House Bill hb0837

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 837

        By Representative Ritter

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Sunshine Drainage

  3         District, in Broward County, amending chapter

  4         63-609, Laws of Florida, in order to provide

  5         for the creation of a board of supervisors

  6         separate from the provisions of ch. 298, F.S.,

  7         to create a five-member board; providing for

  8         elections by electors residing within the

  9         district; providing for the appointment of a

10         Coral Springs City Commissioner as a board

11         member; providing for the establishment of

12         regular and special board meetings; providing

13         for a quorum; providing for severability of the

14         provisions of the act; providing that the act

15         shall take precedence over any conflicting law

16         to the extent of such conflict; providing an

17         effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Section 2 of chapter 63-609, Laws of

22  Florida, is amended to read:

23         Section 2.  Provisions of Chapter 298, Florida

24  Statutes, Made Applicable.   The Sunshine Drainage District, a

25  public corporation of this state, created under Chapter 298,

26  Florida Statutes, shall be governed by provisions of the

27  general drainage laws of Florida applicable to drainage

28  districts or sub-drainage districts which are embodied in

29  Chapter 298, Florida Statutes, and all of the laws amendatory

30  thereof, now existing or hereinafter enacted, so far as not

31  inconsistent with this act or any subsequent special acts


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 837


  1  relating to Sunshine Drainage District except those portions

  2  of sections 198.14, 298.11, and 298.12, Florida Statutes,

  3  pertaining to how the members of the board of supervisors are

  4  elected and to board of supervisors meetings, which shall be

  5  as provided for herein. In lieu thereof, the following

  6  provisions shall apply to the district:.

  7         (1)  The board of supervisors shall consist of four

  8  elected members and one member who shall be a City

  9  Commissioner for the City of Coral Springs. The four

10  candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast at a

11  special election conducted by the Supervisor of Elections

12  shall be elected to the board. Elected members of the board of

13  supervisors shall be residents of the district. The City

14  Commissioner shall be selected by a majority vote of the City

15  Commission or a designee may be substituted for the City

16  Commissioner also to be selected by a majority vote of the

17  City Commission.

18         (2)  Commencing upon the expiration of the terms of the

19  existing board members, all subsequent board members shall

20  meet the requirements provided for herein and shall be elected

21  as provided for herein. Existing board members' terms shall be

22  extended to November of the year in which their term expires.

23  In November 2001, the two new board members shall be selected

24  or elected as provided for herein. Board members to be elected

25  shall be elected at an election conducted by the Supervisor of

26  Elections on the first Tuesday in November of the year when

27  the board member's term expires. The costs of such elections

28  shall be paid for by the district.

29         (3)  The board shall establish a regular meeting date

30  each month and shall meet no less than one time each month.

31  However, the board may decide by majority vote to take 1 month


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 837


  1  off from meetings each year for a vacation. Meetings of the

  2  board shall be held in a public place, and shall be held in

  3  accordance with the requirements of chapter 286, Florida

  4  Statutes. A majority of the members of the board of

  5  supervisors shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the

  6  board may be called at any time to receive reports of the

  7  board or for such other purposes as the board may determine

  8  upon 24 hours' notice to board members and to the public by

  9  posting at the district office at a public location set aside

10  for notice purposes.

11         Section 2.  In case any one or more of the sections or

12  provisions of this act or the application of such sections or

13  provisions to any situation, circumstance, or person shall for

14  any reason be held to be unconstitutional, such

15  unconstitutionality shall not affect any other sections or

16  provisions of this act or the applications of such sections or

17  provisions to any other situation, circumstance, or person,

18  and it is intended that this law shall be construed and

19  applied as if such section or provision had not been included

20  herein for any unconstitutional application.

21         Section 3.  In the event of a conflict between the

22  provisions of this act and the provisions of any other act,

23  the provisions of this act shall control to the extent of such

24  conflict.

25         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

26  law.







CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.