House Bill hb9013

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9013

        By Representatives Baker, Gibson, Brummer, Johnson, Cusack
    and Russell

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commemorating March 27, 2001, as

  3         Lake County Day.


  5         WHEREAS, Lake County was carved out of Sumter and

  6  Orange Counties in June of 1887 and with 954 square miles of

  7  land it is the 17th largest county in the state, and

  8         WHEREAS, in addition to many other firsts, Lake County

  9  was the first county in the State of Florida to organize a

10  County Chamber of Commerce, and the first in the United States

11  to have its own county flag, and

12         WHEREAS, the county was named for its 250 named lakes

13  and 1,735 bodies of water which served the people of the

14  county as a transportation system in its early days, and

15         WHEREAS, the county has always been blessed with a

16  thriving citrus industry, beautiful rolling hills, and

17  wonderful recreational opportunities, and

18         WHEREAS, the most enduring natural resource of Lake

19  County has always been its people who have always welcomed

20  visitors and new residents alike with heartfelt warmth, NOW,



23  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

24  Florida:


26         That the House of Representatives of the State of

27  Florida hereby declares Tuesday, March 27, 2001, as Lake

28  County Day and joins the citizens of Lake County in

29  commemorating that date in recognition of the contributions

30  made by Lake County to the great State of Florida.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.