amending chapter 99-465,

  5         Laws of Florida; providing for an interlocal

  6         agreement between Broward County and the Town

  7         of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea; providing for the

  8         effective date of annexation; providing an

  9         effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  The present corporate limits of the Town of

14  Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, Broward County, Florida, are hereby

15  extended and enlarged effective August 15, 2001, so as to

16  include, in addition to the territory presently within its

17  corporate limits, the area particularly described as follows:


19         Part #1 (south area):


21         Beginning at the point of intersection of the

22         south boundary line of Section 18, Township 49

23         South, Range 43 East with the ordinary low

24         watermark of the Atlantic Ocean, the POINT OF

25         BEGINNING for Part #1;


27         THENCE in a northerly direction along said

28         ordinary low watermark of the Atlantic Ocean to

29         the point of intersection of said ordinary low

30         watermark with the north boundary line of

31         Section 18, Township 49 South, Range 43 East;


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 829



  2         THENCE in a westerly direction along said north

  3         boundary line of Section 18, Township 49 South,

  4         Range 43 East to the point of intersection of

  5         said north boundary line with the shore line of

  6         the Atlantic Ocean;


  8         THENCE in a northerly direction along said

  9         shore line of the Atlantic Ocean to the point

10         of intersection of said shore line with a line

11         located one hundred eighty (180) feet north of

12         and parallel to the south line of the North

13         One-Half (N 1/2) of the Southeast One-Quarter

14         (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49 South, Range

15         43 East;


17         THENCE in an easterly direction along said line

18         located one hundred eighty (180) feet north of

19         and parallel to the south line of the North

20         One-Half (N 1/2) of the Southeast One-Quarter

21         (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49 South, Range

22         43 East and continuing along an easterly

23         extension of said parallel line to the point of

24         intersection of said extended parallel line

25         with the eastern boundary line of the State of

26         Florida;


28         THENCE in a southerly direction along said

29         eastern boundary line of the State of Florida

30         to the point of intersection of said boundary

31         line with an easterly extension of the south


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 829


  1         boundary line of Section 18, Township 49 South,

  2         Range 43 East;


  4         THENCE in a westerly direction along said

  5         easterly extension of the south boundary line

  6         of Section 18, Township 49 South, Range 43 East

  7         and continuing along said south boundary line

  8         to the point of intersection of said south

  9         boundary line with the ordinary low watermark

10         of the Atlantic Ocean, the POINT OF BEGINNING

11         for Part #1;


13         TOGETHER WITH


15         Legal Description (in two parts) and Sketch


17         for the Proposed Annexation into the Town of

18         Lauderdale-By-The-Sea


20         of the Two Areas of the Atlantic Ocean


22         Located East of the Present Boundary


24         of the Town of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea

25         (continued)


27         Part #2 (north area):


29         Beginning at the point of intersection of a

30         line located three hundred and eighty (380)

31         feet north of and parallel to the south line of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 829


  1         the North One-Half (N 1/2) of the Southeast

  2         One-Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49

  3         South, Range 43 East with the shore line of the

  4         Atlantic Ocean, the POINT OF BEGINNING for Part

  5         #2;


  7         THENCE in a northerly direction along said

  8         shore line of the Atlantic Ocean to the point

  9         of intersection of said shore line with an

10         easterly extension of a line located eight

11         hundred and fifty (850) feet south of and

12         parallel to the north line of the Southeast

13         One-Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 6, Township 49

14         South, Range 43 East;


16         THENCE in an easterly direction along said

17         easterly extension of a line located eight

18         hundred and fifty (850) feet south of and

19         parallel to the north line of the Southeast

20         One-Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 6, Township 49

21         South, Range 43 East to the point of

22         intersection of said extended parallel line

23         with the eastern boundary line of the State of

24         Florida;


26         THENCE in a southerly direction along said

27         eastern boundary line of the State of Florida

28         to the point of intersection of said boundary

29         line with an easterly extension of a line

30         located three hundred and eighty (380) feet

31         north of and parallel to the south line of the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 829


  1         North One-Half (N 1/2) of the Southeast

  2         One-Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49

  3         South, Range 43 East;


  5         THENCE in a westerly direction along said

  6         easterly extension of a line located three

  7         hundred and eighty (380) feet north of and

  8         parallel to the south line of the North

  9         One-Half (N 1/2) of the Southeast One-Quarter

10         (SE 1/4) of Section 7, Township 49 South, Range

11         43 East and continuing along said parallel line

12         to the point of intersection of said parallel

13         line with the shore line of the Atlantic Ocean,

14         the POINT OF BEGINNING for Part #2.


16         Section 2.  Pursuant to a majority vote as provided for

17  in chapter 99-465, Laws of Florida, the effective date of the

18  annexation of the Intracoastal Beach Area of unincorporated

19  Broward County into the Town of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea shall be

20  August 15, 2001.

21         Section 3.  Notwithstanding the provisions of ss.

22  186.901 and 218.26, Florida Statutes, to the contrary, for all

23  purposes under state law the calculation of the total

24  population census of the Town of Lauderdale-By-the-Sea,

25  beginning with fiscal year 2001, shall include all of the

26  residents of the Intracoastal Beach Area of unincorporated

27  Broward County, added as a result of chapter 99-465, Laws of

28  Florida.

29         Section 4.  An interlocal agreement shall be developed

30  between the governing bodies of Broward County and the Town of

31  Lauderdale-By-The-Sea regarding the annexation provided for in


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 829


  1  chapter 99-465, Laws of Florida, and shall be executed prior

  2  to August 15, 2001. The agreement shall include a financially

  3  feasible plan for transitioning county services, buildings,

  4  infrastructure, waterways, roads and rights-of-way, and

  5  employees, including any provisions to jointly fund programmed

  6  infrastructure improvements provided that the Town of

  7  Lauderdale-By-The-Sea is not limited in its ability to receive

  8  anticipated utility taxes, utility franchise fees, or other

  9  franchise fees.

10         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

11  law.






















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.