House Bill hb0891

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 891

        By Representatives Wiles, Kosmas and Cusack

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the City of Daytona Beach,

  3         Volusia County; providing for the lease of

  4         certain submerged lands to the city by the

  5         state; providing for the duration of the lease;

  6         specifying the amount of the lease; providing

  7         for the purpose of the lease; providing that

  8         the lease is contingent upon the city's

  9         acquisition of the pier situated upon the

10         leased lands; providing additional terms of the

11         lease; prohibiting transfer of lease without

12         legislative action; providing for severability;

13         requiring written submission of acceptance of

14         terms to the Department of Environmental

15         Protection; providing an effective date.


17         WHEREAS, the City of Daytona Beach has undertaken a

18  major downtown redevelopment effort designed to foster

19  economic enterprise, to enhance tourism, and to restore

20  certain historic city attributes, and

21         WHEREAS, the historic pier situated centrally within

22  the redevelopment area is a key feature of the redevelopment

23  endeavor and the lease of the submerged lands underlying the

24  pier to the City of Daytona Beach is an essential component

25  for this multifaceted project, and

26         WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Daytona

27  Beach to acquire ownership of the pier and establish it as the

28  center point of the redevelopment project, and

29         WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that it is in the public

30  interest to provide for a lease of the lands underlying the



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 891


  1  historic pier to the City of Daytona Beach for the purposes

  2  stated in this act, NOW, THEREFORE,


  4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  6         Section 1.  The lessor, the State of Florida, hereby

  7  leases the following described property to the lessee, the

  8  City of Daytona Beach, Florida:


10         A parcel of sovereign submerged land in Volusia

11         County, Florida, more particularly described

12         as:


14         A portion of submerged land in the Atlantic

15         Ocean adjacent to Block 2, Plan of Seabreeze

16         Subdivision as recorded in Deed Book "O" Page

17         301, Public Records of Volusia County, Florida,

18         and being more particularly described as

19         follows. As a point of reference, commence at

20         the northeast corner of Block 5, said plan of

21         Seabreeze Subdivision, thence north 89 degrees

22         49 minutes 35 seconds east along the southerly

23         original right of way line of Main Street and

24         along its extension thereof, 488.65 feet more

25         or less, to the mean high water line of the

26         Atlantic Ocean Beach and to the point of

27         beginning. Thence continue north 89 degrees 49

28         minutes 35 seconds east 1000.00 feet, thence

29         south 00 degrees 10 minutes 25 seconds east

30         242.30 feet, thence south 89 degrees 49 minutes

31         35 seconds west, 979.07 feet, more or less to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 891


  1         the aforementioned high water line, thence

  2         north 05 degrees 07 minutes 29 seconds west

  3         along the said mean high water line

  4         approximately 243.21 feet to the point of

  5         beginning.


  7         Section 2.  The term of this lease commences on July 1,

  8  2001, and terminates on June 30, 2036, unless extended by

  9  further act of the Legislature. The lessee shall pay an

10  initial annual lease fee of $5,000 to the Board of Trustees of

11  the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. The annual lease fee

12  shall increase by $5,000 at each successive 5-year interval

13  during the lease term and shall be remitted to the Department

14  of Environmental Protection as the agent for the lessor. Such

15  sums shall be used by the Board of Trustees to monitor and

16  administer the provisions of this lease.

17         Section 3.  The submerged lands described in this act

18  are leased for the purpose of furthering the city's downtown

19  redevelopment initiative, including the city's acquisition of

20  the historic pier situated upon the leased lands and such uses

21  may include nonwater-dependent activities. If the city is

22  unable to acquire the historic pier or, once having purchased

23  the pier, relinquishes ownership, this lease is void.

24         Section 4.  This lease is specifically contingent upon

25  the City of Daytona Beach acquiring ownership of the pier, and

26  this lease shall not become effective unless and until such

27  acquisition is secured.

28         Section 5.  The lessee shall make no claim of title or

29  interest to said lands hereinbefore described by reason of the

30  occupancy or use thereof, and all title and interest to said

31  land hereinbefore described is vested in the lessor.  The


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 891


  1  lessee may not make any claim, including any advertisement,

  2  that said land may be purchased, sold, or resold.

  3         Section 6.  During the term of this lease, the lessee

  4  shall maintain a leasehold or fee simple title interest in the

  5  riparian upland property and, if such interest is terminated,

  6  the lease may be terminated by the lessor at the option of the

  7  lessor.  Prior to sale or termination of the lessee's

  8  leasehold interest in the upland property, the lessee shall

  9  inform any potential buyer or transferee of the lessee's

10  upland property interest of the existence of this lease and

11  all its terms and conditions.

12         Section 7.  The lessee shall investigate all claims of

13  every nature arising out of this lease at its expense and

14  shall indemnify, defend and save, and hold harmless the State

15  of Florida from all claims, actions, lawsuits, and demands

16  arising out of this lease.

17         Section 8.  The lessee shall assume all responsibility

18  for liabilities that accrue to the subject property or to the

19  improvements thereon, including any and all drainage or

20  special assessments or taxes of every kind and description

21  which are now or may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied

22  against the subject property during the effective period of

23  this lease.

24         Section 9.  The lessee shall not knowingly permit or

25  suffer any nuisances or illegal operations of any kind on the

26  leased premises.  During the term of this lease, the lessee

27  shall prohibit the operation of entry onto the leased premises

28  of gambling cruise ships, or vessels that are used principally

29  for the purpose of gambling, when these vessels are engaged in

30  "cruises to nowhere." The term "cruises to nowhere" means the

31  activity of ships that leave and return to the State of


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 891


  1  Florida without an intervening stop within another state or

  2  foreign country or waters within the jurisdiction of another

  3  state or foreign country, and any watercraft used to carry

  4  passengers to and from such gambling cruise ships.

  5         Section 10.  The lessee shall maintain the leased

  6  premises in good condition and keep the structures and

  7  equipment located thereon in a good state of repair in the

  8  interests of public health, safety, and welfare. No dock or

  9  pier shall be constructed in any manner that would cause harm

10  to wildlife. All garbage, debris, and sewage shall be disposed

11  of in an appropriate upland facility. The leased premises

12  shall be subject to inspection by the Department of

13  Environmental Protection at any reasonable time.

14         Section 11.  The lessee, at its cost, shall remove any

15  structures and equipment from the subject property at the end

16  of the lease term.  Any costs incurred by the lessor in

17  removal of any structures and equipment constructed or

18  maintained on the subject property shall be paid by the lessee

19  and any unpaid costs and expenses shall constitute a lien upon

20  the interest of the lessee in its riparian upland property

21  enforceable in summary proceedings as provided by law.

22         Section 12.  Prior to commencement of construction or

23  activities authorized herein, the lessee shall obtain the

24  United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permit if it is

25  required by the ACOE.

26         Section 13.  This lease may not be assigned or

27  otherwise transferred without further legislative action.

28         Section 14.  The lessee shall at all times comply with

29  all laws of this state and all administrative rules adopted

30  under state law which are not inconsistent with this act.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                 HB 891


  1         Section 15.  If any provision of this act or its

  2  application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the

  3  invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of

  4  the act which can be given effect without the invalid

  5  provision or application, and to this end the provisions of

  6  this act are severable.

  7         Section 16.  In order for this lease to take effect,

  8  the City of Daytona Beach, the lessee, shall submit, in

  9  writing, an acceptance of the terms of this lease to the

10  Department of Environmental Protection.

11         Section 17.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

12  law.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.