House Bill hb0861

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 861

        By Representative Harper

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Palm Beach County; providing

  3         for codification of special laws regarding

  4         special districts pursuant to s. 189.429, F.S.,

  5         relating to Shawano Water Control District, a

  6         special tax district in Palm Beach County;

  7         providing legislative intent; codifying,

  8         repealing, amending, and reenacting special

  9         acts relating to the district; providing

10         district status and boundaries; providing for

11         applicability of chapters 298 and 189, Florida

12         Statutes, and other general laws; providing a

13         district charter; providing for ratification of

14         prior acts; providing for liberal construction;

15         providing a saving clause in the event any

16         provision of the act is deemed invalid;

17         providing an effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida

22  Statutes, this act constitutes the codification of all special

23  acts relating to the Shawano Water Control District. It is the

24  intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a

25  single, comprehensive special act charter for the district,

26  including all current legislative authority granted to the

27  district by its several legislative enactments and any

28  additional authority granted by this act.

29         Section 2.  Chapters 11864 (1927), 13579 (1929), 24254

30  (1947), 25328 (1949), 28406 (1953), 57-488, and 63-863, Laws

31  of Florida, relating to the Shawano Water Control District,


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  1  are codified, reenacted, amended, and repealed as herein

  2  provided.

  3         Section 3.  The charter for the Shawano Water Control

  4  District is re-created and reenacted to read:

  5         Section 1.  Status and boundaries of Shawano Water

  6  Control District.--The Shawano Water Control District is

  7  hereby declared to be an independent water control district

  8  and a public corporation of the State of Florida pursuant to

  9  chapter 298, Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time

10  to time, and the lands lying within the area described as

11  follows in Palm Beach County, Florida, shall hereby constitute

12  the Shawano Water Control District:


14         Beginning at the northeast corner of Section

15         Five (5), Township Forty-five (45) South, Range

16         Thirty-Nine (39) East; thence run west along

17         the township line between Townships Forty-four

18         (44) and Forty-five (45) south to the

19         intersection of the north boundary of Township

20         Forty-five (45), Range Thirty-eight (38) East

21         with the center line of the Hillsboro Canal;

22         thence southeasterly along the center line of

23         said Hillsboro Canal to the intersection of

24         Hillsboro Canal with the south boundary of

25         Section Thirteen (13), Township Forty-five (45)

26         South, Range Thirty-eight (38) East;


28         Thence west along the center of said Township

29         Forty-five (45) South, Range Thirty-eight (38)

30         East to the southwest corner of Section



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  1         Eighteen (18), Township Forty-five (45) South,

  2         Range Thirty-eight (38) East;


  4         Thence south along the range line between

  5         Ranges Thirty-seven (37) and Thirty-eight (38)

  6         East to the southwest corner of Township

  7         Forty-five (45) South, Range Thirty-eight (38)

  8         East;


10         Thence continuing south across the hiatus

11         between Townships Forty-five (45) and Forty-six

12         (46) South to the northwest corner of Township

13         Forty-six (46) South, Range Thirty-eight (38)

14         East;


16         Thence continuing south along the range line

17         between Ranges Thirty-seven (37) and

18         Thirty-eight (38) East, to the southwest corner

19         of Section Seven (7), Township Forty-six (46)

20         South, Range Thirty-eight (38) East;


22         Thence East along the south boundary of

23         Sections Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9) to

24         the southeast corner of Section Nine (9),

25         Township Forty-six (46) South, Range

26         Thirty-eight (38) East;


28         Thence south along the west boundary of

29         Sections Fifteen (15), Twenty-two (22),

30         Twenty-seven (27) and Thirty-four (34) to the

31         southwest corner of Section Thirty-four (34)


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  1         Township Forty-six (46) South, Range

  2         Thirty-eight (38) East;


  4         Then east along the township line between

  5         Townships Forty-six (46) and Forty-seven (47)

  6         South, to the intersection of said township

  7         line with the center line of the Hillsboro

  8         Canal located in Range Forty (40) East;


10         Thence along said center line of Hillsboro

11         Canal northwestwardly to the intersection of

12         said center line with the range line between

13         ranges Thirty-nine(39) and Forty (40) East;


15         Thence north along the range line between

16         Ranges Thirty-nine (39) and Forty (40) East, to

17         the northeast corner of Township Forty-six (46)

18         South, Range Thirty-nine (39) East;


20         Thence continuing north across the hiatus

21         between Townships Forty-five (45) and Forty-six

22         (46) South, to the southeast corner of Township

23         Forty-five (45) South, Range Thirty-nine (39)

24         East;


26         Thence continuing north along the range line

27         between Ranges Thirty-nine (39) and Forty (40)

28         East, to the northeast corner of Section

29         Twenty-four (24), Township Forty-five (45)

30         South, Range Thirty-nine (39) East;



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  1         Thence west along the north boundary of

  2         Sections Twenty-four (24), Twenty-three (23),

  3         Twenty-two (22) and Twenty-one (21), to the

  4         northwest corner of Section Twenty-one (21),

  5         Township Forty-five (45) South, Range

  6         Thirty-nine (39) East;


  8         Thence north along the east boundary of

  9         Sections Seventeen (17), Eight (8) and Five (5)

10         to the northeast corner of Section Five (5),

11         Township Forty-five (45) South, Range

12         Thirty-nine (39) East, being the point of

13         beginning as above described.


15                           and


17         Those parts of Sections Thirteen (13) and

18         Fourteen (14) lying South and West of Hillsboro

19         Canal, all in Township 45 South, Range 38 East,

20         containing approximately 672 acres.


22                           and


24         Section Fifteen (15), Township 45 South, Range

25         38 East; and all of Sections Four (4), Nine

26         (9), and Sixteen (16), Township 45 South, Range

27         39 East.


29                           and




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  1         The following described lands shall be, and the same

  2  are hereby, detached and excluded from the boundaries of

  3  Shawano Water Control District:


  5         Lands in Palm Beach County described as

  6         follows:


  8         Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,

  9         21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, Township 46

10         South, Range 38 East.


12         That part of Sections 30 and 31 lying South and

13         West of Hillsboro Canal in Township 46 South,

14         Range 40 East.


16         A tract of land bounded as follows:

17         Bounded on the North by the North line of

18         Sections 22, 23 and 24, Township 45 South,

19         Range 39 East, bounded on the East by the range

20         line between Ranges 39 and 40 East, bounded on

21         the South by the Township line between

22         Townships 46 and 47 South, and bounded on the

23         west by the Westerly limits of the right-of-way

24         of Levee L-6, one of the works of the plan of

25         flood control for Central and Southern Florida.


27                           and


29         Lands in Palm Beach County described as

30         follows:



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  1         Sections 25, 26, 34, 35 and 36, Township 46

  2         South, Range 38 East.


  4         That part of Sections 30 and 31 lying North and

  5         West of Levee L-6, one of the works of the Plan

  6         of Flood Control for Central and Southern

  7         Florida Flood Control District, Township 46

  8         South, Range 39 East.


10         That part of Sections 31 and 32 lying North and

11         East of Hillsboro Canal and all of Section 33,

12         Township 45 South, Range 39 East.


14         That part of Hiatus Lots 4 and 5 lying North

15         and East of Hillsboro Canal, Township 45/46

16         South, Range 39 East.


18         That part of Section 4 lying North and East of

19         Hillsboro Canal, Township 46 South, Range 39

20         East.


22                           and


24         Lands in Palm Beach County described as

25         follows:


27         All of Section 24 in Township 45 South, Range

28         38 East, lying North and East of Hillsboro

29         Canal.




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  1         All of Section 19 in Township 45 South, Range

  2         39 East, lying North and East of Hillsboro

  3         Canal.


  5         All of Sections 20 and 21, Township 45 South,

  6         Range 39 East.


  8                           and


10         Lands in Palm Beach County described as

11         follows:


13         Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, Township 45

14         South, Range 38 East; Hiatus Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

15         and 6 between Townships 45 and 46 South, Range

16         38 East; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12,

17         13, 14, 15, 22, 23 and 24, Township 46 South,

18         Range 38 East; All of Sections 31 and 32, South

19         and West of the Hillsboro Canal, Township 45

20         South, Range 39 East; All of Hiatus Lots 4 and

21         5 South and West of the Hillsboro Canal and all

22         of Hiatus Lot 6 between Townships 45 and 46

23         South, Range 39 East; All of Section 4 South

24         and West of Hillsboro Canal and North and West

25         of L-6; all of Sections 6, 7, 8 and 18, that

26         part of Sections 9, 17, 19 and 20 North and

27         West of L-6, all in Township 46 South, Range 39

28         East.


30         Section 2.  Powers of the District.--Said District

31  shall have the power to sue and be sued by its name in any


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  1  court of law or in equity, to make contracts, to adopt and use

  2  a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; to acquire

  3  by purchase, gift, or condemnation real and personal property,

  4  either or both, within or without the District, and to convey

  5  and dispose of such real and personal property, either or

  6  both, as may be necessary or convenient to carry out the

  7  purposes, or any of the purposes, of this Act; to construct,

  8  operate, and maintain canals, ditches, drains, levees, and

  9  other works for drainage purposes; to acquire, purchase,

10  operate, and maintain pumps, plants, and pumping systems for

11  drainage purposes; to construct, operate, and maintain

12  irrigation works, machinery, and plants; to construct,

13  improve, pave, and maintain roadways and roads necessary and

14  convenient for the exercise of the powers or duties or any of

15  the powers or duties of said District or the Supervisors

16  thereof; to borrow money and issue negotiable or other bonds

17  of said District as hereinafter provided; to borrow money,

18  from time to time, and issue negotiable or other notes of said

19  District therefor, bearing interest at not exceeding 8 percent

20  per annum, in anticipation of the collection of taxes, levies,

21  and assessments or revenues of said District, and to pledge or

22  hypothecate such taxes, levies, assessments, and revenues to

23  secure such bonds, notes, or obligations, and to sell,

24  discount, negotiate, and dispose of the same; and to exercise

25  all other powers necessary, convenient, or proper in

26  connection with any of the powers or duties of said District

27  stated in this Act. The powers and duties of said District

28  shall be exercised by and through the Board of Supervisors

29  thereof, which Board shall have the authority to employ

30  engineers, attorneys, agents, employees, and representatives



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  1  as the Board of Supervisors may from time to time determine,

  2  and to fix their compensation and duties.

  3         Section 3.  Board of Supervisors; election,

  4  organization, powers, duties, and terms of office.--There is

  5  hereby created a Board of Supervisors of Shawano Water Control

  6  District which shall be the governing body of said District.

  7  Said Board of Supervisors shall consist of three persons, who,

  8  except as herein otherwise provided, shall hold office for the

  9  term of 3 years and until their successors shall be duly

10  elected and qualified. The first Board of Supervisors of said

11  District shall be composed of three persons; one of whom shall

12  hold office for 4 years from July 1 A.D. 1927, one of whom

13  shall hold office for 3 years from July 1 A.D. 1927, and one

14  of whom shall hold office for 2 years from July 1 A.D. 1927.

15  Within 30 days after this Act becomes a law, the Clerk of the

16  Circuit Court of Palm Beach County shall call a special

17  meeting of landowners of Shawano Water Control District for

18  the purpose of electing the first Board of Supervisors for

19  Shawano Water Control District as herein provided. Notice of

20  such special meeting of landowners shall be given by said

21  Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County by causing

22  publication thereof to be made once a week for 2 consecutive

23  weeks prior to such meeting, in some newspaper published in

24  Palm Beach County. Such special meeting of landowners shall be

25  held in some public place in Palm Beach County, and the place,

26  date, and hour of holding such meeting and the purpose thereof

27  shall be stated in the notice. The landowners when assembled

28  shall organize by electing a chair, who shall preside at the

29  meeting, and a secretary thereof. At such meeting, each and

30  every acre of land in the District shall represent one share

31  and each owner shall be entitled to one vote by person or by


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  1  written proxy for every acre of land owned by him or her in

  2  the District. The landowners shall first vote for the

  3  Supervisor who is to hold office for the term of 4 years as

  4  hereinbefore provided, and the person receiving the highest

  5  number of votes for such Supervisor shall be declared and

  6  elected as such Supervisor. Said landowners shall next vote

  7  for the Supervisor who is to hold office for the term of 3

  8  years as hereinbefore provided, and the person receiving the

  9  highest number of votes for such Supervisor shall be declared

10  and elected as such Supervisor. Said landowners shall next

11  vote for the Supervisor who is to hold office for the term of

12  2 years as hereinbefore provided, and the person receiving the

13  highest number of votes for such Supervisor shall be declared

14  and elected as such Supervisor.

15         Each year during the month of June, beginning with the

16  month of June A.D. 1929, a Supervisor shall be elected, as

17  hereinafter provided, by the landowners of said District to

18  take the place of the retiring Supervisor. All vacancies or

19  expirations on said Board shall be filled as required by this

20  Act. The Supervisors of said Shawano Water Control District

21  need not be residents of said District or of the State of

22  Florida, and they may or may not be owners of lands or

23  property within said District. In case of a vacancy in the

24  office of any Supervisor, the remaining Supervisors may fill

25  such vacancy until the next annual meeting of the landowners,

26  when his or her successor shall be elected by the landowners

27  for the unexpired term. As soon as practicable after their

28  election, the Board of Supervisors of said District shall

29  organize by choosing one of their number president of said

30  Board of Supervisors and by electing some suitable person

31  secretary, who may or may not be a member of said Board. The


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  1  secretary shall be required to execute bond for the faithful

  2  performance of his or her duties in such penal amount as the

  3  Board may determine. The Board of Supervisors shall adopt a

  4  seal which shall be the seal of said District. At each annual

  5  meeting of the landowners of the District, the Board of

  6  Supervisors shall report all work undertaken or completed

  7  during the preceding year, and the status of the finances of

  8  the District.

  9         All Supervisors shall hold office until their

10  successors shall be elected and qualified. Whenever any

11  election shall be authorized or required by this Act to be

12  held by the landowners at any particular or stated time or

13  day, and if for any reason such election shall not or cannot

14  be held at such time or on such day, then in such event and in

15  all and every such event, the power or duty to hold such

16  election shall not cease or lapse, but such election shall be

17  held thereafter as soon as practicable and consistent with

18  this Act.

19         Section 4.  Supervisors to take oath.--Each Supervisor

20  before entering upon his or her official duties shall take and

21  subscribe to an oath before some officer authorized by law to

22  administer oaths, that he or she will honestly, faithfully,

23  and impartially perform the duties devolving upon him or her

24  in office as Supervisor of the Shawano Water Control District

25  to which he or she was elected or appointed, and that he or

26  she will not neglect any of the duties imposed upon him or her

27  by this Act.

28         Section 5.  Compensation of board.--Each Supervisor

29  shall be paid for his or her services a per diem of $10 for

30  each day actually engaged in work pertaining to the said

31  District; but the said Supervisors shall not in any 1 month be


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  1  paid more than $100 each, except that in addition to the said

  2  per diem, they shall be paid 10 cents per mile for each mile

  3  actually traveled in going to and from their place of

  4  residence to the place of meeting.

  5         Section 6.  Meetings of landowners; election of

  6  supervisors.--Each year during the month of June, beginning

  7  with the month of June in the year 1929, a meeting of the

  8  landowners of said District shall be held for the purpose of

  9  electing a Supervisor to take the place of the retiring

10  Supervisor, and hearing reports of the Board of Supervisors,

11  provided, however, that a meeting of the landowners shall be

12  held during the month of June 1928 for the purpose of

13  receiving reports of the Board of Supervisors and considering

14  any matters upon which the Board of Supervisors may request

15  the advice and views of the landowners. The Board of

16  Supervisors shall have the power to call special meetings of

17  the landowners at any time to receive reports of the Board of

18  Supervisors or consider and act upon any matter upon which the

19  Board of Supervisors may request advice. Notice of all

20  meetings of the landowners shall be given by the Board of

21  Supervisors by causing publication thereof to be made for 2

22  consecutive weeks prior to such meeting in some newspaper

23  published in Palm Beach County. The meetings of the landowners

24  shall be held in some public place in said County, and the

25  place, day, and hour of holding such meetings shall be stated

26  in the notice. The landowners when assembled shall organize by

27  electing a chair who shall preside at the meeting. The

28  secretary of the Board of Supervisors shall be the secretary

29  of such meeting. At all such meetings each and every acre of

30  land in the District shall represent one share, and each owner

31  shall be entitled to one vote in person or by written proxy


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  1  for every acre of land owned by him or her in the District.

  2  The person receiving the highest number of votes for

  3  Supervisor shall be declared and elected as such Supervisor. A

  4  majority of the number of acres in the District shall

  5  constitute a quorum at any meeting of the landowners. If no

  6  quorum is present or represented at such meeting at the time

  7  and place the same is called to be held, the landowners

  8  present and represented, although less than a quorum, may

  9  adjourn from day to day for not exceeding 1 week, and if at

10  the expiration of such period of 1 week, after such successive

11  adjournments, no quorum is present, then a majority in acreage

12  of the landowners present and represented, although

13  constituting less than a quorum, shall have the power to elect

14  a Supervisor and transact all the business which could be

15  transacted by a quorum.

16         The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

17  Fund of Florida may represent and vote in respect to all lands

18  belonging to the State of Florida, the Board of Trustees of

19  the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of Florida, or the Board

20  of Commissioners of Everglades Drainage District, and they

21  shall have the right to vote for Supervisors and upon all

22  other matters that may come before any such meetings of the

23  landowners to the extent of the acreage in such District owned

24  by the State of Florida or the Board of Trustees of the

25  Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or the Board of Commissioners

26  of the Everglades Drainage District, upon the same basis of

27  one vote for each acre of land as prescribed in this Act for

28  private landowners in said District. The votes to be cast by

29  said Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

30  may be cast by any member of said Board of Trustees or by any

31  person holding a proxy or proxies from said Board of Trustees.


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  1  Guardians may represent their wards, executors and

  2  administrators may represent the estates of deceased persons,

  3  trustees may represent lands held by them in trust, and

  4  private corporations may be represented by their officers or

  5  duly authorized agents. Guardians, executors, administrators,

  6  trustees, and corporations may vote by proxy.

  7         Section 7.  Uniform acreage tax for payment of

  8  expenses.--There is hereby levied by the Legislature of the

  9  State of Florida upon each and every acre of land within said

10  Shawano Water Control District as bounded and defined in this

11  act a uniform tax of 25 cents per acre to be used by said

12  District, through its said Board of Supervisors, for the

13  purpose of paying expenses incurred or to be incurred in

14  making surveys of the lands in said District, assessing

15  benefits and damages and other expenses necessarily incurred,

16  as may be estimated or determined by said Board of

17  Supervisors, before said Board of Supervisors shall be in

18  funds under the subsequent provisions of this Act. Such tax

19  shall become due and payable on the first day of November A.D.

20  1927, and shall become delinquent 90 days thereafter. Said tax

21  shall be a lien upon the lands in said District from the date

22  of the enactment of this Act and shall be collected in the

23  same manner as the annual installment of taxes. If it shall

24  appear to the Board of Supervisors to be necessary to obtain

25  funds to pay any expenses incurred or to be incurred in

26  organizing said District, making said surveys, preparing the

27  Plan of Reclamation, or other expenses of the conduct and

28  operation of said District before a sufficient sum can be

29  obtained by the collection of the acreage tax levied by this

30  Section of this Act, said Board of Supervisors may borrow a

31  sufficient sum of money for any of said purposes at a rate of


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  1  interest not exceeding 8 percent per annum, and may issue

  2  negotiable notes or bonds therefor signed by the members of

  3  said Board of Supervisors, and may pledge any and all

  4  assessments of said acreage tax levied under the provisions of

  5  this Section for the repayment thereof. Said Board of

  6  Supervisors may issue to any person or persons performing work

  7  or services or furnishing anything of value in the

  8  organization of said District or making surveys of the same

  9  and assessing benefits or damages or preparing said Plan of

10  Reclamation and other expenses necessarily incurred before the

11  receipt of funds arising from assessments or benefits,

12  negotiable evidence of debt bearing interest at the rate of

13  not exceeding 8 percent per annum.

14         Section 8.  Annual tax levies.--The Board of

15  Supervisors shall each year thereafter determine, order, and

16  levy the amount of the annual installments of the total taxes

17  levied under the preceding Section, which shall become due and

18  be collected during said year at the same time that State and

19  County taxes are due and collected, which said annual

20  installment and levy shall be evidenced and certified by the

21  said Board not later than November 1 of each year to the Tax

22  Collector of Palm Beach County. The certificate of such

23  installment tax shall be substantially in the following form:



26         STATE OF FLORIDA.


28         THIS IS TO CERTIFY that by virtue and authority

29         of the provisions of an Act of the Legislature

30         entitled "An Act to Create, Establish and

31         Incorporate the Shawano Water Control District


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  1         in Palm Beach County, etc.," as enacted by the

  2         Legislature of the State of Florida and

  3         approved in the year 1927, the Board of

  4         Supervisors of Shawano Water Control District

  5         of Florida have levied and do hereby levy the

  6         sum of .................. Dollars ($  ) as the

  7         annual installment of tax for the year ......

  8         of the total tax levied under the provisions of

  9         this Act, which said total tax has heretofore

10         been certified to the Clerk of the Circuit

11         Court of Palm Beach County; and said Board of

12         Supervisors of said Water Control District by

13         and with the authority of this Act has levied

14         also the sum of .............. Dollars ($  ) as

15         a maintenance tax for said year; said annual

16         installment of tax and maintenance tax on the

17         real estate situate in Palm Beach County are

18         set out in the following table, in which are:

19         first, the names of the owners of said lands,

20         or the word "unknown" if the names of the

21         owners are not known to the Board of

22         Supervisors; second, the description of said

23         lands opposite the names of said owners; third,

24         the amount of said installment of tax levied

25         against each tract of land; fourth, the amount

26         of said maintenance tax levied against the

27         same.

28         Said taxes shall be payable and collectable the

29         present year at the same time that State and

30         County taxes are due and collected, and you are

31         directed and ordered to demand and collect said


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  1         taxes at the same time you demand and collect

  2         the State and County taxes due on the same

  3         lands, and this "Drainage Tax Book" shall be

  4         your warrant and authority for making such

  5         demand and collection.


  7         Witness the signature of the President of the

  8         Board of Supervisors attested by the seal of

  9         said District and the signature of the

10         Secretary of the said Board this .... day of

11         .............., A.D. .......

12                         SHAWANO WATER CONTROL DISTRICT,

13                  By ...................................

14                  President of the Board of Supervisors.


16   .....................................

17  (SEAL)                 Secretary


19         Then shall follow a table or schedule showing in

20  properly ruled columns, first, the names of the owners of said

21  lands, or the word "unknown" if the names of the owners are

22  not known to the Board of Supervisors; second, the description

23  of the said lands opposite the names of said owners; third,

24  the amount of the said annual installment tax levied on each

25  tract of land; fourth, the amount of maintenance tax; fifth, a

26  blank column in which the Collector shall record the several

27  amounts as collected by him or her, with the dates of payment

28  thereof; and sixth, a blank column in which the Collector

29  shall record the names of the person or persons paying several

30  amounts. The columns in which the annual installment tax and

31  the maintenance tax, if any, shall appear, shall be correctly


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  1  totaled and the total amount shall correspond to the amount

  2  set out in the above-mentioned certificate. The said

  3  certificate and table shall be prepared in the form of a

  4  well-bound book which shall be endorsed and named "Drainage

  5  Tax Book, Shawano Water Control District, Palm Beach County,

  6  Florida, for the year ....," which endorsement shall also be

  7  printed at the top on each page.

  8         Section 9.  Attorney to be employed.--The Board of

  9  Supervisors, as soon as practicable after organizing, shall

10  employ an attorney or attorneys to act for the District and to

11  advise said Board. Such employment shall be evidenced by an

12  agreement in writing, which as far as possible shall specify

13  the exact amount to be paid to said attorney for all services

14  and expenses. Such attorney shall conduct all legal

15  proceedings and suits in court where the District is a party

16  or interested, and shall in all legal matters advise the Board

17  of Supervisors, all officers, employees, or agents of said

18  District and Board, and generally look after and attend to all

19  matters of a legal nature for said Board and District. When

20  the said Board may deem it necessary, they may, by and with

21  the advice of said attorney, and under the like terms and

22  conditions as above set forth, employ a consulting and other

23  attorney or attorneys.

24         Section 10.  Maintenance tax may be levied.--To

25  maintain and preserve the ditches, drains, and other

26  improvements made pursuant to this Act, and to repair and

27  restore the same, when needed, and for the purpose of

28  defraying the current expenses of the District, including any

29  sum which may be required to pay state, county, and Everglades

30  Drainage District taxes on any lands which may have been

31  purchased and which are held by the District under the


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  1  provisions of this Act, the Board of Supervisors may, upon the

  2  completion of the said improvements in whole or in part, as

  3  may be certified to the said Board by the Chief Engineer, and

  4  on or before the first day of November in each year

  5  thereafter, levy a tax, which shall become due and be

  6  collected at the same time State and County taxes are due and

  7  collected, upon each tract or parcel of land within the

  8  District, to be known as a maintenance tax. Said maintenance

  9  tax may be apportioned upon the basis of the net assessments

10  of benefits accruing for original construction, and shall be

11  certified to the Tax Collector of Palm Beach County in the

12  same book in like manner and at the same time as the annual

13  installment tax is certified, but in a separate column under

14  the heading "maintenance tax." The Tax Collector shall demand

15  and collect the maintenance tax and make return thereof and

16  shall receive the same compensation therefor, and be liable

17  for the same penalties for failure or neglect so to do as is

18  provided herein for the annual installment of taxes.

19         Section 11.  Duty of county, etc., to make payment of

20  taxes.--Whenever, under the provisions of this Act, the Water

21  Control District tax is levied against a county, city,

22  village, township, or other political subdivision of the

23  State, it shall be the duty of the governing or taxing body of

24  such political subdivision immediately to take all the legal

25  and necessary steps to make payment of such tax, including, if

26  necessary, steps for the levying and collection of a tax to

27  make such payment as other taxes of such political subdivision

28  are levied and collected, and such tax shall not be affected

29  by any statutory limitation upon the rate or amount of the

30  taxes of such political subdivision.



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  1         Section 12.  Unit development; powers of Board of

  2  Supervisors to designate units of district and adopt system of

  3  progressive drainage by units; plans of reclamation and

  4  financing assessments, etc., for each unit.--The Board of

  5  Supervisors of Shawano Water Control District shall have the

  6  power and is hereby authorized in its discretion to drain and

  7  reclaim or more completely and intensively to drain and

  8  reclaim the lands in said District by designated areas or

  9  parts of said District to be called "units." The units into

10  which said District may be so divided shall be given

11  appropriate numbers or names by said Board of Supervisors, so

12  that said units may be readily identified and distinguished.

13  The Board of Supervisors shall have the power to fix and

14  determine the location, area, and boundaries of and lands to

15  be included in each and all such units, the order of

16  development thereof, and the method of carrying on the work in

17  each unit. The unit system of drainage provided by this

18  Section may be conducted and all of the proceedings by this

19  Section and this Act authorized in respect to such unit or

20  units may be carried on and conducted at the same time as or

21  after the work of draining and reclaiming of the entire

22  District has been or is being or shall be instituted or

23  carried on under the provisions of this Act. If the Board of

24  Supervisors shall determine that it is advisable to conduct

25  the work of draining and reclaiming the lands in said District

26  by units, as authorized by this Section of this Act, said

27  Board shall, by resolution duly adopted and entered upon its

28  minutes, declare its purpose to conduct such work accordingly,

29  and shall at the same time and manner fix the number,

30  location, and boundaries of and description of lands within

31  such unit or units and give them appropriate numbers or names.


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  1  As soon as practicable after the adoption and recording of

  2  such resolution said Board of Supervisors shall publish notice

  3  once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper published

  4  in Palm Beach County briefly describing the units into which

  5  said District has been divided and the lands embraced in each

  6  unit, giving the name, number, or other designation of such

  7  units, requiring all owners of lands in said District to show

  8  cause in writing before said Board of Supervisors at a time

  9  and place to be stated in such notice why such division of

10  said District into such units should not be approved, and said

11  system of development by units should not be adopted and given

12  effect by said Board, and why the proceedings and powers

13  authorized by this Section of this Act should not be had,

14  taken, and exercised. At the time and place stated in said

15  notice, said Board of Supervisors shall hear all objections or

16  causes of objection (all of which shall be in writing) of any

17  landowners in said District to the matters mentioned and

18  referred to in such notice, and if no objections are made, or

19  if said objections, if made, shall be overruled by said Board,

20  then said Board shall enter in this minutes its finding and

21  order confirming said resolution, and may thereafter proceed

22  with the development, drainage, and reclamation of said

23  District by units pursuant to such resolution and to the

24  provisions of this Act. If, however, said Board of Supervisors

25  shall find as a result of such objections, or any of them, or

26  the hearing thereon, that the division of said District into

27  such units as aforesaid should not be approved or that said

28  system of development by units should not be adopted and given

29  effect, or that the proceedings and powers authorized by this

30  Section of this Act should not be had, taken, or exercised, or

31  that any other matter or thing embraced in said resolution


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  1  would not be in the best interest of the landowners of said

  2  District or would be unjust or unfair to any landowner therein

  3  or otherwise inconsistent with fair and equal protection and

  4  enforcement of the rights of every landowner in said District,

  5  then said Board of Supervisors shall not proceed further under

  6  such resolution, but said Board of Supervisors may, as a

  7  result of such hearing, modify or amend said resolution so as

  8  to meet such objections so made, and thereupon said Board may

  9  confirm said resolution as so modified or amended and may

10  thereafter proceed accordingly. The sustaining of such

11  objections and the rescinding of such resolutions shall not

12  exhaust the power of said Board under this Section; but, at

13  any time not less than 1 year after the date of the hearing

14  upon any such resolution, the Board of Supervisors may adopt

15  other resolutions under this Section and thereupon proceed on

16  due notice in like manner as above. If said Board of

17  Supervisors shall overrule or refuse to sustain any such

18  objections in whole or in part made by any landowner in the

19  District, or if any such landowner shall deem himself or

20  herself aggrieved by any action of the Board of Supervisors in

21  respect to any objections so filed, such landowner may, within

22  10 days after the ruling of said Board, file his or her bill

23  of complaint in the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County in

24  Chancery, against said District, praying an injunction or

25  other appropriate relief against the action or any part of

26  such action proposed by such resolution or resolutions of said

27  Board, and such suits shall be conducted like other Chancery

28  suits, except that said suits shall have preference over all

29  other pending actions except criminal actions and writs of

30  habeas corpus. Upon the hearing of said cause said circuit

31  court shall have the power to hear the objections and receive


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  1  the evidence thereon of all parties to such cause and approve

  2  or disapprove said resolutions and action of said Board in

  3  whole or in part, and to render such decree in such cause as

  4  right and justice require. When said resolutions creating said

  5  unit system shall be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors (or

  6  by the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, if such proposed

  7  action shall be challenged by a landowner by the judicial

  8  proceedings hereinabove authorized), said Board of Supervisors

  9  may adopt a Plan or Plans of Reclamation for and in respect to

10  any or all such units, and to have the benefits and damages

11  resulting therefrom assessed and apportioned by Commissioners

12  appointed by the circuit court, and the report of the said

13  Commissioners considered and confirmed, all in like manner as

14  is provided in this Act in regard to Plans of Reclamation for

15  the assessments for benefits and damages of the entire

16  District. With respect to the Plan of Reclamation, notices,

17  appointment of Commissioners to assess benefits and damages,

18  report of Commissioners and notice and confirmation thereof,

19  the levy of assessments and taxes, including maintenance

20  taxes, and the issuance of bonds and all other proceedings as

21  to each and all of such units, said Board shall follow and

22  comply with the same procedure as is provided in this Act with

23  respect to the entire District; and said Board of Supervisors

24  shall have the same powers in respect to each and all of such

25  units as is by this Act vested in the Board with respect to

26  the entire District. All the provisions of this Act shall

27  apply to the drainage, reclamation, and improvement of each,

28  any, and all of such units, and the enumeration of or

29  reference to specific powers of duties of the Supervisors or

30  any other officers or other matters in this Act as hereinabove

31  set forth, shall not limit or restrict the application of any


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  1  and all of the proceedings and powers herein to the drainage

  2  and reclamation of such units as fully and completely as if

  3  such unit or units were specifically and expressly named in

  4  every section and clause of this Act where the entire District

  5  is mentioned or referred to. All assessments, levies, taxes,

  6  bonds, and other obligations made, levied, assessed, or issued

  7  for or in respect to any such unit or units shall be a lien

  8  and charge solely and only upon the lands in such unit or

  9  units, respectively, for the benefit of which the same shall

10  be levied, made, or issued, and not upon the remaining units

11  or lands in said District. The Board of Supervisors may at any

12  time amend its said resolutions by changing the location and

13  description of lands in any such unit or units, provided that,

14  if the location of or description of lands located in any such

15  unit or units is so changed, notice of such change shall be

16  published as hereinabove required in this section for notice

17  of the formation or organization of such unit or units, and

18  all proceedings shall be had and done in that regard as are

19  provided in this Section for the original creation of such

20  unit or units. However, no lands against which benefits shall

21  have been assessed may be detached from any such unit after

22  the confirmation of the Commissioners' report of benefits in

23  such unit or units or the issuance of bonds or other

24  obligations which are payable from taxes or assessments for

25  benefits levied upon the lands within such unit or units.

26         However, if, after the confirmation of the

27  Commissioners' report of benefits in such unit or units, or

28  the issuance of bonds or other obligations which are payable

29  from taxes or assessments for benefits levied upon lands

30  within such unit or units, the Board of Supervisors finds the

31  Plan of Reclamation for any such unit or units insufficient or


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  1  inadequate for efficient development, the Plan of Reclamation

  2  may be amended or changed as provided herein, and the unit or

  3  units may be amended or changed as provided in this Section,

  4  by changing the location and description of lands in any such

  5  unit or units, by detaching lands therefrom or by adding lands

  6  thereto, upon the approval of at least 51 percent of the

  7  landowners according to acreage, in any such unit and of all

  8  of the holders of bonds issued in respect to any such unit,

  9  and provided that in such event all assessments, levies,

10  taxes, bonds, and other obligations made, levied, assessed,

11  incurred, or issued in respect to any such unit or units may

12  be allocated and apportioned to the amended unit or units in

13  proportion to the benefits assessed by the Commissioners'

14  report for the amended Plan of Reclamation and said report

15  shall specifically provide for such allocation and

16  apportionment. The landowners and all of the bondholders shall

17  file their approval of or objections to such amended Plan of

18  Reclamation within the time provided herein and shall file

19  their approval of or objections to the amendment of such unit

20  as provided in this Section.

21         No lands shall be detached from any unit after the

22  issuance of bonds or other obligations for such unit except

23  upon the consent of all the holders of such bonds or other

24  obligations. In the event of the change of the boundaries of

25  any unit as provided herein and the allocation and

26  apportionment to the amended unit or units of assessments,

27  levies, taxes, bonds, and other obligations in proportion to

28  the benefits assessed by the Commissioners' report for the

29  amended Plan of Reclamation, the holders of bonds or other

30  obligations heretofore issued for the original unit who

31  consent to such allocation and apportionment shall be entitled


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  1  to all rights and remedies against any lands added to the

  2  amended unit or units as fully and to the same extent as if

  3  such added lands had formed and constituted a part of the

  4  original unit or units at the time of the original issuance of

  5  such bonds or other obligations, and regardless of whether the

  6  holders of such bonds or other obligations are the original

  7  holders thereof or the holders from time to time hereafter,

  8  and the rights and remedies of such holders against the lands

  9  in the amended unit or units, including any lands added

10  thereto, under such allocation and apportionment, shall

11  constitute vested and irrevocable rights and remedies to the

12  holders from time to time of such bonds or other obligations

13  as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds or other

14  obligations had been originally issued to finance the

15  improvements in such amended unit or units under such amended

16  Plan of Reclamation.

17         Section 13.  Minimum charter requirements.--In

18  accordance with section 189.404(3), Florida Statutes, the

19  following subsections shall constitute the charter of the

20  Shawano Water Control District:

21         (1)  The District is organized and exists for all

22  purposes set forth in this Act and chapter 298, Florida

23  Statutes, as they may be amended from time to time.

24         (2)  The powers, functions, and duties of the District

25  regarding ad valorem taxation, bond issuance, other

26  revenue-raising capabilities, budget preparation and approval,

27  liens and foreclosure of liens, use of tax deeds and tax

28  certificates as appropriate for non-ad valorem assessments,

29  and contractual agreements shall be as set forth in chapters

30  170, 189, 197, and 298, Florida Statutes, or any other



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  1  applicable general or special law, as they may be amended from

  2  time to time.

  3         (3)  The District's charter may be amended only by

  4  special act of the Legislature.

  5         (4)  In accordance with chapter 189, Florida Statutes,

  6  this Act, and section 298.11, Florida Statutes, the District

  7  is governed by a three-member Board, elected on a one-acre,

  8  one-vote basis by the landowners in the District; however,

  9  landowners owning less than 1 acre shall be entitled to one

10  vote. Landowners with more than 1 acre shall be entitled to

11  one additional vote for any fraction of an acre greater than

12  1/2 acre owned, when all of the landowner's acreage has been

13  aggregated for purposes of voting. The membership and

14  organization of the Board shall be as set forth in this Act

15  and chapter 298, Florida Statutes, as they may be amended from

16  time to time.

17         (5)  The compensation of Board members shall be

18  governed by this Act and chapter 298, Florida Statutes, as

19  they may be amended from time to time.

20         (6)  The administrative duties of the Board of

21  Supervisors shall be as set forth in this Act and chapter 298,

22  Florida Statutes, as they may be amended from time to time.

23         (7)  Requirements for financial disclosure, meeting

24  notices, reporting, public records maintenance, and per diem

25  expenses for officers and employees shall be as set forth in

26  chapters 112, 189, 286, and 298, Florida Statutes, as they may

27  be amended from time to time.

28         (8)  The procedures and requirements governing the

29  issuance of bonds, notes, and other evidence of indebtedness

30  by the District shall be as set forth in chapter 298, Florida



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  1  Statutes, and applicable general laws, as they may be amended

  2  from time to time.

  3         (9)  The procedures for conducting District elections

  4  and for qualification of electors shall be pursuant to

  5  chapters 189 and 298, Florida Statutes, as they may be amended

  6  from time to time; however, a quorum for purposes of holding

  7  the annual meeting or any special meeting shall consist of

  8  those landowners present in person or represented by proxy at

  9  said meeting.

10         (10)  The District may be financed by any method

11  established in this Act, chapter 298, Florida Statutes, and

12  applicable general laws, as they may be amended from time to

13  time.

14         (11)  The methods for collecting non-ad valorem

15  assessments, fees, or service charges shall be as set forth in

16  chapters 170, 197, and 298, Florida Statutes, and other

17  applicable general laws, as they may be amended from time to

18  time.

19         (12)  The District's planning requirements shall be as

20  set forth in chapters 189 and 298, Florida Statutes, as they

21  may be amended from time to time.

22         (13)  The District's geographic boundary limitations

23  shall be as set forth in this Act.

24         (14)  The District shall have all powers provided to it

25  by this Act, chapters 189 and 298, Florida Statutes, and other

26  applicable general laws, as they may be amended from time to

27  time.

28         Section 14.  Ratification of prior acts.--All acts and

29  proceedings of the Circuit Court taken by, for, and on behalf

30  of the District since the creation thereof, and all of the

31  acts and proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, the


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  1  Commissioners, and all other officers and agents of the

  2  District, and of the County, acting for and on behalf of the

  3  District, and any and all tax levies and assessments which

  4  have been made by the Board of Supervisors for and on behalf

  5  of the District, are each and every one of them, and each and

  6  every part thereof, hereby ratified, validated, and confirmed.

  7         Section 4.  It is intended that the provisions of this

  8  act shall be liberally construed for accomplishing the work

  9  authorized and provided for or intended to be provided for by

10  this act, and when strict construction would result in the

11  defeat of the accomplishment of any part of the work

12  authorized by this act and a liberal construction would permit

13  or assist in the accomplishment of any part of the work

14  authorized by this act, the liberal construction shall be

15  chosen.

16         Section 5.  If any section, subsection, sentence,

17  clause, or phrase of this act is held to be unconstitutional,

18  such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining

19  portions of the act, the Legislature hereby declaring that it

20  would have passed this act and each section, subsection,

21  sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of any

22  other separate section, subsection, sentence, clause, or

23  phrase thereof, and irrespective of the fact that any one or

24  more other sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or

25  phrases thereof may be declared unconstitutional.

26         Section 6.  Chapters 11864 (1927), 13579 (1929), 24254

27  (1947), 25328 (1949), 28406 (1953), 57-488, and 63-863, Laws

28  of Florida, are repealed.

29         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

30  law.



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