House Bill hb0903er

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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed


  2         An act relating to the Consolidated City of

  3         Jacksonville; creating and establishing

  4         separate airport and seaport authorities;

  5         providing for governing bodies, appointment of

  6         members, terms, staggered terms, rules of

  7         procedure; providing for employment of a

  8         managing director and other employees,

  9         providing for interrelations with and use of

10         services of the City of Jacksonville; providing

11         definitions; establishing powers; providing for

12         issuance of bonds; providing for budgetary and

13         financial matters; providing for rights of

14         bondholders; providing rights of employees;

15         establishing the separate authorities as county

16         authorities; providing for participation in the

17         Florida Retirement System; providing for

18         cooperation with other entities; providing for

19         audits and bonds; providing for purchasing,

20         procurement, and award of contracts; providing

21         for execution of instruments and examination of

22         claims; providing for transfer of assets and

23         liabilities from the Jacksonville Port

24         Authority to the separate seaport and airport

25         authorities and for assumption of

26         responsibilities; making the Port Facilities

27         Financing Act applicable to seaport operations;

28         declaring a county and public purpose;

29         providing for liberal construction; providing

30         for severability; repealing certain existing

31         local laws relative to the creation and


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         operation of the Jacksonville Port Authority;

  2         providing for conforming amendments to sections

  3         18.07 and 24.04, of chapter 92-341, Laws of

  4         Florida, being the Charter of the City of

  5         Jacksonville, to replace references to the

  6         Jacksonville Port Authority with references to

  7         the Jacksonville Seaport Authority and the

  8         Jacksonville Airport Authority; providing an

  9         effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 1.  Creation of Jacksonville

14  Seaport Authority and Jacksonville Airport Authority.--

15         (1)  There are hereby created and established two

16  separate bodies politic and corporate to be known as the

17  Jacksonville Seaport Authority and the Jacksonville Airport

18  Authority respectively (hereinafter referred to singly as an

19  "authority" and collectively as "authorities"), which are

20  created as agencies and political subdivisions of the State of

21  Florida in the nature of counties and not municipalities.

22  These authorities are authorized to exercise their respective

23  jurisdictions, powers, and duties within the territorial

24  limits of the former Duval County, which territorial limits

25  now exist within the City of Jacksonville. The Jacksonville

26  Seaport Authority shall operate, manage, and control the

27  seaport and ancillary facilities located within Duval County.

28  The Jacksonville Airport Authority shall operate, manage, and

29  control all publicly owned airports and ancillary facilities

30  located within Duval County. This authorization for a port



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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  authority split shall be reviewed for performance and

  2  efficiency after a period of 4 years.

  3         (2)  The governing body for the Seaport Authority shall

  4  consist of seven members, four of whom shall be appointed by

  5  the Mayor of the City of Jacksonville with the confirmation of

  6  the council of the City of Jacksonville, and three of whom

  7  shall be appointed by the Governor of Florida with the

  8  confirmation of the Senate. The governing body for the Airport

  9  Authority shall consist of seven members, four of whom shall

10  be appointed by the Governor of Florida with the confirmation

11  of the Senate, and three of whom shall be appointed by the

12  Mayor of the City of Jacksonville with the confirmation of the

13  council of the City of Jacksonville. Members shall serve for

14  terms of 4 years commencing on October 1st of the year of the

15  appointment or for the unexpired portion of a term deemed to

16  have commenced on October 1st. Members of either authority,

17  during their terms, shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor

18  or Governor, whoever appointed the member. Members shall

19  continue to serve on either authority until their respective

20  successors are appointed. A vacancy occurring during a term of

21  an appointed member, on either authority, shall be filled only

22  for the balance of the unexpired term. Any member appointed to

23  an authority for two consecutive full terms shall not be

24  eligible for appointment to that same authority for the next

25  succeeding term. Provided, however, notwithstanding the above,

26  members initially appointed to the authority shall serve in

27  staggered terms to provide continuity of experience to each

28  authority with two gubernatorial appointments and two mayoral

29  appointments being for initial 2-year terms, which shall count

30  as a full term for purposes of term limits herein.



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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         (3)  Each authority shall elect a chair, vice chair,

  2  secretary, and treasurer from its members, and such other

  3  officers it deems proper, not necessarily from its members, to

  4  perform such duties as each authority may direct. Four members

  5  of each authority shall constitute a quorum for such

  6  authority, but at least four members of such authority must

  7  approve any action to be taken by such authority. Resolutions

  8  adopted by the vote of at least four members of an authority

  9  shall become effective without further action by such

10  authority. Each member of each authority shall have one vote.

11  The yeas and nays shall be called and entered upon the minutes

12  of each meeting upon the passage of every resolution or other

13  action of each authority. Each authority may meet at such

14  times and places designated by it but shall hold regular

15  meetings as necessary, and generally once a month. Special

16  meetings of an authority may be called upon the call of its

17  chair or any three members of such authority. The members of

18  each authority shall not be entitled to compensation but

19  members and employees of each authority shall be entitled to

20  payment of reasonable expenses as provided by the council of

21  the City of Jacksonville.

22         (4)  Each authority shall employ and fix the

23  compensation of a managing director who shall manage the

24  affairs of each respective authority under the supervision and

25  control of the authority employing such managing director.

26  Such managing director may be given any title suitable to

27  either such authority. Each authority may employ such

28  engineers, certified public accountants, consultants, and

29  employees as either said authority may require, and fix and

30  pay their compensation. Each authority may use any of the

31  services available to governmental units through the


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  Administration and Finance Department of the City of

  2  Jacksonville, but is not required by law to do so. However,

  3  the authority shall be required to use the legal services of

  4  the City of Jacksonville, except in those cases when the chief

  5  legal officer of the city determines that the city legal staff

  6  cannot provide legal services in the required legal area. Such

  7  use of city services, including, but not limited to, legal

  8  services, shall be on contractual basis and the authorities

  9  are authorized to pay the city reasonable and fair

10  compensation for such services so furnished by the city and

11  used by the authorities. The use by each authority of any such

12  services furnished by the city shall not obligate either

13  authority except to the extent it contracts with the city, or

14  otherwise subject either authority to any rules, regulations,

15  or ordinances of said city not otherwise applicable to the

16  authorities under this act and the charter of said city. Each

17  authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or

18  employees such of its powers as it may deem necessary to carry

19  out the purposes of this act, subject always to the

20  supervision and control of each authority, and may do any and

21  all things necessary to accomplish the purposes of this act.

22         (5)  The provisions of section 286.012, Florida

23  Statutes, requiring any member of each authority present at a

24  meeting to vote unless there is a possible conflict of

25  interest, and the provisions of sections 112.311-112.3175,

26  Florida Statutes, and as the same may be amended in the

27  future, relating to financial disclosure and conflicts of

28  interest, shall apply to each member of each authority.

29         Section 2.  Definitions.--In the interpretation hereof

30  the following words and terms shall be taken to include the

31  following meanings when the context shall require or permit:


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         (1)  The term "bonds" means and embraces bonds, notes,

  2  certificates, and other financial obligations issued by either

  3  authority for financing or refinancing purposes, and except

  4  where otherwise required by the context, notes, and other

  5  instruments executed to evidence obligations of either

  6  authority for the repayment of borrowed funds.

  7         (2)  The term "County" means the County of Duval.

  8         (3)  The term "city" or "City of Jacksonville" means

  9  the consolidated government of the City of Jacksonville

10  created pursuant to section 9, Article VIII of the State

11  Constitution.

12         (4)  The term "federal agency" means and includes the

13  United States, the President of the United States, and any

14  department of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality

15  thereof, heretofore or hereafter created, designated, or

16  established by the United States.

17         (5)  Words importing singular number shall include the

18  plural number in each case and vice versa, and words importing

19  persons shall include firms and corporations.

20         (6)  The term "project" embraces any one or any

21  combination of 2 or more of the following, to-wit: facilities

22  for the construction, manufacture, repair, or maintenance of

23  boats, ships, and watercraft of all kinds and airplanes,

24  helicopters, and aircraft of all kinds, and other facilities,

25  directly or indirectly related to the promotion and

26  development, of waterborne and airborne commerce, travel,

27  exploration, and researching, and other harbor, port,

28  shipping, and airport facilities of all kinds, including, but

29  not limited to, harbors, channels, turning basins, anchorage

30  areas, jetties, breakwaters, waterways, canals, locks, tidal

31  basins, wharves, docks, piers, slips, bulkheads, landings,


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  ramps, runways, taxiways, warehouses, terminals,

  2  refrigerating, and cold storage plants and facilities, tiedown

  3  and parking areas and facilities, railroads and air and motor

  4  terminals for passengers, freight, exploration, and research,

  5  rolling stock, ferries, boats, airplanes, helicopters,

  6  conveyors, and appliances of all kinds for the handling,

  7  storage, inspection, and transportation of freight and the

  8  handling of passenger traffic, mail, express, and freight,

  9  administration and service buildings, toll highways, tunnels,

10  causeways, and bridges connected therewith or incident or

11  auxiliary thereto, and may include all property, structures,

12  facilities, rights, easements, and franchises relating to any

13  such project deemed necessary or convenient for the

14  acquisition, construction, purchase, or operation thereof.

15  Each authority is authorized to use such of its real property

16  as it deems fit for facilities for recreational programs and

17  activities, provided, however, that such programs and

18  activities are approved by a simple majority vote of the

19  Jacksonville City Council.

20         (7)  The term "cost," as applied to improvements, means

21  the cost of constructing or acquiring improvements as

22  hereinabove defined and shall embrace the cost of all labor

23  and materials, the cost of all machinery and equipment,

24  financing charges, the cost of engineering and legal expenses,

25  plans, specifications, and such other expenses as may be

26  necessary or incident to such construction or acquisition.

27         (8)  The term "cost," as applied to a project acquired,

28  constructed, extended, or enlarged, includes the purchase

29  price of any project acquired, the cost of improvements, the

30  cost of such construction, extension, or enlargement, the cost

31  of all lands, properties, rights, easements, and franchises


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  acquired, the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing

  2  charges, interest during construction, and if deemed

  3  advisable, for up to 1 year after completion of construction,

  4  cost of investigations and audits, and of engineering and

  5  legal services, and all other expenses necessary or incident

  6  to determining the feasibility or practicability of such

  7  acquisition or construction, administrative expense, and such

  8  other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the

  9  financing herein authorized and to the acquisition or

10  construction of a project and the placing of the same in

11  operation. Any obligation or expense incurred by either

12  authority prior to the issuance of revenue bonds under the

13  provisions of this act for engineering studies and for

14  estimates of cost and of revenue and for other technical,

15  financial, or legal services in connection with the

16  acquisition or construction of any project may be regarded as

17  a part of the cost of such project.

18         Section 3.  Powers.--Each authority shall have the

19  below specified powers, in addition to other powers otherwise

20  conferred by law; however, those powers that relate to

21  maritime issues are vested in the Jacksonville Seaport

22  Authority; those powers that relate to aviation issues are

23  vested in the Jacksonville Airport Authority; those powers

24  that are neutral in nature are vested in both authorities:

25         (1)  To adopt, use, and alter at will a corporate seal;

26  to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, complain, and

27  defend in all courts; to exercise the power of eminent domain

28  to acquire property for any authorized purposes, including the

29  taking of such property ancillary to said power in the manner

30  from time to time provided by the laws of the State of

31  Florida; to accept grants, gifts, and donations; and to enter


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  into contracts, leases, or other transactions with any federal

  2  agency, the state, any agency of the state, the County of

  3  Duval, the City of Jacksonville, or with any other public body

  4  of the state.

  5         (2)  To adopt rules and regulations with reference to

  6  all projects and matters under their respective control. All

  7  rules and regulations promulgated and all impositions and

  8  exactions made by each authority hereof shall be just and

  9  reasonable and consistent with public interest and their

10  application shall be subject to review by certiorari in any

11  court of proper and competent jurisdiction. All rules and

12  regulations shall be a matter of public record and copies

13  thereof shall be dispensed at cost to all applicants therefor.

14         (3)  To construct, acquire, establish, improve, extend,

15  enlarge, reconstruct, re-equip, maintain, repair, and operate

16  any project as herein defined.

17         (4)  Subject to the jurisdiction of the United States

18  and the State of Florida, to construct, establish, and improve

19  harbors within the county, to improve navigable waters within

20  the county, and to construct and maintain canals, slips,

21  turning basins, and channels, all upon such terms and

22  conditions as may be required by the United States and the

23  State of Florida.

24         (5)  To acquire for any project authorized by this act

25  by grant, purchase, gift, devise, condemnation by eminent

26  domain proceedings, exchange, or in any other manner, all

27  property, real or personal, or any estate or interest therein,

28  upon such terms and conditions as each authority shall by

29  resolution fix and determine. The right of eminent domain

30  herein conferred shall be exercised by each authority in the

31  manner provided by law.


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         (6)  To issue revenue bonds, payable solely from

  2  revenues, to pay all or a part of the cost of acquisition,

  3  construction, extension, enlargement, improvement, or

  4  modernization of any project and to pledge the revenues to

  5  secure the payment of bonds.

  6         (7)  To enter into joint arrangements with airlines,

  7  steamship lines, railroads, any common carrier, or any other

  8  commercial enterprise, related to either authority's basic

  9  mission, if either authority shall deem it advantageous so to

10  do.

11         (8)  To make and enter into all contracts and

12  agreements and to do and perform all acts and deeds necessary

13  and incidental to the performance of their respective duties

14  and the exercise of their respective powers; to make and

15  execute leases or agreements for the use and occupation of the

16  property and projects under their respective control on such

17  terms, conditions, and period of time as each authority may

18  determine, except as noted in subsection (3) of section 1; and

19  to sell and dispose of such property and projects as shall no

20  longer be needed for the uses and purposes of either authority

21  on such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by

22  resolution of either authority; however, before disposing of

23  any real property which was acquired from either the city or

24  county under the provisions of this act, each authority shall

25  give written notice to the governmental unit from which such

26  real property was acquired. If said governmental unit desires

27  to accept a reconveyance of said real property, it shall give

28  such authority written notice of such intention within 30 days

29  from the date of mailing of such authority's notice regarding

30  the disposal of such property, and such authority shall make

31  the reconveyance of such property to said governmental unit


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  forthwith. If within such 30 days, said governmental unit does

  2  not notify such authority in writing of a desire to accept a

  3  reconveyance of said property or refuses to accept a

  4  reconveyance of same such authority may sell and dispose of

  5  same on such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by

  6  resolution of such authority. Neither authority shall sell

  7  real property for less than the appraised value.

  8         (9)  To the extent permitted by law to fix, regulate,

  9  and collect rates and charges for the services and facilities

10  furnished by any project under the respective control of

11  either authority, and to establish, limit, and control the use

12  of any project as may be deemed necessary to ensure the proper

13  operation of the project; and to impose sanctions to promote

14  and enforce compliance with any rule or regulation which

15  either authority may adopt in the regulation of the ports,

16  harbors, wharves, docks, and other projects under its control.

17         (10)  To fix the rates for wharfage, dockage,

18  warehousing, storage, landing, and port and terminal charges

19  for the use of the facilities owned or operated by such

20  respective authority.

21         (11)  To solicit air carriers, shipping lines, and

22  other businesses and to do all things necessary or advisable

23  to promote commerce and increase passenger traffic and freight

24  tonnage through the seaport and airports operated by the

25  respective authorities; to publicize, advertise, and promote

26  the activities and projects authorized by this act and to

27  promote the objects of either authority in the manner set

28  forth by resolution of said authority; to make known to the

29  users, potential users, and public in general the advantages,

30  facilities, resources, products, attractions, and attributes

31  of the activities and projects authorized by this act; to


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  further create a favorable climate of opinion concerning the

  2  activities and projects authorized and indicated by this act;

  3  to cooperate, including expenditure of funds, to and with

  4  other agencies, both public and private, in accomplishing the

  5  purposes enumerated and indicated by this act; and in

  6  furtherance thereof, to authorize expenditures for any and all

  7  of the purposes herein enumerated, including, but not limited

  8  to, meals, hospitality, and entertainment of persons in the

  9  interest of promoting and engendering good will toward the

10  activities and projects herein authorized, provided, however,

11  that funds obtained under chapters 159 and 315 may not be used

12  for such purposes. Whenever an expenditure of funds for any of

13  the foregoing purposes is made by a member or employee of

14  either authority, such authority may reimburse such member or

15  employee therefor, but only after such expenditures have been

16  duly authorized by such authority.

17         (12)  To receive and accept from any federal or state

18  agency grants for or in aid of the construction, improvement,

19  or operation of any project and to receive and accept

20  contributions from any source of money, property, labor, or

21  other things of value.

22         (13)  To make any and all applications required by the

23  Treasury Department and other departments or agencies of the

24  Federal Government as a condition precedent to the

25  establishment within the county of a free port, foreign trade

26  zone, or area for the reception from foreign countries of

27  articles or commerce and to expedite and encourage foreign

28  commerce, and the handling, processing, and delivery thereof

29  into foreign commerce free from the payment of custom duties

30  and to enter into any agreements required by such departments

31  or agencies in connection therewith and to make like


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  applications and agreements with respect to the establishment

  2  within said county of one or more bonded warehouses.

  3         (14)  To enter into any contract with the State of

  4  Florida, the Federal Government, or any agency of said

  5  governments, which may be necessary for development of any

  6  project related to the authority's basic mission.

  7         (15)  To make or cause to be made such surveys,

  8  investigations, studies, borings, maps, plans, drawings, and

  9  estimates of cost and revenues as either authority may deem

10  necessary and may prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan or

11  plans, for the location, construction, improvement, and

12  development of any project.

13         (16)  To grant exclusive or non-exclusive franchises to

14  persons, firms, or corporations for the operation of

15  restaurants, cafeterias, bars, cigar and cigarette stands,

16  newsstands, buses, taxicabs, vending machines, hotels, motels,

17  service stations, and other concessions in, on, and in

18  connection with any project owned and operated by such

19  authority. In granting such franchises it shall be the duty of

20  the authority to investigate and consider the qualifications

21  and ability of the lessee or concessionaires to provide or

22  perform the contemplated services for the public using the

23  facilities and the revenues which will be derived therefrom by

24  such authority and to exercise sound prudent business judgment

25  on behalf of such authority with respect thereto, calling for

26  bids when practicable and when the interests of the public

27  will best be served by such action.

28         (17)  To enter into contracts with utility companies or

29  others for the supplying by said utility companies or others

30  of water, electricity, or telephone service to or in

31  connection with any project.


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         (18)  To pledge by resolution or contract the revenues

  2  arising from the operation of any project or projects owned

  3  and operated by such authority, or under its control, to the

  4  payment of the cost of operation, maintenance, repair,

  5  improvement, extension, or enlargement of the project or

  6  projects from the operation of which such revenues are

  7  received and for the payment of principal and interest on

  8  bonds issued in connection with any such project or projects

  9  and to combine for financing purposes any two or more projects

10  constructed or acquired by such authority under the provisions

11  of this act. In any such case the authorities may adopt

12  separate budgets for the operation of such project or

13  projects. In every such case such revenues shall be expended

14  exclusively for the payment of the costs of operation,

15  maintenance, repair, improvement, extension, and enlargement

16  of the project or projects from the operation of which such

17  revenues arise, for the performance of either authority's

18  contracts in connection with such project or projects, and for

19  the payment of principal of premium, if any, and interest

20  requirements of any bonds issued in connection with the

21  project or projects. Any surplus of such funds remaining on

22  hand at the end of any year shall be carried forward and may

23  be expended in the succeeding year for the payment of the

24  costs of operation of such project or projects or for the

25  repair, improvement, or extension thereof as the authorities

26  may determine, unless such surplus has been pledged for the

27  payment of principal of premium, if any, and interest on

28  bonds, as authorized in subsections (1)-(6) of section 4, in

29  which event any such surplus shall be applied in accordance

30  with the resolution pledging the same.



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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         (19)  To do all other acts and things necessary or

  2  proper in the exercise of the powers herein granted.

  3         (20)  To do all acts or things necessary or proper to

  4  be and serve as a local governmental body within the meaning

  5  of Article VII, Section 10(c)(2) of the State Constitution, or

  6  as an Industrial Development Authority under part III, chapter

  7  159, Florida Statutes, with respect to any project as defined

  8  therein.

  9         (21)  To appoint officers for the administration of

10  criminal justice, as defined by Title 28, Chapter 1, Part 20,

11  Code of Federal Regulations, and required by Part 107 of the

12  Federal Aviation Regulations, at Jacksonville International

13  Airport, Herlong Airport, Craig Airport, and Cecil Field. The

14  Airport Authority shall assume all civil responsibility for

15  the actions of such officers and shall provide for the

16  necessary bond to cover any and all actions at law which might

17  arise from the conduct of such officers within the scope of

18  their employment.

19         Section 4.  Issuance of bonds.--

20         (1)  Each authority is authorized to issue general

21  obligation bonds or revenue bonds of either said authority for

22  the purpose of paying all or a part of the cost of any one or

23  more projects as herein defined, including the cost of

24  enlargement, expansion, or development of such project whether

25  the property used therefor has previously been acquired or

26  not, and the cost of removing therefrom or relocating or

27  reconstructing at another location any buildings, structures,

28  or facilities, which in the opinion of either such authority

29  constitute obstructions or hazards to the safe or efficient

30  operation of any such project and for the purpose of paying



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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  off and retiring any bonds issued or assumed under the

  2  provisions of this act.

  3         (2)  The bonds of each issue shall be authorized by

  4  resolution of the issuing authority and shall be dated, shall

  5  mature at such time or times not exceeding 40 years from their

  6  date or dates, as may be determined by the issuing authority,

  7  and may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of

  8  the issuing authority, at such price or prices and under such

  9  terms and conditions as may be fixed by the issuing authority

10  prior to the issuance of the bonds. The issuing authority

11  shall determine the form of bonds, including any interest

12  coupons to be attached thereto, and the manner of execution of

13  the bonds and shall fix the denomination or denominations of

14  the bonds and the place or places of payment of principal and

15  interest, which may be at any bank or trust company within or

16  without the state. The resolution authorizing the issuance of

17  the bonds shall contain such provisions relating to the use of

18  the proceeds from the sale of the bonds and for the protection

19  and security of holders of the bonds, including their rights

20  and remedies, and the rights, powers, privileges, duties, and

21  obligations of the issuing authority with respect to the same,

22  as shall be determined by the issuing authority. In case any

23  officer whose signature or facsimile of whose signature shall

24  appear on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer

25  before the delivery of such bonds, such signature or such

26  facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all

27  purposes to the same extent as if such officer had remained in

28  office until such delivery. All bonds issued under the

29  provisions of this act shall have and are hereby declared to

30  have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments

31  under the negotiable instruments law of the state. The bonds


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  may be issued in coupon registered or book entry form, as the

  2  issuing authority may determine, and provisions may be made

  3  for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone

  4  and also as to both principal and interest and for the

  5  reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to

  6  both principal and interest. The issuance of such bonds shall

  7  not be subject to any limitations or conditions contained in

  8  any other law.

  9         (3)  Prior to any public sale of bonds, either

10  authority shall, in addition to any other publication and

11  notice to the financial community, cause notice to be given by

12  publication in a daily newspaper published and having a

13  general circulation in the city that the issuing authority

14  will receive bids for the purchase of the bonds at the office

15  of the issuing authority in the city. Said notice shall be

16  published once not less than 15 days prior to the date set for

17  receiving the bids. Said notice shall specify the amount of

18  the bonds offered for sale, shall state that the bids shall be

19  sealed bids, and shall give the schedule of the maturities of

20  the proposed bonds and such other pertinent information as may

21  be prescribed in the resolution authorizing the issuance of

22  such bonds or any resolution subsequent thereto. Bidders may

23  be invited to name the rate or rates of interest which the

24  bonds are to bear or the issuing authority may name rates of

25  interest and invite bids thereon. In addition to publication

26  of notice of the proposed sale, a copy of such advertisement

27  shall be given to the Florida Division of Bond Finance and to

28  at least three recognized bond dealers in the state, not less

29  than 10 days prior to the date set for receiving the bids.

30         (4)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,

31  bonds and refunding bonds issued pursuant to this act shall be


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  sold at public sale and shall be awarded to the bidder whose

  2  bid produces the lowest true interest cost to the issuing

  3  authority. The issuing authority shall reserve the right to

  4  reject any or all bids. Notwithstanding the foregoing, bonds

  5  and refunding bonds issued pursuant to this act may be sold at

  6  private sale at such price or prices as the issuing authority

  7  shall determine to be in its best interest. However, any price

  8  less than 100 percent of par value shall be subject to section

  9  215.84, Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time to

10  time. In no event shall said bonds be sold at a net interest

11  cost to the issuing authority in excess of the legal limit, as

12  established by section 215.84, Florida Statutes, or according

13  to said section as it may be amended from time to time. The

14  net interest cost of bonds shall be determined by taking the

15  aggregate amount of interest at the rate or rates specified in

16  the bonds, computed from the date of the bonds to the date of

17  the various stated maturities thereof, and deducting therefrom

18  the amount of any premium offered in excess of the par value

19  of the bonds or adding thereto the amount of any discount

20  offered below the par value of the bonds with interest

21  computed on a 360-day basis. Pending the preparation of

22  definitive bonds, interim bonds may be issued to the purchaser

23  or purchasers of such bonds and may contain such terms and

24  conditions as the authority may determine.

25         (5)  The issuing authority shall require all bidders

26  for said bonds to enclose a certified or bank cashier's check,

27  in the amount of 2 percent of the total par value of the bonds

28  offered for sale, drawn on an incorporated bank or trust

29  company payable unconditionally to the order of the issuing

30  authority, as a guarantee of good faith in the performance of

31  each bid. The checks of the unsuccessful bidders shall be


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  returned immediately upon the award of the bonds and the check

  2  of the successful bidder shall be retained by the authority

  3  and credited against the full purchase price of the bonds at

  4  the time of delivery or retained as and for liquidated damages

  5  in case of the failure of such bidder to fulfill the terms of

  6  his or her bid.

  7         (6)  No general obligation bonds shall be issued by

  8  either authority hereunder unless the issuance of such bonds

  9  shall have been approved by a majority of the votes cast by

10  qualified voters in an election held for such purpose.

11  Whenever an authority, by resolution, requests the council of

12  the City of Jacksonville to hold such an election, said

13  council shall, on behalf of such authority, hold, conduct,

14  canvass, and announce the results of such election in

15  accordance with the procedure prescribed by law for the

16  issuance of county bonds. The expenses of such election shall

17  be paid by the issuing authority that has requested the

18  election. In no event shall such general obligation bonds be

19  construed or considered to be bonds of the City of

20  Jacksonville or any other municipality but shall be solely

21  bonds of said authority that issues the bonds.

22         (7)  Each authority is authorized to borrow money and

23  to issue notes for any purpose or purposes for which bonds may

24  be issued under the provisions of this act and to refund the

25  same and to issue notes in anticipation of the receipt of the

26  proceeds of the sale of any such bonds.

27         (8)  Subject to the restrictions contained in

28  subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section 4., each authority

29  shall have the power to provide for the issuance of refunding

30  bonds of such authority for the purpose of refunding any

31  revenue bonds or general obligation bonds, or any combination


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  of general obligation or revenue bonds then outstanding which

  2  have been assumed by such authority or issued for the purpose

  3  of financing the cost of making enlargements, extensions, and

  4  improvements to any project acquired, constructed, or operated

  5  under the provisions of this act. Said authority is further

  6  authorized to provide for the issuance of revenue bonds or

  7  general obligation bonds, or any combination thereof, of such

  8  authority for the combined purpose of:

  9         (a)  Paying the cost of enlargement, extension,

10  reconstruction, or improvement of any project or combination

11  of projects.

12         (b)  Refunding revenue bonds or general obligation

13  bonds, or any combination thereof, which have been assumed by

14  such authority under the provisions of this act which shall

15  then be outstanding and which shall then have matured or be

16  subject to redemption or can be acquired for retirement.


18  The issuance of such bonds, the maturities or other details

19  thereof, the rights or remedies of the holders thereof, and

20  the rights, powers, privileges, duties, and obligations of the

21  respective authorities with respect to the same shall be set

22  forth in the resolution of the authorities authorizing the

23  issuance of such bonds.

24         Section 5.  Budget and finance.--The fiscal year of

25  each authority shall commence on October 1 of each year and

26  end on the following September 30. Each authority shall

27  prepare and submit its budget to the council of the City of

28  Jacksonville on or before July 1 for the ensuing fiscal year.

29  The council, consistent with the provisions of the Charter of

30  the City of Jacksonville, may increase or decrease the

31  appropriation [budget] requested by each authority on a total


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  basis or a line-by-line basis; however, the appropriation for

  2  construction, reconstruction, enlargement, expansion,

  3  improvement, or development of any project or projects

  4  authorized to be undertaken by the Jacksonville Seaport

  5  Authority shall not be reduced below $800,000 for each year

  6  that the bonds to which the $800,000 is pledged remain

  7  outstanding.

  8         Section 6.  Rights of bondholders.--All bonds issued by

  9  the City of Jacksonville or the Jacksonville Port Authority

10  related to properties transferred to the authorities and bonds

11  issued under authority of chapter 63-1447, Laws of Florida,

12  remain the liability, responsibility, and obligation of the

13  issuer and the rights of the holders of existing outstanding

14  bonds shall be unimpaired. Rights, duties, and obligations of

15  the authorities with respect to the property transferred to it

16  by the Jacksonville Port Authority are ratified and remain

17  unchanged.

18         Section 7.  Rights of employees.--

19         (a)  Except as provided in paragraph (b), all

20  employment rights and employee benefits authorized under

21  section 11, chapter 63-1447, Laws of Florida, as amended, are

22  hereby confirmed, ratified, and continued, notwithstanding the

23  repeal of said chapter 63-1447, Laws of Florida, as amended.

24  In order to preserve the rights of employees of the former

25  Jacksonville Port Authority to continue participation in the

26  Florida Retirement System pursuant to chapter 121, Florida

27  Statutes, each separate authority created by this act shall be

28  a county agency and employees of each such authority shall

29  participate in the Florida Retirement System, notwithstanding

30  any law to the contrary. Those employees of the Jacksonville

31  Port Authority who were assigned to any activity related to


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  the operation of the marine facilities shall become employees

  2  of the Jacksonville Seaport Authority. Those employees of the

  3  Jacksonville Port Authority who were assigned to any

  4  activities related to the operation of any aviation facilities

  5  operated by the Jacksonville Port Authority shall be employees

  6  of the Jacksonville Airport Authority. Central administrative

  7  employees shall be employed by either the Jacksonville Seaport

  8  Authority or the Jacksonville Airport Authority. It is

  9  expressly provided that none of those employees of the former

10  Jacksonville Port Authority who remain with either the

11  Jacksonville Seaport Authority or the Jacksonville Airport

12  Authority shall lose any rights or benefits of whatsoever kind

13  or nature afforded to them by any law, ordinance, collective

14  bargaining agreement, or existing policy or plan, including,

15  but not limited to, pension benefits by virtue of the change

16  in corporate structure. In order to effectively implement the

17  foregoing, each authority shall perform all functions with

18  regard to its own employees that prior to the operation of the

19  two authorities created by this act were performed by the

20  Jacksonville Port Authority. In order to specifically preserve

21  the rights of employees of the former Jacksonville Port

22  Authority to continue participation in the Florida Retirement

23  System, pursuant to chapter 121, Florida Statutes, each

24  separate authority created by this act shall be a county

25  authority and employees of each such authority who are

26  currently participating in the Florida Retirement System and

27  all employees of each authority after the effective date of

28  this act shall participate in the Florida Retirement System.

29         (b)  The Jacksonville Port Authority firefighters shall

30  become merged into the City of Jacksonville's Fire and Rescue

31  Department and shall become employees of the City of


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  Jacksonville; however, with respect to pension benefits such

  2  Jacksonville Port Authority Fire Department employees shall

  3  have a one-time option to continue participation in the

  4  Florida Retirement System or to participate in the City of

  5  Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund. Such option must be

  6  exercised no later than November 1, 2001. Upon such merger,

  7  firefighting services for the airports owned and operated by

  8  the Jacksonville Airport Authority shall be provided by the

  9  Fire and Rescue Department of the City of Jacksonville

10  pursuant to a written contract to be entered into by and

11  between the City of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Airport

12  Authority. Notwithstanding any provision in this act to the

13  contrary, such merger and contract shall become effective

14  October 1, 2001. If any firefighter who has vested in the

15  Florida Retirement System exercises the option to become a

16  member of the City of Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension

17  Fund, such vested time shall not be included in the City of

18  Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund.

19         Section 8.  Cooperation with other units, boards,

20  agencies, and individuals.--Express authority and power is

21  hereby given and granted any county, municipality, drainage

22  district, road and bridge district, school district, or any

23  other political subdivision, board, commission, or individual

24  in, or of, the state to make and enter into with the

25  authorities, contracts, leases, conveyances, or other

26  agreements within the provisions and purposes of this act. The

27  authorities are hereby expressly authorized to make and enter

28  into contracts, leases, conveyances, and other agreements with

29  any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of the

30  state and any and all federal agencies, corporations, and



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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  individuals for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of

  2  this act.

  3         Section 9.  Audits; bonds.--The authorities shall issue

  4  quarterly and annually financial reports of their respective

  5  operations and shall also cause annual audits to be made of

  6  their respective operations and affairs by an independent

  7  certified public accountant, in such detail as may be

  8  necessary to show the financial operation and status of the

  9  authorities, and the same shall be preserved as public records

10  of the authorities. The authorities' records may be audited at

11  any time by the Council Auditor of the City of Jacksonville.

12  Members of said authorities shall be required to give a good

13  and sufficient surety bond in the sum of $50,000, payable to

14  the City of Jacksonville, conditioned upon the faithful

15  performance of their duties as members of the authorities.

16  Such bonds shall be approved by and filed with the clerk of

17  the circuit court of Duval County, and the premium or premiums

18  thereon shall be paid by the respective authorities as a

19  necessary expense of said authorities. Each authority shall

20  have power to require their respective managing directors and

21  such others of its employees as they may deem necessary to

22  furnish good and sufficient surety bond in such sum as such

23  authority shall require, conditioned upon the faithful

24  performance of duties, and to pay the premium or premiums

25  thereon as a necessary expense of each said authority.

26         Section 10.  Award of contracts.--

27         (1)  All construction, reconstruction, repairs, or work

28  of any nature made by the authorities, where the entire costs,

29  value, or amount of such construction, reconstruction,

30  repairs, or work, including the labor and materials, exceeds

31  $12,000, except construction, reconstruction, repairs, or work


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  done by employees of such authorities or by labor supplied

  2  under agreement with Federal Government or state government,

  3  with supplies and materials purchased as hereinafter provided,

  4  shall be done only under contract or contracts to be entered

  5  into by the authorities with the lowest responsible bidder

  6  upon proper terms, after due public notice has been given

  7  asking for competitive bids as hereinafter provided. Each

  8  authority shall keep a current list of responsible bidders

  9  and, whenever the authorities shall award a contract, the

10  bidder shall come from such list. No contract shall be entered

11  into for construction, improvement, or repair of any project,

12  or any part thereof, unless the contractor shall have given an

13  undertaking with a sufficient surety or sureties, approved by

14  either authority, and in an amount fixed by either authority,

15  for the faithful performance of the contract. All such

16  contracts shall provide, among other things, that the person

17  or corporation entering into such contract with each authority

18  will pay for all materials furnished and services rendered for

19  the performance of the contract and that any person or

20  corporation furnishing such materials or rendering such

21  services may maintain an action to recover for the same

22  against the obligor in the undertaking, as though such person

23  or corporation were named therein, provided the action is

24  brought within 1 year after the time the cause of action

25  accrued. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit

26  the power of either authority to construct any project, or any

27  part thereof, or any addition, betterment, or extension

28  thereto, directly by the officers, agents, and employees of

29  such authority, or otherwise, other than by contract.

30         (2)  All supplies, equipment, machinery, and materials,

31  costing $12,000 or more, shall be purchased by the authorities


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  only after due advertisement as provided hereinafter. The

  2  authorities shall accept the lowest bid or bids, kind,

  3  quality, and material being equal but the authorities shall

  4  have the right to reject any or all bids or select a single

  5  item from any bid. The provision as to bidding shall not apply

  6  to the purchase of patented and manufactured products offered

  7  for sale in a noncompetitive market or solely by a

  8  manufacturer's authorized dealer.

  9         (3)  The term "advertisement" or "due public notice"

10  wherever used in this section means a notice published at

11  least once a week for 2 consecutive weeks before the award of

12  any contract, in a daily newspaper published and having a

13  general circulation in the county, and in such other

14  newspapers or publications as each authority shall deem

15  advisable.

16         (4)  Subject to the aforesaid provisions, the

17  authorities may, but without intending by this provision to

18  limit any powers of either authority, enter into and carry out

19  such contract or establish or comply with such rules and

20  regulations concerning labor and materials and other related

21  matters in connection with any project, or portion thereof, as

22  the authorities may deem desirable or as may be requested by

23  the Federal Government or state government assisting in the

24  financing of its projects, seaport facilities, airport

25  facilities, and facilities related thereto, or any part

26  thereof, provided the provisions of this subsection shall not

27  apply to any case in which an authority has taken over by

28  transfer or assignment any contract assigned to it or assumed

29  by it in connection with the transfer of city and county

30  properties authorized under the provisions of sections 11 and

31  12, or to any contract in connection with projects which an


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  authority may have had transferred to it by any persons or

  2  private corporations, and further provided the provisions of

  3  this section shall not apply to any contract or agreement

  4  between an authority and any engineers, architects, attorneys,

  5  or other professional services or to any contract or agreement

  6  relating to fiscal advisors, fiscal agents, or investment

  7  bankers, relating to the financing of projects herein

  8  authorized.

  9         Section 11.  Execution of instruments; examination of

10  claims.--All instruments in writing necessary to be signed by

11  either authority shall be executed by its chair and secretary.

12  Either authority may, by resolution, designate one or more

13  officers, members, employees, or agents of such authority to

14  execute instruments in writing where it is necessary that such

15  instruments be signed by either authority. No expenditure of

16  funds of either authority shall be made except by voucher

17  approved by the spending authority and signed by its chair and

18  secretary, or by one or more officers, members, or employees

19  of such authority as such authority may designate by

20  resolution. The foregoing authority of the chair may be

21  exercised by the vice chair in the absence of the chair and

22  the foregoing authority of the secretary may be exercised by

23  an assistant secretary designated by each authority in the

24  absence of the secretary. Each authority shall provide for the

25  examination of all payrolls, bills, and other claims and

26  demands against either authority to determine before the same

27  are paid that they are duly authorized, in proper form,

28  correctly computed, legally due and payable, and that the

29  authority has funds on hand to make payment.




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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         Section 12.  Transfer of assets and liabilities.--The

  2  Jacksonville Port Authority shall take all actions necessary

  3  to convey, assign, transfer, and set over:

  4         (1)  All of the right, title, and interests of the

  5  Jacksonville Port Authority in and to its marine port

  6  facilities and its airport facilities, including, without

  7  limitation, its real and personal property and any interests

  8  therein, books, records, contracts, leases, and all other

  9  property of any kind or nature related to the operation of the

10  marine port activities and airport activities, by operation of

11  this act and without further act, to the Jacksonville Seaport

12  Authority or Jacksonville Airport Authority, respectively,

13  depending upon the operation or jurisdiction of each such

14  authority.

15         (2)  All contracts and leases relating to Jacksonville

16  Port Authority's marine port operations and airport

17  operations, respectively, shall, by operation of this act and

18  without further act, become contracts and leases of the

19  Jacksonville Seaport Authority or the Jacksonville Airport

20  Authority, respectively, depending upon the operating

21  jurisdiction of each successor authority.

22         (3)  All accounts receivable, accounts payable, and

23  cash on hand relating to the Jacksonville Port Authority's

24  marine port operations and airport operations shall, by

25  operation of this act, and without further act, be transferred

26  or delivered to the Jacksonville Seaport Authority or the

27  Jacksonville Airport Authority, respectively, depending upon

28  the operating jurisdiction of each such authority.

29         (4)  All operating expenses, including taxes of all

30  kinds and all revenue and expense accruals of Jacksonville

31  Port Authority's marine operations and airport operations


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  shall be transferred to the Jacksonville Seaport Authority or

  2  to the Jacksonville Airport Authority, respectively, depending

  3  upon the operating jurisdiction of each such authority, on the

  4  effective date at transfer.


  6  The conveyances specified in this section shall be effective

  7  as of October 1, 2001.

  8         Section 13.  Chapter 315, Florida Statutes, relating to

  9  port facilities financing, also applicable.--The provisions of

10  chapter 315, Florida Statutes, relating to port facilities

11  financing, shall also be applicable to the Jacksonville

12  Seaport Authority.

13         Section 14.  Declaration of purposes.--The authorities

14  created by this act and the purposes which they are intended

15  to serve are hereby found to be for a county and public

16  purpose. Such authorities are political subdivisions of the

17  State of Florida, local governmental bodies within the meaning

18  of Article VII, Section 10(c)(2) of the State Constitution,

19  and, subject to proper resolution and establishment by the

20  council of the City of Jacksonville pursuant to section

21  159.45, Florida Statutes, an Industrial Development Authority

22  under part III, chapter 159, Florida Statutes, with respect to

23  any project as defined therein. Nothing in this act is

24  intended to create entities which are exempt from ad valorem

25  taxation.

26         Section 2.  Section 1.  Construction.--The powers of

27  each authority created by this act shall be construed

28  liberally in favor of each such authority. No listing of

29  powers included in this act is intended to be exclusive or

30  restrictive and the specific mention of, or failure to

31  mention, particular powers in this act shall not be construed


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  as limiting in any way the general powers of either respective

  2  authority as stated in section 3. It is the intent of this act

  3  to grant each authority full power and right to exercise all

  4  authority necessary for the effective operation and conduct of

  5  each such authority. It is further intended that each

  6  authority should have all implied powers necessary or

  7  incidental to carrying out the expressed powers and the

  8  expressed purposes for which each such authority is created.

  9  The fact that this article specifically states that either

10  authority possesses a certain power does not mean that either

11  such authority must exercise such power unless this article

12  specifically so requires.

13         Section 2.  Severability clause.--The provisions of

14  this act are severable and it is the intention to confer the

15  whole or any part of the powers provided for herein and if any

16  of the provisions of this act shall be held unconstitutional

17  by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such

18  court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining

19  provisions.

20         Section 3.  Repealer; abolition of Jacksonville Port

21  Authority; assumption of responsibility.--

22         (1)  Effective October 1, 2001, chapters 63-1447,

23  65-1459, 65-1467, 65-1471, 65-1472, 65-1726, 67-1301, 67-1302,

24  67-1303, 67-1304, 67-1305, 67-1533, 67-1536, 67-1542, 67-2227,

25  70-663, 70-666, 70-667, 70-674, 70-677, 70-1002, 71-698(5),

26  72-532, 73-452, 74-472, 77-546, 79-451, 80-517, 81-371,

27  83-399, 85-429, 86-401, 86-412, 91-373, 92-338, and 94-422,

28  Laws of Florida, which create, establish, revise, amend, or

29  otherwise relate to the Jacksonville Port Authority, are

30  hereby repealed.



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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         (2)  Effective October 1, 2001, the Jacksonville Port

  2  Authority, created, established, revised, or amended by the

  3  above-referenced laws, is hereby abolished, and all its

  4  functions, plans, projects, and programs in effect or

  5  undertaken by the Jacksonville Port Authority relative to

  6  seaport operations and airport operations shall be assumed by

  7  the Jacksonville Seaport Authority and the Jacksonville

  8  Airport Authority, respectively, on that date.

  9         Section 3.  Section 18.07 of chapter 92-341, Laws of

10  Florida, as amended, being the Charter of the City of

11  Jacksonville, is amended in part to read:

12         Section 18.07.  Definitions.

13         For purposes of this Charter, the following terms shall

14  have the following meanings:

15         (d)  "Independent agencies" means the Duval County

16  School Board, the Jacksonville Airport Authority, the

17  Jacksonville Seaport Authority the Jacksonville Port

18  Authority, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, the

19  Jacksonville Electric Authority, the Jacksonville Downtown

20  Development Authority, and the Jacksonville Police and Fire

21  Pension Board of Trustees.

22         Section 4.  Subsection (4) of section 24.04 of Article

23  24 of chapter 92-341, Laws of Florida, as amended by chapter

24  97-339, Laws of Florida, is amended, and subsection (12) is

25  added to said section, to read:

26         Section 24.04.  Individual ex officio advisors to the

27  commission.

28         The following individual ex officio advisors are named

29  to assist the commission in an advisory or fact-finding role

30  as may be requested individually or collectively of them by

31  the commission so as to effectuate the centralized economic


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    2001 Legislature                       HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  development goals of the commission.  No ex officio advisor

  2  shall serve simultaneously as both an ex officio advisor and

  3  as an appointed member of the commission.  These individual ex

  4  officio advisors shall be:

  5         (4)  The President/Chief Executive Officer of the

  6  Jacksonville Airport Port Authority.

  7         (12)  The President/Chief Executive Officer of the

  8  Jacksonville Seaport Authority.

  9         Section 5.  Sections 1 and 12 of section 1 of this act

10  shall take effect upon this act becoming a law and the

11  remaining sections of this act shall take effect on October 1,

12  2001.





















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