House Bill hb9003

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9003

        By Representatives Byrd, Kendrick, Fasano, Bowen, Mack,
    Gardiner, Ball, Stansel and Negron

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution in support of President Bush's tax

  3         relief proposal.


  5         WHEREAS, federal taxes are the highest they have ever

  6  been during peacetime, and

  7         WHEREAS, all taxpayers should be allowed to keep more

  8  of their own money, and

  9         WHEREAS, the best way to encourage economic growth is

10  to cut marginal tax rates across all tax brackets, and

11         WHEREAS, President Bush's tax relief proposal is

12  estimated to create more than 560,000 jobs annually above

13  current federal forecasts over the next decade, and

14         WHEREAS, the American people have not received real tax

15  relief in a generation, and

16         WHEREAS, under President Bush's tax relief proposal,

17  taxpayers in the State of Florida will receive tax cuts

18  totaling an estimated $43.3 billion over the next decade, and

19         WHEREAS, President Bush's tax relief proposal will

20  contribute to raising the standard of living for all

21  Americans, and

22         WHEREAS, the real disposable personal income of a

23  family of four will increase by approximately $2,624 each

24  year, upon full implementation, and

25         WHEREAS, President Bush's tax relief proposal will

26  increase access to the middle class for hard-working families,

27  treat middle-class families more fairly, encourage

28  entrepreneurship and growth, and promote charitable giving and

29  education, and




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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9003


  1         WHEREAS, under President Bush's tax relief proposal,

  2  the largest percentage reductions will go to the lowest income

  3  earners, NOW, THEREFORE,


  5  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

  6  Florida:


  8         That the Florida House of Representatives expresses its

  9  support for President Bush's tax relief proposal and requests

10  that the members of Florida's delegation to the United States

11  Congress support the proposal, including the call for

12  across-the-board reductions in marginal income tax rates,

13  reduction of the marriage penalty, and elimination of the

14  estate tax.

15         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution

16  be transmitted to the President of the United States and to

17  each member of the Florida delegation to the United States

18  Congress.















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.