House Bill hb9009

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9009

        By Representative Fasano

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commending The James Madison

  3         Institute: A Foundation for Florida's Future.


  5         WHEREAS, due to term limits, the General Election of

  6  2000 saw the arrival of an unprecedented number of new members

  7  to the Florida House of Representatives, and

  8         WHEREAS, Tom Feeney, Speaker of the Florida House of

  9  Representatives, held the vision that the one best way to

10  provide the newly elected members with the information they

11  would need to be effective was to devote a significant amount

12  of time early in their term to a comprehensive,

13  information-based orientation, and

14         WHEREAS, Speaker Feeney asked The James Madison

15  Institute: A Foundation for Florida's Future to assist him in

16  realizing his vision by coordinating such a program, and

17         WHEREAS, The James Madison Institute responded with

18  enthusiasm and developed "Leadership NOW," a bipartisan,

19  multi-philosophical ten-day series of orientation panels,

20  informational sessions, and associated activities spread over

21  five weeks during the months of November and December 2000 and

22  January 2001, and

23         WHEREAS, such a program was unprecedented in Florida

24  and in the nation at large and, as executed, met with the

25  approval of all concerned, most especially the newly elected

26  members of the House of Representatives who were the primary

27  beneficiaries, and

28         WHEREAS, the five weeks of the Leadership NOW program

29  were produced using little public money and, as a result, the

30  cost to taxpayers was less than the amount spent in Florida in



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9009


  1  previous years for shorter programs with less content, NOW,



  4  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

  5  Florida:


  7         That Speaker Tom Feeney, the Majority and Democratic

  8  Leadership Teams, and the Members of the Florida House of

  9  Representatives herewith express their deep appreciation to

10  The James Madison Institute and its officers and staff: The

11  Honorable Mallory E. Horne, Chairman; Edwin H. Moore II,

12  President; Dr. J. Stanley Marshall, Founding Chairman; Dr.

13  Peter Doherty; Dr. Kimble Ainslie; Sonja Woodham; Evelverlon

14  Johnson; Susan Christian; and Rosemary Dupras for undertaking

15  and successfully executing the responsibilities of producing

16  Leadership NOW.

17         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

18  be presented to the officers and staff of The James Madison

19  Institute who produced Leadership NOW as a tangible token of

20  the sentiments expressed herein.













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